

Group.  AR

Type.  Function

Application.  PMS

Description.  All printed AR statements will get a unique Statement number assigned and invoices printed on the statement can be identified as associated with the statement. The property must use a statement report that is based on the sample_statement_numbering report when implementing the AR Statement Numbering feature. All the AR account types must have this statement report configured on the account type setup in configuration accessed via Configuration>AR>AR account types.

Property Determination. Allows the property to easily see invoices that are included in each statement and to search and manage invoices by statement number.

When Statement Numbering is set to Y, and AR Use Debit Credit is set to N:

When Statement Numbering is set to Y, and AR Use Debit Credit is set to Y:

When Statement Numbering is set to Y and General>Stream Reporting is set to Y, and the sample_statement_numbering report is used for statement printing for all AR account types:

Following completion of stream printing, if you answer Yes to the prompt "Did the statement(s) print successfully?" statement numbers will be inserted and displayed for the selected invoices on the Account Maintenance screen and on the Statement History screen. If you answer No to the prompt, statement numbers will not be inserted and displayed for the selected invoices on the Account Maintenance screen and on the Statement History screen.

Activation / Inactivation Rules. 


Available Values.

Y (Yes)

N (No) Default

Add On Licenses/Country Specifics.


Other Application Settings.


Affected Areas

Menus / Screens / Fields.

AR>Account Maintenance>Options>Statement


AR>Account Maintenance>Options>Account Setup


AR>Batch Processing>Statements


AR>Account Maintenance>AR Account Search

Reports & Report Forms.





Other Areas.
