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STREAMS Programming Guide

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Updated: March 2019


Numbers and Symbols

loading device driversindex iconKernel Loading
loading moduleindex iconKernel Loading


accessing queue information
strqgetindex iconUsing Queue Information
adbindex iconadb Command
adjmsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
administration tools
straceindex iconstrace Command
strerrindex iconstrerr Daemon
strlogindex iconstrlog Command
strqgetindex iconstrqget Command
strqsetindex iconstrqset Command
allocate header for output message
exampleindex iconWrite Service Procedure
allocbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
exampleindex iconMessage Allocation and Freeing
anchorindex iconanchor
index iconSTREAMS Anchors
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconAdding and Removing Modules
clientindex iconSTREAMS Anchors fd_server.c
lockindex iconSTREAMS Anchors
privilegeindex iconAnchors and Data Flow
serverindex iconSTREAMS Anchors fd_server.c
append a character to a message block
exampleindex iconUse of allocb
asynchronous callback functions
perimeterindex iconAsynchronous Callback Functions
asynchronous input/output
in pollingindex iconAsynchronous Input and Output
AT&T STREAMSindex iconWrite-Side Processing
index iconSTREAMS Administrative Driver
index iconAutopush Facility
autopush configuration file
exampleindex iconApplication Interface


b_bandindex iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
placementindex iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
b_nextindex iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
b_previndex iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
b_rptrindex iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
b_wptrindex iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
back-enable of a queueindex iconFlow Control Mechanism
background job
in job controlindex iconJob Control
backqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
bandinfo structure
exampleindex iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
flush band priorityindex iconFlushing According to Priority Bands
bcanputindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
bidirectional transfer
index iconBidirectional Data Transfer
index iconBidirectional Data Transfer Example
data and messageindex iconRead Options
bp->b_rptrindex iconFlow Control in Service Procedures
bp->b_wptrindex iconFlow Control in Service Procedures
bpindex iconFlow Control in Service Procedures
breaking stream connections for loop-around device
exampleindex iconUse of ioctl to Copy Data From User Space to Kernel Space
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconRecovering From No Buffers
releasing callback requestsindex iconReleasing Callback Requests


canputindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
cb_ops structure
character and block device informationindex iconcb_ops Structure
driver entry pointindex iconSTREAMS Driver Entry Points
driver entry points for non-STREAMS driversindex iconcb_ops Structure
check module type
regular driver, module, or cloneable driverindex iconChecking the Module Type
check/print module listindex iconI_LIST ioctl
cloning (STREAMS)index iconCloning STREAMS Drivers
close a module
exampleindex iconExample of a Module Close
dismantling the streamindex iconClosing the Stream
message stringsindex iconKernel Debug Printing
compile, assemble and link commands
exampleindex iconDriver Compilation Lines
configuration entry point
STREAMS driver
index iconSTREAMS Configuration Entry Points
index iconKernel Contact Points
index iconUnique Connections
index iconUnique Connections
controlling terminalindex iconAccessing the Controlling Terminal
copy data from user space to kernel space
exampleindex iconUse of ioctl to Copy Data From User Space to Kernel Space
copymsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
crashindex iconcrash Command
dbfreeindex iconcrash Command
dblockindex iconcrash Command
linkblkindex iconcrash Command
mbfreeindex iconcrash Command
mblockindex iconcrash Command
ptyindex iconcrash Command
qrunindex iconcrash Command
queueindex iconcrash Command
streamindex iconcrash Command
strstatindex iconcrash Command
ttyindex iconcrash Command
create priority band messageindex iconMessage Direction


allocationindex iconExtended STREAMS Buffers
freeingindex iconExtended STREAMS Buffers
memory shared by kernel and I/O cardindex iconExtended STREAMS Buffers
data and message boundaries
RMODEMASKindex iconRead Options
RMSGDindex iconRead Options
RMSGNindex iconRead Options
RNORMindex iconRead Options
Data Link Provider Interfacesindex iconSTREAMS FAQ
datab structureindex iconMessage Structure
exampleindex iconMessage Structure
datamsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
db_baseindex iconMessage Structure
DDI, Device Driver Interfaceindex iconBasic Driver
ddi_copyinindex iconModule and Driver ioctl Calls
ddi_copyoutindex iconModule and Driver ioctl Calls
declarations for the loop-around driver
exampleindex iconDeclarations for the Loop-Around Driver
definitions of priority band fields
exampleindex iconUsing Queue Information
dev_ops structure
driver entry pointindex iconSTREAMS Driver Entry Points
represents a specific class or type of deviceindex icondev_ops Structure
device driver
character deviceindex iconBasic Driver
definitionindex iconBasic Driver
device typesindex iconBasic Driver
STREAMS driver characteristicsindex iconBasic Driver
device interrupt handler
exampleindex iconDevice Interrupt Handler
difference between driver and a moduleindex iconPushing a Module
ioctl controlindex iconModule and Driver Control
index iconSTREAMS Configuration Entry Points
index iconStructure of a STREAMS Device Driver
driver configuration entry points
exampleindex iconSimple Line Printer Driver
driver entry point
cb_ops structureindex iconSTREAMS Driver Entry Points
dev_ops structureindex iconSTREAMS Driver Entry Points
load kernel moduleindex iconSTREAMS Driver Entry Points
streamtabindex iconSTREAMS Driver Entry Points
driver entry pointsindex iconSTREAMS Driver Entry Points
driver flush handling
exampleindex iconDriver Flush Handling
driver interrupt
STREAMS driverindex iconKernel Contact Points
driver interrupt handling
exampleindex iconDriver Interrupt Handling
dupbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
dupmsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces


ECHOCTLindex iconDefault Settings
empty pipe
user process attempts readindex iconReading From a Pipe or FIFO
user process attempts writeindex iconWriting to a Pipe or FIFO
enableokindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
entry point
closeindex iconStream in More Detail
openindex iconStream in More Detail
error event
POLLERRindex iconpoll Error Events
POLLHUPindex iconpoll Error Events
POLLNVALindex iconpoll Error Events
error events
pollingindex iconPolling an Event
outstanding callbacks fromindex iconAsynchronous Callback Functions
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconExtended STREAMS Buffers
exampleindex iconesballoc Example
EUC handling in ldtermindex iconEUC Handling in ldterm
EUC header file
exampleindex iconEUC Header File
event pollingindex iconSynchronous Input and Output
exampleindex iconPolling an Event
explicit locks
message orderingindex iconPreserving Message Ordering
moduleindex iconMT SAFE Modules Using Explicit Locks
explicit locks, constraints
moduleindex iconConstraints When Using Locks
extended STREAMS buffers
index iconExtended STREAMS Buffers
index iconExtended STREAMS Buffers
allocationindex iconExtended STREAMS Buffers
freeingindex iconExtended STREAMS Buffers


fattachindex iconNamed Streams
fdetachindex iconNamed Streams
FIFO (STREAMS)index iconOverview of Pipes and FIFOs
basic operationsindex iconClosing a Pipe or FIFO
index iconFlushing Pipes and FIFOs
index iconFlushing Pipes and FIFOs
file descriptor passingindex iconNamed Streams
filter module
exampleindex iconFilter Module
flow control
index iconflow control
index iconFlow Control Mechanism
index iconFlow Control in Service Procedures
check existence of message of particular priorityindex iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
check if certain band is writableindex iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
check if message is markedindex iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
expedited dataindex iconFlow Control Mechanism
get priority of first messageindex iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
in line discipline moduleindex iconData Flow Control
in module
index iconData Flow Control
index iconData Flow Control
processing of ordinary messageindex iconFlow Control Mechanism
index iconFlow Control Mechanism
index iconFlow Control in Service Procedures
test forindex iconFlow Control Mechanism
flush handling
index iconFlushing the Read Side of a Stream
index iconM_FLUSH Message Handling
index iconM_FLUSH Message
index iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag Values
index iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
in driverindex iconDriver Flush Handling
line disciplineindex iconFlushing the Read Side of a Stream
pipes and FIFOsindex iconFlushing Pipes and FIFOs
flush handling, priority band data
exampleindex iconFlushing Priority Band
flush handling, read side
exampleindex iconFlushing the Write Side of a Stream
flush handling, write side
exampleindex iconFlushing the Write Side of a Stream
flushbandindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
flushing a queue, part 1
exampleindex iconFlushing a Queue
flushing priority band dataindex iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
descriptionindex iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
flushing stream data
arguments passed to M_FLUSHindex iconFlush Handling
descriptionindex iconFlush Handling
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconFlushing Pipes and FIFOs
fmodsw structureindex iconMT SAFE Module
foreground job
in job controlindex iconJob Control
free routineindex iconExtended STREAMS Buffers
freebindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
freemsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
freezestrindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
frequently asked IP interface questionsindex iconSTREAMS FAQ
full-duplex processingindex iconWhat Is STREAMS?


get stream module list
exampleindex iconI_LIST ioctl
getqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
grantptindex icongrantpt Function
with pseudo-tty driverindex iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts


hardening advice
canputnextindex iconFlow of put Procedure
copybindex iconExample of a Module put Procedure
copymsgindex iconExample of a Module put Procedure
db_ref > 1index iconShared Data Block
dupbindex iconExample of a Module put Procedure
dupmsgindex iconExample of a Module put Procedure
ensure uniform changing of pointersindex iconData Alignment
incorrect user dataindex iconioctl Processing
proper bit alignmentindex iconData Alignment
index iconput Procedure
index iconEntry Points
qprocsonindex iconMessages Flowing Around the Module Before qprocson
removing an anchorindex iconAnchors and Data Flow
retain db_base <= b_rptr <= b_wptr <= db_limindex iconM_COPYOUT Using Transparent ioctl
strqgetindex iconUsing Queue Information
strqsetindex iconUsing Queue Information
hardware emulation module
index iconhardware emulation module
index iconHardware Emulation Module
index iconHardware Emulation Module
high-priority message
index iconFlow Control Mechanism
index iconMessage Ordering with One Priority Band
M_COPYINindex iconM_COPYIN Message
M_COPYOUTindex iconM_COPYOUT Message
M_ERRORindex iconM_ERROR Message
M_FLUSHindex iconM_FLUSH Message
M_HANGUPindex iconM_HANGUP Message
M_IOCACKindex iconM_IOCACK Message
M_IOCDATAindex iconM_IOCDATA Message
M_IOCNAKindex iconM_IOCNAK Message
M_PCPROTOindex iconM_PCPROTO Message
M_PCRSEindex iconM_PCRSE Message
M_PCSIGindex iconM_PCSIG Message
M_READindex iconM_READ Message
M_STOPindex iconSO_MREADOFF and M_STOP Messages
M_STOPIindex iconSO_MREADOFFI and M_STOPI Messages
M_UNHANGUPindex iconM_UNHANGUP Message
SO_MREADOFFindex iconSO_MREADOFF and M_STOP Messages


index iconUsing Anchors
index iconSTREAMS Anchors
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconAdding and Removing Modules
I_LIST ioctl
exampleindex iconI_LIST ioctl2Example
I_SETSIG event
S_BANDURGindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
S_ERRORindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
S_HANGUPindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
S_HIPRIindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
S_INPUTindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
S_MSGindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
S_OUTPUTindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
S_RDBANDindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
S_RDNORMindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
S_WRBANDindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
S_WRNORMindex iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
infinite loop
service procedureindex iconMessage Ordering with One Priority Band
initialization entry point
STREAMS driverindex iconSTREAMS Initialization Entry Points
initialization entry points
exampleindex iconSimple Line Printer Driver
initialization routines for the loop-around driver
exampleindex iconDeclarations for the Loop-Around Driver
input/output polling
index iconI_SETSIG ioctl 2 Events
index iconInput and Output Polling
insqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
exampleindex iconReceiving Data
inter_snd, send data to service provider
exampleindex iconSending Data to the Service Provider
interrupt handler
STREAMS driverindex iconSTREAMS Interrupt Handlers
iocblk structureindex iconSTREAMS ioctl Issues
exampleindex iconGeneral ioctl Processing
with M_IOCTLindex iconM_IOCTL Message
ioctlindex iconI_STR ioctl2 Driver
_RECVFDindex iconM_PASSFP Message
command summaryindex iconOther ioctl Commands
EUC_WSETindex iconEUC Handling in ldterm
general processing
index iconGeneral ioctl Processing
index iconGeneral ioctl Processing
handled by ptemindex iconPseudo-TTY Emulation Module: ptem
hardware emulation moduleindex iconHardware Emulation Module
index iconUsing Anchors
index iconSTREAMS Anchors
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconAdding and Removing Modules
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
I_FDINSERTindex iconOther ioctl Commands
I_FINDindex iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconFlush Handling
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
I_GETCLTIMEindex iconOther ioctl Commands
I_GRDOPTindex iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconZero-Length Writes
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconM_IOCTL Message
index iconbufcall Callback Routine
index iconStreams Before Link
index iconOther ioctl Commands
I_LISTindex iconI_LIST ioctl
I_LOOKindex iconOther ioctl Commands
I_NREADindex iconOther ioctl Commands
I_PEEKindex iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconM_IOCTL Message
index iconPersistent Links
index iconbufcall Callback Routine
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconModule Overview
index iconAdding and Removing Modules
index iconStream in More Detail
index iconM_IOCTL Message
index iconPersistent Links
index iconbufcall Callback Routine
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconModule Overview
index iconAdding and Removing Modules
index iconStream in More Detail
index iconNamed Streams
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconM_PASSFP Message
index iconNamed Streams
index iconOther ioctl Commands
I_SETCLTIMEindex iconOther ioctl Commands
I_SETSIGindex iconInput and Output Polling
I_SETSIG eventsindex iconAsynchronous Input and Output
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconRead Options
I_STRindex iconM_IOCTL Message
I_STR processingindex iconI_STR ioctl Processing
index iconZero-Length Writes
index iconOther ioctl Commands
index iconM_IOCTL Message
index iconbufcall Callback Routine
index iconDismantling a Multiplexer
index iconOther ioctl Commands
ISPTMindex iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
SAD_GAPindex iconstrapush Structure
SAD_SAPindex iconstrapush Structure
SAP_ALLindex iconApplication Interface
SAP_CLEARindex iconApplication Interface
SAP_ONEindex iconApplication Interface
SAP_RANGEindex iconApplication Interface
SIOCSPGRPindex iconM_SIG Message
supported by ldtermindex iconWrite-Side Processing
supported by master driverindex iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
TIOCREMOTEindex iconRemote Mode
TIOCSIGNALindex iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
TIOCSPGRPindex iconM_SIG Message
index iconM_IOCDATA Processing
index iconTransparent ioctl Examples
index iconTransparent ioctl
transparent processingindex iconTransparent ioctl Processing
UNLKPTindex iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
user contextindex iconSTREAMS ioctl Issues
isastreamindex iconNamed Streams


job control
index iconJob Control
index iconJob Control
background process groupindex iconJob Control
controlling processindex iconJob Control
controlling terminalindex iconJob Control
foreground process groupindex iconJob Control
orphaned process groupindex iconJob Control
process groupindex iconJob Control
process group leaderindex iconJob Control
process group lifetimeindex iconJob Control
process IDindex iconJob Control
process lifetimeindex iconJob Control
sessionindex iconJob Control
session IDindex iconJob Control
session leaderindex iconJob Control
session lifetimeindex iconJob Control
SUSP characterindex iconJob Control
index iconJob Control
index iconJob Control
TOSTOP flagindex iconJob Control


kadbindex iconkadb Command
kernel data structures
ch_opsindex iconKernel Data Structures
dev_opsindex iconKernel Data Structures
modldrvindex iconKernel Data Structures
modlinkageindex iconKernel Data Structures
modlstrmodindex iconKernel Data Structures
qinitindex iconKernel Data Structures
streamtabindex iconKernel Data Structures
kernel utilitiesindex iconKernel Utility Interface Summary
adjmsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
allocbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
backqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
bcanputindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
bufcallindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
canputindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
copymsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
datamsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
dupbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
dupmsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
enableokindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
esballocindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
flushbandindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
flushqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
freebindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
freemsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
freezestrindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
getqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
linkbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
msgdsizeindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
noenableindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
otherqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
pullupmsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
putbqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
putctl1index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
putctlindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
putnextindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
putqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qbufcallindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qprocsoffindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qprocsonindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qreplyindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qsizeindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qtimeoutindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qunbufcallindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
quntimeoutindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qwaitindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qwait_sigindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qwriterindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
RDindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
rmvbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
rmvqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
strlogindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
strqgetindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
strqsetindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
testbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
unbufcallindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
unfreezestrindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
unlinkbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
WRindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces


index iconModule open and close Routines
index iconLine-Discipline Module
index iconLine-Discipline Module
M_SETOPTSindex iconModule open and close Routines
read-side messagesindex iconRead-Side Processing
write sideindex iconWrite-Side Processing
module add/removeindex iconPushing the Character Conversion Module
line discipline module
closeindex iconModule open and close Routines
descriptionindex iconLine-Discipline Module
in job controlindex iconJob Control
in pseudo-tty subsystemindex iconLine-Discipline Module
ioctlindex iconWrite-Side Processing
line discipline module for flush handling
exampleindex iconLine Discipline Module for Flush Handling
line printer driver
exampleindex iconSimple Line Printer Driver
header file declarationsindex iconPrinter Driver Example
linkbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
linking messagesindex iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
list a stream's drivers and modules
exampleindex iconI_LIST ioctl2Example
load kernel module
driver entry pointindex iconSTREAMS Driver Entry Points
loop-around driver flow control
exampleindex iconUse of ioctl to Copy Data From User Space to Kernel Space


M_BREAKindex iconM_BREAK Message
M_COPYINindex iconM_COPYIN Message
M_COPYOUTindex iconM_COPYOUT Message
transparent ioctl exampleindex iconBidirectional Data Transfer Example
with M_IOCTLindex iconM_IOCTL Message
M_COPYOUT using transparent ioctl
exampleindex iconM_COPYOUT Using Transparent ioctl
M_CTLindex iconM_CTL Message
M_STOPindex iconSO_MREADOFF and M_STOP Messages
SO_MREADOFFindex iconSO_MREADOFF and M_STOP Messages
with line discipline moduleindex iconLine-Discipline Module
M_DATAindex iconM_DATA Message
M_DELAYindex iconM_DELAY Message
M_ERRORindex iconM_ERROR Message
M_FLUSHindex iconM_FLUSH Message
flagsindex iconM_FLUSH Message
flush read and write queuesindex iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
flush read side of streamindex iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
flush write side of streamindex iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
FLUSHRindex iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
FLUSHRWindex iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
FLUSHWindex iconM_FLUSH Arguments and bi_flag values
in module exampleindex iconFlushing a Queue
packet modeindex iconPacket Mode
M_FLUSH message handling
descriptionindex iconM_FLUSH Message Handling
M_HANGUPindex iconM_HANGUP Message
M_IOCACKindex iconM_IOCACK Message
with M_COPYOUTindex iconM_COPYOUT Message
with M_IOCTLindex iconM_IOCTL Message
M_IOCDATAindex iconM_IOCDATA Message
M_IOCDATA processing
index iconBidirectional Data Transfer
index iconM_COPYIN: Copy the address Structure
M_IOCNAKindex iconM_IOCNAK Message
with M_COPYOUTindex iconM_COPYOUT Message
with M_IOCTLindex iconM_IOCTL Message
index iconM_IOCTL Message
index iconM_IOCTL Message
transparentindex iconM_IOCTL Message
with M_COPYOUTindex iconM_COPYOUT Message
M_PASSFPindex iconM_PASSFP Message
M_PCPROTOindex iconM_PCPROTO Message
M_PCRSEindex iconM_PCRSE Message
M_PCSIGindex iconM_PCSIG Message
index iconM_PROTO Message
index iconM_PROTO Message
M_READindex iconM_READ Message
M_RSEindex iconM_RSE Message
M_SETOPTSindex iconM_SETOPTS Message
SO_FLAGindex iconM_SETOPTS Message
SO_ISTTYindex iconM_SIG Message
so_readopt optionsindex iconRead Options
M_SIGindex iconM_SIG Message
in signalingindex iconsignal Message
M_STOPindex iconSO_MREADOFF and M_STOP Messages
M_STOPIindex iconSO_MREADOFFI and M_STOPI Messages
M_UNHANGUPindex iconM_UNHANGUP Message
managing extended buffers in multithreaded environment
exampleindex iconesballoc Example
manipulating modulesindex iconManipulating Modules
master driver
in pseudo-tty subsystemindex iconSTREAMS-based Pseudo-Terminal Subsystem
openindex iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
mdbindex iconadb Command
memory-mapped I/Oindex iconExtended STREAMS Buffers
messageindex iconStream in More Detail
accessing queue informationindex iconUsing Queue Information
allocationindex iconMessage Allocation and Freeing
container for data and control informationindex iconOverview of Streams in Kernel Space
create priority band messageindex iconMessage Direction
data alignmentindex iconData Alignment
definitions of priority band fieldsindex iconUsing Queue Information
flow controlindex iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
freeingindex iconMessage Allocation and Freeing
getmsgindex iconMessage Direction
getpmsgindex iconMessage Direction
index iconFlow Control Mechanism
index iconMessage Ordering with One Priority Band
linkingindex iconMessage Linkage
index iconM_BREAK Message
index iconOrdinary Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_COPYIN Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_COPYOUT Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconSO_MREADOFF and M_STOP Messages
index iconM_CTL Message
index iconOrdinary Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_DATA Message
index iconOrdinary Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_DELAY Message
index iconOrdinary Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_ERROR Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
M_FLUSH index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
M_FLUSHindex iconM_FLUSH Message
index iconM_HANGUP Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_IOCACK Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_IOCDATA Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_IOCNAK Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_IOCTL Message
index iconOrdinary Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_PASSFP Message
index iconOrdinary Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_PCPROTO Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
M_PCRSEindex iconM_PCRSE Message
index iconM_PCSIG Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_PROTO Message
index iconOrdinary Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_READ Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
M_RSEindex iconM_RSE Message
index iconM_SETOPTS Message
index iconOrdinary Messages, Description of Communication Flow
M_SIGindex iconOrdinary Messages, Description of Communication Flow
M_STARTindex iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
M_STARTIindex iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
M_STOPindex iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconSO_MREADOFFI and M_STOPI Messages
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
index iconM_UNHANGUP Message
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
msgb structure
index iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
index iconMessage Structure
priorityindex iconMessage Queues and Message Priority
putmsgindex iconMessage Direction
putpmsgindex iconMessage Direction
qband structureindex iconqband Structure
qinit structureindex iconEntry Points
index iconMessage Queues
index iconMessage Ordering in a Queue
queue priorityindex iconMessage Ordering in a Queue
queue structureindex iconqueue Structure
index iconQueued Messages
index iconMessage Queueing and Priorities
read optionsindex iconRead Options
recovering from allocation failureindex iconRecovering From No Buffers
recovering from no buffersindex iconRecovering From No Buffers
retrieve priority band messageindex iconMessage Direction
service interfaceindex iconDriver and Module Service Interfaces
shared dataindex iconShared Data
translation between user application and kernelindex iconOverview of Streams in Kernel Space
typesindex iconMessage Types
using qband informationindex iconUsing qband Information
write optionindex iconWrite Options
message (STREAMS)
directionindex iconSending and Receiving Messages
flowindex iconMessage Processing Procedures
handled by ptemindex iconPseudo-TTY Emulation Module: ptem
handled by pcktindex iconPacket Mode
index iconHigh-Priority Messages
index iconHigh-Priority Messages, Description of Communication Flow
ldterm read sideindex iconRead-Side Processing
ldterm write sideindex iconWrite-Side Processing
linking into queuesindex iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
M_DATAindex iconSending and Receiving Messages
M_PCPROTOindex iconSending and Receiving Messages
M_PROTOindex iconSending and Receiving Messages
index iconM_SIG Message
index iconOrdinary Messages
index iconOrdinary Messages, Description of Communication Flow
processingindex iconMessage Processing Procedures
sending/receivingindex iconSending and Receiving Messages
structuresindex iconMessage Structure
typesindex iconMessage Types
message blockindex iconmessage block
message block structure
exampleindex iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
message orderingindex iconShared Data Block
message prioritiesindex iconMessage Ordering in a Queue
message queueindex iconmessage queue
priorityindex iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
priority levelsindex iconMessage Queueing Priority
message types
rules for changingindex iconMessage Type Change Rules
kernelindex iconMessage Types
messages sent by driver to stream head
M_ERRORindex iconOpening the Loop-Around Driver
M_HANGUPindex iconOpening the Loop-Around Driver
M_SIG/M_PCSIGindex iconOpening the Loop-Around Driver
modldrv structure
driver operations and linkage informationindex iconmodldrv Structure
modlinkage structure
module link informationindex iconmodlinkage Structure
revision level of loadable modulesindex iconmodlinkage Structure
modlstrmod structure
module operations and linkage informationindex iconmodlstrmod Structure
moduleindex iconmodule
difference with driverindex iconPushing a Module
drainingindex iconClosing the Stream
ioctl controlindex iconModule and Driver Control
line disciplineindex iconline discipline
manipulationindex iconManipulating Modules
pushableindex iconpushable module
reusabilityindex iconModule Reusability
module entry point structure
exampleindex iconEntry Points
module information structure
exampleindex iconEntry Points
module put
exampleindex iconExample of a Module put Procedure
module service procedure
exampleindex iconModule service Procedure
module unloading
outstanding esballoc callbackindex iconUnloading a Module that Uses esballoc
module_info structure
exampleindex iconEntry Points
monitor streams eventsindex iconInput and Output Polling
msgb structureindex iconSimple Message Referencing the Data Block
msgdsizeindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
cb_flag for driverindex iconMT SAFE Driver
driverindex iconMT SAFE Driver
f_flag for moduleindex iconMT SAFE Module
moduleindex iconMT SAFE Module
multiple process write
same pipeindex iconAtomic Writes
multiplexerindex iconmultiplexer
index iconStreams Before Link
index iconBuilding a Multiplexer
controlling streamindex iconStreams Before Link
data routingindex iconRouting Data Through a Multiplexer
declarationsindex iconMultiplexing Driver Example
definitionindex iconConfiguring Multiplexed Streams
design guidelinesindex iconDesign Guidelines
dismantlingindex iconDismantling a Multiplexer
driverindex iconLower Read put Procedure
driver exampleindex iconMultiplexing Driver Example
exampleindex iconMultiplexer Construction Example
lowerindex iconSTREAMS Multiplexers
lower connection
index iconConnecting Lower Streams
index iconConnecting Lower Streams
lower disconnectionindex iconDisconnecting Lower Streams
lower read put procedure
index iconLower Read put Procedure
index iconLower Read put Procedure
lower stream
index iconlower stream
index iconConfiguring Multiplexed Streams
lower write service procedureindex iconLower Write service Procedure
lower write service procedureindex iconLower Write service Procedure
minor device connectindex iconConnecting And Disconnecting Lower Streams
minor device disconnectindex iconDisconnecting Lower Streams
pseudo-device driverindex iconConfiguring Multiplexed Streams
upperindex iconSTREAMS Multiplexers
upper stream
index iconupper stream
index iconConfiguring Multiplexed Streams
upper write service procedureindex iconUpper Write service Procedure Sample
upper-queue write put procedureindex iconUpper Write put Procedure Sample
multiplexer ID
in multiplexer buildingindex iconStreams Before Link
in multiplexer dismantlingindex iconDismantling a Multiplexer
multiplexing STREAMSindex iconConfiguring Multiplexed Streams
multithread framework
MT SAFEindex iconMT SAFE Modules and Drivers
perimetersindex iconMT SAFE Modules and Drivers
multithreaded kernelindex iconMultithreading the Kernel
porting toindex iconPreparing to Port
multithreaded module
explicit locksindex iconMT SAFE Modules Using Explicit Locks
explicit locks, constraintsindex iconConstraints When Using Locks
preserving message orderingindex iconPreserving Message Ordering
multithreaded perimeter
choosing a typeindex iconChoosing a Perimeter Type
defining a typeindex iconDefining Perimeter Types
descriptionindex iconMT STREAMS Perimeters
exclusive/shared access flagsindex iconOuter Perimeter Flag
flagsindex iconChoosing a Perimeter Type
fully-hotindex iconHot Perimeters
innerindex iconInner Perimeters
inner perimeter flagsindex iconChoosing a Perimeter Type
outerindex iconOuter Perimeters
outer perimeter flagsindex iconInner Perimeter Flags
PERMODindex iconPERMOD Perimeter
routines used inside a perimeterindex iconRoutines Used Inside a Perimeter
multithreaded STREAMS
concepts and terminologyindex iconMultithreaded (MT) STREAMS Overview
multithreaded STREAMS module with outer perimeter
exampleindex iconMultithread Module with Outer Perimeter
multithreaded STREAMS pseudo-driver using an inner perimeter
exampleindex iconMultithreaded, Loadable, STREAMS Pseudo-Driver
upper-queue write put procedureindex iconUpper Write put Procedure Sample


named pipe (see FIFO)index iconOverview of Pipes and FIFOs
named stream
descriptionindex iconNamed Streams
file descriptor passingindex iconNamed Streams
noenableindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
nontransparent ioctl using I_STR
exampleindex iconTransparent ioctl Messages
kernel parameterindex iconAdding and Removing Modules
tunable parameterindex iconTunable Parameters


with M_SETOPTSindex iconM_SETOPTS Message
with M_SETOPTSindex iconM_SETOPTS Message
open a module
exampleindex iconA Simple open Routine
open a streamindex iconOpening a STREAMS Device File
open and request bind to the driver device
exampleindex icon inter_open Routine
openindex iconPseudo-TTY Streams
device fileindex iconOpening a STREAMS Device File
opening a system clone device
exampleindex iconOpening a System Clone Device
opening the log driver
exampleindex iconOpening a System Clone Device
opening the loop-around driverindex iconDeclarations for the Loop-Around Driver
ordinary message
M_BREAKindex iconM_BREAK Message
M_CTLindex iconM_CTL Message
M_DATAindex iconM_DATA Message
M_DELAYindex iconM_DELAY Message
M_IOCTLindex iconM_IOCTL Message
M_PASSFPindex iconM_PASSFP Message
M_PROTOindex iconM_PROTO Message
M_RSEindex iconM_RSE Message
M_SETOPTSindex iconM_SETOPTS Message
otherqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces


packet modeindex iconpacket mode
descriptionindex iconPacket Mode
messagesindex iconPacket Mode
panicindex iconShared Data Block
index iconPacket Mode
index iconPacket Mode
asynchronous accessindex iconMT STREAMS Perimeters
asynchronous callback functionsindex iconAsynchronous Callback Functions
choosing a typeindex iconChoosing a Perimeter Type
defining a typeindex iconDefining Perimeter Types
descriptionindex iconMT STREAMS Perimeters
exclusive/shared access flagsindex iconOuter Perimeter Flag
flagsindex iconChoosing a Perimeter Type
fully-hotindex iconHot Perimeters
innerindex iconInner Perimeters
inner perimeter flagsindex iconChoosing a Perimeter Type
outerindex iconOuter Perimeters
outer perimeter flagsindex iconInner Perimeter Flags
PERMODindex iconPERMOD Perimeter
routinesindex iconRoutines Used Inside a Perimeter
synchronous accessindex iconMT STREAMS Perimeters
persistent link
index iconpersistent link
index iconPersistent Links
createindex iconPersistent Links
dismantleindex iconPersistent Links
pipe or FIFO
read fromindex iconReading From a Pipe or FIFO
write toindex iconWriting to a Pipe or FIFO
PIPE_BUFindex iconAtomic Writes
moduleindex iconFlushing Pipes and FIFOs
pipemod STREAMS moduleindex iconFlushing Pipes and FIFOs
STREAMS (see STREAMS-based pipe)index iconOverview of Pipes and FIFOs
poll event
POLLINindex iconSynchronous Input and Output
POLLOUTindex iconSynchronous Input and Output
POLLRDBANDindex iconSynchronous Input and Output
POLLRDNORMindex iconSynchronous Input and Output
POLLWRBANDindex iconSynchronous Input and Output
POLLWRNORMindex iconSynchronous Input and Output
pollindex iconPolling an Event
pollfd structureindex iconPolling an Event
asynchronous input/outputindex iconAsynchronous Input and Output
error eventsindex iconPolling an Event
eventindex iconSynchronous Input and Output
index iconpoll Error Events
index iconEvents That Can Be Polled
porting from SunOS 4 to Oracle Solaris 11
considerationsindex iconPorting to the Oracle Solaris System
priority band data
ioctlindex iconControlling Data Flow and Priorities
routinesindex iconData Structure Linkage
priority band data flush handling
exampleindex iconPriority Band Data Flush Handling
private dataindex iconStream in More Detail
private locks across calls
moduleindex iconAsynchronous Callback Functions
process incoming data
exampleindex iconPolling an Event
process write message blocks
exampleindex iconUse of allocb
processing an ioctl
exampleindex iconProcessing ioctl2
processing an ioctl message
exampleindex iconI_STR ioctl2 Driver
processing input
exampleindex iconProcess Input
migrationindex iconProtocol Migration
portabilityindex iconProtocol Portability
substitutionindex iconProtocol Substitution
protocol daemon
exampleindex iconProtocol Daemon
protocol messages
readindex iconRead Options
driverindex iconpseudo-device driver
subsystemindex iconpseudo-terminal subsystem
pseudo-terminal subsystem
remote modeindex iconremote mode
pseudo-tty emulation module
index iconopen and close Routines
index iconPseudo-TTY Emulation Module: ptem
pseudo-tty subsystemindex iconSTREAMS-based Pseudo-Terminal Subsystem
index iconptsname Function
index iconSTREAMS-based Pseudo-Terminal Subsystem
index iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
index iconMaster Driver and Slave Driver Characteristics
ldtermindex iconLine-Discipline Module
messagesindex iconPseudo-TTY Emulation Module: ptem
packet modeindex iconPacket Mode
remote modeindex iconRemote Mode
index iconopen and close Routines
index iconPseudo-TTY Emulation Module: ptem
ptem structure
exampleindex iconptem Data Structure
ptm (see master driver)index iconSTREAMS-based Pseudo-Terminal Subsystem
exampleindex iconpts Example
pts (see slave driver)index iconSTREAMS-based Pseudo-Terminal Subsystem
index iconptsname Function
index iconptsname Function
with pseudo-tty driverindex iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
pullupmsgindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
push/pop modules on/off the streamindex iconI_LIST ioctl
pushing a module
exampleindex iconModule Header File Definition
pushing modules on a STREAMS-based FIFOindex iconCreating and Opening Pipes and FIFOs
pushing modules on a STREAMS-based pipeindex iconPushing Modules on a STREAMS-based FIFO
put procedure
index iconQueue service Procedure
index iconput Procedure
index iconStructure of a Message Queue
putbqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
putctl1index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
putctlindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconFlushing Pipes and FIFOs
putqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces


q_next fieldindex iconUse of the q_next Field
qband structure
exampleindex iconqband Structure
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconqtimeout/qunbufcall Routines
qinit structure
exampleindex iconEntry Points
pointers to STREAMS entry pointsindex iconqinit Structure
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconqprocson/qprocsoff Routines
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconqprocson/qprocsoff Routines
qreplyindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
qsizeindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconqtimeout/qunbufcall Routines
index iconqtimeout/qunbufcall Routines
index iconqueue
index iconOverview of Streams in Kernel Space
index iconStructure of a Message Queue
flagsindex iconQueue Flags
putindex iconput procedure
read sideindex iconread side
readindex iconread queue
scheduleindex iconschedule
using qband informationindex iconUsing qband Information
water markindex iconwater mark
write sideindex iconwrite side
writeindex iconwrite queue
queue allocationindex iconQueue Allocation
queue flags
QENABindex iconQueue Flags
QFULLindex iconQueue Flags
QNOENBindex iconQueue Flags
QREADRindex iconQueue Flags
QUSEindex iconQueue Flags
QWANTRindex iconQueue Flags
QWANTWindex iconQueue Flags
queue processing entry point
STREAMS driver
index iconSTREAMS Queue Processing Entry Points
index iconKernel Contact Points
queue processing entry points
exampleindex iconSimple Line Printer Driver
queue processing procedure
putindex iconStream in More Detail
serviceindex iconStream in More Detail
queue structure
exampleindex iconqueue Structure
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconqtimeout/qunbufcall Routines
index iconqtimeout/qunbufcall Routines
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconqtimeout/qunbufcall Routines
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconqwait Function
qwait_sigindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconqwriter Function


RDindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
read side
ldterm processingindex iconRead-Side Processing
put procedureindex iconModule Procedures
read-side line discipline module
exampleindex iconRead-side Line Discipline Module
read-side put procedure
exampleindex iconRead-side put Procedure
receive data from service provider
index iconReceiving Data
index iconReceiving Data
releasing callback requestsindex iconReleasing Callback Requests
retrieve priority band messageindex iconMessage Direction
bitmaskindex iconpoll Error Events
rmvbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
rmvqindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
routines used inside a perimeterindex iconRoutines Used Inside a Perimeter


sadindex iconSTREAMS Administrative Driver
SAD (see STREAMS Administrative Driver)
index iconApplication Interface
index iconApplication Interface
SAD (see STREAMS Administrative Driver)index iconSTREAMS Administrative Driver
SAD_GAP ioctlindex iconstrapush Structure
SAD_SAP ioctl
SAP_ALL optionindex iconstrapush Structure
SAP_CLEAR optionindex iconstrapush Structure
SAP_ONE optionindex iconstrapush Structure
SAP_RANGE optionindex iconstrapush Structure
sap_lastminor deviceindex iconstrapush Structure
sap_major deviceindex iconstrapush Structure
sap_minor device
index iconstrapush Structure
index iconstrapush Structure
send data to service provider
exampleindex iconUsing the inter_snd Routine
interfaceindex iconservice interface
procedureindex iconservice procedure
providerindex iconservice provider
userindex iconservice user
service interfaceindex iconService Interface
definitionindex iconDriver and Module Service Interfaces
rulesindex iconModule Service Interface Example
service interface library
exampleindex iconService Interface Library Example
primitivesindex iconService Interface Library Header File
service interface library header file
exampleindex iconService Interface Library Example
service interface protoput procedure
exampleindex iconService Interface Procedure
service primitiveindex iconService Interface
BIND_REQindex iconService Interface Library Header File
ERROR_ACKindex iconService Interface Library Header File
in service procedureindex iconService Interface Library Header File
OK_ACKindex iconService Interface Library Header File
UNITDATA_INDindex iconService Interface Library Header File
UNITDATA_REQindex iconService Interface Library Header File
service primitive declarations
exampleindex iconService Primitive Declarations
service procedure
index iconFlow Control Mechanism
index iconQueue service Procedure
back-enableindex iconback-enable
blockedindex iconblocked
service providerindex iconService Interface
accessingindex iconAccessing the Service Provider
closingindex iconClosing the Service Provider
receiving dataindex iconReceiving Data
sending dataindex iconSending Data to the Service Provider
service interfaceindex iconService Interfaces
service procedureindex iconStructure of a Message Queue
signalindex iconsignal Message
extendedindex iconExtended Signals
in job control managementindex iconJob Control
index iconsignal Message
index iconsignal Message
M_SIGindex iconsignal Message
SIGCONTindex iconJob Control
SIGHUPindex iconHangup Signals
SIGPOLLindex iconM_SIG Message
SIGSTOPindex iconJob Control
SIGTSTPindex iconJob Control
SIGTTINindex iconJob Control
SIGTTOUindex iconJob Control
signalindex iconM_SIG Message
SIGTTINindex iconAccessing the Controlling Terminal
SIGTTOUindex iconAccessing the Controlling Terminal
simple stream
exampleindex iconSimple Stream
slave driverindex iconslave driver
in pseudo-tty subsystemindex iconSTREAMS-based Pseudo-Terminal Subsystem
openindex iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
slave driver open
exampleindex iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
in M_SETOPTSindex iconM_SETOPTS Message
SO_MREADOFFindex iconSO_MREADOFF and M_STOP Messages
standard pipeindex iconstandard pipe
str_mlist structure
exampleindex iconI_LIST ioctl
straceindex iconstrace Command
strapush structure
exampleindex iconApplication Interface
strchgindex iconI_LIST ioctl
strconf commandindex iconI_LIST ioctl
tunable parameterindex iconTunable Parameters
controlling terminalindex iconAllocation and Deallocation of Streams
general definitionindex iconWhat Is STREAMS?
hung-upindex iconHungup Streams
stream autopush structure
exampleindex iconApplication Interface
stream construction
add/remove modulesindex iconAdding and Removing Modules
close a streamindex iconClosing the Stream
index iconProcess Input
index iconStream Construction Example
open a streamindex iconOpening a STREAMS Device File
stream head
copy data between the user space and kernel spaceindex iconStream Head
intercepting I_STRindex iconstrioctl Structure
kernel space interactionindex iconStream Head
stream pseudo terminal module
exampleindex iconStream Pseudo Terminal Module
streamio ioctl commands
streams controlindex iconOther ioctl Commands
administration toolsindex iconAdministration Tools
application interfaceindex iconHow STREAMS Works – Application Interface
asynchronous callback functionsindex iconAsynchronous Callback Functions
closing a deviceindex iconClosing a Stream
index iconstrapush Structure
index iconApplication Interface
considerations when porting from SunOS 4 to Oracle Solaris 11index iconPorting to the Oracle Solaris System
data pathindex iconStream as a Data Path
data transferindex iconOpening a Stream
definitionindex iconWhat Is STREAMS?
definition of functionalityindex iconWhat Is STREAMS?
determining when to useindex iconWhen to Use STREAMS
device driverindex iconSTREAMS Device Driver
driverindex iconStructure of a STREAMS Device Driver
flow control
index iconControlling Data Flow
index iconMessage Transfer Flow Control
frequently asked IP interface questionsindex iconSTREAMS FAQ
index iconMultithread Module with Outer Perimeter
index iconMultithreaded, Loadable, STREAMS Pseudo-Driver
index iconSimple Line Printer Driver
hardening advice
index iconM_COPYOUT Using Transparent ioctl
index iconioctl Processing
index iconCreating the Stream Head
index iconStream Head
interfaceindex iconSTREAMS Application-Level Components
kernel-levelindex iconHow STREAMS Works at the Kernel Level
message componentsindex iconMessage Components
message data structuresindex iconMessage Components
message queue priorityindex iconMessage Queueing Priority
message queuesindex iconMessage Queues
message typesindex iconMessage Components
messagesindex iconSTREAMS Data
index iconMessage Processing
index iconSTREAMS Module
module multiplexingindex iconConfiguring Multiplexed Streams
index iconSTREAMS Multiplexers
index iconSTREAMS Multiplexing
multithread frameworkindex iconMT STREAMS Framework
multithread framework integrityindex iconSTREAMS Framework Integrity
opening a deviceindex iconOpening a Stream
pollingindex iconSTREAMS Polling
programming modelindex iconWhat Is STREAMS?
queue overviewindex iconStructure of a Message Queue
tunable parametersindex iconTunable Parameters
STREAMS administration modulesindex iconApplication Interface
autopush facilityindex iconApplication Interface
STREAMS Administrative Driver
index iconstrapush Structure
index iconApplication Interface
index iconApplication Interface
index iconApplication Interface
STREAMS anchors client
exampleindex iconSTREAMS Anchors fd_server.c
STREAMS anchors server
exampleindex iconSTREAMS Anchors fd_server.c
streams control
streamio ioctl commandsindex iconOther ioctl Commands
STREAMS debuggingindex iconSTREAMS Error and Trace Logging
error and trace logging
index iconSTREAMS Error and Trace Logging
index iconSTREAMS Error and Trace Logging
index iconAdministration Tool Description
kernel debug printingindex iconKernel Debug Printing
kernel examination toolsindex iconKernel Examination Tools
STREAMS driver
cloningindex iconCloning STREAMS Drivers
configuration entry point
index iconSTREAMS Configuration Entry Points
index iconKernel Contact Points
design guidelinesindex iconSummarizing STREAMS Device Drivers
driver interruptindex iconKernel Contact Points
Ethernet driversindex iconSTREAMS FAQ
flush handlingindex iconDriver Flush Handling
initialization entry pointindex iconSTREAMS Initialization Entry Points
interrupt handlerindex iconSTREAMS Interrupt Handlers
index iconioctl Processing
index iconModule and Driver ioctl Calls
loop-aroundindex iconLoop-Around Driver
porting to multithreaded kernelindex iconPreparing to Port
index iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
index iconMaster Driver and Slave Driver Characteristics
pseudo-tty subsystem masterindex iconSTREAMS-based Pseudo-Terminal Subsystem
pseudo-tty subsystem slaveindex iconSTREAMS-based Pseudo-Terminal Subsystem
queue processing entry point
index iconSTREAMS Queue Processing Entry Points
index iconKernel Contact Points
table-driven entry pointindex iconSTREAMS Table-Driven Entry Points
STREAMS module
index iconFlushing a Queue
index iconModule Overview
adding an anchorindex iconUsing Anchors
anchor lockindex iconSTREAMS Anchors
autopush facilityindex iconAutopush Facility
autopush facility
index iconstrapush Structure
index iconSTREAMS Administrative Driver
connldindex iconUnique Connections
design guidelinesindex iconDesign Guidelines
filterindex iconFilter Module Example
flow control
index iconDesign Guidelines
index iconData Flow Control
ioctlindex iconModule and Driver ioctl Calls
line disciplineindex iconLine-Discipline Module
ptemindex iconPseudo-TTY Emulation Module: ptem
read-side put procedureindex iconModule Procedures
index iconSTREAMS Module Service Procedure
index iconModule Procedures
service interface example
index iconService Interface protoput Procedure
index iconModule Service Interface Example
service procedure exampleindex iconSTREAMS Module Service Procedure
service procedureindex iconWrite-side put Procedure
write-side put procedureindex iconRead-side put Procedure
qband structureindex iconqband Structure
using qband informationindex iconUsing qband Information
using queue informationindex iconUsing qband Information
STREAMS-based pipeindex iconSTREAMS-based pipe
atomic writeindex iconAtomic Writes
basic operationsindex iconClosing a Pipe or FIFO
definitionindex iconOverview of Pipes and FIFOs
PIPE_BUFindex iconAtomic Writes
STREAMS-based pseudo-terminal subsystem (see pseudo-tty subsystem)index iconSTREAMS-based Pseudo-Terminal Subsystem
STREAMS-based terminal subsystem (see tty subsystem)index iconOverview of Terminal Subsystem
streamtab structure
driver entry pointindex iconSTREAMS Driver Entry Points
exampleindex iconModule Structures
pointers to structures for inititializing reading and writng a moduleindex iconstreamtab Structure
strerrindex iconstrerr Daemon
strioctl structureindex iconstrioctl Structure
exampleindex iconI_STR ioctl Processing
ic_cmdindex iconstrioctl Structure
ic_dpindex iconstrioctl Structure
ic_lenindex iconstrioctl Structure
ic_timoutindex iconstrioctl Structure
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconstrace Command
flag parameterindex iconstrlog Command
tunable parameterindex iconTunable Parameters
strbufindex iconMessage Direction
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconUsing Queue Information
index iconstrqget Command
index iconKernel Utility Interfaces
index iconUsing Queue Information
index iconstrqset Command
structure for M_IOCTL unrecognized message
exampleindex iconGeneral ioctl Processing
structure for nontransparent ioctl
exampleindex iconI_STR ioctl Processing
synchronous input/output
in pollingindex iconSynchronous Input and Output
system crashindex iconShared Data Block


table-driven entry point
STREAMS driverindex iconSTREAMS Table-Driven Entry Points
default flag valuesindex iconDefault Settings
TCSETAindex iconJob Control
TCSETAFindex iconJob Control
TCSETAWindex iconJob Control
terminal control flagsindex iconLine-Discipline Module
testbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
transferring user buffer into the kernel
exampleindex iconM_COPYIN: Copy the address Structure
transparent ioctlindex iconTransparent ioctl Examples
exampleindex iconTransparent ioctl Messages
M_COPYOUT exampleindex iconBidirectional Data Transfer Example
messagesindex iconTransparent ioctl Messages
processingindex iconTransparent ioctl Processing
transparent ioctl processingindex iconM_IOCDATA Processing
treatment of protocol messages
RPROTDATindex iconRead Options
RPROTDISindex iconRead Options
RPROTMASKindex iconRead Options
RPROTNORMindex iconRead Options
tty subsystem
benefitsindex iconOverview of Terminal Subsystem
index iconHardware Emulation Module
index iconOverview of Terminal Subsystem
hardware emulation module
index iconHardware Emulation Module
index iconHardware Emulation Module
ldtermindex iconLine-Discipline Module
setupindex iconSTREAMS-based Terminal Subsystem
ttymonindex iconSTREAMS-based Terminal Subsystem
tunable parameters
STREAMSindex iconTunable Parameters


unbufcallindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
unfreezestrindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
unique connection (STREAMS)
index iconUnique Connections
index iconUnique Connections
unlinkbindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
unlockptindex iconunlockpt Function
with pseudo-tty driverindex iconPseudo-TTY Drivers: ptm and pts
upstreamindex iconupstream
user process write
0 byte pipeindex iconZero-Length Writes
user's options structure
exampleindex iconM_COPYOUT Example


wait for bind request acknowledgement
exampleindex icon inter_open Routine
WRindex iconKernel Utility Interfaces
write side
ldtermindex iconWrite-Side Processing
put procedureindex iconRead-side put Procedure
write-side put procedure
exampleindex iconWrite-side put Procedure