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Using Unified Archives for System Recovery and Cloning in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: October 2017

Common Error Messages Encountered in Cloning and Archiving

Issues may be encountered when creating and deploying Unified Archives. Most issues related to archive creation involve system configuration, available space for archive storage, and connectivity to the package repositories which are used to prepare the image for redeployment. Common deployment issues include target configuration and selection problems and failure to configure the deployed system.

In the case of archive creation or deployment errors, logging files are created. These files contain detailed data regarding the errors encountered. Note that with Solaris Kernel Zones, some log files may be within the specific zone.

Common Error Messages When Creating an Archive

all installed zones excluded, at least one zone is required

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create command, add a zone to be included using the –z option.

archives larger than 4GB can not use ISO format

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create-media command, use the USB format for archives larger than 4GB.

estimated archive staging size of ##gb is larger than the available free space in /dataset. Additional space needed ##bg

Solution:  When an archive is created, data is streamed to the directory where the archive is created. A capacity check is performed prior to archive creation and it may fail. Sometimes datasets have the refreservation property set which causes the capacity check to fail. In this case, it is possible for the pool to appear to have enough space for the archive, but the referred space reservation causes the failure. Note that ZFS volumes are created with a default refreservation which is equal to a little bit more than their size. Reduce or remove the refreservation property value or run the command so that the archive is created in another dataset.

excluded dataset dataset includes active boot environment, dataset dataset cannot be excluded

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create command, the dataset for the active boot environment cannot be excluded. Remove the dataset from the –D option list.

FS type 'fs-type' is not allowed via fs-allowed property in the zone configuration. Media cannot be created.

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create-media command, neither the ufs or pcfs file system type may be set as the fs-allowed property when creating a zone configuration. Use the zonecfg -z zone info command to view the fs-allowed property for the zone.

multiple zones not allowed for recovery archive

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create command, this error occurs when the –z option includes more than one zone. Instead, create a clone archive create a clone archive or create a recovery archive for each zone individually.

no global zones found in archive

When using the archiveadm create-media command, this error indicates that the archive does not contain a global zone. When using this command, the archive passed in needs to contain a global zone or a kernel zone archive.

only a single host global zone is allowed

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create-media command, create media images for each global zone separately.

output path is not writeable

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create command, check the permissions of the directory that you are trying to write the archive in.

required package system/boot/grub not installed

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create-media command on an x86-based system, the system/grub/boot package must be installed. Install this package from a package repository using the following command: pkg install system/grub/boot.

source is not a Solaris Automated installer ISO image

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create-media command, select an ISO image to use with the –s option.

Source ISO does not support archive operations

When using the archiveadm create-media command, the ISO image selected for media creation does not support unified archives. Create an ISO image on a system with at least Oracle Solaris 11.2 installed to create an ISO archive that supports unified archive operations.

staging area is out of space

Solution:  It is possible for the pool to fill or dataset quota to be met after the capacity check is performed. If other archives are being created or data is somehow otherwise being written to the pool, it may fill. As with all IO operations, capacity planning will help avoid this issue.

the following 'solaris-kz' branded zones must be running or excluded from archive creation: zone1, zone2

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create command, either boot the branded zone or exclude the zone using the –Z option.

Unable to find an AI image source

During archive or media creation, the AI image cannot be found and downloaded. Make sure the install-image/solaris-auto-install package is present on the available publishers.

Unable to revert packages. Please check publishers.

Solution:  During archive creation, the archive package image is prepared for redeployment. Part of this process performs IPS package operations. It is likely that these operations will require data from the publishers be available. Therefore, the configured publishers must be available during archive creation.

unable to verify ISO image provided

During archive creation or media-creation, the AI ISO image cannot be mounted and verified. There may be a problem with the image, the mountpoint, or the LOFI device. Verify that each of these items is correct.

'zone' and 'exclude_zone' are mutually exclusive

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create command, the same zone was listed with the –z option which lists zones to include when creating an archive and the –Z option which lists zones to exclude.

zone exclusion not allowed for recovery archive

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create command, either create a clone archive with excluded zones or remove the –Z option to create a recovery archive.

zones must not be in incomplete or unavailable states for recovery archive creation

Solution:  When using the archiveadm create command, you can exclude the incomplete or unavailable zones from the archive by using the –Z option.

Common Error Messages When Deploying an Archive

Failed Checkpoints: target-selection Checkpoint execution error: Unable to locate the disk 'c1d0' on the system'

Solution:  The archive which contains one or more non-root pools are being deployed without a target specification for those non-root pools. The Oracle Solaris Automated Installer will auto-select a boot device to install the root pool into, but non-root pool targets must be specified. Create an AI manifest that includes targets for non-root pools to enable the deployment to proceed.

IPS publishers are required for nonglobal-to-global transform deployments. Please provide an IPS specification.

Solution:  Various types of archive deployments (for example, nonglobal-to-global zone transforms) require access to IPS publishers during deployment. Publishers must be specified in an AI manifest and the publishers must be reachable during deployment from the install client.

zone of this brand not in archive archive.uar: Unified archive not usable

Solution:  When deploying an archive to a zone, the brand in the zone configuration is not compatible with the brand of the zones in the unified archive. Either select an archive with a matching brand or change the brand.

Common Error Messages When Creating Media from an Archive

unable to find a supported AI image version (consider using '--source' option)

Solution:  Running the create-media command requires access to a compatible AI image. If the archive was created with –e option to skip the generation of bootable media, the AI image is not embedded in the archive, so the command attempts to access the AI image package from a repository. If a compatible version of the AI image package is not available from the system's publishers, the command will fail. Use the –s or –-source option to specify either a compatible ISO image or the repository URI where a compatible version of the AI image package can be found.