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SALT WS-ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion Reference

SALT WS-ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion Reference
The following sections provide SALT WS-ReliableMessaging (WS-RM) Policy Assertion reference information:
SALT provides support for WS-ReliableMessaging (WS-ReliableMessaging 1.0, Feb., 2005 specification), which allows two Web Service applications running on different GWWS instances to communicate reliably in the event of software component, system, or networks failure.
A WS-Policy file containing WS-ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion is used to configure the reliable messaging capabilities of a GWWS server on a destination endpoint. SALT supports the WS-ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion specification to ensure the interoperability with Oracle WebLogic 9.x / 10.
For more information, see “Configuring Advanced Web Service Messaging Features in the SALT Configuration Guide.
WS-RM Policy Assertion Format
Figure D‑1 shows a graphical representation of the WS-ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion format in a WS-Policy file.
Figure D‑1 WS-ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion Format
WS-RM Assertion File Example
Listing D‑1 shows a sample WS-Policy file that contains WS-RM policy assertion.
Listing D‑1 Sample WS-ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion File
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wsp:Policy wsp:Name="ReliableSomeServicePolicy"
    <wsrm:InactivityTimeout Milliseconds="600000" />
    <wsrm:BaseRetransmissionInterval Milliseconds="500"/>
    <wsrm:ExponentialBackoff />
    <wsrm:AcknowledgementInterval Milliseconds="2000" />
    <beapolicy:Expires Expires="P1D" />
    <beapolicy:QOS QOS="ExactlyOnce InOrder" />
WS-RM Assertion Element Description
All RM assertions are optional, and if not specified, the default value are used. The following definitions describe the RM assertion options.
Specifies the number of milliseconds, specified with the Milliseconds attribute, which defines an inactivity interval. After time has elapsed, if the destination endpoint has not received a message from the source endpoint, the destination endpoint may terminate current sequence due to inactivity. The source endpoint can also use this parameter.
Sequences never time out by default.
Specifies the maximum interval, in milliseconds, in which the destination endpoint must transmit a stand-alone acknowledgement.
This element is optional. If this element is not specified, There is no time limit by default.
Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, that the source endpoint waits after transmitting a message and before it retransmits the message if it receives no acknowledgment for that message. This value will apply to the GWWS server when it sends a response in an outbound sequence.
The default value is 20000 milliseconds.
Specifies that the retransmission interval is adjusted using the exponential back off algorithm. This value applies to the GWWS server when it sends a response in an outbound sequence.
Specifies the amount of time after which the reliable Web service expires and does not accept any new sequence messages.
This element has a single attribute, Expires, whose data type is an XML Schema duration type. For example, if you want to set the expiration time to one day, use the following:
< beapolicy:Expires Expires="P1D" />
The default value is never expire.
Specifies the delivery assurance. SALT supports the following assurances:
The default value is "ExactlyOnce InOrder".
Main WS-RM assertion that groups all the other assertions under a single element.
The presence of this assertion in a WS-Policy file indicates that the corresponding Web Service application must be invoked reliably.

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