
Market Statistics Export Data Definition (MARKETEXPORT)

The Market Statistics Export is automatically generated and saved on the application server during the Night Audit General Export procedure in OPERA. This export can be manually run by selecting Miscellaneous>File Export>General or Configuration>External>Export Files. When the export is ran, both during the night audit and manually, it will gather market statistics for the past up to the current business date, unless specified otherwise by a filter on the Export Files screen.

The file transfer from OPERA to the database is completed by using the OPERA OXI_HUB Interface, with an HTTP address that is setup for the actual export file itself (see Export Files for details).

Note: Should a property have the OPP_PMS license active, OPP_S&C license active, OPP_BO add-on license inactive, OPP_EXP add-on license inactive, OPP_ESM add-on license inactive, OPP_COM add-on license active, Commission>Positive Pay Check Export application parameter is inactive, and Exports>Country Export application function is inactive, the Configuration menu option for External will no longer display without any menu options.

MARKETEXPORT File Header and Detail Data

See the Market Statistics Export File Header and Detail Data

 See Also