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Configuring a SALT Application

Configuring a SALT Application
This chapter contains the following topics:
Configuring Oracle Tuxedo Web Services
Using Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository for SALT
SALT leverages the Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository to define service contract information for both existing Oracle Tuxedo services and SALT proxy services. Service contract information for all listed Oracle Tuxedo services is obtained by accessing the Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository system service provided by the local Oracle Tuxedo domain. Typically, SALT calls the TMMETADATA system as follows:
During GWWS server run-time.
SALT calls the Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository to retrieve necessary Oracle Tuxedo service definitions at the appropriate time.
When tmwsdlgen generates a WSDL file.
SALT calls the Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository to retrieve necessary Oracle Tuxedo service definitions and converts them to the WSDL description.
The following topics provide SALT-specific usage of Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository keywords and parameters:
Defining Service-Level Keywords for SALT
Table 1 lists Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository service-level keywords used and interpreted by SALT.
Do not use “webservice” to define a native Oracle Tuxedo service. This value is always used to define services converted from external Web services.
The value is case sensitive, if inbuf specifies any buffertype other than the above mentioned buffer types, the buffer is treated as a custom buffer type.
The value is case sensitive, if outbuf specifies any buffer type other than the above mentioned buffer types, the buffer is treated as a custom buffer type.
The value is case sensitive, if errbuf specifies any buffer type other than the above mentioned buffer types, the buffer is treated as a custom buffer type.
Defining Service Parameters for SALT
The Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository interprets parameters as sub-elements encapsulated in an Oracle Tuxedo service typed buffer. Each parameter can have its own data type, occurrences in the buffer, size restrictions, and other Oracle Tuxedo-specific restrictions. Please note:
VIEW, VIEW32, X_C_TYPE, or X_COMMON typed buffers
Each parameter of the buffer should represent a VIEW/VIEW32 structure member.
FML or FML32 typed buffers
Each buffer parameter should represent an FML/FML32 field element that may be present in the buffer.
Oracle Tuxedo treats these buffers uniformly. At most, one parameter is permitted for the buffer to define restrictions (such as buffer size threshold).
Parameters that facilitate describing details about the buffer type.
FML32 typed buffersthat support embedded VIEW32 and FML32 buffers
Embedded parameters provide support.
View32 typed buffers that support embedded VIEW32 buffers
Embedded parameters provide support.
Table 2 lists the Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository parameter-level keywords used and interpreted by SALT.
Specifies the FML/FML32 field name in the param keyword.
SALT does not support dec_t and ptr data types.
Specifies the view structure name if the parameter type is view32. For any other typed parameter, SALT ignores this value.
The general definition applies for this parameter. To support an Oracle Tuxedo TPFAIL scenario, the access attribute value has been enhanced.
Original values: in, out, inout, noaccess.
New added values: err, inerr, outerr, inouterr.
The general definition applies for this parameter. For SALT, the value for the count parameter must be greater than or equal to requiredcount.
The general definition applies for this parameter. The default is 1. For SALT, the value for the count parameter must be greater than or equal to requiredcount.
The value range is [0, 2147483647]
Configuring Native Oracle Tuxedo Services
This section describes the required and optional configuration tasks for exposing native Oracle Tuxedo services as Web services:
Creating a Native WSDF
To expose a set of Oracle Tuxedo services as Web services through one or more HTTP/S endpoints, a native WSDF must be defined.
Each native WSDF must be defined with a unique WSDF name. A WSDF can define one or more <WSBinding> elements for more Web service application details (such as SOAP protocol details, the Oracle Tuxedo service list to be exposed as web service operations, and so on).
This section contains the following topics:
Defining the SOAP Header
The mapsoapheader attribute is used to configure SOAP headers. It defines an FML32 field that represents the SOAP header. It is TA_WS_SOAP_HEADER STRING type.
The mapsoapheader attribute It is defined in wssoapflds.h file shipped with SALT.
Listing 1 shows a SOAP header definition example.
Listing 1 SOAP Header Definition
<Definition ...>
<WSBinding id="simpapp_binding">
<Servicegroup id="simpapp">
<Service name="toupper">
<Property name="mapsoapheader" value="true" />
The mapsoapheader attribute default value is "false" which indicates the GWWS does not execute mapping between the SOAP header and FML fields.
If mapsoapheader is set to true, the mapping behavior is as follows for inbound and outbound services:
For inbound services, the GWWS translates the SOAP header as shown in Listing 2.
Listing 2 GWWS Soap Header Translation
<cup:SoapHeader xmlns:cup=''>
The string buffer is assigned to the TA_WS_SOAP_HEADER field and injects the target FML32 buffer. If the target buffer type is not FML32, the translation will not take effect.
For outbound services, the GWWS receives the TA_WS_SOAP_HEADER from the request buffer and places it in the SOAP header when the SOAP package is composed.
Defining WSBinding Object
Each WSBinding object is defined using the <WSBinding> element. Each WSBinding object must be defined with a unique WSBinding id within the WSDF. The WSBinding id is a required indicator for the SALTDEPLOY file reference used by the GWWS.
Each WSBinding object can be associated with SOAP protocol details by using the <SOAP> sub- element. By default, SOAP 1.1, document/literal styled SOAP messages are applied to the WSBinding object.
Listing 3 shows how SOAP protocol details are redefined using the <SOAP> sub-element.
Listing 3 Defining SOAP Protocol Details for a WSBinding
<Definition ...>
  <WSBinding id="simpapp_binding">
    <Servicegroup id="simpapp">
      <Service name="toupper" />
      <Service name="tolower" />
    <SOAP version=”1.2” style=”rpc” use=”encoded”>
Within the <SOAP> element, a set of access endpoints can be specified. The URL value of these access endpoints are used by corresponding GWWS servers to create the listen HTTP/S protocol port. It is recommended to specify one HTTP and HTTPS endpoint (at most), for each GWWS server for an inbound WSBinding object.
Each WSBinding object must be defined with a group of Oracle Tuxedo services using the <Servicegroup> sub-element. Each <Service> element under <Servicegroup> represents an Oracle Tuxedo service that can be accessed from a Web service client.
Defining Service Object
Each service object is defined using the <Service> element. Each service must be specified with the “name” attribute to indicate which Oracle Tuxedo service is exposed. Usually, the “name” value is used as the key value for obtaining Oracle Tuxedo service contract information from the Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository.
Listing 4 shows how a group of services are defined for WSBinding.
Listing 4 Defining a Group of Services for a WSBinding
<Definition ...>
  <WSBinding id="simpapp_binding">
    <Servicegroup id="simpapp">
      <Service name="toupper" />
      <Service name="tolower" />
Configuring Message Conversion Handler
You can create your own plug-in functions to customize SOAP XML payloads and Oracle Tuxedo typed buffer conversion routines. For more information, see Using SALT Plug-ins in SALT Programming Web Services and “Configuring Plug-in Libraries” on page 31.
Once a plug-in is created and configured, it can be referenced using the <service> element to specify user-defined data mapping rules for that service. The <Msghandler> element can be defined at the message level (<Input>, <Output> or <Fault>) to specify which implementation of “P_CUSTOM_TYPE” category plug-in should be used to do the message conversion. The <Msghandler> element content is the Plug-in name.
Listing 5 shows a service that uses the “MBCONV” custom plug-in to convert input and “XMLCONV” custom plug-in to convert output.
Listing 5 Configuring Message Conversion Handler for a Service
<Definition ...>
  <WSBinding id="simpapp_binding">
    <Servicegroup id="simpapp">
      <Service name="toupper" >
Using WS-Policy Files
Advanced Web service features can be enabled by configuring WS-Policy files (for example, Reliable Messaging and Web Service Message-Level Security). You may need to create WS-Policy files to use these features. The Web Service Policy Framework specifications provides a general purpose model and syntax to describe and communicate the policies of a Web Service.
To use WS-Policy files, the <Policy> element should be defined in the WSDF to incorporate these separate WS-Policy files. The location attribute is used to specify the policy file path; both abstract and relative file path are allowed. The use attribute is optionally used by message-level assertion policy files to specify the applied messages, request (input) message, response (output) message, fault message, or the combination of the three.
There are two different sub-elements in the WSDF that reference WS-Policy files:
SALT provides some pre-packaged WS-Policy files for most frequently used cases. These WS-Policy files are located under directory $TUXDIR/udataobj/salt/policy. These files can be referenced using location=”salt:<policy_file_name>”.
Listing 6 shows a sample of using WS-Policy Files in the native WSDF file.
Listing 6 A Sample of Defining WS-Policy Files in the WSDF File
<Definition ...>
  <WSBinding id="simpapp_binding">
    <Servicegroup id="simpapp">
      <Policy location=”./endpoint_policy.xml” />
      <Policy location=”/usr/resc/all_input_msg_policy.xml” use=”input” />
      <Service name="toupper">
        <Policy location=”service_policy.xml” />
        <Policy location=”/usr/resc/input_message_policy.xml”
                use=”input” />
      <Service name="tolower" />
For more information, see “Specifying the Reliable Messaging Policy File in the WSDF File” and “Using WS-Security Policy Files”.
Generating a WSDL File from a Native WSDF
Once an Oracle Tuxedo native WSDF is created, the corresponding WSDL file can be generated using the SALT WSDL generation utility, tmwsdlgen. The following example command generates a WSDL file named “app1.wsdl” from a given WSDF named “app1.wsdf”:
tmwsdlgen -c app1.wsdf -o app1.wsdl
Before executing tmwsdlgen, the TUXCONFIG environment variable must be set correctly and the relevant Oracle Tuxedo application using TMMETADATA must be booted.
You can optionally specify the output WSDL file name using the ‘-o’ option. Otherwise, tmwsdlgen creates a default WSDL file named “tuxedo.wsdl”.
If the native WSDF file contains Oracle Tuxedo services that use CARRAY buffers, you can specify tmwsdlgen options to generate different styled WSDL files for CARRAY buffer mapping. By default, CARRAY buffers are mapped as xsd:base64Binary XML data types in the SOAP message. For more information, see Data Type Mapping and Conversions in SALT Programming Web Services and tmwsdlgen in the SALT Reference Guide.
Using Oracle Tuxedo Version-Based Routing (Inbound)
Using Oracle Tuxedo version-based routing with Oracle Tuxedo services exposed as Web services involves the following:
Listing 7 shows an example where GWWS inherits a request version "1" from its UBBCONFIG settings, and therefore exposes services that are advertised by Oracle Tuxedo application servers which include "1" in their VERSION_RANGE settings (such as GROUP1 here). If a service exposed by GWWS is actually performed by a server in GROUP2, the result is a TPENOENT error forwarded to the remote Web Services client.
Listing 7 Using Tuxedo Version Based Routing with Tuxedo Services Exposed as Web Services
Configuring External Web Services
You can configure external web service via SALT web console or manually.
Web Console SALT Configuration
A web console is a GUI based SALT configuration tool. One of its features is to import external web services by providing a WSDL file.
The WSDL file is provided as input to the "Import External Web Services" in the SALT web console main web page. The input file can exists locally from where the web console is launched or on the server (remote) where the GWWS server is actively running.
The GWWS Server upon receiving the WSDL file uses the wsdlcvt tool to generate the following files corresponding to their extensions in the APPDIR directory:
wsdlcvt -y -f -i <input_WSDL_file> -o <base_name>
XSD - XML schema file.
MIF - Metadata repository file.
FML32 - FML32 field table file.
WSDF - Non-native WSDF file.
Please note that the user has to just input the WSDL file the above files are generated internally by the GWWS server without the intervention of the user.
After the files are successful generated, the user has to then set the following environment variables in the APPDIR directory
The GWWS server reloads the Service Metadata Repository and the SALT configuration file (SALTCONFIG) with the new services/operations and Bindings that were imported from the WSDL file.
The web services that were imported are displayed in the SALT web console main page under the "Imported Web Services" section. For more information, see.
Manual SALT Configuration
Converting a WSDL File into Oracle Tuxedo Definitions
SALT provides a WSDL conversion command utility to convert external WSDL files into Oracle Tuxedo definitions. The WSDL file is converted using Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) technology. Apache Xalan Java 2.7.0 is bundled in the SALT installation package and is used as the default XSLT toolkit.
The SALT WSDL converter is composed of two parts:
The command utility, wsdlcvt, invokes the Xalan toolkit. This wrapper script provides a user friendly WSDL Converter interface.
The following sample command converts an external WSDL file and generates Oracle Tuxedo definition files.
wsdlcvt -i GoogleSearch.wsdl -o GSearch
Table 3 lists the Oracle Tuxedo definition files generated by SALT WSDL Converter.
SALT WSDL Converter converts each wsdl:operation to a Oracle Tuxedo service metadata syntax compliant service called SALT proxy service. SALT proxy services are advertised by GWWS servers to accept ATMI calls from Oracle Tuxedo applications.
SALT maps each wsdl:message to an Oracle Tuxedo FML32 typed buffer. The SALT WSDL Converter decomposes XML Schema of each message and maps each basic XML snippet as an FML32 field. The generated FML32 fields are defined in a definition table file, and the field name equals to the XML element local name by default.
WSDL embedded XML Schema and imported XML Schema (XML Schema content referenced with <xsd:import>) are saved locally as .xsd files. These files are used by GWWS servers and need to be saved under the same directory.
New XML Schema environment variables XSDDIR and XSDFILES must be set accordingly so that GWWS servers can load these .xsd files.
WSDL-to-Tuxedo Service Metadata Keyword Mapping
Table 4 lists WSDL Element-to-Tuxedo Service Metadata Definition Keyword mapping rules.
WSDL-to-WSDF Mapping
Table 5 lists WSDL Element-to-WSDF Element mapping rules.
Each wsdl:binding object maps to a WSDF WSBinding element.
Each wsdl:binding referenced wsdl:portType object maps to the Servicegroup element of the corresponding WSBinding element.
If namespace prefix “soap” refers to URI “”, the SOAP version attribute value is “1.1”;
If namespace prefix “soap” refers to URI “”, the SOAP version attribute value is “1.2”.
Each wsdl:operation object maps to a Service element of the corresponding WSBinding element.
Each soap:address endpoint defined for a wsdl:binding object maps to a Endpoint element of the corresponding WSBinding element.
Post Conversion Tasks
The following post conversion tasks must be performed for configuring outbound Web service applications:
Resolving Naming Conflict For the Generated SALT Proxy Service Definitions
When converting a WSDL file, unexpected naming conflicts may arise due to truncation or lost context information. Before using the generated Service Metadata Definitions and FML32 field table files, the following potential naming conflicts must be eliminated first.
The keyword tuxservice in the SALT proxy service metadata definition is the truncated value of the original Web Service operation local name if the operation name is more than 15 characters.
The truncated tuxservice value may be duplicated for multiple SALT proxy service entries. Since GWWS server uses tuxservice values as the advertised service names, you must manually resolve the naming conflict among multiple SALT proxy services to avoid uncertain service request delivery. To resolve the naming conflict, you should assign a unique and meaningful name to tuxservice.
When converting an external WSDL file into Oracle Tuxedo definitions, each wsdl:message is parsed and mapped as an FML32 buffer format which contains a set of FML32 fields to represent the basic XML snippets of the wsdl:message. By default, The generated FML32 fields are named using the corresponding XML element local names.
The FML32 field definitions in the generated field table file are sorted by field name so that duplicated names can be found easily. In order to achieve a certain SOAP/FML32 mapping, the field name conflicts must be resolved. You should modify the generated duplicated field name with other unique and meaningful FML32 field name values. The corresponding Service Metadata Keyword param values in the generated SALT proxy service definition must be modified accordingly. The generated comments of the FML32 fields and Service Metadata Keyword “param” definitions are helpful in locating the corresponding name and param.
Loading the Generated SALT Proxy Service Metadata Definitions
After potential naming conflicts are resolved, you should load the SALT proxy service metadata definitions into the Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository through tmloadrepos utility. For more information, see tmloadrepos, in the Oracle Tuxedo Command Reference Guide.
Setting Environment Variables for GWWS Runtime
Before booting GWWS servers for outbound Web services, the following environment variable settings must be performed.
Update FLDTBLDIR32 and FIELDTBLS32 environment variables to add the generated FML32 field table files.
Place all excerpted XML Schema files into one directory. and set the XSDDIR and XSDFILES environment variables accordingly.
The XSDDIR and XSDFILES environment variables, are introduced in the SALT 2.0 release. They are used by the GWWS server to load all external XML Schema files at run time. Multiple XML Schema file names should be delimited with comma ‘,’. For instance, if you placed XML Schema files: a.xsd, b.xsd and c.xsd in directory /home/user/myxsd, you must set environment variable XSDDIR and XSDFILES as follows before booting the GWWS server:
Using Oracle Tuxedo Version-Based Routing (Outbound)
When using Oracle Tuxedo version-based routing with External Web services imported into Tuxedo using SALT, please note:
• Since one GWWS instance cannot advertise more than one service with same name, that same service has to be in a different instance.
• Based on the above, the existing mechanism can simply be used; configure multiple GWWS instances with VERSION_RANGE in its *GROUP settings accordingly.
Listing  shows an example where Oracle Tuxedo programs (client or server) call an external Web service exposed by both GWWS in groups GROUP2 and GROUP3. Programs using version 1 or 2 are routed to the service exposed by GWWS in GROUP2 which may connect to endpoint 1, and programs using version 3 or 4 are routed to the service exposed by GWWS in GROUP3 which may connect to a different endpoint than GWWS in GROUP2.
Listing 8 Oracle Tuxedo Version-Based Routing with External Web Services
Configuring Multiple Bindings
SALT inbound services
The users are allowed to create multiple bindings for the same service group and service operation. However, it does not allow creating multiple bindings for different service groups and operation.
Multiple Bindings can be created for inbound services for the following:
You must use the web console to add multiple bindings.
SALT outbound services
The web services that are imported using the WSDL file are outbound services, where a Tuxedo client can send a request and receive response from the external web service.
The users for the imported web service can change the value of the end point address via web console and the Policy files. However, the users are not allowed to add any multiple bindings or add SOAP attributes.
Creating the SALT Deployment File
The SALT Deployment file (SALTDEPLOY) defines a SALT Web service application. The SALTDEPLOY file is the major input for Web service application in the binary SALTCONFIG file.
To create a SALTDEPLOY file, do the following steps:
For more information, see SALT Deployment File Reference in the Oracle SALT Reference Guide.
Importing the WSDF Files
You should import all your required WSDF files to the SALT deployment file. Each imported WSDF file must have a unique WSDF name which is used by the GWWS servers to make deployment associations. Each imported WSDF file must be accessible through the location specified in the SALTDEPLOY file.
Listing 9 shows how to import WSDF files in the SALTDEPLOY file.
Listing 9 Importing WSDF Files in the SALTDEPLOY File
<Deployment ..>
    <Import location="/home/user/simpapp_wsdf.xml" />
    <Import location="/home/user/rmapp_wsdf.xml" />
    <Import location="/home/user/google_search.wsdf" />
Configuring the GWWS Servers
Each GWWS server can be deployed with a group of inbound WSBinding objects and a group of outbound WSBinding objects defined in the imported WSDF files. Each WSBinding object is referenced using attribute “ref=<wsdf_name>:<WSBinding id>”. For inbound WSBinding objects, each GWWS server must specify at least one access endpoint as an inbound endpoint from the endpoint list in the WSBinding object. For outbound WSBinding objects, each GWWS server can specify zero or more access endpoints as outbound endpoints from the endpoint list in the WSBinding object.
Listing 10 shows how to configure GWWS servers with both inbound and outbound endpoints.
Listing 10 GWWS Server Defined In the SALTDEPLOY File
<Deployment ..>
    <GWInstance id="GWWS1">
        <Binding ref="app1:app1_binding">
          <Endpoint use="simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPPort" />
          <Endpoint use="simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPSPort" />
        <Binding ref="app2:app2_binding">
          <Endpoint use=" simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPPort" />
          <Endpoint use=" simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPSPort" />
        <Binding ref="app3:app3_binding" />
</ Deployment>
Configuring GWWS Server-Level Properties
The GWWS server can be configured with properties that can switch feature on/off or set an argument to tune server performance.
Properties are configured in the <GWInstance> child element <Properties>. Each individual property is defined by using the <Property> element which contains a “name” attribute and a “value” attribute). Different “name” attributes represent different property elements that contain a value. Table 6 lists GWWS server-level properties.
For more information, see “Tuning the GWWS Server” in Administering SALT at Runtime.
Listing 11 shows an example of how GWWS properties are configured.
Listing 11 Configuring GWWS Server Properties
<Deployment ..>
    <GWInstance id="GWWS1">
        <Property name="
thread_pool_size" value="20"/>
        <Property name="
enableMultiEncoding" value="true"/>
        <Property name="
timeout" value="600"/>
</ Deployment>
Configuring Multiple Encoding Support
SALT supports multiple encoding SOAP messages and the encoding mappings between SOAP message and Oracle Tuxedo buffer. SALT supports the following character encoding:
ASCII, BIG5, CP1250, CP1251, CP1252, CP1253, CP1254, CP1255, CP1256, CP1257, CP1258, CP850, CP862, CP866, CP874, EUC-CN, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB18030, GB2312, GBK, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8, ISO-8859-9, JOHAB, KOI8-R, SHIFT_JIS, TIS-620, UTF-16, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-32, UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-7, UTF-8
To enable the GWWS multiple encoding support, GWWS server-level “enableMultiEncoding” property should be set to “true” as shown in Listing 12.
Listing 12 Configuring GWWS Server Multiple Encoding Property
<Deployment ..>
    <GWInstance id="GWWS1">
        <Property name="
enableMultiEncoding" value="true"/>
</ Deployment>
Table 7 explains the detailed SOAP message and Oracle Tuxedo buffer encoding mapping rules if the GWWS server level multiple encoding switch is turned on.
string/mbstring/xml buffer or field character encoding equals to SOAP xml encoding.
GWWS sets the target SOAP message in UTF-8 encoding, and assumes the original STRING buffer contains only UTF-8 encoding characters.
SOAP xml encoding is set to FLD_MBSTRING encoding, the original Typed buffer field characters are not changed in the SOAP message.
Oracle Tuxedo Developers must ensure the FLD_STRING characters in the same buffer are consistent.
SOAP xml encoding is set to UTF-8, the original Typed buffer FLD_MBSTRING field characters in other encoding are converted into UTF-8 in the SOAP message.
Oracle Tuxedo Developers must ensure the FLD_STRING characters in the same buffer are UTF-8 encoded.
Configuring System-Level Resources
SALT defines a set of global resources shared by all GWWS servers in the SALTDEPLOY file. The following system-level resources can be configured in the SALTDEPLOY file:
Configuring Certificates
Certificate information must be configured in order for the GWWS server to create an SSL listen endpoint, or to use X.509 certificates for authentication and/or message signature. All GWWS servers defined in the same deployment file shares the same certificate settings, including the private key file, trusted certificate directory, and so on.
The private key file is configured using the <Certificate>/<PrivateKey> sub-element. The private key file must be in PEM file format and stored locally. SSL clients can optionally be verified if the <Certificate>/<VerifyClient> sub-element is set to true.
By default, the GWWS server does not verify SSL clients.
If SSL clients are to be verified, and/or the X.509 certificate authentication feature is enabled, a set of trusted certificates must be stored locally and located by the GWWS server. There are two ways to define GWWS server trusted certificates:
The "cn" attribute of a distinguished name is used as a key for certificate lookup. Wildcards used in a name are not supported. Empty subject fields are not allowed. This limitation is also found in Oracle Tuxedo.
Listing 13 shows a SALTDEPLOY file segment configuring GWWS server certificates.
Listing 13 Configuring Certificates In the SALTDEPLOY File
<Deployment ..>
Configuring Plug-in Libraries
A plug-in is a set of functions that are called when the GWWS server is running. SALT provides a plug-in framework as a common interface for defining and implementing plug-ins. Plug-in implementation is carried out through a dynamic library that contains the actual function code. The implementation library can be loaded dynamically during GWWS server start up. The functions are registered as the implementation of the plug-in interface.
In order for the GWWS server to load the library, the library must be specified using the <Plugin>/<Interface> element in the SALTDEPLOY file.
Listing 14 shows a SALTDEPLOY file segment configuring multiple customized plug-in libraries to be loaded by the GWWS servers.
Listing 14 Configuring Plug-in Libraries In the SALTDEPLOY File
<Deployment ..>
      <Interface lib=”” />
      <Interface lib=”” />
If the plug-in library is developed using the SALT 2.0 plug-in interface, the “id” and “name”attributes for the interface do not need to be specified. These values can be obtained through plug-in interfaces.
For more information, see Using Plug-ins with SALT in Oracle SALT Programming with Web Services.
Configuring Advanced Web Service Messaging Features
SALT currently supports the following advanced Web Service Messaging features:
Supports both inbound and outbound asynchronous Web service messaging.
Supports inbound Web Service reliable message delivery.
Supports binary attachment in native and external web services.
Web Service Addressing
SALT supports Web service addressing for both inbound and outbound services. The Web service addressing (WS-Addressing) messages used by the GWWS server must comply with the Web Service Addressing standard (W3C Member Submission 10 August 2004).
Inbound services do not require specific Web service addressing configuration. The GWWS server accepts and responds accordingly to both WS-Addressing request messages and non WS-Addressing request messages.
Outbound services require Web service addressing configuration as described in the following sections:
Configuring the Addressing Endpoint for Outbound Services
For outbound services, Web service addressing is configured at the Web service binding level. In the SALTDEPLOY file, each GWWS server can specify a WS-Addressing endpoint by using the <WSAddressing> element for any referenced outbound WSBinding object to enable WS-Addressing.
Once the WS-Addressing endpoint is configured, the GWWS server creates a listen endpoint at start up. All services defined in the outbound WSBinding are invoked with WS-Addressing messages.
Listing 15 shows a SALTDEPLOY file segment enabling WS-Addressing for a referenced outbound Web service binding.
Listing 15 WS-Addressing Endpoint Defined for Outbound Web Service Binding
<Deployment ..>
    <GWInstance id="GWWS1">
        <Binding ref="app1:app1_binding">
            <Endpoint address=”https://myhost:8801/app1_async_point tlsversion=TLSv1.2”>
          <Endpoint use=" simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPPort" />
          <Endpoint use=" simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPSPort" />
        <Binding ref="app2:app2_binding">
            <Endpoint address=”https://myhost:8802/app2_async_point tlsversion=TLSv1.2”>
          <Endpoint use=" simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPPort" />
          <Endpoint use=" simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPSPort" />
</ Deployment>
In a GWWS server, each outbound Web Service binding can be associated with a particular WS-Addressing endpoint address. These endpoints can be defined with the same hostname and port number, but the context path portion of the endpoint addresses must be different.
If the external Web service binding does not support WS-Addressing messages, configuring Addressing endpoints may result in run time failure.
The attribute tlsversion specifies the TLS version used in an SSL network connection. GWWS endpoint uses TLS 1.2 by default. When it connects to an ealier release Tuxedo application which supports TLS 1.0 only, you need to configure the attribute to TLS 1.0. For more information, refer to TLS Version Negotiation and Configuration.
Disabling WS-Addressing
If you create a WS-Addressing endpoint in the SALTDEPLOY file or not, you can explicitly disable the Addressing capability for particular outbound services in the WSDF. To disable the Addressing capability for a particular outbound service, you should use the property name “disableWSAddressing” with a value set to “true” in the corresponding <Service> definition in the WSDF file. This property has no impact on any inbound services.
Listing 16 shows WSDF file segment disabling Addressing capability.
Listing 16 Disabling Service-Level WS-Addressing
<Definition ...>
  <WSBinding id="simpapp_binding">
    <Servicegroup id="simpapp">
      <Service name="toupper">
        <Property name="disableWSAddressing" value=”true” />
      <Service name="tolower" />
Web Service Reliable Messaging
SALT currently supports Reliable Messaging for inbound services only. To enable Reliable Messaging functionality, you must create a Web Service Reliable Messaging policy file and include the policy file in the WSDF. The policy file must comply with the WS-ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion Specification (February 2005).
Creating the Reliable Messaging Policy File
A Reliable Messaging Policy file is a general WS-Policy file containing WS-ReliableMessaging Assertions. The WS-ReliableMessaging Assertion is an XML segment that describes features such as the version of the supported WS-ReliableMessage specification, the source endpoint’s retransmission interval, the destination endpoint’s acknowledge interval, and so on.
For more information, see the SALT WS-ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion Reference in the SALT Reference Guide.
Listing 17 shows a Reliable Messaging policy file example.
Listing 17 Reliable Messaging Policy File Example
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wsp:Policy wsp:Name="ReliableSomeServicePolicy"
    <wsrm:InactivityTimeout Milliseconds="600000" />
    <wsrm:AcknowledgementInterval Milliseconds="2000" />
    <wsrm:BaseRetransmissionInterval Milliseconds="500"/>
    <wsrm:ExponentialBackoff />
    <beapolicy:Expires Expires="P1D" />
    <beapolicy:QOS QOS=”ExactlyOnce InOrder" />
Specifying the Reliable Messaging Policy File in the WSDF File
You must reference the WS-ReliableMessaging policy file at the <Servicegroup> level in the native WSDF file. Listing 18 shows how to reference the WS-ReliableMessaging policy file.
Listing 18 Reference the WS-ReliableMessaging Policy At the Endpoint Level
<Definition ...>
  <WSBinding ...>
    <Servicegroup ...>
      <Policy location=”RMPolicy.xml” />
      <Service ... />
      <Service ... />
    </Servicegroup ...>
Reliable Messaging in SALT does not support process/system failure scenarios, which means SALT does not store the message in a persistent storage area. SALT works in a direct mode with the SOAP client. Usually, system failure recovery requires business logic synchronization between the client and server.
Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM)
SALT supports binary attachments for CARRAY typed buffers or CARRAY fields in fielded buffers (VIEW, VIEW32, FML or FML32). By default binary buffers/fields are base64 encoded. As shown in Listing 19, in order to enable MTOM the configuration must be added to a service or service group in a WSDF file.
Listing 19 <Policy location="salt:ws-mtom.xml"/>
<Definition ...>
 <WSBinding id="simpapp_binding">
  <Servicegroup id="simpapp">
   <Service name="toupper">
     <Policy location="salt:ws-mtom.xml"/>
   <Service name="tolower" />
Configuring Security Features
SALT provides security support at both the transport level and SOAP message level. The following topics explains how to configure security features for each level:
Configuring Transport-Level Security
SALT provides point-to-point security using SSL link-level security and supports HTTP basic authentication mechanisms for both inbound and outbound service authentication.
Setting Up SSL Link-Level Security
To set up link-level security using SSL at inbound endpoints, you can simply specify the endpoint address with prefix “https://”. The GWWS server who uses this inbound endpoint creates SSL listen port and make SSL secured connections with Web Service Clients. SSL features need to specify certificates settings. For more information, see “Configuring Certificates”.
The GWWS server automatically creates SSL secured connection to outbound endpoints that are published with URLs that having prefix “https://”.
Configuring Inbound HTTP Basic Authentication
SALT depends on the Oracle Tuxedo security framework for Web Service client authentication. There is no special SALT configuration required to enable inbound HTTP Basic Authentication. If the Oracle Tuxedo system requires user credentials, HTTP Basic Authentication is an alternative for Web Service client programs to carry user credentials.
The GWWS gateway supports Oracle Tuxedo domain security configuration for the following two authentication patterns:
The GWWS server passes the following string from the HTTP header of the client SOAP request for Oracle Tuxedo authentication.
Authorization: Basic <base64Binary of username:password>
The following is an example of a string from the HTTP header:
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
In this example, the client sends the Oracle Tuxedo username “Aladdin” and the password “open sesame”, and uses this paired value for Oracle Tuxedo authentication.
If Oracle Tuxedo uses APP_PW, then the HTTP username value is ignored and the GWWS server only uses the password string as the Oracle Tuxedo application password to check the authentication.
If Oracle Tuxedo uses USER_AUTH, then both the HTTP username and password value are used. In this case, the GWWS server does not check the Oracle Tuxedo application password.
Configuring Outbound HTTP Basic Authentication
SALT supports authentication plug-in development to prepare user credentials for outbound HTTP Basic Authentication. Outbound HTTP Basic Authentication is configured at Endpoint-level. If an outbound Endpoint requires a user profile in the HTTP message, you must specify the HTTP Realm for the HTTP endpoint in the WSDF file. The GWWS server invokes the authentication plug-in library to prepare usernames and passwords, and sends them using HTTP Basic Authentication mechanism in the request message.
Listing 20 shows how to enable HTTP Basic Authentication for the outbound endpoints.
Listing 20 Enabling HTTP Basic Authentication For the Outbound Endpoint
<Definition ...>
  <WSBinding id="simpapp_binding">
        <Endpoint id=”...” address=”...”>
    <Servicegroup id="simpapp">
Once a service request is sent to an outbound endpoint using <Realm> element, the GWWS server passes the Oracle Tuxedo client uid and gid to the authentication plug-in function, so that the plug-in can determine HTTP Basic Authentication username/password according to the Oracle Tuxedo client information. To obtain Oracle Tuxedo client uid / gid for HTTP basic authentication username/password mapping, Oracle Tuxedo security level may also need to be configured in the UBBCONFIG file. For more information, see “Configuring Oracle Tuxedo Security Level for Outbound HTTP Basic Authentication” and “Programming Outbound Authentication Plug-ins” in the SALT Programming Web Services.
Configuring Message-Level Web Service Security
SALT supports Web Service Security 1.0 and 1.1 specification for message level security. You can use message-level security in SALT to assure:
Main Use Cases of Web Service Security
SALT implementation of the Web Service Security: SOAP Message Security specification supports the following use cases:
Using WS-Security Policy Files
SALT includes a number of WS-Security Policy 1.0 and 1.2 files you can use for message level security use cases.
The WS-Policy files can be found at $TUXDIR/udataobj/salt/policy once you have successfully installed SALT.
Table 8 lists the default WS-Security Policy files bundled by SALT.
WS-Security Policy 1.0. Plain Text Username Token for Service Authentication
WS-Security Policy 1.0. X.509 V3 Certificate Token for Service Authentication
WS-Security Policy 1.0. Signature on SOAP:Body for verification of X.509 Certificate Token
WS-Security Policy 1.2. Plain Text Username Token for Service Authentication
WS-Security Policy 1.2. X.509 V3 Certificate Token for Service Authentication
WS-Security Policy 1.2. Signature on SOAP:Body for verification of X.509 Certificate Token
The above policy files (with the exception of the WS-Security Policy 1.2 UserToken file), can be referenced using<Servicegroup> or <Service> elements in the native WSDF file. The WSSP 1.2 UserToken file can only be referenced using<Servicegroup>.
Listing 21 shows a combination of policy assignment making that the service “TOUPPER” requires client send a UsernameToken (in plain text format) and an X509v3Token in request, and also requires the SOAP:Body part of message to be signed with the X.509 token. The sample “wsseapp” shows how to clip the WSSP 1.2 UserToken file used in the <Service> element.
Listing 21 WS-Security Policy Usage
<Definition ...>
  <WSBinding id="simpapp_binding">

    <Servicegroup id="simpapp">
<Policy location="salt:wssp1.2-Wss1.1-X509V3-auth.xml"/>
      <Service name="TOUPPER" >
        <Policy location="D:/wsseapp/wssp1.2-UsernameToken-Plain.xml"/>
        <Policy location="salt:wssp1.2-signbody.xml" use="input"/>
Policy is referred using the “location” attribute of the <Policy> element. A prefix “salt:” means an SALT default bundled policy file is used. User-defined policy file can be used by directly specifying the file path.
If a policy is referred at the <Servicegroup> level, it applies to all services in this service group.
The “signbody” policy must be used with the attribute “use” set as “input”, which specifies the policy applied only for input message. This is necessary because the SOAP:Body of the output message is not signed.
Configuring SAML Single Sign-On
SALT supports SAML 1.1 and SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On (SSO). You can use Single Sign-On to process a secure incoming request by performing authentication on behalf of the end user, without having to request their credentials.
The SALT implementation of SAML SSO supports the sender-vouches confirmation method. With this method, SALT represents a back-end system, and a Web Service intermediary sits between the back-end and the end user. In this case, the Web Service intermediary "vouches" for the end user using SAML token mechanisms.
Transport Protection
Although it is not required to use TLS/SSL as a transport to carry an SAML security token to access Oracle Tuxedo through GWWS, it is recommended that the Web Service intermediary use TLS/SSL to access Oracle Tuxedo through GWWS using an SAML security token. The use of TLS/SSL ensures the SOAP message content from being disclosed or modified without detection This is particularly important when accessing Oracle Tuxedo services through a wide area network outside of a fire wall.
SAML Key File
The public key certificate of trusted SAML assertion issuers must be located in the $APPDIR directory. These certificates must be in PEM format. The name of the certificate must reflect the issuer name. For instance, if the issuer id is "ws_1" then the certificate name should be ws_1.pem.
However, for long issuer names the key file provides the ability to correlate between the real issue name and its local reference name so that the PEM file name can be much more concise but still remain useful to the administrator.
For example, if the assertion issuer name is, then the PEM file name for its public key certificate can be called "abc.pem" instead of "".
This is especially useful when in a UNIX environment where the "/" symbol also works as a path separator. This translation is required when confusion like this may arise.
The key file name is fixed to "saml_key.meta". It should be located in the same file folder specified by "CertPath". This file should be protected by the file system and is in XML format.
This section contains the following topics:
Key File Format
The key file is an XML file. There are three types of information stored in this file:
file information, GWWS key, and issuer information.
File Information
The file information section contains the version number of the tool generated this file, a random key, administrative password, and digital signature.
This GWWS key section contains one GWWS symmetric key. There can be only one symmetric configured for GWWS to simplify the validation task. This key is encrypted with obfuscated key. This section is optional and is missing if no GWWS symmetric key is configured.
In MP configuration with multiple GWWS on different machine nodes, this file needs to be replicated on each node; however, if a different GWWS key is desired, then a similar key file but with a different GWWS key record can be copied to a different node.
Assertion Issuer Information
This section contains multiple records, one for each trusted assertion issuer. It contains issuer identifier, local issuer identifier, symmetric key, and whether a public key certificate also exists or not.
The issuer identifier is the value presented in the "issuer" attribute of "<saml:Assertion>" element in the WSSE security header.
The local issuer identifier is the abbreviated name for the issuer. The purpose is to make any long issuer identifier become shorter and easier to memorize, but still remain locally unique. This data is optional; if it exists and a certificate also exists, then the certificate must take the name of this local issuer identifier with 'pem" as file extension.
The symmetric key is the shared secret that issuer used to sign the assertion. This data is optional. The length of the key also dictates which algorithm can be used for signing.
The public key certificate exists field tells whether a public key certificate exists. If it exists, the certificate should be located in the folder specified by the "CertPath" element. This field can be true while the symmetric key field also exists. At runtime, GWWS detects which key to use to validate the signature.
Key File Generation
A new command is added to wsadmin to manage the key file. This new command is used to generate new key file, add new record, delete existing record, and modify record. The name of the file it managed is "saml_key.meta" in the current working directory.
To create the key file issues the following wsadmin command:
saml create -p password
Where the "-p password" is for the administrative password to access the newly created key file. A key file with name "saml_key.meta" is created in the current working directory.
To add a trusted issuer, input the following command:
saml add -i -n -l abc -c -p password
Where "-i" tells it to add an issuer with name "" with short local reference name "abc" and the access password to access the key file. The key file saml_key.meta" must exist in current working directory. Since "-c" option is given, a public key certificate named "abc.pem" must exist in the "CertPath".
For more information, see wsadmin the SALT Command Reference.
Procedure to Manage Key File
The following procedure describes a SALT administrator setting up GWWS to be able to handle SAML assertion for the first time.
Change directory to $APPDIR and start wsadmin.
Use "saml create" command to create the key file.
Use "saml add -g" command to add GWWS record.
Use "saml add -i" command to add trusted assertion issuer record for every trusted assertion issuer.
Copy the file "saml_key.meta" to the directory described in the SALT deployment descriptor file "CertPath" element under "Certificate".
Change directory to Oracle Tuxedo application domain, and use "tmboot -y" to boot the Oracle Tuxedo application domain.
In MP mode configuration, it is possible to have a different GWWS record in the key file for a different GWWS instance. The following procedure creates the key file for a GWWS instance on a different node.
Use "saml delete -g" to delete existing GWWS record.
Use "saml add -g" to add a different GWWS record.
WS-Policy Files
SALT includes a number of WS-Policy files that you can use for configuring services for SAML SSO as listed in Table 9
The above files can be referenced at the <ServiceGroup> or <Service> level in the native WSDF file.
This policy may be combined with other WS-Security policies (such as inbound body signature). For more information, see Configuring Message-Level Web Service Security.
For example, Listing 22 shows the SAML 1.1 policy file with supported capabilities outlined.
Listing 22 SAML 1.1 Policy File
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<wsp:Policy xmlns:wsp="" xmlns:sp="">

          <sp:X509Token sp:IncludeToken="">
Mapping SAML Elements with Oracle Tuxedo Security
Table 10 lists what optional SAML assertion elements must present.
In NONE and APP_PW cases, if the optional element "Subject" exists, then "NameID" is used to access Oracle Tuxedo. If the optional element "Subject" does not exist, then the client assumes anonymous user identity to access Oracle Tuxedo. If the anonymous access is not allowed (i.e. no credential mapping for anonymous), then the request fails.
If the SAML assertion does not contain a "Subject" element and Tuxedo SECURITY level is configured at USER_PW, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL, then the request is rejected.
Configuring X.509-Based Authentication
A X.509 V3 public key certificate is required for X.509 based authentication for an outbound GWWS SOAP message. The public key certificate used for this purpose can be configured as either one certificate for all the requests targeted for the same Web Service or per request invocation if Tuxedo SECURITY is set at USER_AUTH or higher. In the later case, the certificate must have the same name as the Tuxedo user identification or the mapped remote user name if identity mapping plug-in is installed.
The configured X.509 public key certificate will be used for:
1. Mutual Authentication for Transport Layer security(i.e. SSL/TLS)
2. Message signing
3. Part of the SOAP message that can be used to authenticate user at message-level (as oppose to transport layer)
Whether all 3 tasks will be performed or only partial of the 3 tasks depends on the WS policy used by the Web Service.
Since message encryption will not be supported as it is not required it is recommended to use SSL/TLS as the preferred transport mechanism to protect the integrity and privacy of the message. The X.509 Public Key certificate used for SSL/TLS can be different from the one used for signing depends on how user configure it.
When GWWS received a request from client it will process the message, optionally it will sign the message and attach the certificate as the binary security token to the SOAP request message if WS policy requires it; and then send the request to remote Web Service through SSL/TLS. Depends on the WS policy this SSL/TLS connection can be either one-way or two-way SSL.
During the SSL/TLS connection establishing process the application server will validate the client certificate if the connection is two-way SSL; and forward the request to Web Service.
When Web Service received the request it will validate the certificate, verify the signature if Web Service requires it. If the request is good it will send reply back. The reply send back by Web Service may be also signed depends on WS policy.
When GWWS received the reply it will forward reply back to actual SALT client. In the case that reply is signed GWWS will validate the certificate and verify the signature before forwarding the reply back to SALT client.
Listing 23 SOAP message based on X.509 Authentication
<S11:Envelope xmlns:S11="…" >
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="…" xmlns:wsu="…">
<ds:Signature xmlns:ds="">
<ds:Reference URI="#body">…</ds:Reference>
<ds:Reference URI="#binarytoken">…</ds:Reference>
<S11:Body wsu:Id="body" xmlns:wsu="…">
For user to successfully access Web Service through GWWS user must configure a valid client certificate and private key that is accessible to GWWS at runtime. This certificate and private key can be used by transport level security or message level security, or even both depend on Web Service' requirement.
Currently Tuxedo SALT only support single certificate which is configured through the "System" element in the deployment descriptor, with this limitation all the requests going through different instances of GWWS gateway1 will use same certificate to establish SSL/TLS connection. Invariably, in the eyes of the Web Service they all come from the same user; thus same access privilege. This new feature will remove this constraint and make it possible to use different certificate to represent different client or gateway.
SALT configuration consists of a deployment descriptor (DEP) and multiple web service definition files (WSDF). This new feature will use "Property" to configure default user identity to be used for this purpose, or to instruct GWWS to how to use filters/mappers to map Tuxedo user identity to a X.509 certificate. The "Property" which is used for configuration is an XML element that is available as configurable child element to both "GWInstance" and "Service". "GWInstance" is configured in SALT deployment descriptor while "Service" is configured in SALT web service definition file.
When a Web Service' WS-Security policy requires message level security, GWWS will use the private key to perform message signing, and attach the certificate to the SOAP message as Binary Security Token to be used by target Web Service to validate the message and authenticate the user. Otherwise, it will only use the certificate and private key to create a secured transport layer connection, i.e. SSL/TLS.
Whether a service request will use "X.509" security token for user identity is determined by the WS Security Policy associated with the Web Service.
Certificate Sources
The X.509 V3 Public Key Certificate used for message level security can come from one of the following sources:
1. The X.509 Certificate configured for the transport security.
2. The X.509 Certificate associates with a particular instance of GWWS gateway.
3. The X.509 Certificate associates with the preset principal of the Web Service.
4. The X.509 Certificates associate with SALT clients.
There are three new properties added to the configuration to aid different security configurations. All 3 properties are available in "GWInstance" and "Service". The "Service" element is available in WSDF, and the "GWInstance" is available in SALT deployment descriptor.
This property defines the default client name to be used for X.509 certificate lookup. The one configured in the "Service" has precedence over the one configured in "GWInstance". The following example shows the effective default client name will be "catalina" for service "GetData".
Listing 24  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!- Sample.wsdf
<Definition …>
<WSBinding id="sample_Binding">
<ServiceGroup id="SampleSrvGrp">
<Service name="GetData">
<Property name="defaultClientIdentification" value="catalina"/>
Listing 25  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!- sample.dep
<Deployment xmlns="">
<Import location="c:/salt/x.509/Sample.wsdf"></Import>
<GWInstance id="INSTANCE1">
<Property name="defaultClientIdentification" value="melbourne"/>
For all other services provided by GWWS instance "INSTANCE1" without their own "defaultClientId" configured then they will use the default client id of the GWWS and in this case it will be "melbourne".
"useSingleClientIdentification" tells whether it is desirable for any Web Service use the same client X.509 certificate. When the decision is to enable this filter then all the SALT client request will use the identity configured in "defaultClientIdentification", if "defaultCleintIdentification" is not configured then it is a configuration error and "wsloadcf" will issue an error. By default it is disabled.
This filter only affects the runtime client X.509 certificate selection when Tuxedo "SECURITY" is configured at least at "USER_AUTH" level. If Tuxedo SECURITY is configured as "NONE" or "APP_PW" then this filter will not be used for client certificate selection. The error condition described in previous paragraph will still be true even if this attribute is disabled at runtime.
The following is the matrix table for decision to enable this single client identification filter.
The example in the previous section will have this filter "disabled" since both places omitted this property. The following example will have this filter "enabled".
Listing 26  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!- Sample.wsdf
<Definition …>
<WSBinding id="sample_Binding">
<ServiceGroup id="SampleSrvGrp">
<Service name="GetData">
<Property name="defaultClientIdentification" value="catalina"/>
<Property name="useSingleClientIdentification" value="true" />
Listing 27  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!- sample.dep
<Deployment xmlns="">
<Import location="c:/salt/x.509/Sample.wsdf"></Import>
<GWInstance id="INSTANCE1">
<Property name="defaultClientIdentification" value="melbourne"/>
This property only affects the X.509 certificate selection when Tuxedo SECURITY is configured at least at "USER_AUTH" level. This property allows users without their own X.509 certificate to use a default client identification when access a Web Service. By default it is disabled.
The following is the matrix table for decision to enable this anonymous client access filter.
If the decision is to enable this filter then "defaultClientIdentification" must be configured; if "defaultClientIdentification" is not configured then "wsloadcf" will fail and return an error.
The following is the sample configuration.
Listing 28  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!- Sample.wsdf
<Definition …>
<WSBinding id="sample_Binding">
<Servicegroup id="SampleSrvGrp">
<Service name="GetData">
<Property name="defaultClientIdentification" value="catalina"/>
<Property name="allowAnonymousAccess" value="true" />
Listing 29  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!- sample.dep
<Deployment xmlns="">
<Import location="c:/salt/x.509/Sample.wsdf"></Import>
<GWInstance id="INSTANCE1">
<Property name="defaultClientIdentification" value="melbourne"/>
<Property name="allowAnonymousAccess" value="false" />
Compiling SALT Configuration
Compiling a SALT configuration file means generating a binary version of the file (SALTCONFIG) from the XML version SALTDEPLOY file. To compile a configuration file, run the wsloadcf command. wsloadcf parses a deployment file and loads the binary file.
wsloadcf reads a deployment file and all imported WSDF files and WS-Policy files referenced in the deployment file, checks the syntax according to the XML schema of each file format, and optionally loads a binary configuration file called SALTCONFIG. The SALTCONFIG and (optionally) SALTOFFSET environment variables point to the SALTCONFIG file and (optional) offset where the information should be stored.
wsloadcf validates the given SALT configuration files according to the predefined XML Schema files. XML Schema files needed by SALT can be found at directory: $TUXDIR/udataobj/salt.
wsloadcf can execute for validating purpose only without generating the binary version SALTCONFIG once option “-n” is specified.
For more information, see wsloadcf reference in the SALT Reference Guide.
Configuring the UBBCONFIG File for SALT
After configuring and compiling the SALT configuration, the Oracle Tuxedo UBBCONFIG file needs to be updated to apply SALT components in the Oracle Tuxedo application. Table 13 lists the UBBCONFIG file configuration tasks for SALT.
Configuring the TMMETADATA Server in the *SERVERS Section
SALT requires at least one TMMETADATA server defined in the UBBCONFIG file. Multiple TMMETADATA servers are also allowed to increase the throughput of accessing the Oracle Tuxedo service definitions.
Listing 30 lists a segment of the UBBCONFIG file that shows how to define TMMETADATA servers in an Oracle Tuxedo application.
Listing 30 TMMETADATA Servers Defined In the UBBCONFIG File *SERVERS Section
           CLOPT="-A -- –f domain_repository_file -r"
           CLOPT="-A -- –f domain_repository_file"
Maintaining only one Service Metadata Repository file for the entire Oracle Tuxedo domain is highly recommended. To ensure this, multiple TMMETADATA servers running in the Oracle Tuxedo domain must point to the same repository file.
For more information, see “Managing The Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository” in the Oracle Tuxedo documentation.
Configuring the GWWS Servers in the *SERVERS Section
To boot GWWS instances defined in the SALTDEPLOY file, the GWWS servers must be defined in the *SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file. You can define one or more GWWS server instances concurrently in the UBBCONFIG file. Each GWWS server must be assigned with a unique instance id with the option “-i” within the Oracle Tuxedo domain. The instance id must be present in the XML version SALTDEPLOY file and the generated binary version SALTCONFIG file.
Listing 31 lists a segment of the UBBCONFIG file that shows how to define GWWS servers in an Oracle Tuxedo application.
Listing 31 GWWS Servers Defined In the UBBCONFIG File *SERVERS Section
     CLOPT="-A -- –i GW1"
     CLOPT="-A -- –i GW2"
     CLOPT="-A -- -c saltconf_2.xml –i GW3"
For more information, see GWWS” in the Oracle SALT Reference Guide.
Be sure that the TMMETADATA system server is set up in the UBBCONFIG file to start before the GWWS server boots. Because the GWWS server calls services provided by TMMETADATA, it must boot after TMMETADATA.
To ensure TMMETADATA is started prior to being called by the GWWS server, put TMMETADATA before GWWS in the UBBCONFIG file or use SEQUENCE parameters in *SERVERS definition in the UBBCONFIG file.
SALT configuration information is pre-compiled with wsloadcf to generate theSALTCONFIG file binary. GWWS server reads the SALTCONFIG file at start up.The SALTCONFIG environment variable must be set correctly with the SALTCONFIG file entity before booting GWWS servers.
Option “-c” is deprecated in the current version SALT. In SALT 1.1 release, option “-c” is used to specify SALT 1.1 configuration file for the GWWS server. In SALT 2.0, GWWS server reads SALTCONFIG file at start up. GWWS server specified with this option can be booted with a warning message to indicate this deprecation. The specified file can be arbitrary and is not read by the GWWS server.
Updating System Limitations in the UBBCONFIG File
When configuring the Oracle Tuxedo domain with SALT GWWS servers, you must plan and update Oracle Tuxedo system limitations defined in the UBBCONFIG file according to your SALT application requirements.
Define an adequate MAXSERVERS number in the *RESOURCES section
SALT requires the following system servers to be started in an Oracle Tuxedo domain: TMMETADATA and GWWS. The number of TMMETADATA and GWWS server must be accounted for in the MAXSERVERS value.
Define an adequate MAXSERVICES number in the *RESOURCES section
When the GWWS server working in the outbound direction, external wsdl operations are mapped with Oracle Tuxedo services and advertised via the GWWS servers. The number of the advertised services by all GWWS servers must be accounted for in the MAXSERVICES value.
Define an adequate MAXACCESSERS number in the *RESOURCES section
The MAXACCESSERS value is used to specify the default maximum number of clients and servers that can be simultaneously connected to the Oracle Tuxedo bulletin board on any particular machine in this application. The number of TMMETADATA and GWWS server, maximum concurrent Web Service client requests must be accounted for in the MAXACCESSERS value.
Define an adequate MAXWSCLIENTS number in the *MACHINES section
When the GWWS server operating in the inbound direction, each Web Service client is deemed a workstation client in the Oracle Tuxedo system; therefore, MAXWSCLIENTS must be configured with a valid number in the UBBCONFIG file for the machine where the GWWS server is deployed. The number is shared.
Configuring Certificate Password Phrase For the GWWS Servers
Configuring a security password phrase is required when setting up certificates for SALT. The certificates setting is desired when the GWWS servers enable SSL link-level encryption and/or Web Service Security X.509 Token and signature features. The certificate private key file must be created and encrypted with a password phrase.
When GWWS servers are specified with certificate-related features, they are required to read the private key file and decrypt it using the password phrase. To configure a password phrase for each GWWS server, the keywords SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME and SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR must be specified under each desired GWWS server entry in the *SERVERS section. During compiling the UBBCONFIG file with tmloadcf, the administrator must type the password phrase, which can be used to decrypt the private key file correctly.
Listing 32 shows a segment of the UBBCONFIG file that defines a security password phrase for the GWWS servers.
Listing 32 Security Password Phrase Defined in the UBBCONFIG File For the GWWS Servers
     CLOPT="-A -- –i GW1"
     CLOPT="-A -- –i GW2"
For more information, see UBBCONFIG(5)in the Oracle Tuxedo 12cR2 documentation.
Configuring Oracle Tuxedo Authentication for Web Service Clients
SALT GWWS servers rely on Oracle Tuxedo authentication framework to check the validity of the Web Service clients. If your existing Oracle Tuxedo application is already applied, Web Service clients must send user credentials using one of the following:
Contrarily, if you want to authenticate Web Service clients for SALT, you must configure Oracle Tuxedo authentication in the Oracle Tuxedo domain.
For more information, see Administering Authentication in the Oracle Tuxedo 12cR2 Documentation.
Configuring Oracle Tuxedo Security Level for Outbound HTTP Basic Authentication
To obtain Oracle Tuxedo client uid/gid for outbound HTTP Basic Authentication username /password mapping, you must configure the Oracle Tuxedo Security level as USER_AUTH, ACL or MANDATORY_ACL in the UBBCONFIG file.
Listing 33 shows a segment of the UBBCONFIG file that defines security-level ACL in the UBBCONFIG file.
Listing 33 Security-Level ACL Defined in the UBBCONFIG File For Outbound HTTP Basic Authentication
Configuring SALT In Oracle Tuxedo MP Mode
To set up GWWS servers running on multiple machines within an MP mode Oracle Tuxedo domain, each Oracle Tuxedo machine must be defined with a separate SALTDEPLOY file and a set of separate other components.
You must propagate the following global resources across different machines:
Private key file and the trusted certificate files must be accessible from each machine according to the settings defined in the SALTDEPLOY file.
Plug-in shared libraries must be compiled on each machine and must be accessible according to the settings defined in the SALTDEPLOY file.
You may define two GWWS servers running on different machine with the same functionality by associating the same WSDF files. But it requires manual propagation of the following artifacts:
Migrating from SALT 1.1
This section describes the following two possible migrating approaches for SALT 1.1 customers who plan to upgrade to SALT 2.0 release:
Running GWWS servers with SALT 1.1 Configuration File
After upgrading from SALT 1.1 to SALT 2.0 release, you may still want to run your existing SALT applications with the original SALT 1.1 configuration file. This is supported in SALT 2.0.
The SALT configuration compiler utility, wsloadcf, supports loading the binary version SALTCONFIG from one SALT 1.1 format configuration file.
To run SALT 2.0 GWWS servers with SALT 1.1 configuration file, you must perform the following steps:
Load the binary version SALTCONFIG from the SALT 1.1 format configuration file via wsloadcf.
Set the SALTCONFIG environment variable before booting the GWWS servers.
Boot the GWWS servers associated with this SALT 1.1 configuration file.
Adopting SALT 2.0 Configuration Style by Converting SALT 1.1 Configuration File
When wsloadcf loads a binary SALTCONFIG from a SALT 1.1 configuration file, it also converts this SALT 1.1 configuration file into one WSDF file and one SALTDEPLOY file.
It is highly recommended to start using the SALT 2.0 styled configuration once you get the converted files from SALT 1.1 configuration. If you want to incorporate more than one SALT 1.1 configuration file into one SALT 2.0 deployment, you must manually edit the SATLDEPLOY file for importing the other WSDF files.
Listing 34 shows the converted SALTDEPLOY file and WSDF file from a given SALT 1.1 configuration file.
Listing 34 A Sample of SALT 1.1 Configuration File (simpapp.xml)
<Configuration xmlns="">
  <Servicelist id="simpapp">
    <Service name="toupper" />
    <Service name="tolower" />
  <Policy />
  <System />
    <GWInstance id="GWWS1">
      <HTTP address="//" />
      <HTTPS address="" />
      <Property name="timeout" value="300" />
The converted SALT 2.0 WSDF file and deployment file are shown in Listing 35 and Listing 36 respectively.
Listing 35 Converted WSDF File for SALT 1.1 Configuration File (simpapp.xml.wsdf)
<Definition name="simpapp" wsdlNamespace="urn:simpapp.wsdl"
  <WSBinding id="simpapp_binding">
    <Servicegroup id="simpapp">
      <Service name="toupper" />
      <Service name="tolower" />
        <Endpoint id="simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPPort"
                  address= />
        <Endpoint id=" simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPSPort"
Listing 36 Converted SALTDEPLOY File for SALT 1.1 Configuration File (simpapp.xml.dep)
<Deployment xmlns="">
    <Import location="/home/myapp/simpapp.wsdf" />
  </ WSDF>
    <GWInstance id="GWWS1">
        <Binding ref="simpapp:simpapp_binding">
          <Endpoint use=" simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPPort" />
          <Endpoint use=" simpapp_GWWS1_HTTPSPort" />
        <Property name="timeout" value="300" />
</ Deployment>
Configuring Service Contract Discovery
When discovery is activated for a service, the server that provides the service collects service contract information and sends the information to an internal service implemented by TMMETADATA(5). The same service contract is only sent once to reduce communication overhead.
The TMMETADATA server summarizes the collected data and generates a service contract. The contract information can either can be stored in the metadata repository, or output to a text file (which is then loaded to the metadata repository using tmloadrepos). SALT uses the tmscd command to control the service contract runtime collection. For more information, see tmscd in the SALT Command Reference Guide.
Generated service contract information contains the service name, request buffer information, response buffer information, and error buffer information if there is a failure. The collected service contract information is discarded if it fails to send information to the TMMETADATA server. The buffer information includes buffer type and subtype, and field information for FML/FML32 (name,type,subtype).
Discovery is supported for any embedded buffer in FML32 buffer. For FML/FML32 field occurrences, the discovery automatically updates the pattern for the count/requiredcount in metadata repository. Field occurrence does not impact the pattern, but the minimum occurrence is the "requiredcount".The maximum occurrence is the "count" of the entire contract discovery period.
For VIEW/VIEW32/X_C_TYPE/X_COMMON, only the view name is discovered. SALT can generate a detailed description by view name when using metadata repository.
Patterns flagged with autodiscovery (see Table 14) are compared.
If the same autodiscovery pattern already exists in the metatdata repository, then the newer pattern is ignored.
Only application ATMI services (local, or imported via /TDOMAIN gateway) are supported. Service contract discovery does not support the following services:
tpforward Support
If a service issues tpforward() instead of tpreturn(), its reply buffer information is the same as the reply buffer of the service which it forwards to. For example:
Service Contract Text File Output
If you want collected service contract discovery information logged to a file instead of directly to the metadata repository, you must use the TMMETADATA(5) -o<filename> option and then use tmloadrepos to manually load the file to the metadata repository. For more information, see tmloadrepos in the Oracle Tuxedo Command Reference Guide.
The output complies with the format imposed by tmloadrepos if a file is used as storage instead of the metadata repository. The file contains a service header section and a parameter section for each parameter. Service header contains items listed in Table 14. The "service" field format is <TuxedoServiceName>+'_'+<SequenceNo>. The suffix <SequenceNo> is used to avoid name conflict when multiple patterns are recognized for an Oracle Tuxedo service.
<SequenceNo> starts from the last <SequenceNo> number already stored in the metadata repository.
Service parameter contains information is listed in Table 15.
one way if TPNOREPLY is set.
Example 1:
Input: service=SVC, request=STRING, reply = TPSUCCESS + STRING
Output Pattern: service=SVC_1,tuxservice=SVC,inbuf=STRING,outbuf=STRING
Example 2:
Input: service=SVC, request=STRING, reply = TPFAIL+ STRING
Output Pattern (partial): Service=SVC_1, tuxservice=SVC,inbuf=STRING,outbuf=NULL,errbuf=STRING
Example 3:
service=SVC, request=STRING, reply = TPSUCCESS + STRING
service=SVC, request=STRING, reply = TPFAIL+ STRING
Output Pattern:
Service=SVC_2, tuxservice=SVC,inbuf=STRING,outbuf=NULL,errbuf=STRING
Example 4:
Input: service=FMLS,request=FML32(name,pwd),reply=TPSUCCESS+FML32(id)
Output Pattern:
param: input(name, pwd), output(id)
Example 5:
Output Pattern:
param: input(name, pwd), output(id)
param: input(name, pwd,token), output(id)
Configuring SALT WS-TX Support
This section contains the following topics:
These configuration changes are summarized in the SALTDEPLOY additions pseudo-schema and WSDF additions pseudo-schema Appendix.
For additional information, see the SALT Interoperability Guide.
Configuring Transaction Log Device
The GWWS system server must be configured using the transaction log (TLogDevice) element (similar to the Oracle Tuxedo or /Domains TLog files). The TLOGDevice element is added to the SALTCONFIG source file (SALTDEPLOY) as shown in Listing 37.
A TLOGName element is also added to allow sharing the same TLog device across GWWS instances.
Only one TLog device per Web services Gateway instance is permitted (that is, the transaction log element is a child element of /Deployment/WSGateway/GWInstance).
Listing 37 TLOG Element Added to SALTDEPLOY File
<Deployment xmlns="">
<GWInstance id="GW1">
<TLogDevice location="/app/GWTLOG"/>
<TLogName id="GW1TLOG"/>
Registration Protocol
Oracle Tuxedo-based services are registered with a Durable 2PC protocol with coordinators.
When Oracle Tuxedo is the coordinator (outbound direction), the GWWS system server allows either Volatile 2PC or Durable 2PC registration requests and handles them accordingly.
Configuring WS-TX Transactions
Figure 2 illustrates the application and protocol flows of a typical WS-AT context service invocation.
Figure 2 WS-AT Service Invocation
The configuration steps and runtime behavior of the SALT GWWS gateway are outlined in the following sections (depending on the role of the Oracle Tuxedo domain as shown in Figure 2):
Configuring Incoming Transactions
Oracle Tuxedo services exposed as Web services do not require any specific configuration other than creating a transaction log file and adding it to the GWWS deploy configuration file in order to initiate a local transaction associated with an incoming WS-AT transaction request.
To ensure a transaction can be propagated into an Oracle Tuxedo domain, do the following steps:
Incoming calls containing a CoordinationContext element creates an Oracle Tuxedo global transaction.
Error Conditions
Error conditions are handled as follows:
No log file is configured for the gateway. A wscoor:InvalidState fault is sent back to the caller. The Detail field contains a corresponding message.
For all other applications, configuration (such as TPENOENT) or system errors are handled the same way that normal (non-transactional) requests are handled.
Configuring Outbound Transactions
In order for Oracle Tuxedo clients to propagate an Oracle Tuxedo global transaction to external Web services, do the following steps:
Depending on the assertion setting and presence of an Oracle Tuxedo transaction context, a CoordinationContext element is created and sent in the SOAP header along with the application request.
An endpoint reference is automatically generated and sent along with the CoordinationContext element for the remote RegistrationService element to enlist in the transaction. This step, along with the protocol exchanges (Prepare/Commit or Rollback etc.) is transparent on both sides.
Error Conditions
Error conditions are handled as follows:
If the remote system does not support transactions and the WS-AT Assertion/transaction context call has must create transaction semantics, a TPESYSTEM error is returned to the client.
Errors generated remotely are returned to the Oracle Tuxedo client in the same manner as regular, non-transactional calls. The fault Reason and Detail fields returned describe the nature of the failure (which is environment dependent).
Configuring Maximum Number of Transactions
The MaxTran element allows you to configure the size of the internal transaction table as shown in Listing 1. The default is MAXGTT.
The MaxTran value is optional. If the configured value is greater than MAXGTT, it is ignored and MAXGTT is used instead
Listing 1 MAxTran Element
<Deployment xmlns="">
<GWInstance id="GW1">
<MaxTran value="500"/>
Configuring Policy Assertions
WS-AT defines a policy assertion that allows requests to indicate whether an operation call must or may be made as part of an Atomic Transaction.
Policy. xml File
The policy.xml file includes WS-AT policy elements. WS-AT defines the ATAssertion element, with an Optional attribute, as follows: /wsat:ATAssertion/@wsp:Optional="true" as shown in Listing 2.
Listing 2 Policy .XML ATAssertion Element
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wsp:Policy wsp:Name="TransactionalServicePolicy"
<wsat:ATAssertion wsp:Optional="true"/>
In order to correctly import external WSDL files, the wsdlcvt command is modified to generate a policy.xml file containing the ATAssertion element when one is present in the WSDL. For outbound requests, a policy.xml file containing an ATAssertion element must be created and properly pointed to in the SALTDEPLOY source.
Inbound Transactions
For inbound transactions, no particular behavior change takes place at runtime. The client consuming the WSDL takes the decision based on the configured value and runtime behavior is the same for the normal cases.
Outbound Transactions
When an ATAssertion with no "Optional=true" is configured, the call must be made in a transaction. If no corresponding XA transaction exists, the WS-TX transaction is initiated but not associated with any Oracle Tuxedo XA transaction. If an XA transaction exists, there is no change in behavior.
When an ATAssertion with "Optional=true" is configured, an outbound transaction context is requested only if a corresponding Oracle Tuxedo XA transaction exists in the context of the call.
When no ATAssertion is configured for this service, the corresponding service call is made outside of any transaction. If a call is made to an external Web service in the context of an Oracle Tuxedo XA transaction, the Web service call will not propagate the transaction.
This allows excluding certain Web service calls from a global transaction, and represents the default for most existing Web services calls (that do not support WS-TX).
WSDL Generation
WSDL generation is enhanced to generate an ATAssertion element corresponding to the assertion configured in the policy file for the corresponding service.
WSDL Conversion
For outbound requests, the WSDL conversion tool, wsdlcvt, generates a policy.xml file containing the ATAssertion element when one is present in the processed WSDL.You must properly configure the location of the policy.xml file in the SALTDEPLOY source.
SALT Configuration Tool
The SALT configuration tool allows you to view and modify your configuration. Oracle Tuxedo services can be exposed as Web Services without having to edit configuration files.
Enabling the SALT Configuration Tool
GWWS Option
Web administration is disabled by default. In order to enable admin capabilities, the GWWS server must be configured as such in UBBCONFIG, using the -a option as follows:
-a <scheme>://<host>:<port>
<scheme> can be 'http' or 'https'. If using 'https', GWWS must be configured for SSL capabilities by adding private-key and certificates in the same manner as securing application Web Services with SSL.
<host> is the name or IP address of the admin URL listening endpoint.
<port> is the port value of the admin URL listening endpoint.
Use the following URL to access the Web Admin Console:
For example:
Custom HTTP Header Option
Custom HTTP headers allow Oracle Tuxedo to interoperate with servers or clients that use HTTP headers to transmit data. you must use the enableCustomHTTPHeaders property to enable/activate this option as shown in Listing 3
Listing 3 Custom HTTP Header Configuration
<Deployment xmlns="">
<GWInstance id="GW1">
<Property name="enableCustomHTTPHeaders" value="true">
REpresentational State Transfer (REST) Option
REST mode is disabled by default. In order to enable REST mode, the GWWS server will have to be configured as such in SALTDEPLOY.
SALT GWWS always generates XML headers with a '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' prolog. This is currently a limitation and does not affect encoding handling, as those are processed at the HTTP level.
The following sections have been added to SALTDEPLOY:
This element contains two attributes to specify http or https REST listening endpoints, as follows:
<Network http="host:port" https="host:port"/>
Only one <Network> element is allowed. The http and https elements are optional, but at least one will have to be specified. The http and https attributes are constructed as follows:
<host> is the name or IP address of the REST listening endpoint.
<port> is the port value of the REST listening endpoint.
All REST requests are performed by the same <host>:<port> combination, i.e., it s not possible to use more than one such combination per gateway per protocol (http and https).
Service calls will use the above pattern as the basis for constructing URLs. For example:
By default, if services are not explicitly and individually specified as advertised using REST, they will not be callable. See Service.
Service Configuration
An element has been to SALTDEPLOY to specify which services are accessible when REST is configured through the command-line switch described above.
The way Oracle Tuxedo services are exposed using a CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) mapping to take advantage of the REST paradigm. For example, a REST service named bankAccount has an HTTP method to Oracle Tuxedo service mapping as shown in Table 1.
Clients invoke the service as follows:
URL: http://host:1234/bankAccount?account=1234
Data exchanged:
GET /bankAccount?account=1234 HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: application/json
The following elements are added to SALTDEPLOY:
There will be zero or one <RESTHTTP> element in <Inbound> and one or more <Service> element in <HTTPREST>. <Service> contains the following attributes:
There will be at least one <Method> element per <Service>, and at most four (one per supported method). The <Method> element contains the following attributes:
name of the method being mapped GET, POST, DELETE, PUT value. Any other value will result in a configuration error at wsloadcf time.
name of the Tuxedo Metadata Repository service to use as interface. This value will be optional and will be used as an indication of what buffer-type and/or parameter list to use when generating test code on the configuration tool test page. This value will be generated by the configuration console when exposing Tuxedo services as RESTful services.
The Oracle Tuxedo service being mapped.
Oracle Tuxedo buffer type/optionally subtype used for input conversion. Values are the same as all existing Oracle Tuxedo buffer types. For VIEW/VIEW32 buffer types, the notion of subtype is conveyed by using the notation: {VIEW|VIEW32}/<Subtype>, for example: 'VIEW32/customer'.
For more information, see Data Type Mapping and Message Conversion Services in the SALT Programming Guide.
There is no checking as to whether a service is already advertised or not, since Oracle Tuxedo services can be advertised dynamically. As indicated, if a service is not listed in this section it will not be possible to call it using REST means.
Listing 4 REST Inbound Example
<Deployment xmlns="">
<GWInstance id="GW1">
<Binding ref="bankapp:bankapp_binding">
<Endpoint use="http1"/>
<Endpoint use="https1" />
<Network http="host:1234" https="host:1235"/>
<Service name="bankAccount">
<Method name="GET"
<Method name="POST"
<Method name="DELETE"
<Method name="PUT"
The following element will be added to SALTDEPLOY: /Deployment/WSGateway/GWInstance/Oubound/HTTP/Service.
There will be zero or one <HTTP> element(s) in <Outbound> and one or more <Service> element(s) in <HTTP>. <Service> will contain the following attributes:
Listing 5 REST Outbound Example
<Deployment xmlns="">
<GWInstance id="GW1">
<Binding ref="bankapp:bankapp_binding">
<Endpoint use="http1"/>
<Endpoint use="https1" />
<Service name="BANK_GET"
<Service name="HTTPSvcGet"
<Service name="HTTPSvcPost"
MIB Class Interface
SALT MIB interface is called using tpcall(".wm" + GWWSID,...). It provides the following classes defined:
Listing 6 T_WSRELOAD Class Usage Example
$ ud32 < reload.ud32
with reload.ud32 containing:


".wmGW1" above is this particular instance and must match the gateway id as specified in the UBBCONFIG file in the "-i" option of the GWWS system server.
Example of a reply:
RTN pkt(1) is :




TA_STATUS Config reloaded
Listing 7 Example of call, to get T_SALTGW information, in ud32 format

$ ud32 < saltgw.ud32
SENT pkt(1) is :
SRVCNM .wmgw1

RTN pkt(1) is :
Class Definitions
Invoking this class with GET operation will result in reloading of the SALTCONFIG file. This will be equivalent to re-starting GWWS, but without actually shutting it down then re-booting it.
T_WSGW Class
The T_WSGW class represents attributes of gateway instances such as number of threads, TLOG device and name.
Table 2 T_WSGW Class Attributes
Attribute Semantics
Gateway instance identifier. This attribute value may contain a maximum of 12 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character). The identifier value must be unique within the SALTDEPLOY file
One attribute "location" describes the location of the Transaction file. This is required if WS-TX transaction support is required.
One attribute "id" describes the name of the transaction log inside a Transaction file. This is required if WS-TX transaction support is required.
One attribute "address" describes the WS-AT protocol end point.
One attribute "value" describes the maximum number of concurrent WS-TX transactions allowed. This is bounded by Oracle Tuxedo MAXGTT.
String type containing a list of proxy server URLs. For example:,
Enables the GWWS server to deny the HTTP requests when the content length is larger than the property setting. If not specified, the GWWS server does not check for it. The string value can be one of the following three formats:
Integer number in bytes. No suffix means the unit is bytes.
Float number in kilobytes. The suffix must be 'K'. For instance, 10.4K, 40K, etc.
Float number in megabytes. The suffix must be 'M'. For instance, 100M, 20.6M, etc.
Specifies the maximum thread pool size for the GWWS server.
Note: This value defines the maximum possible threads that may be spawned in the GWWS server. When the GWWS server is running, the actual spawned threads may be less than this value.
Specifies the network time-out value, in seconds.
Specifies the backlog listen socket value. It controls the maximum queue length of pending connections by operating system.
Note: Generally no tuning is needed for this value.
Toggles on/off multiple encoding message support for the GWWS server. If multiple encoding support property is turned off, only UTF-8 HTTP / SOAP messages can be accepted by the GWWS server.
Toggles on/off XML Schema validation for inbound SOAP request messages if the corresponding Tuxedo input buffer is associated with a customized XML Schema.
When using an Oracle wallet, specifies the location of a directory that contains an Oracle Wallet.
Notes: Oracle SALT does not have the concept of a security principal name like Oracle Tuxedo does, so the Wallet is located in the specified directory and not in a subdirectory.
Note: To configure server identity certificates (SALT deploy configuration file <PrivateKey> element), it is required that the root certificate authority be present in the SSL configuration file. Proper configuration is:
root CA certificate
intermediate certificate(s) (if any)
server certificate
server private key
in PEM format.
When using the legacy security credentials format, specifies the PEM format private key file. The key file path is specified as the text value for this element. The server certificate is also stored in this private key file. The value of this element may contain a maximum of 256 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character).
With either security credential format, the password for the Oracle Wallet or the GWWS private key file is specified in the TUXCONFIG file using the SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR="environment_variable_name" parameter. The TUXCONFIG file must also set the SEC_PRINCIPAL_NAME="any_non-null_string(not_used)" parameter so that SEC_PRINCIPAL_PASSVAR will be properly processed in the configuration file.
This element is mandatory if the parent <Certificate> element is configured.
Specifies if Web service clients are required to send a certificate via HTTP over SSL connections. The valid element values are "true" and "false".
Specifies the file name of the trusted PEM format certificate files. The value of this element may contain a maximum of 256 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character).
Specifies the local directory where the trusted certificates are located. The value of this element may contain a maximum of 256 characters (excluding the terminating NULL character).
This element is optional.
Note: If TA_VERIFYCLIENT is set to "true", or if WS-Addressing is used with SSL, trusted certificates must be stored in the directory setting with this element.
Comma-separated list of local shared library file paths.
Comma-separated list specifying string values that are passed to the library when initialized by the GWWS server at boot time.
Each item in the list is passed in order to the corresponding item in the TA_PLUGINLIBRARIES attribute.
Note: The statistics fields below may not be present if no corresponding action has been performed. For example if no one-way call has been made T_WS_ONEWAYDONE will not be returned.
Number of inbound request-reply calls performed.
Number of inbound failed request-reply calls.
Number of inbound one-way calls performed.
Number of inbound failed one-way calls.
Number of outbound request-reply calls performed.
Number of outbound failed request-reply calls.
Number of outbound one-way calls performed.
Number of outbound failed one-way calls.
Average processing time of inbound calls.
Average processing time of outbound calls.
Number of active threads.
Total average processing time across all SOAP services.
Number of successful inbound REST calls.
Number of failed outbound REST calls.
Total average processing time for inbound REST calls.
Number of successful inbound REST calls.
Number of failed outbound REST calls.
Total average processing time for inbound REST calls.
The T_WSWEBSERVICE class represents configuration attributes of SOAP Web Services. Each Web Service identified by a WSDFNAME can contain one or more instance of bindings, which will be returned as one or more instances of this class, for example for a Web Service named 'ACCOUNT':
Attribute Semantics
WSDF name. Identifies this web service definition.
Binding id. Links with a T_SALTBINDING class instance, see T_SALTBINDING class definition.
Gateway instance identifier of gateway this web service is deployed on.
Native Web Service: this attribute will contain the "INBOUND" value.
Non-native Web Service: this attribute will contain the "OUTBOUND" value.
Comma-separated list of WSBinding object endpoint references.
If the referenced endpoint is specified as an inbound endpoint, the GWWS server creates the corresponding HTTP and/or HTTPS listen endpoint. At least one inbound endpoint must be specified for one inbound WSBinding object.
If the referenced endpoint is specified as an outbound endpoint, the GWWS server creates HTTP and/or HTTPS connections per SOAP requests for the outbound WSBinding object.
If an outbound endpoint is not specified for the outbound WSBinding object, the first 10 endpoints (at most) are auto-selected.
The referenced endpoint must already be defined in the TA_SALTWSDF class.
TA_WSAENDPOINT (outbound only)
Specifies the WS-Addressing listen endpoint address.
If this attribute is not empty, by default all SOAP messages are sent out with a Web Service Addressing message header.
The address value must be in the following format:
The GWWS server creates listen endpoints and usage for receiving WS-Addressing SOAP response messages.
TA_REALM (outbound only)
Specifies the HTTP Realm attribute of an HTTP and/or HTTP/S endpoint. If this element is configured for one endpoint, the GWWS tries to incorporate HTTP basic authentication information in the request messages when issuing outbound calls through this endpoint.
The T_WSBINDING class represents configuration attributes of SOAP bindings.
Required key fields: TA_BINDINGID and TA_WSDFNAME
Identifies the WSBinding object. The value must be unique within the WSDF.
Native WSDF: the value is specified by customers and is used as the wsdl:binding name in the generated WSDL document.
Non-native WSDF: the value is the wsdl:binding name defined in the external WSDL document.
WSDF name. Links with a T_SALTWSDF class instance, see T_SALTWSDF class definition.
Specifies SOAP version for this WSBinding object.
Specifies SOAP message style for this WSBinding object.
Specifies SOAP message encoding style for this WSBinding object.
Specifies a comma-separated list of local file paths for the referenced WS-Policy file(s).
Specifically, Oracle SALT pre-defines WS-Policy template files for typical WS-* scenarios. These files can be found under the $TUXDIR/udataobj/salt/policy directory. These template files can be referenced using the string format "salt:<template_file_name>".
For example, the SALT WS-SecurityPolicy 1.0 template file "wssp1.0-signbody.xml"is represented as the following string value in the TA_POLICIES attribute:
Comma-separated list of endpoints representing each access endpoint for this TA_SALTBIDING class instance.
The T_WSOPERATION class represents configuration attributes of SOAP operations.
Required key fields: TA_BINDINGID and TA_WSDFNAME.
Attribute Semantics
Binding id. Links with a T_SALTBINDING class instance, see T_SALTBINDING class definition.
Specifies the service name.
Native WSDF: the service name value is used as the wsdl:operation name in the generated WSDL document.
Non-native WSDF: the service name is equal to the wsdl:operation name defined in the external WSDL document.
WSDF name. Links with a T_SALTWSDF class instance, see T_SALTWSDF class definition.
An optional attribute used to reference the service definition in the Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository.
If not specified, attribute TA_SERVICENAME value is used as the reference value.
Specifies service namespace attribute. This is a non-native WSDF attribute. It is used to save the namespace setting for each wsdl:operation defined in the external WSDL document.
Note: Do not specify this attribute for a native WSDF.
Specifies the service soapAction attribute. This is a non-native WSDF attribute. It is used to save the soapAction setting for each wsdl:operation defined in the external WSDL document.
Note: Do not specify this attribute for a native WSDF.
Specifies a comma-separated list of local file paths for the referenced WS-Policy file(s).
Specifically, Oracle SALT pre-defines WS-Policy template files for typical WS-* scenarios. These files can be found under the $TUXDIR/udataobj/salt/policy directory. These template files can be referenced using the string format "salt:<template_file_name>".
For example, the SALT WS-SecurityPolicy 1.0 template file "wssp1.0-signbody.xml"is represented as the following string value in the TA_POLICIES attribute:
Outbound service: Specifies a time in seconds to wait for a SOAP response.
Inbound service: No behavior impact.
Outbound service: Disables explicit Web Service Addressing requests with this property.
Inbound service: No behavior impact.
Specifies the service input message name attribute. This is a non-native WSDF attribute. It is used is used to save the name for the input wsdl:message defined in the external WSDL document.
Note: Do not specify this attribute for a native WSDF.
Specifies the service input message wsaAction attribute. This is a non-native WSDF attribute. It is used is used to save the wsaAction attribute of the input wsdl:message defined in the external WSDL document.
Note: Do not specify this attribute for a native WSDF.
Specifies a customized message conversion handler. Optional for <Input>, <Output> and/or <Fault> elements of any service. The value of this element is the handler name.
The GWWS server looks for the message conversion handler from all known message conversion plug-in shared libraries using the handler name.The message conversion handler allows you to develop customized Tuxedo buffer and SOAP message payload transformation functions to replace the default GWWS message conversions.
Specifies the service output message name attribute. This is a non-native WSDF attribute. It is used to save the name for the output wsdl:message defined in the external WSDL document.
Note: Do not specify this attribute for a native WSDF.
Specifies the service output message name attribute. This is a non-native WSDF attribute. It is used to save the wsaAction attribute of the output wsdl:message defined in the external WSDL document.
Note: Do not specify this attribute for a native WSDF.
Specifies a customized message conversion handler. Optional for <Input>, <Output> and/or <Fault> elements of any service. The value of this element is the handler name.
The GWWS server looks for the message conversion handler from all known message conversion plug-in shared libraries using the handler name.The message conversion handler allows you to develop customized Tuxedo buffer and SOAP message payload transformation functions to replace the default GWWS message conversions.
Specifies the service fault message name attribute. This is a non-native WSDF attribute. It is used to save the name for the fault wsdl:message defined in the external WSDL document.
Note: Do not specify this attribute for a native WSDF.
Specifies the service fault message wsaAction attribute. This is a non-native WSDF attribute. It is used to save the wsaAction attribute of the fault wsdl:message defined in the external WSDL document.
Note: Do not specify this attribute for a native WSDF.
Specifies a customized message conversion handler. Optional for <Input>, <Output> and/or <Fault> elements of any service. The value of this element is the handler name.
The GWWS server looks for the message conversion handler from all known message conversion plug-in shared libraries using the handler name.The message conversion handler allows you to develop customized Tuxedo buffer and SOAP message payload transformation functions to replace the default GWWS message conversions.
Note: The statistics fields below may not be present if no corresponding action has been performed. For example if no one-way call has been made T_WS_ONEWAYDONE will not be returned.
Number of inbound request-reply calls performed.
Number of inbound failed request-reply calls.
Number of inbound one-way calls performed.
Number of inbound failed one-way calls.
Average processing time of inbound calls.
Number of outbound request-reply calls performed.
Number of outbound failed request-reply calls.
Number of outbound one-way calls performed.
Number of outbound failed one-way calls.
Average processing time of outbound calls.
The T_WSHTTPSERVICE class represents configuration attributes of SALT REST services.
Name to be used in URL to call a Tuxedo service. Note that this is not the actual Tuxedo service, that is configured using the <Method> element described below.
Name of Tuxedo service being mapped to the HTTP POST method.
Name of Tuxedo service being mapped to the HTTP PUT method.
Name of Tuxedo service being mapped to the HTTP GET method.
Name of Tuxedo service being mapped to the HTTP DELETE method.
Tuxedo buffer type/optionally subtype used for input conversion. Values will be the same as all existing Tuxedo buffer types. For VIEW/VIEW32 buffer types, the notion of subtype will be conveyed by using the notation: {VIEW|VIEW32}/<Subtype>, for example: 'VIEW32/customer'.
This is the value associate with the HTTP POST method for this REST service.
Tuxedo buffer type/optionally subtype used for input conversion. Values will be the same as all existing Tuxedo buffer types. For VIEW/VIEW32 buffer types, the notion of subtype will be conveyed by using the notation: {VIEW|VIEW32}/<Subtype>, for example: 'VIEW32/customer'.
This is the value associate with the HTTP PUT method for this REST service.
Tuxedo buffer type/optionally subtype used for input conversion. Values will be the same as all existing Tuxedo buffer types. For VIEW/VIEW32 buffer types, the notion of subtype will be conveyed by using the notation: {VIEW|VIEW32}/<Subtype>, for example: 'VIEW32/customer'.
This is the value associate with the HTTP GET method for this REST service.
Tuxedo buffer type/optionally subtype used for input conversion. Values will be the same as all existing Tuxedo buffer types. For VIEW/VIEW32 buffer types, the notion of subtype will be conveyed by using the notation: {VIEW|VIEW32}/<Subtype>, for example: 'VIEW32/customer'.
This is the value associate with the HTTP DELETE method for this REST service.
Reference to a metadata repository entry. This is used to associate interface data with a REST service and method. One use is for the configuration tool to generate automatic test code based on service metadata (interface).
This is the value associate with the HTTP POST method for this REST service.
Reference to a metadata repository entry. This is used to associate interface data with a REST service and method. One use is for the configuration tool to generate automatic test code based on service metadata (interface).
This is the value associate with the HTTP PUT method for this REST service.
Reference to a metadata repository entry. This is used to associate interface data with a REST service and method. One use is for the configuration tool to generate automatic test code based on service metadata (interface).
This is the value associate with the HTTP GET method for this REST service.
Reference to a metadata repository entry. This is used to associate interface data with a REST service and method. One use is for the configuration tool to generate automatic test code based on service metadata (interface).
This is the value associate with the HTTP DELETE method for this REST service.
Number of successful calls.
Number of failed calls.
Number of requests being processed.
Average time processing time.
The T_WSTRANSACTION class represents runtime attributes of WS-TX transactions.
Gateway instance identifier.
Process id of the gateway.
Currently unused.
Tuxedo side global transaction identifier.
Web services side coordination context.
GET: "{ACTive | COMcalled | REAdy | HEUristic | HEuristic Hazard }"
A GET operation will retrieve run-time information for the selected T_WSTRANSACTION object(s). The following states indicate the meaning of a TA_STATE returned in response to a GET request.
SET: "{FORget}"
A SET operation will update run-time information for the selected T_WSTRANSACTION object. The following states indicate the meaning of a TA_STATE set in a SET request. States not listed may not be set.
FORget: Resolve a Heuristic or Heuristic Hazard transaction by removing its transaction log record. State change allowed only when in the HEUristic or HEuristic Hazard state.
Transaction time stamp.
Comma-separated transaction branch identifiers.
For Oracle Tuxedo application domains that requires ACL or MANDATORY_ACL security, a console service must be configured in the Oracle Tuxedo security data files. This added information is used for Oracle Tuxedo access control to the Configuration Tool service. By default, the Configuration Tool service name is "SALTWEBCONSOLE", but you can modify it using the GWWS option "-C <CONSOLE SERVICE NAME>". For example:
                CLOPT="-A -- -iGWWS1 -a -C CONSOLE"
This tells GWWS to use "CONSOLE" as the service name for access control.
You should also use "tpacladd" to add this Web Console service into the security data file.For example: $ tpacladd -g 1000 CONSOLE.
This will add CONSOLE as an Oracle Tuxedo SERVICE into the security data file and restrict the access only to user belongs to the group with group id 1000.
Configuring Configuration Tool Security
No Security
Without configuring SECURITY in the "*RESOURCES" section of the UBBCONFIG file or configuring it with a value of "NONE", no security is used for accessing the SALT Configuration Tool. Anyone who knows the URL of the tool can access it. Listing 8 shows a UBBCONFIG file "*RESOURCES" section example.
Listing 8 No Security UBBCONFIG *RESOURCES Section Example
IPCKEY 15301
DOMAIN mydomain
MASTER machine1
Application Password Security
Configuring SECURITY in the "*RESOURCES" section with a value of APP_PW causes Oracle Tuxedo application password security to be enabled. Users who want to access the SALT configuration tool are requested to present this password; failure to do so results in denied access. Listing 9 shows a UBBCONFIG file "*RESOURCES" section example.
Listing 9 Application Password Security UBBCONFIG *RESOURCES Section Example
IPCKEY 15301
DOMAIN mydomain
MASTER machine1
User Authentication Security
Configuring SECURITY in the "*RESOURCES" section with a value of USER_AUTH causes Oracle Tuxedo user authentication security to be enabled. To access the SALT configuration tool users are requested to present a valid Oracle Tuxedo user name and password; failure to do so results in denied access. Listing 10 shows a UBBCONFIG file "*RESOURCES" section example.
Listing 10 User Authentication Security UBBCONFIG *RESOURCES Section Example
IPCKEY 15301
DOMAIN mydomain
MASTER machine1
A user can be added using the "tpusradd" command. The following example adds user "tom" to the group with group id 1000 in the Oracle Tuxedo application domain.
$ tpusradd -u 2503 -g 1000 tom
Access Control List Security
Configuring SECURITY in the "*RESOURCES" section with a value of ACL causes Oracle Tuxedo access control list security to be enabled. Anyone who wants to access the SALT configuration tool is requested to present a valid Oracle Tuxedo user name and password that belongs to the group(s) allowed to access the Web Console; failure to do so results in denied access. Listing 11 shows a UBBCONFIG file "*RESOURCES" section example.
Listing 11 Access Control List Security UBBCONFIG *RESOURCES Section Example
IPCKEY 15301
DOMAIN mydomain
MASTER machine1
Access control to the configuration tool can be added using the "tpacladd" command. The following example adds Configuration Tool service "SALTWEBCONSOLE" to the access control list in an Oracle Tuxedo application domain.
$ tpacladd -g 1000 SALTWEBCONSOLE
If the service is not added to the Oracle Tuxedo access control security data file, any user with a valid Oracle Tuxedo user name and password can access the SALT Web Console.
Mandatory Access Control List Security
Configuring SECURITY in the "*RESOURCES" section with a value of MANDATORY_ACL causes Oracle Tuxedo access control list security to be enabled. Anyone who wants to access the SALT configuration tool is requested to present a valid Oracle Tuxedo user name and password that belongs to the group(s) allowed to access the configuration tool; failure to do so results in denied access. Listing 12 shows a UBBCONFIG file "*RESOURCES" section example.
Listing 12 Mandatory Access Control List Security UBBCONFIG *RESOURCES Section Example
IPCKEY 15301
DOMAIN mydomain
MASTER machine1
Access control to the configuration tool can be added using the "tpacladd" command. The following example adds the configuration tool service "SALTWEBCONSOLE" to the access control list in the Oracle Tuxedo application domain.
$ tpacladd -g 1000 SALTWEBCONSOLE
If the service is not added to the Oracle Tuxedo access control security data file, then you cannot access the SALT Web Console.
See Also


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