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SALT Command Reference

SALT Command Reference
The SALT Command Reference describes system processes and commands delivered with the SALT software.
Table 1 lists SALT commands and functions.
Reads a binary SALTCONFIG file, creates a SALT deployment file and other referenced files (WSDF files, WS-Policy files).
GWWS – Web service gateway server.
GWWS SRVGRP="identifier" SRVID=number [other_parms]
CLOPT="-A -- –i InstanceID [-a <scheme>://<host>:<port>]"
The GWWS server is the Web service gateway for Tuxedo applications, the core component of SALT. The GWWS gateway server provides communication with Web service programs via SOAP 1.1/1.2 protocols. The GWWS server has bi-directional (inbound/outbound) capability. It can accept SOAP requests from Web service applications and passes Tuxedo native calls to Tuxedo services (inbound). It also accepts Tuxedo ATMI requests and passes SOAP calls to Web service applications (outbound). GWWS servers are used as Tuxedo system processes and are described in the *SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file.
The CLOPT option is a string of command-line options passed to the GWWS server when it is booted. The GWWS server accepts the following CLOPT options:
-i InstanceID
Specifies the GWWS instance unique ID. It is used to distinguish multiple GWWS instances provided in the same Tuxedo domain. This value must be unique among multiple GWWS items within the UBBCONFIG file.
The InstanceID value must be pre-defined in the <WSGateway> section of the SALT Deployment File.
-a <scheme>://<host>:<port>
Web administration is disabled by default. In order to enable admin capabilities, the GWWS server must be configured in the UBBCONFIG file using the -a option as follows:
-a <scheme>://<host>:<port>.
Can be 'http' or 'https'. If using 'https', GWWS must be configured for SSL capabilities by adding private-key and certificates in the same manner as securing application Web Services with SSL.
The name or IP address of the admin URL listening endpoint.
The port value of the admin URL listening endpoint.
Environment Variables
The SALTCONFIG environment variable must be set before the GWWS server is booted. Accesslog(5) can be enabled by setting environment variable TMENABLEALOG=y.
Windows platforms: Add %TUXDIR%\bin\ssllibs to PATH.
The following SALT 1.1 GWWS parameter is deprecated in the current release.
-c Config_file
Specifies the SALT 1.1 configuration file.
Starting with the SALT 2.0 release, the GWWS server loads the SALT configuration from the binary SALTCONFIG file instead of the XML-based configuration file. The configuration file is no longer a GWWS server input parameter. The SALTCONFIG file must be generated using wsloadcf before booting GWWS servers.
For inbound call, if an error occurs during SOAP message processing, the error is logged. The error is also translated into appropriate SOAP fault and/or HTTP error status code and returned to the Web service client.
For outbound call, if an error occurs during processing, the error is logged. The error is also translated into appropriate Tuxedo system error code (tperrno) and returned to the Tuxedo client.
Listing 1 GWWS Description in the UBBCONFIG File
CLOPT="-A -- –i GW1"
CLOPT="-A -- –i GW2"
CLOPT="-A -- –i GW3"
See Also
SALT Deployment File Reference
SALT Web Service Definition File Reference
jsoncvt – JSON object to service metadata converter.
jsconcvt [-i input.json[ input2.json …]] [-o output.json[ output2.json …]] -s servicename –m (POST / GET / PUT / DELETE) -a serviceaddress
The jsconcvt command generates service metadata from JSON content, which can be used to construct service interfaces for easier application development. The command also generates fml32 tables and SALT deployment service definitions.
It is possible to mention more than 1 of each input and output payload samples by either separating the file names with spaces and enclosing the list in double-quotes, or specifying “-i” or “-o” multiple times.The corresponding definitions are concatenated in the metadata and fml32. This is to accommodate services that may return or accept data in different formats.
Input and output are optional, although specifying neither is not accepted. It is possible to use the same JSON sample file for both input and output by specifying the same file in the “-i” and “-o”switches. The metadata and fml32 files are generated using the service name as the base name. For example, a switch of “-s service1” generates files with names “service1.mif” and “service1.fml32”.
Sample input json content. -jsoncvt uses this to generate a metadata service structure for the data received by this service.
Sample output json content - jsoncvt uses this to generate a metadata service structure for the data returned by this service.
Name of the service generated. Specified in metadata and SALT deploy file.
Method for the service. Can be one of the following: POST, GET, PUT, or DELETE.
Address of the external service.
Error, warning or information messages are output to standard output.
Environment Variables
The TUXDIR and LANG environment variables must be set correctly.
Given the following JSON examples.
Input and output file examples are shown in Listing 2 and Listing 3.
Listing 2 Input
$ cat balance.json
Listing 3 Output
$ cat result.json
"accounts": [
"currency":"US Dollars",
"currency":"US Dollars",
Running the Command
An example of running the comand is shown in Listing 4.
Listing 4 Running the command
$ jsoncvt -i balance.json -o result.json -s balance -m POST -a
Files balance.mif, balance.fml32 and balance.dep generated.
Please add the generated service definition – balance.dep – to the SALT
deploy configuration file.
The end results are shown in Listing 5, Listing 6, and Listing 7.
Listing 5 MIF





Listing 6 fml32 Table
# FML32 JSON Mapping Generated by jsoncvt
*base 30000 # Customize base number if necessary.
#name rel-number type flags comment
#---- ---------- ---- ----- -------
account 1 long - param
location 2 string - param
options 3 string - param
accounts 4 fml32 - structured parameter
type 5 string - param
currency 6 string - param
balance 7 long - param
Listing 7 SALT Deploy Definition
<service name=balance
content-type="JSON" output-buffer="FML32"
See Also
Creating the Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository
SALT Web Service Definition File Reference
tmscd(1) – Activates and deactivates service contract discovery.
tmscd start|stop|status [-e] [-f <file>][id1 [ id2 [ ...]]]
The tmscd command line utility is used to activate and deactivate service contract discovery.
Parameters and Options
tmscd accepts following parameters and options:
Required. Starts, stops, or displays service contract dictionary settings for specific services, or all services if none are specified. A start or stop request for a service that has already activated or deactivated contract discovery is ignored. Effective service information is displayed when handling the requests.
start|stop|status must occur after -e and -f , if either of those options are specified.
Specifies the service scope as a regular expression.
[-f <file>]
The service scope is defined in the given <file>. The file may contain sections to group related definitions together. All entries for a section must be written together line-by-line.
Empty lines or lines starting with '#' are ignored. Lines starting with '*' are section lines. Other lines are "id=content" definitions.
id1 id2 ...
Indicates one or more services. If -e is specified, a regular expression is used to match the service name. If -e is not specified, the service name is matched exactly.
Example 1 - start discovery for TOUPPER, TOLOWER:
Example 2 - start discovery for services started with TO and BR:
tmscd -e start TO.* BR.*
Example 3 - same request as example 1 but via file:
tmscd -f svcfile start id1 id2
Example 4 - same request as example 2 but via file:
tmscd -e -f svcfile start case4.svcs
Listing 8 shows content of the file named "svcfile".
Listing 8 svcfile Content
# file: svcfile

svcs = TO.*|BR.*
tmscd fails if TMMETADATA is not booted or booted using the -r (readonly) option without the -o option.
See Also
Configuring Service Contract Discovery in the SALT Configuration Guide
SALT Web Service Definition File Reference
tmwsdlgen – WSDL document generator.
tmwsdlgen –c wsdf_file [-y] [-o wsdl_file] [-m {pack|raw|mtom}] [-t
tmwsdlgen generates a WSDL document file from a Tuxedo native Web Service Definition File (WSDF). The generated WSDL document is WSDL 1.1 specification compliant, and represents both the service contracts and policies. tmwsdlgen collects Tuxedo service contract information throughout the Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository management (TMMETADATA)process. tmwsdlgen works as a Tuxedo native client and requires the following:
the TUXCONFIG environment variable must be set correctly
the relevant Tuxedo application using TMMETADATA must be booted prior to executing tmwsdlgen.
The given WSDF must be a Tuxedo native WSDF. Do not use a wsdlcvt converted non-native WSDF file as input.
tmwsdlgen accepts the following parameters:
-c wsdf_file
Mandatory. Used to specify the SALT WSDF local path.
tmwsdlgen accepts the following optional parameters:
-o wsdl_file
Used to specify the output WSDL document file path. If the option is not present, the default file, tuxedo.wsdl, is created in the current directory. If the specified WSDL document file already exists, then a prompt displays to confirm to overwriting the existing file.
Overwrites the existing WSDL document file without prompting.
Used to specify the WSDL data mapping policy for certain Tuxedo typed buffers. Currently, it applies to the Tuxedo CARRAY buffer type. If raw mode is specified, CARRAY is represented to the MIME attachment. If pack mode is specified, xsd:base64Binary is used to represent CARRAY. The default value is pack mode.
raw mode cannot be used for .Net clients. The .Net Framework does not support MIME attachments.
If mtom is specified, CARRAY is mapped to the MTOM SOAP message.
This option takes effect only when the -m option is specified in raw mode. It accepts two options, wls or axis:
wls indicates tmwsdlgen generates the WSDL document file in compliance with WebLogic 9.x. The default is wls.
axis indicates the WSDL document file format can be recognized by the Apache Axis toolkit.
The following SALT 1.1 tmwsdlgen parameters are deprecated in the current release.
-c Config_file
Mandatory. Used to specify the SALT Configuration File path.
In the current SALT release, the SALT 1.1 configuration file is specified as the tmwsdlgen input using the following optional parameters:
Used to specify the encoding style used for Web service SOAP messages. Specifies rpc for RPC/encoded style and doc for Doc/literal encoded style. If this option is not present or the specified value is invalid, Doc is the default style.
Used to specify the SOAP protocol version that the WSDL file supports. Specify 1.1 for SOAP 1.1 protocol and 1.2 for SOAP 1.2 protocol. If this option is not present or the specified value is invalid, SOAP 1.1 is used as the default.
If a syntax error is detected in the given WSDF, an “ERROR” or “FATAL” message indicating that problem is printed to the standard error, and no WSDL file is generated and tmwsdlgen exits with exit code 1.
A “WARN” message is printed to the console if:
Upon successful completion, tmwsdlgen exits with exit code 0.
The following command generates a WSDL document file, Salt.wsdl, from the specified SALT WSDF, tux.wsdf.
tmwsdlgen –c tux.wsdf –o Salt.wsdl
The following command generates a default WSDL document file with SOAP w/Attachment capability from the specified SALT WSDF, app_wsdf.xml.
tmwsdlgen –c app_wsdf.xml –m raw
SALT Web Service Definition File Reference
wsadmin – SALT administration command interpreter.
wsadmin [-v]
wsadmin uses specific commands to monitor and administrate active GWWS processes in the specified Tuxedo domain. The TUXCONFIG environment variable is used to determine the location where the Tuxedo configuration file is loaded. wsadmin is used in the same manner as tmadmin(1) or dmadmin(1).
wsadmin accepts below optional parameter:
Causes wsadmin to display the SALT version number, SALT Patch Level and license information. wsadmin exits after print out.
wsadmin Commands
Commands may be entered using either their full name or their abbreviation (as given in parentheses), followed by any appropriate arguments. Arguments appearing in brackets [ ], are optional; arguments in braces, {}, indicate a selection from mutually exclusive options.
wsadmin supports the following commands:
reload (reload) -i gwws_instance_id
Reload configuration for the specified GWWS gateway instance. The configuration file may have previously been modified using wsloadcf, this command is used to make the changes active.
configstats(cstat) -i gwws_instance_id
Displays the current configuration status for the specified GWWS process. The -i parameter must be specified.
default(d) [-i gwws_instance_id]
Sets the corresponding argument to the default GWWS Instance ID. The defaults can be changed by specifying * as an argument. If the default command is entered without arguments, the current defaults are printed.
echo(e) [{off | on}]
Repeats input command lines when set to on. If no option is given, the current setting is toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off.
forgettrans (ft) -i gateway_instance_id [-c Coord_context]
Forgets one or all heuristic log records for the named GWWS instance. If the transaction identifier tran_id or coord_context coordination context is specified, only the heuristic log record for that transaction is forgotten. The coordination context (coord_context) can be obtained from the printtrans command or from the ULOG file.
help (h) [command]
Prints help messages. If command is specified, the abbreviation, arguments, and description for that command are printed.
Omitting all arguments causes the syntax of all commands to be displayed.
gwstats(gws) -i gwws_instance_id [-s serviceName]
Displays global level run time statistics information for the specified GWWS processes including fail, success, pending number for both inbound and outbound call, average processing time, active thread number, etc. If -s serviceName specified, the service-level information is displayed.
-i is mandatory. -s is optional.
paginate(page) [{off | on}]
Paginates output. If no option is given, the current setting is toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is on, unless either standard input or standard output is a non-tty device. Pagination may be turned on only when both standard input and standard output are tty devices.
The default paging command is indigenous to the native operating system environment. In a UNIX operating system environment, for example, the default paging command is pg. The shell environment variable PAGER may be used to override the default command used for paging output.
printtrans (pt) -i gateway_instance_id
Prints transaction information for the named GWWS instance. The output for each transaction record contains the following colon-delimited string fields:
process ID:GWWS instance id:service name:local GTRID:remote coordination context ID:record type:timestamp.
quit (q)
Terminates the session.
saml create [-p password]
"saml create" is used to create a key file with the name "saml_key_meta" in the current working directory.
-p password
"saml create" command will use this as password to protect the key file. This tool will prompt user to enter password if this option is not given as part of command line argument.
The password option must be given whether to create the key file or in other operation to update the key file. The "password" is an administrative password for this key file. All the operations targeted at a key file must given the same password when the key file was first created.
Here is an example to create a key metadata file protected by password "password".
saml create -p password
saml add {-g -s shared_secret |-i -n issuer_name [ -l issuer_local_id]{[-c] [-s shared_secret]}} [-p password]
"saml add" can be used to add an entry to an existing GWWS key file. The key file must have the name "saml_key_meta" in the current working directory. Either one of the "-g" and "-i" option must be given.
Add an entry for GWWS to the key file. If the GWWS record already exists then this operation will fail. When "-g" option is given then "-n", "-l" and "-c" options are not allowed, if anyone of them is given the operation will fail.
Add an entry for trusted SAML issuer. When this option is specified then "-n" option for SAML issuer name must also be specified.
The trusted SAML issuer name as it appears in the "issuer" subelement or attribute of a SAML assertion.
The local reference id of the trusted issuer. It is a short-hand name for easier reference.
The shared secret. It is the symmetric key used by issuer to sign the assertion.
This indicate that the public key certificate for trusted SAML issuer is installed. If this is not specified in the command line then GWWS will not be able to use public key to verify the signature if such signing is done if binary security token is not attached to the SOAP message.
The password for accessing the key file. This is not optional and must be the same password given when this key file is created. This tool will prompt user to enter password if it is not given as part of command line argument.
Here is an example to add a GWWS record to a key file that is protected by password "password".
saml add -g -s mysecret -p password
The following is an example to add a trusted issuer record to a key file that is protected by password "password". The trusted issuer is configured with both public key certificate and a shared secret.
tSaml add -i -n -l abc -s accessabc -c -p password
If the add operation target is trusted issuer and "-l" option is not given then the operation will use issuer name as local reference name by default. Also in this case either "-c" or "-s" must be given; if both are given then both information will be stored in the key file as part of trusted issuer record.
Both "-n" and "-l" option must be unique in the key file this means that no other trusted issuer has the same issuer name or local reference name. If a record with the same issuer name or same local reference exists then the operation will fail.
saml modify {-g -s shared_secret |-i {[-n issuer_name ][ -l issuer_local_id]}{[-c][-s shared_secret]} [-p password]
"saml modify" can be used to modify an entry to an existing GWWS key file; the entry can be either GWWS entry or trusted issuer entry. The key file must have the name "saml_key_meta" in the current working directory. Either one of the "-g" and "-i" option must be given.
Modify the GWWS entry in the key file. If the GWWS record does not exists then this operation will fail. When "-g" option is given then "-n", "-l" and "-c" options are not allowed, if anyone of them if given the operation will fail.
Modify the trusted SAML issuer entry in the key file. When this option is specified then either "-n" or "-l" option for the issuer name must also be specified. If both "-n" and "-l" options are specified and there is no record matches both search criteria then the operation will fail.
The trusted SAML issuer name as it appears in the "issuer" subelement or attribute of a SAML assertion.
The local reference id of the trusted issuer. It is a short-hand name for easier reference.
The shared secret. It is the symmetric key used by issuer to sign the assertion.
This indicate that the public key certificate for trusted SAML issuer is installed. If this is not specified in the command line then GWWS will not be able to use public key to verify the signature if such signing is done if the binary security token is not attached to the SOAP message.
The password for accessing the key file. This is not optional and must be the same password given when this key file is created. This tool will prompt user to enter the password if this option is not given as part of command line argument.
Here is an example to add a shared secret to the GWWS record in the key file that is protected by password "password".
saml modify -g -s mysecret -p password
The following is an example to add or modify a shared secret to a trusted issuer record in the key file that is protected by password "password".
saml modify -i -l abc -s accessabc -p password
The following is an example to remove a shared secret from a trusted issuer in the key file that is protected by password "password".
saml modify -i -l abc -s -p password
If the modify operation target is trusted issuer then only one of the "-n" and "-l" options is needed because both issuer name and local reference must be unique in the key file. If both "-n" and "-l" options are given then the record must match both; if no record matches both criteria then the operation will fail. If issuer is the target, i.e. "-i" option is given, and "-c" is not given then it will remove the certificate information from the record. If issuer is the target and "-c" is given then it will add the certificate information if it is not in the record originally.
If the "-s" option is given and the existing record already contains shared secret then the new shared secret will replace the old one. The "-s" option must be given with shared secret value specified. When the "-s" option is given with shared secret and the existing record does not have shared secret, then shared secret will be added to the record.
saml delete {-g|-i {-n issuer_name | -l issuer_local_id}} [-p password]
"saml delete" is used to delete an entry from an existing GWWS key file. The key file must have the name "saml_key_meta" in the current working directory. The entry can be either the GWWS entry or trusted issuer entry. Either "-g" or "-i" option must be given.
Delete a GWWS entry from the key file. If the GWWS record does not exists then no operation will be performed. When this option is given then "-n" and "-l" options are not allowed.
Delete a trusted SAML issuer entry from key file. When this option is specified then either "-n" or "-l" option for SAML issuer name must also be specified.
The trusted SAML issuer name as it appears in the "issuer" subelement or attribute of a SAML assertion.
The local reference id of the trusted issuer. It is a short-hand name for easier reference.
The password for accessing the key file. This is not optional and must be the same password given when this key file is created. This tool will prompt user to enter password if this option is not part of command line argument.
Here is an example to delete a GWWS record from a key file that is protected by password "password".
saml delete -g -p password
The following is an example to delete a trusted issuer record from a key file that is protected by password "password".
Saml add -i -l abc -p password
verbose (v) [{off | on}]
Produces output in verbose mode. If no option is given, the current setting is toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off.
! shellcommand
Escapes to the shell and executes shell command.
! !
Repeats previous shell command.
# [text]
Specifies comments. Lines beginning with # are ignored.
Repeats the last command.
> gws -i GW2
GWWS Instance : GW2
Inboud Statistics :
Request Response Succ : 3359
Request Response Fail : 0
Oneway Succ : 0
Oneway Fail : 0

Total Succ : 3359
Total Fail : 0

Avg. Processing Time : 192.746 (ms)
Outboud Statistics :
Request Response Succ : 4129
Request Response Fail : 0
Oneway Succ : 0
Oneway Fail : 0

Total Succ : 4129
Total Fail : 0

Avg. Processing Time : 546.497 (ms)
Total request Pending : 36
Outbound request Pending : 0
Active Thread Number : 141
The following command inspects run time statistics for the ToUpperWS service on GW1 and gets output in verbose mode.
> > verbose
Verbose now on.
> gws -i GW1 -s ToUpperWS
GWWS Instance : GW1
Service : ToUpperWS
Outboud Statistics :
Oneway Succ : 0
Oneway Fail : 0
Avg. Processing Time : 0.000 (ms)
See Also
SALT Administration Guide
wsdlcvt – WSDL document converter.
wsdlcvt -i WSDL_URL -o output_basename [-f] [-m] [-v] [-y] [-w][-sh] [-sp]
wsdlcvt is used to convert an existing WSDL 1.1 document to a Metadata Input File, FML32 mapping File and SALT Web Service Definition File (WSDF). It is a wrapper script for wsdl2mif.xsl, wsdl2fml32*.xsl and wsdl2wsdf.xsl for Xalan. Apache Xalan 2.7 libraries are bundled with SALT product.
JRE 1.5 or higher is required to run wsdlcvt.
wsdlcvt accepts the following parameters:
Specifies the URL of the input WSDL document. The URL can be a local file path or a downloadable HTTP URL link.
Specifies the output files basename. The following suffixes are appended after the basename:
wsdlcvt accepts the following optional parameters:
Forces generation of service metadata information necessary for the conversion of Oracle Tuxedo fields into/from XML attributes (which is not done by default).
Specifies that all the output destination files are overwritten without prompting if they exist. If this parameter is not specified, a prompt message is output.
Specifies that the “xsd:string” data type is mapped to an FML32 typed buffer Tuxedo FLD_MBSTRING data type. If this parameter is not specified, Tuxedo FLD_STRING data type is mapped by default.
Specifies that wsdlcvt works in verbose mode. In particular, it shows context information in the message and output context as FML32 field comments.
If the given WSDL document is published using Microsoft .NET WCF, and it includes the wsdl:import tag, this parameter is specified to ensure that it is correctly handled by wsdlcvt.
Specifies the SOCKS proxy host name to use when a network connection needs to be established (for instance to download the WSDL document from a remote host). This can be a hostname or an IP address. If the proxy name is incorrect and a connection can not be established, wsdlcvt will attempt to connect directly.
Specifies the SOCKS proxy host port number to use if necessary in conjunction with the -sh option. The default value is 1080.
Environment Variable(s)
The TUXDIR and LANG environment variables must be set correctly.
The PATH environment variable must be set appropriately to execute “java”.
Error, warning or information messages are output to standard output.
The following command converts the local WSDL file, sample.wsdl.
wsdlcvt -i sample.wsdl -o sample
The following command converts a WSDL document from a HTTP URL link. The “xsd:string” data type is mapped to the Tuxedo FLD_MBSTRING field type.
wsdlcvt -i -o GSearch -m
See Also
Creating the Oracle Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository
SALT Web Service Definition File Reference
wsloadcf – Reads SALT Deployment file and other referenced artifacts. Loads a binary SALTCONFIG file.
Usage 1: wsloadcf [-n][-y][-D loglevel] saltdeploy_file
Usage 2: wsloadcf [-n][-y][-D loglevel] -1 [-s rpc|doc]
[-v 1.1|1.2] salt_1.1_config
wsloadcf reads a SALT deployment file and other referenced files (WSDF files, WS-Policy files), checks the syntax, and optionally loads a binary SALTCONFIG file. The SALTCONFIG environment variable points to the SALTCONFIG file where the information should be stored. The generated SALTCONFIG file is necessary to boot GWWS servers.
wsloadcf accepts the following optional parameters:
Do validation only without generating the SALTCONFIG file.
After checking the syntax, tmloadcf checks whether: (a) the file referenced by SALTCONFIG exists; (b) it is a valid Oracle Tuxedo system file system; and (c) it contains SALTCONFIG tables. If these conditions are not true, wsloadcf prompts you to indicate whether you want the command to create and initialize SALTCONFIG.
Initialize SALTCONFIG file: path [y, q]?
Prompting is suppressed if the -y option is specified on the command line.
Used to specify the configuration parsing log level.
For SALT 1.1 backward compatibility, wsloadcf can also read a SALT 1.1 configuration file. Besides generating the SALTCONFIG binary file, wsloadcf also generates one SALT Web Service Definition File (WSDF) and one SALT Deployment file according to the given SALT 1.1 configuration file.
Turns on the SALT 1.1 compatible mode. To pass the SALT 1.1 configuration file to wsloadcf, you must specify this flag first.
Only takes effect when a SALT 1.1 configuration file is used. This option is used to specify which SOAP version is applied to the generated WSDF file.
Only takes effect when a SALT 1.1 configuration file is used. This option is used to specify which SOAP message style is applied to the generated WSDF file.
Environment Variables
The SALTCONFIG environment variable must be set before executing wsloadcf.
If a syntax error is detected in the given configuration files, an “ERROR” or “FATAL” message indicating that problem is printed to the console, and no information is updated in the SALTCONFIG file. wsloadcf exits with exit code 1.
A “WARN” message is printed to the console if: (1) configuration files may result in a potential run-time risk or (2) default values are used because they are not specified in the configuration files. “WARN” messages do not interrupt wsloadcf execution.
Upon successful completion, wsloadcf exits with exit code 0. If the SALTCONFIG file is updated, a userlog message is generated.
See Also
SALT Web Service Definition File Reference
SALT Deployment File Reference
wsunloadcf – Reads a binary SALTCONFIG file, creates a SALT deployment file and other referenced files (WSDF files, WS-Policy files).
Usage: wsunloadcf
wsunloadcf reads a binary SALTCONFIG file, creates a SALT deployment file and other referenced files (WSDF files, WS-Policy files). The SALTCONFIG environment variable points to the SALTCONFIG file where the information should be stored.
Environment Variables
The SALTCONFIG environment variable must be set before executing wsunloadcf.
See Also
SALT Web Service Definition File Reference
SALT Deployment File Reference

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