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Creating and Configuring Core Administrative Resources

Creating and Configuring Core Administrative Resources
The Oracle Tuxedo system core administrative resources consist of both ATMI and CORBA domains and their associated resources. The Oracle Administration Console enables the system administrator to manage the core Oracle Tuxedo ATMI resources for configuration and run-time administration.
The following help topics define the fields for the Create New Object window and Configuration Tool tab pages when creating or configuring the Oracle Tuxedo ATMI administrative resources.
This topic includes the following sections:
Opening an Existing Domain
To open an existing domain, select Domain—>DomainName from the menu bar.
Figure 4‑1 shows a sample domain menu listing the simple domain.
Figure 4‑1 Sample Domain Menu
Table 4‑1 describes the other Domain menu options.
Creates a new domain. Use this option if the domain you want is not listed on the menu. After clicking on New, enter the pathname of the tuxconfig file for your domain. The GUI will then invoke the specified domain and add its name to the menu for future reference.
Creating a New Domain
Using the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console applet, you can perform all of the administrative tasks required to manage a Oracle Tuxedo domain.
To create a new domain, select Domain—>New from the menu bar to display the Create New Object window as shown in Figure 4‑2. (You can also select an existing domain in the tree and select Quick Menu—>New.)
Figure 4‑2 Create New Object Window for a Domain
Enter values for the following fields:
Click Create to create the new domain. (Or click Cancel to close the window without creating a new domain.)
The following sections explain in detail the attribute fields on the Create New Object window for domains.
Hexadecimal Addresses
Anywhere within the interface, fields that take an address in decimal format can also be specified in hexadecimal format when preceded by the characters 0x. Each character after the initial 0x is a number between 0 and 9 or a letter between A and F (not case sensitive). The hexadecimal format is useful for arbitrary binary network addresses such as IPX/SPX or TCP/IP. For example:
0002 is the first part of a TCP/IP address and 091E is the port number 2334 translated into a hexadecimal number. The rest of the line contains hexadecimal numbers that are translations of the elements of the IP address 155 becomes 9B, 2 becomes 02, and so on.
The name of your Oracle Tuxedo application.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 30 characters. The default is NoName; this name is used only for display purposes in the GUI; it is not recorded as a value in the MIB.
A numeric key that identifies the shared memory segment in which the structures used by your application are located. In a single-processor environment, the interprocess communication (IPC) key identifies the bulletin board. In a multiple-processor or LAN environment, this key names the message queue of the Distinguished Bulletin Board Liaison (DBBL).
Valid Values
An integer in the range from 32769 to 262144. If you expect to define a network of machines using TCP/IP addressing, you may find it helpful to express the value of the IPC key in hexadecimal notation.
Master Machine (TA_MASTER)
The name of the master machine, which is the node on which the master copy of the configuration file (TUXCONFIG) for your application is located. In a multiprocessor environment, this machine is also the one that should run the DBBL.
Valid Values
The format for this value is:
Is the master machine.
Is the backup machine.
Each logical machine identifier (LMID) contains a maximum of 30 characters. The name of the master machine (LMID1) must correspond to the local machine for inactive applications. For a single-machine application, you cannot specify a backup machine.
The administrator can assign the name or it can be specified in your application.
A master machine name is required; specifying a backup machine is optional. For more information about using a Master and Backup machine to swap machines, refer to the section, Setting up Master and Backup Machines. If you specify a backup machine, it will be used as an alternate location (for the TUXCONFIG file and the DBBL) during process relocation and booting.
Memory Model (TA_MODEL)
The classification of your Oracle Tuxedo application as a single-machine (SHM) or multiprocessor (MP) application, specified by selecting one of two memory models (SHM or MP) from a drop-down menu.
Valid Values
Either SHM or MP. The default is SHM.
Application Directory (Full Path) (TA_APPDIR)
All directories are searched when application servers are booted. The first directory serves as the current directory for all application and administrative servers booted on this machine.
Valid Values
The format for this value is:
Is a colon-separated list (for UNIX) of absolute pathnames for directories that contain Oracle Tuxedo applications.
Is a semicolon-separated list for Windows 2000. Each pathname is a string of 2 to 78 characters. A full pathnamePathnamepathnames must be specified for every application for which SECURITY has been set.
Application Configuration File (Full Path) (TA_TUXCONFIG)
The Application Configuration File field is equivalent to the MIB attribute TA_TUXCONFIG. TUXCONFIG is also the name of an environment variable that is used to compile the configuration file and activate the application. This internal entry is used by the Oracle Tuxedo system software after the application is activated.
Valid Values
The format for this value is:
Is the absolute pathname for the location (either a file or device) of the configuration file for your Oracle Tuxedo application. Each pathname is a string of 2 to 78 characters.
Network Address (TA_NADDR)
This field specifies the complete network address to be used by the bridge process placed on the LMID as its listening address. The listening address for a bridge is the means by which it is contacted by other bridge processes participating in the application.
Valid Values
A TCP/IP address is specified in one of two formats:
The local name for the address of the machine on which the bridge resides.
The TCP port number or name at which the bridge will listen for incoming requests. The value of port_number can be either a number (between 0 and 65535) or a name. If port_number is a name, then it must be found in the network services database on your local machine.
In the first format, the bridge finds an address for hostname using the local name resolution facilities (usually DNS). hostname must unambiguously resolve to the address of the machine on which the bridge resides.
In the second format, the #.#.#.# is in dotted decimal format. Each # is a number from 0 to 255. This dotted decimal number represents the IP address of the local machine.
The address can also be specified in hexadecimal format.
The address can also be specified as an arbitrary string (with a maximum of 78 characters). For example, string addresses are used in STARLAN networks.
A local machine on which a TDomain is being run is using TCP/IP addressing and is named, with address The port number at which the TDomain should accept requests is 2334; this port number has been added to the network services database under the name bankapp-bridge. The address can be specified in any of the following five formats:
The last example shows the Hexadecimal Addresses format.
Network Listener Address (TA_NLSADDR)
This field specifies the network address used by the UNIX tlisten(1) process servicing the network on the node identified by the LMID.
Valid Values
The format for this field is the same as that of Network Address (TA_NADDR).
tmloadcf(1) prints an error if you do not enter a value in this field for most machines. If you do not enter a value in this field for the MASTER LMID, tmloadcf prints a warning, and tmadmin(1) will not be able to run in administrator mode on remote machines; it will be limited to read-only operations. This also means that the backup site will be unable to reboot the master site after failure.
See the example under Network Address (TA_NADDR).
Bridge Device (TA_BRIDGE)
The device name to be used by the bridge process placed on that LMID to access the network.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 78 characters.
If your networking functionality is TLI-based, the device name must be an absolute pathname. The network transport endpoint file path has the following form:
For STARLAN this is /dev/starlan. In a multiprocessor configuration, the value takes the form /dev/starlanN, where N is the PE number.
If your networking functionality is sockets-based, you need not enter a value in this field.
Configuring Domain Resources (T_DOMAIN Class)
Application resources refers to global application attributes; that is, the attributes that apply to an entire application, or domain. These attribute values serve to identify, customize, size, secure, and tune a Oracle Tuxedo application. Many of the attribute values that you set on the tabs for your application resources serve as application default values for other classes of administrative objects.
Information about your application resources is listed in eight tabbed pages:
General Tab
To configure general domain attributes, select a domain from the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console tree view and select the General tab in the Configuration Tool pane. The tab contains the following configuration fields:
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of your domain. A domain can be in one of the following states:
License Components (TA_COMPONENTS)
This field displays the Oracle Tuxedo products that you have licensed.
License Expiration Date (TA_LICEXPIRE)
This field displays the date on which your Oracle Tuxedo license will expire.
License Maximum Users (TA_LICMAXUSERS)
This field displays the maximum number of people allowed to use your Oracle Tuxedo license.
License Serial Number (TA_LICSERIAL)
This field displays your Oracle Tuxedo license number.
Security Tab
The Security tab page contains the following fields:
User ID (TA_UID)
The default user ID of the Oracle Tuxedo administrator’s login for this domain.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0 (up to the limits imposed by your operating system). The default is the effective user ID of the person running the tmloadcf command. Specify 0 for Windows 2000 systems.
You can override the value specified here, on individual machines, by specifying other values in the User ID field of the Security tab for the Machines class.
Group ID (TA_GID)
The default group ID of the Oracle Tuxedo administrator’s login for this domain.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0 (up to the limits imposed by your operating system). The default is the effective group ID of the person running the tmloadcf command. Specify 0 for Windows 2000 systems.
You can override the value specified here, on individual machines, by specifying other group IDs in the Security tab for the Machines class.
Security (TA_SECURITY)
This field specifies a method of application security.
Valid Values
Any of the methods presented in the drop-down menu. The available possibilities are shown in Table 4‑2.
A prerequisite for selecting a security method is the assignment of a password.
Permission (TA_PERM)
This field holds a number that controls read and write access to the IPC structure files to:
Valid Values
A four-digit octal number (of which the first character is always 0) in the range 0001 to 0777 that represents the read and write permissions (as defined by the UNIX system) that you set for the IPC structures that implement the bulletin board, and default UNIX system permissions for system and application message queues. The default is 0666, signifying that permission to read and write (6) has been given to the designated user, the designated group, and any other user.
You can override the value specified here, on individual machines, by specifying other values for Permission on the Security tab for the Machines class.
This attribute is specific to UNIX systems; the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console might not return this attribute for applications running on other than UNIX platforms.
Authorization Service Name (TA_AUTHSVC)
The name of an application authentication service that is invoked by the system for each client joining the system.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 127 characters, one of the following values as specified in Security (TA_SECURITY): USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL.
For upward compatibility, setting both APP_PW and AUTHSVC implies USER_AUTH. If you make those two specifications in Security (TA_SECURITY), service_name will be set, without notification, to USER_AUTH no matter what specification you make here.
If you selected the ACL or MANDATORY_ACL security method in Security (TA_SECURITY), then service_name must be.AUTHSVC; this name will be used no matter what specification you make here.
If you selected the USER_AUTH in Security (TA_SECURITY), then the default for service_name is AUTHSVC.
A value in this field is not required if you selected no security (NONE) or APP_PW in Security (TA_SECURITY).
Password (TA_PASSWORD)
Clear-text application password. The system automatically encrypts this information.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 8 characters. This field is not required if you selected no security (NONE) in Security (TA_SECURITY).
Default Commit Control (TA_CMTRET)
Initial setting of the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic for all client and server processes in a Oracle Tuxedo application.
Valid Values
Select one of the following security methods presented in the drop-down menu.
Initializes the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic to TP_CMT_COMPLETE.
Initializes the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic to TP_CMT_LOGGED.
For details about setting this characteristic, refer to the description of the tpscmt(3) function in the BEA Tuxedo ATMI C Function Reference manual.
Limits 1 Tab
The Limits 1 tab page contains the following fields:
The default maximum number of processes that can have access to a bulletin board on a particular processor at any one time.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 32767. You do not need to include system administration processes, such as the BBL and the tmadmin command, when calculating this number. The default is 50.
Changes in this field do not affect active or already configured objects in the Machines class.
Max Buffer Types (TA_MAXBUFTYPE)
Maximum number of buffer types that can be accommodated in the bulletin board buffer type table.
Valid Values
Displays an integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is 6.
Max Buffer Subtypes (TA_MAXBUFSTYPE)
Maximum number of buffer subtypes that can be accommodated in the bulletin board buffer subtype table.
Valid Values
Displays an integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is 50.
Max Conversations (TA_MAXCONV)
The maximum number of simultaneous conversations in which processes on a particular machine can be involved.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is 0.
This is the default attribute setting for newly configured objects in the Machines class. You can override the value specified here, on individual machines, by specifying other values in the Max Conversations field of the Limits tab for the Machines class.
Max Routing Entries (TA_MAXDRT)
Maximum number of routing table entries that can be accommodated in the bulletin board routing table.
Displays an integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is 0.
One entry is required for each object in the Routing Tables class. Additional entries should be allocated to allow for run-time growth.
Max Routing Ranges (TA_MAXRFT)
Maximum number of routing criteria range table entries to be accommodated in the bulletin board range criteria table.
Valid Values
Displays an integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is 0.
One entry is required for each range within a specification in the Routing Table Ranges field of the General tab for the Routing class. In addition, one entry is required for each object in the Routing Tables class. Additional entries should be allocated to allow for run-time growth.
Max Routing Data (TA_MAXRTDATA)
Maximum amount of string pool space to be accommodated in the bulletin board string pool table. Strings and carrays specified in the Max Routing Ranges (TA_MAXRFT) are stored in the string pool. (A carray, character array, is a typed buffer format in which the data is an array of uninterpreted bytes; it always requires an associated length value.) Additional space should be allocated to allow for run-time growth.
Valid Values
Displays an integer in the range 0 to 32760. The default is 0.
Limits 2 Tab
The Limits 2 tab page contains the following fields:
Maximum number of configured machines that can be accommodated in the bulletin board machine table.
Valid Values
Displays an integer in the range 256 to 8191. The default is 256.
Maximum number of configured server groups that can be accommodated in the bulletin board server group table.
Valid Values
Displays an integer in the range 100 to 32767. The default is 100.
Maximum number of servers to be accommodated in the bulletin board server table.
Valid Values
Displays an integer in the range 1 to 8191. The default is 50.
Allowances should be made in setting this attribute for system-supplied administrative servers. Administration of each Oracle Tuxedo site adds approximately one server. Additionally, if TMSs are specified for any server groups (in the TMS Name field of the TMS tab for the Groups class), then they will be booted along with their server group and should be accounted for when determining the value to be entered in this field.
Maximum number of services to be accommodated in the bulletin board service table.
Valid Values
Displays an integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is 100.
Allowances should be made in setting this attribute for system supplied servers offering services for administrative purposes. Administration of each Oracle Tuxedo site adds approximately five services. Other administrative components such as Oracle Tuxedo Workstation, /Q, and Domain may also add administrative services that should be accounted for.
Maximum number of queues to be accommodated in the bulletin board queue table.
Valid Values
Displays an integer in the range 1 to 8191. The default is 50.
Max Global Transactions (MAXGTT)
Maximum number of simultaneous global transactions in which a particular machine can be involved.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 32767. The default is 100.
You can override the value specified here, on individual machines, by specifying other values in the Max Global Transactions field of the Limits tab for the Machines class.
Maximum number of group identifiers that can be used for ACL permissions checking.
Valid Values
Displays an integer in the range 1to 16384. The default is 16384. The maximum group identifier that can be defined is 1 less than max_aclgroups.
Timers Tab
The Timers tab contains the following fields:
Basic Time Unit for Sanity Checks (TA_SCANUNIT)
Interval of time (in seconds) between periodic scans by the system. Periodic scans are used to detect old transactions and timed-out blocking calls within service requests.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 60. The default is 0. The basic time unit (or “scan unit”) must be a multiple of 5.
Passing a value of 0 for this attribute on a SET operation causes the attribute to be reset to its default value.
Bulletin Board Query Time (TA_BBLQUERY)
The amount of time (expressed in scan units) between DBBL status checks on registered BBLs. The DBBL checks to ensure that all BBLs have reported in within the period specified in this field. If a BBL has not been heard from, the DBBL sends a message to that BBL asking for status. If no reply is received, the BBL is partitioned.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 32767. The default is 0. This attribute value should be set to at least twice scan_unit (the value specified in the Basic Time Unit for Sanity Checks (TA_SCANUNIT)). The default is an integer number that is approximately equal to 300 divided by scan_unit.
Default Blocking Time (TA_BLOCKTIME)
The minimum amount of time (expressed in scan units) that a blocking ATMI call will block before timing out. The DBBL checks to ensure that all BBLs have reported in within the period specified in this field. If a BBL has not been heard from, the DBBL sends a message to that BBL asking for status. If no reply is received, the BBL is partitioned.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 32767. The default is an integer number that is approximately equal to 50 divided by scan_unit.
Passing a value of 0 for this attribute on a SET operation will cause the attribute to be reset to its default value.
Bulletin Board Waiting Time (TA_DBBLWAIT)
The maximum amount of time (expressed in scan units) that a DBBL should wait for replies from its BBLs before timing out. The DBBL checks to ensure that all BBLs have reported in within the period specified in this field. If a BBL has not been heard from, the DBBL sends a message to that BBL asking for status. If no reply is received, the BBL is partitioned.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 32767. The default is an integer number that is approximately equal to 20 divided by scan_unit.
Passing a value of 0 for this attribute on a SET operation will cause the attribute to be reset to its default value.
Sanity Checking Timer (TA_SANITYSCAN)
The amount of time (expressed in scan units) between basic sanity checks of the system. The DBBL checks to ensure that all BBLs have reported in within the period specified in this field. If a BBL has not been heard from, the DBBL sends a message to that BBL asking for status. If no reply is received, the BBL is partitioned.
Sanity checking includes client/server viability checks done by each BBL for clients/servers running on the local machine as well as BBL status check-ins (MP mode only).
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 32767. The default is an integer number that is approximately equal to 20 divided by scan_unit.
Passing a value of 0 for this attribute on a SET operation will cause the attribute to be reset to its default value.
System Parameters Tab
The System Parameters tab page contains the following fields:
Load Balancing Enabled (TA_LDBAL)
Whether to enable load balancing, specified by selecting either Yes or No from a drop-down menu.
Valid Values
Enter either Yes or No.
Modifications to this field do not affect clients and servers.
Notification (TA_NOTIFY)
Default notification detection method to be used by the system for unsolicited messages sent to client processes, chosen from a drop-down menu.
Valid Values
Any of the methods presented in the drop-down menu. The available choices are shown in Table 4‑3.
Once unsolicited messages are detected, they are made available to the application through the unsolicited message handling routine that has been defined by the application and identified by the UNIX tpsetunsol(3) function.) This default value can be overridden on a per-client basis using the appropriate tpinit(3) flag value.
Run-time modifications to this attribute do not affect active clients. All signaling of client processes is done by administrative system processes and not by application processes. Therefore, only clients running with the same UNIX system user identifier can be notified using the SIGNAL method.
User Signal (TA_USIGNAL)
Displays which of two signals to be used for signal-based notification.
Valid Values
Either SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2.
Options (TA_OPTIONS)
Comma-separated list of application options in effect.
Valid Values
The available choices are shown in Table 4‑4.
The default is no options.
Only the ACCSTATS option can be set or reset in an active application.
System Access (TA_SYSTEM_ACCESS)
Default mode used by Oracle Tuxedo libraries within application processes to gain access to Oracle Tuxedo internal tables.
Valid Values
The available choices are shown in Table 4‑5.
The default is FASTPATH.
Updates to this attribute value in a running application affect only newly started clients and newly configured objects in the Servers class.
Statistics 1 Tab
The Statistics 1 tab contains the following fields:
Highest Number of Machines (TA_HWMACHINES)
This field displays the high-water number of configured machines (since Oracle Tuxedo was booted or you reset the counter for this field).
Highest Number of Queues (TA_HWQUEUES)
This field displays the high-water number of bulletin board queue table entries that have been used since Oracle Tuxedo was booted.
Highest Number of Routing Table Entries (TA_HWDRT)
This field displays the maximum number of routing table entries that can be accommodated in the bulletin board routing table. One entry is required for each object in the Routing Tables class. Additional entries should be allocated to allow for run-time growth.
Highest Number of Routing Criteria Entries (TA_HWRFT)
This field displays the maximum number of routing criteria range table entries accommodated in the bulletin board range criteria table. One entry is required for each individual range specified in the Routing Table Ranges field (on the General tab for the Routing Tables class). In addition, one entry is required for each object in the Routing Tables class. Additional entries should be allocated to allow for run-time growth.
Largest Size of Routing Table String Pool (TA_HWRTDATA)
This field displays the maximum string pool space accommodated in the bulletin board string pool table. Strings and carrays specified in the Routing Table Ranges field (on the General tab for the Routing Tables class) are stored in the string pool. Additional space should be allocated to allow for run-time growth.
Highest Number of BBL Servers in Use (TA_HWSERVERS)
This field displays the high-water number of in-use bulletin board server table entries.
Highest Number of Groups (TA_HWGROUPS)
This field displays the high-water number of in-use bulletin board server group table.
Highest Number of Services (TA_HWSERVICES)
This field displays the high-water number of in-use bulletin board service table entries.
Statistics 2 Tab
The Statistics 2 tab contains the following fields:
Current Number of Machines (TA_CURMACHINES)
This field displays the number of machines currently configured.
Current Number of Queues (TA_CURQUEUES)
This field displays the number of bulletin board queue table entries currently being used.
Current Number of Routing Table Entries (TA_CURDRT)
This field displays the number of bulletin board routing table entries currently being used.
Current Number of Routing Criteria Entries (TA_CURRFT)
This field displays the number of bulletin board routing criteria range table entries currently being used.
Current Size of Routing Table String Pool (TA_CURRTDATA)
This field displays the current size of the routing table string pool.
Current Number of BBL Servers In Use (TA_CURSERVERS)
This field displays the number of bulletin board server table entries currently being used.
Current Number of Groups (TA_CURGROUPS)
This field displays the number of bulletin board server group table entries that are currently being used.
Current Number of Services (TA_CURSERVICES)
This field displays the number of bulletin board service table entries that are currently being used.
Current Number of Type Entries (TA_CURTYPE)
This field displays the number of bulletin board type table entries that are currently being used.
Current Number of Subtype Entries (TA_CURSTYPE)
This field displays the number of bulletin board subtype table entries that are currently being used.
Creating Machines
The following help topics describe what information to enter in the Create New Object window for creating machines.
To create a new Machine:
The rest of this section describes the fields on the Create New Object window.
Machine Name (TA_PMID)
Physical machine identifier used by Oracle Tuxedo (specifically, in the TM_MIB) for mapping application resources to machines configured for this application.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 30 characters.
For UNIX users: The value of Machine Name is the node name returned when you run the uname -a command on this machine.
Logical Machine Name (TA_LMID)
Logical machine identifier used, in the TM_MIB definition, as the sole means of mapping application resources to configured machines.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 30 characters.
You have the option of assigning a logical name to a backup machine in case the first machine fails.
Tuxedo Root Directory (Full Path) (TA_TUXDIR)
TUXDIR is the absolute pathname of the directory (on this machine) in which the Oracle Tuxedo software resides.
Valid Values
A string of 2 to 78 characters. This directory should not be on a remote filesystem.
Configuring Machines (T_MACHINE Class)
Machine attributes are listed in nine tab pages with the following labels:
General Tab
The General tab for machine attributes contains the following fields:
Machine Type (TA_TYPE)
Machine type. Machines are grouped on the basis of like data representations.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 15 characters. This value is used only for comparison. The default is no entry, that is, the null string, which matches any other machine for which a value has not been specified in this field.
This parameter is used for comparing machines. If the same type has been assigned to two machines, data encoding/decoding is bypassed when data is sent between them. We recommend specifying a type when your application involves a heterogeneous network of machines or when different compilers are used on the machines in the network.
The directory in which the user log error message file (for all servers, clients, and administrative processes executed on this machine) will be stored. The directory is specified as an absolute pathname (not including the filename) for the user log error message file.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 78 characters. This directory should not be on a remote filesystem. The default is $APPDIR/ULOG.
Modifications to this attribute for an active object will not affect running servers or clients.
where /usr2/apps/bank is the value of $APPDIR.
Environment File (TA_ENVFILE)
The pathname of the file that contains variables to be added to the environment for all servers on this machine.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 78 characters. The default is no entry, that is, the null string.
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of your machine. A machine can be in one of the following states:
Networking Tab
The Networking tab for machine attributes contains the following fields:
Network Load (TA_TMNETLOAD)
The additional load to be added during load balancing, specifically, when computing the cost of sending a service request from this machine to another.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 32767. The default is 0.
Security Tab
The Security tab for machine attributes contains the following fields:
User ID (TA_UID)
UNIX system user identifier for the Oracle Tuxedo application administrator on this machine.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 2147483647. The default is the value entered in the User ID field on the Security tab for the Application Resources (T_DOMAIN) class). Administrative commands such as tmboot(1), tmshutdown(1), and tmadmin(1) must be run, on this machine, by the owner of this ID. Application and administrative servers on this machine will be started as this user. IPC structures created for the bulletin board are associated with this ID.
This is a UNIX system-specific attribute that cannot be returned if the platform on which the application is being run is not UNIX-based.
Group ID (TA_GID)
UNIX system group identifier for the Oracle Tuxedo application administrator on this machine. (The administrator for this machine is the owner of the user ID, as defined by the value you entered in the User ID (TA_UID).)
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 2147483647. The default is the value entered in the User ID field on the Security tab for the Application Resources (T_DOMAIN) class.
This is a UNIX system-specific attribute that cannot be returned if the platform on which the application is being run is not UNIX-based.
Permission (TA_PERM)
The numeric permissions associated with the IPC structures that implement the bulletin board.
Valid Values
A four-digit octal number (of which the first character is always 0) in the range 0001 to 0777 that represents the read and write permissions (as defined by the UNIX system) that you set for the IPC structures that implement the bulletin board, and default UNIX system permissions for system and application message queues. For example, the value 0666 signifies that permission to read and write (6) has been given to the designated user, the designated group, and any other user. The default is the value entered in the User ID field on the Security tab for Application Resources (T_DOMAIN)).
This attribute is specific to UNIX systems; the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console might not return this attribute for applications running on other than UNIX platforms.
Minimum Encryption Bits (TA_MINENCRYPTBITS)
The minimum encryption level that will be accepted by a process when data flowing over Oracle Tuxedo network links has been encrypted.
Valid Values
One of the methods presented in the drop-down menu. The available choices are shown in Table 4‑6.
The encryption level is the size of the encryption key used for decrypting (expressed in bits). The default is 0, that is, no encryption. When establishing a network link to this machine, at least this minimum level of encryption is required. If this minimum level of encryption cannot be met, link establishment will fail.
Minimum and maximum encryption levels must be specified for every machine participating in a Oracle Tuxedo domain. During a communication session, the minimum encryption level will be used if either participating process does not support the maximum level that has been specified for the current machine.
Maximum Encryption Bits (TA_MAXENCRYPTBITS)
The maximum encryption level that will be accepted by a process when data flowing over Oracle Tuxedo network links has been encrypted.
Valid Values
One of the methods presented in the drop-down menu. The available choices are shown in Table 4‑7.
The encryption level is the size of the encryption key used for decrypting (expressed in bits). The default is 28. When establishing a network link to this machine, up to this level of encryption will be accepted.
Minimum and maximum encryption levels must be specified for every machine participating in a Oracle Tuxedo domain. During a communication session, the minimum encryption level will be used if either participating process does not support the maximum level that has been specified for the current machine.
Limits Tab
The Limits tab for machine attributes contains the following fields:
The maximum number of clients and servers that can have access to a bulletin board on a particular processor at any one time.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 32767. You do not need to include system administration processes, such as the BBL, when calculating this number, but all application servers, clients, and TMS servers should be counted. If the application is activating workstation listeners on this site, then both the listeners and the potential number of workstation handlers that may be activated should be counted. The default is the value entered in the Max Accessors (TA_MAXACCESSORS) on the Limits 1 Tab tab for Application Resources (T_DOMAIN).
Max Conversations (TA_MAXCONV)
The maximum number of simultaneous conversations in which processes on a particular machine can be involved.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is the value you specified in the Max Conversations (TA_MAXCONV) on the Limits 1 Tab tab for Application Resources (T_DOMAIN).
This is the default attribute setting for newly configured objects in the Machines class. The maximum number of simultaneous conversations per server is 64. The maximum number of simultaneous conversations per server is 64.
Max Workstation Clients (TA_MAXWSCLIENTS)
The number of accesser entries on this machine to be reserved for Workstation clients only.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is 0.
This field is active only when the WorkStation feature is being used. The number specified here takes a portion of the total accesser slots specified with the value entered in the Max Accessors (TA_MAXACCESSORS). The appropriate setting of this parameter helps to conserve IPC resources since Workstation client access to the system is multiplexed through a Oracle Tuxedo supplied surrogate, the workstation handler.
The value of this field must be less than the value of the Max Accessors (TA_MAXACCESSORS); setting this field to a greater value is an error.
Max Global Transactions (TA_MAXGTT)
Maximum number of simultaneous global transactions in which this machine can be involved
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is the value you specified in the Max Global Transactions (MAXGTT) on the Limits 2 Tab tab for Application Resources (T_DOMAIN).
The number of attempts that should be made at the user level to lock the bulletin board before blocking processes on a UNIX semaphore.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. The default is 0. A value of 0 indicates that the spin count built into the delivered binary should be used. If set, this parameter causes the TMSPINCOUNT environment variable to be ignored. This behavior varies from platform to platform.
Default values are built into the Oracle Tuxedo binaries on each machine. These defaults can be overridden at run time for tuning purposes using this attribute. The spin count can be reset to the default built-in value for the site by resetting this attribute value to 0. The system uses the TMSPINCOUNT environment variable if the value is not set here or in the ubbconfig file.
Compression Limit (TA_CMPLIMIT)
Threshold message size at which compression will occur for remote traffic and, optionally, for local traffic.
Valid Values
The values of remote and local can be either nonnegative numeric values or the string MAXLONG, which is dynamically translated to the maximum long setting for the machine. The default is MAXLONG,MAXLONG.
If you enter a value only for remote, the value of local will be set to MAXLONG.
Max ACL Entries in Cache (TA_MAXACLCACHE)
Number of entries in the cache used for ACL entries when TA_SECURITY is set to ACL or MANDATORY_ACL. The appropriate setting of this parameter helps to conserve shared memory resources and yet reduce the number of disk access needed to perform ACL checking.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is 100.
Transaction Log Tab
The Transaction Log tab for machine attributes contains the following fields:
The name of the DTP transaction log for this machine.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 30 characters. The default is TLOG.
If more than one DTP transaction log (or TLOG) exists on the same TLOG device (TLOG Device (TA_TLOGDEVICE)), they must have unique names. The name you specify in this field must not match any other name in any other table in the configuration in which the TLOG table is created.
The number of pages of the DTP transaction log (or “TLOG”) for this machine.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 2048, represents the number of pages. The default is 100. The value you enter is entirely application-dependent. After a global transaction completes, the TLOG records are no longer needed and are thrown away.
The full pathname for the device (raw slice) or UNIX system file that contains the DTP transaction log (TLOG) for this machine. (The TLOG is stored as a Oracle Tuxedo VTOC table on the device.)
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 64 characters. If you do not enter a value in this field, it is assumed that there is no TLOG on this machine.
You can specify the same value that you entered (for this machine) in the Tuxedo Root Directory (Full Path) (TA_TUXDIR) on the General tab for the Machines class. If no TLOG device exists for a given machine, the associated LMID cannot be used by server groups that participate in distributed transactions.
Statistics 1 Tab
The Statistics 1 tab for machine attributes contains the following fields:
Number of Conversations (TA_NUMCONV)
Number of tpconnect(3) operations performed from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset this field).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. If the machine is in an active state, you can reset the counter by replacing the number shown with a number that will be used as the starting point for a new count. We recommend entering 0 when you reset the counter.
Interpret the number shown in this field in terms of the starting point for the counter. For example, if you reset the counter to 1000 and the number displayed in this field later is 10000, the number of operations performed is 9000.
Number of Dequeues (TA_NUMDEQUEUE)
Number of tpdequeue(3) operations performed from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset this field).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. If the machine is in an active state, you can reset the counter by replacing the number shown with a number that will be used as the starting point for a new count. We recommend entering 0 when you reset the counter.
Interpret the number shown in this field in terms of the starting point for the counter. For example, if you reset the counter to 1000 and the number displayed in this field later is 10000, the number of operations performed is 9000.
Number of Enqueues (TA_NUMENQUEUE)
Number of tpenqueue(3) operations performed from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset this field).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. If the machine is in an active state, you can reset the counter by replacing the number shown with a number that will be used as the starting point for a new count. We recommend entering 0 when you reset the counter.
Interpret the number shown in this field in terms of the starting point for the counter. For example, if you reset the counter to 1000 and the number displayed in this field later is 10000, the number of operations performed is 9000.
Number of Posts (TA_NUMPOST)
Number of tppost(3) operations performed from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset this field).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. If the machine is in an active state, you can reset the counter by replacing the number shown with a number that will be used as the starting point for a new count. We recommend entering 0 when you reset the counter.
Interpret the number shown in this field in terms of the starting point for the counter. For example, if you reset the counter to 1000 and the number displayed in this field later is 10000, the number of operations performed is 9000.
Number of Requests (TA_NUMREQ)
Number of tpacall(3) or tpcall(3) operations performed from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset this field).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. If the machine is in an active state, you can reset the counter by replacing the number shown with a number that will be used as the starting point for a new count. We recommend entering 0 when you reset the counter.
Interpret the number shown in this field in terms of the starting point for the counter. For example, if you reset the counter to 1000 and the number displayed in this field later is 10000, the number of operations performed is 9000.
Number of In Use Transaction Table Entries (TA_CURGTT)
This field displays the number of transaction table entries on this machine that are currently in use.
Number of Transactions (TA_NUMTRAN)
The number of transactions initiated (with tpbegin(3)) from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset this field).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. If the machine is in an active state, you can reset the counter by replacing the number shown with a number that will be used as the starting point for a new count. We recommend entering 0 when you reset the counter.
Interpret the number shown in this field in terms of the starting point for the counter. For example, if you reset the counter to 1000 and the number displayed in this field later is 10000, the number of operations performed is 9000.
Number of Transactions Aborted (TA_NUMTRANABT)
The number of transactions aborted (tpabort(3)) from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset this field).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. If the machine is in an active state, you can reset the counter by replacing the number shown with a number that will be used as the starting point for a new count. We recommend entering 0 when you reset the counter.
Interpret the number shown in this field in terms of the starting point for the counter. For example, if you reset the counter to 1000 and the number displayed in this field later is 10000, the number of operations performed is 9000.
Number of Transactions Committed (TA_NUMTRANCMT)
The number of transactions committed (with tpcommit(3)) from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset this field).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. If the machine is in an active state, you can reset the counter by replacing the number shown with a number that will be used as the starting point for a new count. We recommend entering 0 when you reset the counter.
Interpret the number shown in this field in terms of the starting point for the counter. For example, if you reset the counter to 1000 and the number displayed in this field later is 10000, the number of operations performed is 9000.
Statistics 2 Tab
The Statistics 2 tab for machine attributes contains the following fields:
Current Number of Clients (TA_CURCLIENTS)
This field displays the number of clients, both native and workstation, currently logged in to this machine.
Current Number of WS Clients (TA_CURWSCLIENTS)
This field displays the number of Workstation clients currently logged in to this machine
Current Number of Conversations (TA_CURCONV)
This field displays the number of active conversations with participants on this machine.
Current Number of Accessors (TA_CURACCESSORS)
This field displays the number of clients and servers currently accessing the application either directly on this machine or through a workstation handler on this machine.
Current Service Load (TA_CURRLOAD)
This field displays the current service load on this machine.
If the T_DOMAIN:TA_LDBAL attribute is N or the T_DOMAIN:TA_MODEL attribute is MP, then an FML32 NULL value is returned (0).
Highest Number of Accessors (TA_HWACCESSORS)
This field displays the high-water number of clients and servers accessing the application (either directly, on this machine, or through a workstation handler on this machine).
Highest Number of Conversations (TA_HWCONV)
This field displays the highest number of simultaneous conversations that have occurred on this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted.
Highest Number of In Use Transaction Table Entries (TA_HWGTT)
This field displays the high-water number of transaction table entries currently being used on this machine.
Highest Number of Clients (TA_HWCLIENTS)
This field displays the high-water number of clients (both native and workstation) logged in to this machine.
Highest Number of WS Clients (TA_HWWSCLIENTS)
This field displays the high-water number of Workstation clients currently logged in to this machine.
Statistics 3 Tab
The Statistics 3 tab for machine attributes contains the following fields:
Number of Subscriptions (TA_NUMSUBSCRIBE)
The number of tpsubscribe(3) operations performed from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset this field).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. If the machine is in an active state, you can reset the counter by replacing the number shown with a number that will be used as the starting point for a new count. We recommend entering 0 when you reset the counter.
Interpret the number shown in this field in terms of the starting point for the counter. For example, if you reset the counter to 1000 and the number displayed in this field later is 10000, the number of operations performed is 9000.
Disk Page Size (TA_PAGESIZE)
This field displays the disk page size used on this machine.
Offset to the TLOG File (TA_TLOGOFFSET)
This field displays the size (in pages) of the offset between the beginning of the device and the beginning of the Oracle Tuxedo filesystem that contains the DTP transaction log for this machine.
Offset to the Oracle Tuxedo File (TA_TUXOFFSET)
This field displays the size (in pages) of the offset between the beginning of the device and the beginning of the Oracle Tuxedo filesystem that contains the TUXCONFIG file for this machine. (If the offset is greater than 0, then it is placed in the environment of all servers booted on a machine.)
Total Service Load Completed (TA_WKCOMPLETED)
This field displays the total service load dequeued and processed successfully by servers running on this machine.
Total Service Load Initiated (TA_WKINITIATED)
This field displays the total service load enqueued by clients/servers running on this machine.
Machine Role (TA_ROLE)
This field displays the role of this machine, as shown in Table 4‑8.
Table 4‑8 Machine Role
For more information about using a Master and Backup machine to swap machines, refer to the section, Setting up Master and Backup Machines.
Software Release (TA_SWRELEASE)
This field displays the software release for the binary on this machine (or a 0-length string if the binary is not a Oracle Tuxedo master binary).
ACL Statistics Tab
The ACL Statistics tab for machine attributes contains the following fields:
Highest Number of Entries in ACL Cache (TA_HWACLCACHE)
This field displays the high-water number of entries used in the ACL cache.
Number of ACL Cache Hits (TA_ACLCACHEHITS)
This field displays the number of accesses to the ACL cache that resulted in a “hit” (that is, the entry was already in the cache).
Number of Accesses to ACL Cache (TA_ACLCACHEACCESS)
This field displays the number of accesses to the ACL cache.
Number of Failed Accesses to ACL Cache (TA_ACLFAIL)
This field displays the number of accesses to the ACL cache that resulted in an access control violation.
Configuring Transactions (T_TRANSACTION Class)
Transaction attributes are listed in two tabbed tabs with the following labels:
General Tab
The General tab of the transactions class contains the following fields:
Logical Machine Name, Backup (TA_LMID)
This field displays the retrieval machine logical machine identifier. Note that transaction attributes are primarily kept local to a site and coordinated with common transaction identifiers by transaction management servers (TMSs).
Transaction Identifier (TA_XID)
This field displays the transaction identifier as returned from tx_info(3) mapped to a string representation. The data in this field should not be interpreted directly by the user except for equality comparison.
Transaction Identifier (from tpsuspend) (TA_TPTRANID)
This field displays the transaction identifier as returned from tpsuspend(3) mapped to a string representation. The data in this field should not be interpreted directly by the user except for equality comparison.
Coordination Logical Machine (TA_COORDLMID)
This field displays logical machine identifier of the server group responsible for coordinating the transaction.
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of the transaction. A transaction can be in one of the following states:
Miscellaneous Tab
The Miscellaneous tab of the transactions class contains the following fields:
Number of Groups (TA_GRPCOUNT)
This field displays the number of groups identified as participants in the transaction by the information returned from the retrieval site.
First Group Index (TA_GRPINDEX)
This field displays the index of the first group specific attribute values (TA_GRPNO and TA_GSTATE) corresponding to this object.
Group Number (TA_GRPNO)
This field displays the group number of the participating group.
Timeout (TA_TIMEOUT)
This field displays time left, in seconds, before the transaction will time out on the retrieval site. This attribute value is returned only when the transaction state (TA_STATE) is ACTIVE.
Runtime State (TA_GSTATE)
This field displays the state, at run time, of the selected transactions for the specified group. Such a transaction can be in one of the following states:
Creating Groups
To create new Groups:
Group Name (TA_SRVGRP)
Logical name of the server group.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 30 characters.
The group name cannot contain an asterisk, a comma, or a colon. The group name must be unique among all group names in the Groups class and all values entered in the Logical Machine Name (TA_LMID) for objects in the Machines class.
This name is used as the value of the SRVGRP parameter in two places: in the Servers tabs (to identify a server as a part of this group), and the Services tab (to identify an instance of a service with its occurrences in the group).
Group Number (TA_GRPNO)
Number associated with this server group.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 30000. The number must be unique among all entries in the Groups tabs.
Logical Machine Name, Backup (TA_LMID)
Primary logical machine identifier for this server group (LMID1) and optional secondary logical machine identifier (LMID2).
Valid Values
Each LMID (logical machine identifier) contains a maximum of 30 characters. Logical machine identifiers specified in this field must be configured already. Each name must be unique within this group’s configuration.
The name of a new group cannot contain an asterisk, comma, or colon.
You are required to specify one machine; specifying a backup machine is optional. If you specify a backup machine and server group migration is enabled, then you will be able to migrate this server group to the backup machine, if necessary.
Configuring Groups (T_GROUP Class)
Group attributes are listed in three tabbed tabs:
General Tab
The General tab contains the following fields:
Current Logical Machine (TA_CURLMID)
Name (expressed as a logical machine identifier) of the machine on which this server group is currently running.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 30 characters. This attribute is not returned for server groups that are not active.
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of your group. A group can be in one of the following states:
The TMS tab provides two fields.
Name of the transaction manager server a.out file associated with this group. This file is executed by tmboot when you boot this server group.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 78 characters. The value TMS is reserved to indicate use of the null XA interface. The default is no entry, that is, the null string.
You must enter a value in this field for any group that includes servers that will participate in distributed transactions. (A distributed transaction is a transaction executed across multiple resource managers, and possibly machines, that are started with tpbegin(3), and ended with a tpcommit(3) or tpabort(3) call.)
If you specify a nonempty value other than TMS, then you must also specify a TLOG device for the one or more machines associated with the primary and secondary logical machines for this group.
A unique server identifier is selected automatically for each TM server. You will be able to restart the servers an unlimited number of times.
Number of transaction manager servers to be started for the associated group, if you have specified a value for the TMS Name (TA_TMSNAME).
Valid Values
tmscount is an integer in the range 2 to 10. The default is 3. If you have not specified a value for the TMS Name (TA_TMSNAME), then this field is ignored.
The servers are set up in an MSSQ set automatically.
Args Tab
The Args tab contains the following fields:
Open Information (TA_OPENINFO)
Information needed to open a particular instance of a particular resource manager, or an indication that such information is not required for this group.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 256 characters, consisting, if not empty, of four substrings, separated by colons, of the format:
These subfields are described in Table 4‑9.
Table 4‑9 Subfield
TUXEDO/D for Oracle Tuxedo System/D databases.
TUXEDO/SQL for Oracle Tuxedo System/SQL databases.
TUXEDO/QM for Oracle Tuxedo /Q databases.
One of readonly or readwrite.
The /D and /SQL databases are only used by the sample applications provided with Oracle Tuxedo (for example, bankapp) and are not supported for use with the application code.
The default is no entry, that is, the null string.
On a Windows 2000 machine, semicolons are used instead of the colons after fsconfig and dbname.
The Open Information format depends on the requirements of the resource manager vendor. The string required by the vendor must be prefixed by rm_name, which is the published name of the vendor’s transaction (XA) interface, followed immediately by a colon.
This field is ignored if you have not specified a name in the TMS Name (TA_TMSNAME) or if you have specified it as TMS. If you have specified a value for the TMS name but you have not done so for the Open Information field, it means that a resource manager exists for this group but does not require any information for executing an open operation.
Oracle Tuxedo /Q databases use the following format:
Run-time modifications to this attribute does not affect active servers in the group.
Close Information (TA_CLOSEINFO)
Information needed when the resource manager is being closed.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 256 characters, consisting, if not empty, of three substrings, separated by colons, of the format:
These subfields are described in Table 4‑10.
Table 4‑10 Subfield
TUXEDO/D for Oracle Tuxedo System/D databases.
TUXEDO/QM for Oracle Tuxedo /Q databases.
One of readonly or readwrite.
The default is no entry, that is, the null string.
On Windows 2000 and NetWare machine, semicolons are used instead of the colons after fsconfig and dbname.
The Close Information format depends on the requirements of the resource manager vendor. The string required by the vendor must be prefixed by rm_name, which is the published name of the vendor’s transaction (XA) interface, followed immediately by a colon.
This field is ignored if you have not specified a name in the TMS Name (TA_TMSNAME) or if you have specified it as TMS. If you have specified a value for the TMS name but you have not done so for the Close Information field, it means that a resource manager exists for this group but does not require any information for executing a close operation.
Run-time modifications to this attribute will not affect active servers in the group.
Creating Servers
To create new Servers:
Server ID (TA_SRVID)
A numeric identifier, selected by the administrator, that uniquely identifies a server within a group.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 30000.
If multiple instances of servers are desired, do not use consecutive numbers. Instead, leave enough room for the system to assign additional server IDs up to the number specified in the Max Servers Activated (TA_MAX) field.
Pathname of the execpathnameutable file for the server.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 78 characters. The server identified in this field will run on the machines specified in the Logical Machine Name, Backup (TA_LMID) for the Groups class to which this server belongs. If you specify a relative pathname, a search will be done for the executable file in the following order:
The pathname specified as the first PATH= entry in the machine environment file (if one exists).
Configuring Servers (T_SERVER Class)
Group attributes are listed in six tabbed folders:
General Tab
The General tab contains the following fields:
Group Number (TA_GRPNO)
This field displays the group number associated with this server’s group.
Environment File (TA_ENVFILE)
This field displays the name of the file that defines the environment in which the a.out file is executed by tmboot.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 78 characters. The default is no entry, that is, the null string.
Current Logical Machine Name (TA_LMID)
This field displays the current logical machine on which the server is running.
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of your server. A server can be in one of the following states:
Args Tab
The Args tab contains the following fields:
Grace Period (TA_GRACE)
The amount of time (in seconds) during which this server can be started.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 2147483647. The default is 86400 (the number of seconds in 24 hours. The Automatic Restart (TA_RESTART) must be set to Yes. The equation used to calculate the grace period is:
(MAXGEN - 1)
where MAXGEN is set in the Max Generations (TA_MAXGEN). As soon as one grace period ends, the next one begins. Thus setting the value of this field to 0 removes all limitations. The server can then be restarted an unlimited number of times.
Max Servers Activated (TA_MAX)
The maximum number of times this server can be reactivated.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 1001. The default is 1. Use this parameter to prevent having to repeat an entry for multiple occurrences of the same server.
Min Servers Activated (TA_MIN)
The minimum number of times this server can be reactivated.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 1001. The default is 1. Use this parameter to prevent having to repeat an entry for multiple occurrences of the same server.
Limitation: Run-time modifications to this attribute will not affect a running server.
If you have specified a value in the Request Queue (TA_RQADDR) and the Min Servers Activated value is greater than 1, then an MSSQ set is formed.
Max Generations (TA_MAXGEN)
The maximum number of times this server can be started within the period specified in the Grace Period (TA_GRACE).
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 255. The default is 1. To restart the server, the value in this field must be 2 or less.
Run-time modifications to this attribute will affect a running server and all other active servers with which it is sharing a request queue. However, only the selected server's configuration parameter is modified. Thus, the behavior of the application depends on the order of booting in subsequent activations unless the administrator ensures that all servers sharing a queue have the same value for this attribute.
Activation Sequence Number (TA_SEQUENCE)
The order in which servers are activated and deactivated.
If a value is specified in this field for some servers but not for others, those with assigned numbers will be activated first. The servers for which numbers have not been assigned are then activated in the order in which they appear in the configuration file. If the same value (for “Activation Sequence Number”) is assigned to more than one server, those servers may be activated in parallel.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 9999. The default is for servers to be activated in the order in which they are listed in the configuration file, and deactivated in reverse order.
System Access (TA_SYSTEM_ACCESS)
This field controls the allocation of shared memory space.
Valid Values
One of the methods presented in the drop-down menu. The available choices are shown in Table 4‑11.
Run-time modifications to this attribute will not affect a running server.
Commands Tab
The Commands tab contains the following fields:
Executable Options (TA_CLOPT)
Command-line options to be passed to the server when it is activated.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 256 characters. The default is -A.
Run-time modifications to this attribute will not affect a running server.
Restart Command (TA_RCMD)
A command, specified by the application, that is executed in parallel with the system restart of an application server.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 78 characters. The default is no entry, that is, the null string. This command must be an executable UNIX system file.
Servers sharing a request queue (that is, equal values in the Request Queue (TA_RQADDR) on the System Parameters tab) should have equal values for this attribute. If they do not, then the first server activated will establish the run-time value associated with all servers on the queue.
Run-time modifications to this attribute will affect a running server and all other active servers with which it is sharing a request queue. However, only the selected server's configuration parameter is modified. Thus, the behavior of the application depends on the order of booting in subsequent activations, unless the administrator ensures that all servers sharing a queue have the same value for this attribute.
Automatic Restart (TA_RESTART)
Determines whether or not the server is restartable.
Valid Values
Enter either Yes or No.
The default is No. You must specify Yes in this field if server migration has been specified for this server group in the following manner: You selected MIGRATE in the Options (TA_OPTIONS) of the General tab for Configuring Domain Resources (T_DOMAIN Class), and you designated an alternate site in the Logical Machine Name, Backup (TA_LMID) of the General tab in the Groups class.
Servers sharing a request queue (that is, equal values in the Request Queue (TA_RQADDR) on the System Parameters tab) should have equal values for this attribute. If they do not, then the first server activated will establish the run-time value associated with all servers on the queue.
Run-time modifications to this attribute will affect a running server and all other active servers with which it is sharing a request queue. However, only the selected server's configuration parameter is modified. Thus, the behavior of the application depends on the order of booting in subsequent activations, unless the administrator ensures that all servers sharing a queue have the same value for this attribute.
System Parameters Tab
The System Parameters tab contains the following fields:
Request Queue (TA_RQADDR)
A symbolic name that points to the address queue of the server.
Valid Values
A string of 0 to 30 characters. The default is GRPNO.SRVID, where:
GRPNO is the value specified in the Group Number (TA_GRPNO) of the General tab for the Groups class.
SRVID is the value specified in the Server ID (TA_SRVID) of the General tab for the Servers class).
Multiple Server, Single Queue (MSSQ) sets are established by using the same symbolic name for more than one server or by specifying the Min Servers Activated (TA_MIN) to be greater than 1. All members of an MSSQ set must offer an identical set of services and must be in the same server group.
Reply Queue (TA_REPLYQ)
Determines whether or not a reply queue, separate from the request queue, is to be set up for this server.
Valid Values
Enter either Yes or No.
The default is Yes.
If you specify Yes, the server is a member of a Multiple Server, Single Queue (MSSQ) set and contains services programmed to receive reply messages. This ensures that the individual reply queue is created for this server. If this is not done, the reply is sent to the request queue shared by all servers of the MSSQ set, and there is no way of assuring that it will be picked up by the server waiting for it. It should be standard practice to specify Yes for all member servers of an MSSQ set if replies are anticipated. Servers in an MSSQ set must have identical service offerings, so it is reasonable to expect that if one server in the set expects replies, any server in the set may do likewise.
If you specify No, only one server uses the request queue. Replies are then picked up from the request queue without difficulty.
Request Queue Perm (TA_RQPERM)
The numeric permissions assigned to the request queue for this server.
Valid Values
A four-digit octal number (of which the first character is always 0) in the range 0001 to 0777 that represents the UNIX system read and write permissions (as defined by the UNIX system) that you set for the request queue for this server. For example, the value 0666 signifies that permission to read and write (6) has been given to the designated user, the designated group, and any other user. The default is 0666. If you do not enter a value in this field, the permissions of the bulletin board, as specified by the Permission (TA_PERM) on the Security tab for the Application Resources class (T_DOMAIN), are implemented.
If the default is active, your application could be open to the owner of any login on the system, which is not recommended.
This attribute is specific to UNIX systems; it might not be returned if the platform on which the application is being run is not UNIX-based.
Reply Queue Perm (TA_RPPERM)
UNIX system-style permissions assigned to the server’s reply queue.
Valid Values
A four-digit octal number, in the range 0001 to 0777, as described under Request Queue Perm (TA_RQPERM). The default is the value you entered for this field in the Permission (TA_PERM) on the Security tab for the Application Resources class (T_DOMAIN).
This attribute is specific to UNIX systems; it might not be returned if the platform on which the application is being run is not UNIX-based.
Reply Message Queue ID (TA_RPID)
This field displays the UNIX system message queue identifier for the server’s reply queue. If a separate reply queue is not allocated (the Reply Queue (TA_REPLYQ) specified No), then this attribute will be the same as the value of the Request Message Queue ID (TA_RQID).
This field is specific to UNIX systems; there might be no value displayed here if the platform on which the application is being run is not UNIX-based.
Request Message Queue ID (TA_RQID)
This field displays the UNIX system message queue identifier for the server’s request queue. If a separate queue is not allocated (the Reply Queue (TA_REPLYQ) specified No), then this attribute will be the same as the value of the Reply Message Queue ID (TA_RPID).
This field is specific to UNIX systems; there might be no value displayed here if the platform on which the application is being run is not UNIX-based.
Process ID (TA_PID)
This field displays the UNIX system process identifier for the server. Note that this may not be a unique attribute since servers may be located on different machines allowing for duplication of process identifiers.
This field is specific to UNIX systems; there might be no value displayed here if the platform on which the application is being run is not UNIX-based.
Conversations Allowed (TA_CONV)
This field causes the number of conversations initiated through this server by tpconnect(3) since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or you reset the counter) to be displayed in the Number of Conversations (TA_NUMCONV).
Valid Values
Enter either Yes or No.
Statistics 1 Tab
The Statistics 1 tab contains the following fields:
Number of Conversations (TA_NUMCONV)
This field displays the number of tpconnect(3) conversations initiated by this server since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or you reset the counter).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Dequeues (TA_NUMDEQUEUE)
This field displays the number of tpdequeue(3) operations initiated by this server since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset the counter).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Enqueues (TA_NUMENQUEUE)
This field displays the number of tpenqueue(3) operations performed from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset the counter).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Posts (TA_NUMPOST)
This field displays the number of tppost(3) operations performed from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or you reset the counter).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Requests (TA_NUMREQ)
This field displays the number of tpacall(3) or tpcall(3) operations performed from this machine since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset the counter).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Total Number of Workload Completed (TA_TOTWORKL)
This field displays the total work load completed by this server.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
For conversational servers, the value of this field indicates the workload of completed incoming conversations. This is a run-time attribute that is kept across server restart but is lost at server shutdown.
Restarting Time (TA_TIMERESTART)
This field displays the amount of time since restart.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0, representing the seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970, as returned by the time(2) system call on the machine identified in the Current Logical Machine Name (TA_LMID). This value shows when the server was last started or restarted.
Starting Time (TA_TIMESTART)
This field displays the amount of time since the server was first started.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0, representing the seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970, as returned by the time(2) system call on the machine identified in the Current Logical Machine Name (TA_LMID). This value shows when the server was first started.
Restarts of the server do not reset this value; however, if the value entered in the Max Generations (TA_MAXGEN) on the Args tab and the amount of time specified in the Grace Period (TA_GRACE) on the Args tab has expired, the value in this field (Starting Time) will be reset to the time of the restart.
Time Left in Current Service (TA_SVCTIMEOUT)
This field displays the time remaining for this server to process the current service request (if any).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0, representing the number of seconds. A value of 0 for an active service means that no timeout processing is being performed.
Time Left for Reply (TA_TIMELEFT)
This field displays the time remaining for this server to receive the reply for which it is currently waiting before it will time out.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0, representing the number of seconds. This timeout can be a transactional timeout or a blocking timeout.
Statistics 2 Tab
The Statistics 2 tab contains the following fields:
Number of Subscriptions (TA_NUMSUBSCRIBE)
This field displays the number of subscriptions made by this server.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0, the number of subscriptions made by this server with tpsubscribe(3) since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or you reset the counter).
Number of Transactions (TA_NUMTRAN)
This field displays the number of transactions begun by this server since its last start or restart.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Transactions Aborted (TA_NUMTRANABT)
This field displays the number of transactions aborted by this server since its last start or restart.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Transactions Committed (TA_NUMTRANCMT)
This field displays the number of transactions committed by this server since its last start or restart.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Total Number of Requests Completed (TA_TOTREQC)
This field displays the number of requests completed by this server.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. For conversational servers, the value in this field indicates the number of completed incoming conversations. This is a run-time attribute that is kept across server restart but is lost at server shutdown.
Statistics 3 Tab
The Statistics 3 tab contains the following fields:
Client Logical Machine Name (TA_CLTLMID)
This field displays the logical machine for the initiating client or server. The initiating client or server is the process that made the service request on which the server is currently working.
Client Process ID (TA_CLTPID)
This field displays the UNIX system process identifier for the initiating client or server.
This field is specific to UNIX systems; there might be no value displayed here if the platform on which the application is being run is not UNIX-basedUNIX-based.
Client Expecting Reply (TA_CLTREPLY)
This field displays whether or not the initiating client or server is expecting a reply.
Valid Values
Enter either Yes or No.
Commit Control (TA_CMTRET)
This field displays the setting of the TP_COMMIT_CONTROL characteristic for this server. For details about setting this characteristic, refer to the description of the tpscmt(3) function in the BEA Tuxedo ATMI C Function Reference manual, and the Default Commit Control (TA_CMTRET) in the File Formats, Data Descriptions, MIBs, and System Processes manual.
Current Number of Conversations (TA_CURCONV)
Number of tpconnect(3) conversations initiated by this server that are still active.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Current Number of Requests (TA_CURREQ)
This field displays the number of requests that have been initiated by this server with tpcall(3) that are still active.
Current Service (TA_CURRSERVICE)
This field displays the service name on which the server is currently working (if any).
Current Time (TA_CURTIME)
This field displays the current time (in seconds) since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970, as returned by the time(2) system call on the machine identified in the Current Logical Machine Name (TA_LMID). This attribute can be used to compute elapsed time from the Starting Time (TA_TIMESTART) and Restarting Time (TA_TIMERESTART) attribute values.
Last Group Contacted (TA_LASTGRP)
This field displays the server group number (as shown in the Group Number (TA_GRPNO)) of the last service request made or conversation initiated from this server outward.
Current Transaction Level (TA_TRANLEV)
This field displays the current transaction level for this server. A value of 0 means that the server is not currently involved in a transaction.
Creating Routing Tables
To create new Routing Tables:
Routing Table Name (TA_ROUTINGNAME)
The name of the routing criteria table.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 15 characters.
Buffer Type (TA_BUFTYPE)
A list of types and subtypes (specified with the relevant types) of data buffers for which this routing entry is valid.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 256 characters, of the following format:
type1[:subtype1[,subtype2 ...]][;type2[:subtype3[, ...]]] ...
Entries for types are separated by semicolons. Within a type/subtype pair, the type and subtype components are separated by a colon. Subtype names should not contain semicolon, colon, comma, or asterisk characters.
Duplicate type/subtype pairs can not be specified for the same routing criterion name; more than one routing entry can have the same criterion name as long as the type/subtype pairs are unique. If multiple buffer types are specified for a single routing entry, the data types of the routing field for each buffer type must be the same.
A maximum of 32 type/subtype combinations are allowed.
The valid types are:
No subtype can be specified for the FML type. Subtypes are required for VIEW, X_C_TYPE, and X_COMMON. (The wildcard character, *, is not allowed.)
Field Name (TA_FIELD)
Routing field name.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 30 characters.
This field is assumed to be an FML buffer or view field name that is identified in an FML field table (using the FLDTBLDIR and FIELDTBLS environment variables) or an FML view table (using the VIEWDIR and VIEWFILES environment variables), respectively. This information is used to get the associated field value for data-dependent routing during the sending of a message.
Routing Table Ranges (TA_RANGES)
The ranges and associated server groups for the routing field.
Valid Values
lower[-upper]:group[, lower[-upper]:group[, ...]]
These constructs have the following values as shown in Table 4‑12.
Table 4‑12 Valid Values
The values MIN and MAX can be used to indicate the minimum and maximum values for the data type of the associated field on the machine. The asterisk, a wildcard character, is a metacharacter that, when used in the position of a range, indicates any values not covered by any previous ranges. Only one wildcard range is allowed per entry and it should be listed last, since ranges following it will be ignored.
The routing field can be of any data type supported in FML. A numeric routing field must have numeric range values, and a string routing field must have string range values.
String range values for string, carray, and character field types must be delimited by single quotes and cannot be preceded by a sign. (To embed a single quotation mark in a character string value, precede it with two backslashes.) Short and long integer values are a string of digits, optionally preceded by a plus or minus sign. Floating point numbers are of the window accepted by the C compiler or atof(3):
An optional e or E followed by an optional sign or space, followed by an integer
In the following example, entries in the range 60,000 to 69,999 are routed to BANKB2, those in the range 70,000 to 79,999 to BANKB3, and the rest to BANKB4.
60000-69999:BANKB2, 70000-79999:BANKB3, *:BANKB4
In the following example, all entries less than or equal to -5 are routed to BANKB6.
In the following example, all entries greater than or equal to 6 are routed to BANKB7.
Configuring Routing Tables (T_ROUTING Class)
Routing table attributes are listed in one tabbed folder labeled General Tab.
General Tab
The General tab contains the following fields:
Routing Table Name (TA_ROUTINGNAME)
This field displays the name of the routing criteria table specified in the Routing Table Name (TA_ROUTINGNAME) of the Create New Object window.
Valid Values
rctable is a string of 1 to 15 characters.
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of your routing table. A routing table has only one state: VALID.
Creating Service Defaults
To create new Service Defaults:
The name of the service.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 127 characters.
Configuring Service Defaults (T_SERVICE Class)
Service defaults class attributes are listed in two tabbed folders:
General Tab
The General tab contains the following fields:
Routing Table Name (TA_ROUTINGNAME)
The name of the routing criteria table used for this service when doing data-dependent routing.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 15 characters. The default is no entry, that is, the null string; it means data-dependent routing is not done for this service.
If multiple entries exist for the same service name but with different SRVGRP (see Group Name (TA_SRVGRP)) parameters, the Routing Table Name parameter must be the same for all of these entries.
Buffer Type (TA_BUFTYPE)
A list of types and subtypes of data buffers accepted by this service.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 256 characters, of the following format:
type1[:subtype1[,subtype2 ...]][;type2[:subtype3[, ...]]] ...
Types of data buffers provided with Oracle Tuxedo:
FML (for FML buffers)
X_COMMON (for FML views)
STRING (for null-terminated character arrays)
CARRAY or X_OCTET (for a character array that is neither encoded nor decoded during transmission)
Of these types, only VIEW, X_C_TYPE, and X_COMMON have subtypes. A view subtype gives the name of the particular view expected by the service. Application types and subtypes can also be added (see the UNIX manpage on tuxtypes(5)). For a type that has subtypes, an asterisk can be specified for the subtype to indicate that the service accepts all subtypes for the associated type.
A single service can interpret only a fixed number of buffer types, namely those found in its buffer type switch (see the UNIX manpage on tuxtypes(5)). If this parameter is set to ALL, that service will accept all buffer types found in its buffer type switch. Leaving this field blank is equivalent to setting it to ALL. If multiple entries exist for the same service name but with different SRVGRP parameters, this parameter must be the same for all of these entries.
A maximum of 32 type/subtype combinations are allowed. A type name can be 8 characters or less in length and a subtype name can be 16 characters or less in length. Type and subtype names should not contain semicolon, colon, comma, or asterisk characters; otherwise it is difficult to see where type and subtype values end.
The default is ALL.
The following specifies that the service takes FML buffers:
The following specifies that the service takes all FML views:
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of your default service. A default service can be in one of the following states:
System Parameters Tab
The System Parameters tab contains the following fields:
Auto Transaction Mode (TA_AUTOTRAN)
This field specifies whether or not a transaction should automatically be started if a request message is received for this service and the request is not already in transaction mode.
Valid Values
Enter either Yes or No. The default is No.
Run-time updates to this attribute are not reflected in active service group objects.
Service Load (TA_LOAD)
The relative load that the service imposes on the system.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 32767. The default is 50.
Service loads are used for load balancing purposes; that is, queues with higher enqueued workloads are less likely to be chosen for a new request. Service loads have meaning only if the value of the Load Balancing Enabled (TA_LDBAL) for the domain class is Yes.
Run-time updates to this attribute are not reflected in active groups (in the Groups class).
Priority (TA_PRIO)
A number that assigns a dequeueing priority to the service request.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 1 to 100. The default is 50. Higher numbers mean higher priority.
This number is considered relative to the priority assigned to other services offered in the same server. Oracle Tuxedo software prevents services with low priorities from remaining enqueued forever behind a continuing stream of higher priority requests. After every tenth request dequeued by priority, Oracle Tuxedo takes one off the bottom of the queue. When a value is specified in this field, it affects only priority when the system is activated.
Run-time updates to this attribute are not reflected in active service group objects.
Service Time Out (TA_SVCTIMEOUT)
The time limit (in seconds) for processing requests for this service name.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0, representing the number of seconds. The default is 0.
Servers processing service requests for this service are terminated if they exceed the specified time limit in processing the request. A value of 0 for this attribute indicates that the service should not be terminated.
Run-time updates to this attribute are not reflected in active objects in the Groups class.
Transaction Time (TA_TRANTIME)
The default timeout period for a transaction automatically started for the associated service.
Valid Values
An integer in the range 0 to 2147483647, representing seconds. The default is 30 seconds. A value of 0 implies the maximum timeout value for the machine.
(Transactions are started automatically when a request not in transaction mode is received and the value for the service (in the Auto Transaction Mode (TA_AUTOTRAN) is Yes.
Run-time updates to this attribute are not reflected in active GROUPS.
Creating Services
To create new Services:
Configuring Services (T_SVCGRP Class)
Services class attributes are listed in two tabbed folders:
General Tab
The General tab contains the following fields:
Service Type (TA_SVCTYPE)
This field displays the type of service.
Valid Values
Enter one of the following values shown in Table 4‑13.
Table 4‑13 Valid Values
Service Request Name (TA_SVCRNAM)
Function name within the associated server assigned to process requests for this service.
Valid Values
A string of 1 to 127 characters. The default is the value you entered in the Service Name (TA_SERVICENAME).
On a SET request, this server must be able to map the function name to a function using its symbol table to successfully advertise the service. In some situations (for example, direct calls to tpadvertise(3) by the server), the function name for an active service object will not be known and a question mark will be returned as the attribute value.
You can enter a value in this field only when changing the state of the service from inactive to active.
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the current state of the service. A service can be in one of the following states:
System Parameters Tab
The System Parameters tab contains the following fields:
Creating Devices
To create new Devices:
Full Path to Device (TA_CFGDEVICE)
Absolute pathname of the file or device in which the Oracle Tuxedo filesystem is stored (or is to be stored).
Valid Values
A string of 2 to 64 characters.
Logical Machine Name, Backup (TA_LMID)
Name (expressed as a logical machine identifier) of the machine on which this device is located
Valid Values
Each LMID (logical machine identifier) contains a maximum of 30 characters. The default is the local machine, as a single-machine application.
This attribute can be used as a key field in both unbooted and booted applications as long as they are already configured (that is, at least one machine is defined). This name is required as a key field on SET operations when you are accessing a booted application.
You can assign a value to this field only in a configured application. If you enter a value in this field when accessing the Devices class in an unconfigured application, it will be ignored.
Device Name (Full Path) (TA_DEVICE)
Absolute pathname of the device list entry.
Valid Values
A string of 2 to 64 characters. The default is the pathname entered in the Full Path to Device (TA_CFGDEVICE).
This field is optional.
Numeric Offset to Start of Disk Space (in Pages) (TA_DEVOFFSET)
The offset between the beginning of this device and the point at which the space on this device is reserved for use by the Oracle Tuxedo VTOC specified by the value you entered in the Full Path to Device (TA_CFGDEVICE).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. The default is 0.
This attribute must be set to at creation time 0 for the first device list entry (TA_DEVICE) on the Oracle Tuxedo filesystem (TA_CFGDEVICE).
This field is optional.
Disk Area Size (in Pages) (TA_DEVSIZE)
The offset (specified in pages) from the start of the disk space to this device.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0. The default is 1000. If you use a file-based device, this is normally 0. The only time you can specify a value for this field is when you are creating this device.
This field is optional.
Configuring Devices (T_DEVICE Class)
Device attributes are listed in one tabbed folder labeled General Tab.
General Tab
The General tab contains the following fields:
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of your routing table. A device has only one state: VALID.
Numeric Offset in Pages (TA_CFGOFFSET)
The offset at which space on this device begins for use within the Oracle Tuxedo VTOC specified in the Device Name (Full Path) (TA_DEVICE) on this tab.
Valid Values
An integer, representing blocks, in the range 0 to the page size of the disk. The default is 0.
We strongly recommend leaving this field set to 0.
Device Name (Full Path) (TA_DEVICE)
Absolute pathname of the device list entry.
Valid Values
A string of 2 to 64 characters. The default is the pathname entered in the Full Path to Device (TA_CFGDEVICE).
Configuring Clients (T_CLIENT Class)
Routing table attributes are listed in three tabbed folders:
General Tab
The General tab contains the following fields:
Client Name (TA_CLTNAME)
This field displays the client name associated with the client at tpinit(3) by the cltname element of the TPINIT structure.
User Name (TA_USRNAME)
This field displays the username associated with the client at tpinit(3) time by the usrname element of the TPINIT structure.
This field displays the client identifier. The data in this field should not be interpreted directly by the end user except for equality comparison.
WorkStation Client (TA_WSC)
This field displays the Workstation client. If this attribute is set to Yes, then the indicated client is logged in to the application from a remote workstation.
WorkStation Handler (TA_WSH)
This field displays the workstation handler. If this attribute is set to Yes, then the indicated client is a workstation handler process.
WorkStation Client ID (TA_WSHCLIENTID)
This field displays the client identifier for the associated workstation handler (WSH) if this client is a Workstation client; otherwise, this attribute will be returned as a zero-length string.
WorkStation Client Address (TA_NADDR)
This field displays the network address of a Workstation client. Network addresses with unprintable characters are converted to the Hexadecimal Addresses format. If the address is a TCP/IP address, then it is returned in the dotted decimal format with appended port number, as described under Network Address (TA_NADDR).
No value is displayed (that is, the field is blank) for a non-Workstation client.
The ability of the system to provide this information is determined by the transport provider in use. In some cases, Workstation clients may not have addresses associated with them if the provider does not make this information available.
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state of your client. A client can take one of the following states:
System Parameters Tab
The System Parameters tab contains the following fields:
Logical Machine Name, Backup (TA_LMID)
This field displays the logical machine identifier for the machine on which the client is running (native clients) or to which the client is connected (Workstation clients).
Process ID (TA_PID)
This field displays the process identifier of the client. For Workstation clients, this identifier indicates the workstation handler through which the Workstation client is connected. A negative number can be specified on a GET operation for the purpose of retrieving client information for the calling process. If the calling process is not a client, then an error will be returned.
Group Name (TA_SRVGRP)
This field displays the server group with which the client is associated. This information is set by the grpname element of the TPINIT structure at tpinit(3) time.
This field displays the time (specified in seconds) since the client joined the application (as reported by the time(2) system call on the machine identified in the Logical Machine Name, Backup (TA_LMID).
This field displays the approximate amount of time (in seconds) since this client last interacted with the system through an ATMI call. This value is accurate to within the value the scan units, as described in Basic Time Unit for Sanity Checks (TA_SCANUNIT).
When specified as a key field:
Current Encryption Bits (TA_CURENCRYPTBITS)
This field displays the current encryption level for this client. The level is negotiated when the link is established.
Valid Values
Enter one of the following: 0, 40, or 128, representing bits.
Seconds Remaining Before Timeout (TA_TIMELEFT)
This field displays the time left (in seconds) for this client to receive the reply for which it is currently waiting before it will time out.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0, representing the number of seconds. This timeout can be a transactional timeout or a blocking timeout.
Statistics Tab
The Statistics tab contains the following fields:
Number of Conversations (TA_NUMCONV)
Number of tpconnect(3) conversations initiated by this client since Oracle Tuxedo was booted.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Current Number of Conversations (TA_CURCONV)
Number of tpconnect(3) conversations initiated by this client that are still active.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Dequeues (TA_NUMDEQUEUE)
Number of tpdequeue(3) operations initiated by this client since Oracle Tuxedo was booted.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Enqueues (TA_NUMENQUEUE)
Number of tpenqueue(3) operations performed from this client since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or since you reset the counter).
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Posts (TA_NUMPOST)
Number of tppost(3) operations performed from this client since Oracle Tuxedo was booted.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Requests (TA_NUMREQ)
This field displays the number of tpacall(3) or tpcall(3) operations performed from this client since Oracle Tuxedo was booted.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Subscriptions (TA_NUMSUBSCRIBE)
This field displays the number of subscriptions made by this client.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0, the number of subscriptions made by this server with tpsubscribe(3) since Oracle Tuxedo was booted (or you reset the counter).
Number of Transactions (TA_NUMTRAN)
This field displays the number of transactions begun by this client since its last start or restart.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Transactions Aborted (TA_NUMTRANABT)
This field displays the number of transactions aborted by this client since its last start or restart.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Number of Transactions Committed (TA_NUMTRANCMT)
This field displays the number of transactions committed by this client since its last start or restart.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Configuring Bridges (T_BRIDGE Class)
Bridge attributes are listed in three tabbed folders:
General Tab
The General tab contains the following fields:
Logical Machine Name, Backup (TA_LMID)
This field displays the source logical machine identifier (LMID1) and optionally, the destination logical machine identifier (LMID2) for network connection.
Valid Values
Object State (TA_STATE)
This field displays the state for your bridge. A bridge can take one of the following states:
Current Encryption Bits (TA_CURENCRYPTBITS)
This field displays the current encryption level for this link. The level is negotiated between machines when the link is established.
Valid Values
Enter one of the following: 0, 40, or 128, representing bits.
Timers Tab
The Timers tab contains the following fields:
Connection Time (TA_CONTIME)
This field displays the amount of time (in seconds) that has elapsed since the connection was established.
Time Remaining in Suspension (TA_SUSPTIME)
This field displays the time remaining in the suspension of this connection.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0, representing seconds. The default is 300. After this amount of time, the state of the connection will automatically change to inactive and can be activated by normal application traffic.
Statistics Tab
The Statistics tab contains the following fields:
Bytes Sent (TA_SENTBYT)
Number of bytes sent from the source logical machine to the destination logical machine.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Bytes Received (TA_RCVDBYT)
Number of bytes received by the source logical machine the destination logical machine.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
System Messages Sent (TA_SENTNUM)
Number of messages sent from the source logical machine to the destination logical machine.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
System Messages Received (TA_RCVDNUM)
Number of messages received by the source logical machine the destination logical machine.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.
Flow Control Events (TA_FLOWCNT)
Number of times flow control has been encountered over this connection.
Valid Values
An integer greater than or equal to 0.

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