
Revenue Details

The Revenue Details grid can be accessed through the Details button from the Edit Menu screen. Four different grids are available to view. Expected revenue, guaranteed revenue, actual revenue and billed revenue. It is possible to switch between these grids by selecting the appropriate grid from the revenue grid LOV. From here all details on these grids are VIEW ONLY. The total line displays the sum for all revenue types for each column.

Revenue Type.  Indicates the revenue type that all or part of the menu revenue is assigned to. This is determined by the revenue types attached to the menu items that are part of the  menu. One line per revenue type will be displayed in this grid.

Cost. Shows the sum of the configured cost prices for all menu items configured with the revenue type in question.

Int.Quote. If separate sales prices have been configured for the included menu items this column will show the sum of the configured sales prices for the appropriate revenue type.

Margin. Internal quote minus Cost.

Menu Price. Will show the menu price as configured.  The sum of the amounts entered here per revenue type make up the full menu price per serving unit. Menu items that are marked as excluded will be charged on top of the price configured here.

Margin. Menu Price minus Cost.

Incl. Rev. Total revenue for this revenue type from all menu items that are included in the menu price. Menu price multiplied by number of covers for the current revenue grid

Extra Rev. Total revenue for this revenue type from all menu items that are not included in the menu price. Menu item price of excluded items multiplied by number of covers for the current revenue grid.

Discount. Amount of discount applied to the menu or menu item. If there is a menu item discount for a non-included item, then the Discount field will be shaded in yellow. If a non-included item has a discount, but the menu does not, the Discount field will be blank.

Total Rev. Sum of Incl.Rev and Extra Rev.

Total Cost. Cost multiplied by number of covers.

Total Margin. Total Revenue minus Total Cost.

See Also