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Using Unified Archives for System Recovery and Cloning in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: October 2017

How to Create a Clone Archive

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

  2. Create the archive.
    # archiveadm create archive-name
  3. (Optional) Verify the creation of the clone archive.
    # archiveadm info archive-name
Example 1  Creating a Clone Archive That Includes All Zones

The following example shows how to create a clone archive with all zones into the clone archive named production1.uar.

# archiveadm create /var/tmp/production1.uar
Initializing Unified Archive creation resources...
Unified Archive initialized: /var/tmp/production1.uar
Logging to: /system/volatile/archive_log.22901
Executing dataset discovery...
Dataset discovery complete
Creating boot media for global zone(s)... 
Media creation complete
Preparing archive system image...
Beginning archive stream creation...
Archive stream creation complete
Beginning final archive assembly...
Archive creation complete
# archiveadm info /var/tmp/production1.uar
Archive Information
          Creation Time:  2015-03-02T20:37:16Z
            Source Host:  example
           Architecture:  i386
       Operating System:  Oracle Solaris 11.3 X86
     Deployable Systems:  global,example-net,example-dev
Example 2  Creating a Clone Archive That Includes Selected Zones

The following example shows how to create a clone archive named zonearchive.uar that includes the example-net and example-dev zones.

# archiveadm create -z example-net,example-dev /var/tmp/zonearchive.uar
Initializing Unified Archive creation resources...
Archive creation complete
# archiveadm info /var/tmp/zonearchive.uar
Archive Information
          Creation Time:  2015-03-02T17:04:11Z
            Source Host:  example
           Architecture:  i386
       Operating System:  Oracle Solaris 11.3 X86
     Deployable Systems:  example-net,example-dev

The output from this command is the same as the text shown in Example 1, Creating a Clone Archive That Includes All Zones except for the name of the created archive and the log file name. Use the archiveadm info command to verify that the archive has the correct information.

Example 3  Creating a Clone Archive That Excludes ZFS Datasets

The following example demonstrates how to exclude a ZFS dataset when creating a clone archive.

# archiveadm create -D tank/scratch /var/tmp/noscratch.uar
 Initializing Unified Archive creation resources...
Archive creation complete
# archiveadm info /var/tmp/noscratch.uar
Archive Information
          Creation Time:  2015-03-02T17:04:11Z
            Source Host:  example
           Architecture:  i386
       Operating System:  Oracle Solaris 11.3 X86
     Deployable Systems:  global,example-net,example-dev

The output from this command is the same as the text shown in Example 1, Creating a Clone Archive That Includes All Zones except for the name of the created archive and the log file name. Use the archiveadm info command to verify that the archive has the correct information.

Example 4  Creating a Clone Archive Without Bootable Media

By default, bootable media is created for each OS release in an archive. This media is embedded in the archive and used to boot and install Kernel Zones for each global zone in the archive. This process uses the pkg://solaris/install-image/solaris-auto-install package. If the package isn't available, or if you want to make smaller archives, create a clone archive without bootable media by using the –e option.

# archiveadm create -e /var/tmp/production2.uar
Initializing Unified Archive creation resources...
Unified Archive initialized: /var/tmp/production2.uar
Logging to: /system/volatile/archive_log.23912
Executing dataset discovery...
Dataset discovery complete
Preparing archive system image...
Beginning archive stream creation...
Archive stream creation complete
Beginning final archive assembly...
Archive creation complete