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Oracle Administration Console Product Overview

Oracle Administration Console Product Overview
The Oracle Administration Console supports high performance client-server applications. It is a powerful, intuitive solution that lets you configure and manage your company’s Oracle Tuxedo applications.
Based on Java and Web technology, the Oracle Administration Console lets you operate your Oracle Tuxedo domains from virtually anywhere—even from home, given security authorization.
This topic includes the following sections:
Administration Through the Web
The Oracle Administration Console is a Java-based applet that you can download into your Internet browser and use to remotely manage Oracle Tuxedo system applications.
The Oracle Administration Console simplifies many of the system administration tasks required for managing multiple-tier systems. It lets you monitor system events, manage system resources, create and configure administration objects, and view system statistics.
As system administrator, your tasks include planning, implementing, setting up, and maintaining the operation of an application built on the Oracle Tuxedo system. Your application might be as simple as a single client and server operating entirely on one machine, or it might be more complex due to one of the following circumstances:
Where to Get More Information
If you are new to the Oracle Tuxedo systems, make sure you are familiar with the concepts discussed in the Introducing the Oracle Tuxedo System, Setting Up an Oracle Tuxedo Application, Administering an Oracle Tuxedo Application at Run Time, and Using the Oracle Tuxedo Domains Component, which are on the online documentation CD, before using the Oracle Administration Console.
To work with the Oracle Tuxedo system resources provided through the Oracle Administration Console, you should become familiar with the Oracle Tuxedo system online documentation.
System Requirements
This section lists the hardware, operating system resources, and browser you must provide to support the Oracle Administration Console.
Hardware Requirements
To run the Oracle Administration Console, you need a color display device that meets the following requirements:
Operating System Requirements
Given the broad outlines of an application design, you must verify the availability of operating system resources needed to support your application. Operating system resources include:
For additional information about IPC parameters and other system tunables, see Installing the Oracle Tuxedo System.
Browser Requirements
Although any Java capable Web browser might be able to run the Administration Console, at this time Oracle supports only the following browsers:
The Oracle Administration Console is automatically installed when you install the Oracle Tuxedo software. For more information, see Installing the Oracle Tuxedo System.
Setting Up Your Environment for the Oracle Administration Console
Make sure that the TUXDIR environment variable is set to the directory in which you installed Oracle Tuxedo software. For UNIX systems, if you installed Oracle Tuxedo in the default directory, set TUXDIR to /usr/local/TUXDIR. Don’t forget to export TUXDIR if you are using a UNIX system. For Windows 2000 systems, if you installed Oracle Tuxedo in the default directory, it is automatically set to TUXDIR=c:\TUXn (where n represents the release of Oracle Tuxedo being installed).
To run the Oracle Administration Console, you need to set up two servers:
tuxwsvr—a Web server provided with the Oracle Tuxedo system software. You are not required to use this server and can use your own commercial Web server.
wlisten—a server required to administer the Oracle Administration Console. It must be run on the master machine in a multi-machine configuration. This machine must be able to support a Java capable browser.
Starting tuxwsvr
To start tuxwsvr on a UNIX system, enter the following command:
tuxwsvr -l //machine:port -i $TUXDIR/udataobj/tuxwsvr.ini
To start tuxwsvr on a Windows 2000 system, enter the following command at a command prompt:
tuxwsvr -l //machine:port -i %TUXDIR%\udataobj\tuxwsvr.ini
The Oracle Tuxedo installation procedure creates the tuxwsvr.ini file. Usually, you do not need to edit this file—except under certain circumstances. For example, you may decide to move your Java files to a non-default directory. In that case, you would need to edit the pathnames in the initialization file appropriately. For details, refer to the tuxwsvr(1) reference page in the Oracle Tuxedo Command Reference.
Starting wlisten
Before starting wlisten, check the webgui.ini file to verify that the default values assigned to the parameters during installation are appropriate; otherwise, make the appropriate changes. For example, on a machine called “popeye,” the default port assigned to wlisten is 4003. To run wlisten with port 6060, edit the NADDR parameter as follows:
Depending on your system, webgui.ini is located in the following locations:
Windows 2000 systems: %TUXDIR%\udataobj\webgui\
UNIX systems: $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/
For details about other parameters in the webgui.ini file, refer to the wlisten(1) reference page in the Oracle Tuxedo Command Reference.
To start the wlisten process, enter the following command:
Configuring the Administration Console
Some features of the Administration Console, such as the level of encryption used for communication between the Administration Console applet and the Administration Console server, are configured by settings in the webgui.ini file. For more information, refer to Appendix A, “Configuring the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console”.
Starting the Oracle Administration Console
To start the Oracle Administration Console, follow these steps:
Use of this URL depends on the following assumptions:
You are using tuxwsvr with the tuxwsvr.ini file
The webgui.ini file is in the default location, TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui
The Oracle Administration Console entry page is displayed, including warranty and license notices.
Figure 1‑1 shows the Administration Console splash screen, including the button that starts the Administration Console, which is located at the bottom of the entry page.
Figure 1‑1 Oracle Administration Console Entry Page
The Oracle Administration Console Login window is displayed.
Enter your login name and password in the appropriate fields, and click LOGIN. The password must be one of the entries in the file, which is located in the udataobj directory where Oracle Tuxedo is installed.
The main Oracle Administration Console window is displayed.
Figure 1‑2 illustrates the Administration Console main window that displays after you complete your login.
Figure 1‑2 Oracle Administration Console Main Window
Table 1‑1 shows the accessing information about the Oracle Administration Console Main Window.
The main window does not display and the Connect Failed error message is displayed.
Use the ps command to verify that the wlisten process is running.
If wlisten is not running, open the webgui.ini file, and in the line
replace the port number (4003) with a valid port number.
Enter wlisten again:
$ wlisten -i $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini
Check that the tuxwsvr process is running at the port as described in the URL.
Verify the password. It must match one of the entries in the file in the $TUXDIR/udataobj directory.
You have successfully started the Oracle Administration Console. Now you can start setting up a single-machine domain environment for the simpapp sample application provided with your Oracle Tuxedo software.
Exiting the Oracle Administration Console
To exit the Oracle Administration Console, select Domain—>Exit from the menu bar. This closes the current domain and exits the Oracle Administration Console applet.
Oracle Administration Console Tutorial
This tutorial provides a step-by-step procedure for using the Oracle Administration Console to configure a single-machine domain for either a Oracle Tuxedo ATMI or CORBA environment.The tutorial includes the simpapp sample application, which is provided with your Oracle Tuxedo software.
To learn more about the simpapp domain, refer to the appropriate README file in one of the following Oracle Tuxedo sample application directories:
ATMI: $TUXDIR/samples/atmi/simpapp
CORBA: $TUXDIR/samples/corba/simpapp
Step 1: Set Up Your Environment
To set up your sample application environment, follow these steps:
Change to the simpapp directory:
cd simpapp
Set TUXDIR to your Oracle Tuxedo installation directory
Set TUXCONFIG to the ‘pwd’/tuxconfig directory (simpapp)
Add $TUXDIR/bin to the beginning of PATH
Add $TUXDIR/lib to the beginning of LD_LIBRARY_PATH
If you are running the HP-UX operating system (OS), set SHLIB_PATH; if you are running the AIX OS, set LIBPATH, instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Set TUXDIR to the Oracle Tuxedo installation directory
Set APPDIR to the current application directory (simpapp)
You can also use the setenv.cmd script in the %TUXDIR%\samples\atmi\simpapp directory to automatically set the simpapp environment variables.
For Windows 2000, make sure you have installed MS Visual C++ 6.0 so that the PATH variable includes msdev\bin and the LIB variable includes msdev\lib.
Copy the simpapp domain to your current application directory (simpapp):
In this tutorial, the name of the machine is machine1 and the port assigned to the Web server is 8080. You can use 8080 for the port if you have not already used it for another Web server.
tuxwsvr -l //machine1:8080 -i $TUXDIR/udataobj/tuxwsvr.ini
tuxwsvr -l //machine1:8080 -i %TUXDIR%\udataobj\tuxwsvr.ini
Could not establish listening endpoint
you must use a port number other than 8080. Select a valid number that is not already being used.
If the wlisten process starts, skip to the next step.
If the wlisten process does not start, edit the line, NADDR=//machine1:4003
in the $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini file by replacing the port number (4003) with a valid port number. Then run wlisten again.
The initial Oracle window is displayed, including the Oracle logo and several legal notices.
Scroll to the bottom of the window and click the Click Here to Run the Oracle Administration Console button.
After the page reloads, the LOGIN window is displayed.
Enter your login name and the tlisten password after the appropriate prompts, then click on the LOGIN button. As shown in Figure 1‑2, “Oracle Administration Console Main Window,” on page 1‑7, the Oracle Administration Console main window is displayed in your browser.
For a complete description of the main window, refer to the section “A Tour of the Main Window” on page 2‑1
Step 2: Create a New Domain
To create a new domain, follow these steps:
Figure 1‑3 Create New Object Window
Leave the remaining fields blank and click Create.
If successful, a window displays the following message:
The SET operation was successful.
As shown in the following figure, the tree view area of the main window displays the newly created simpapp domain.
Step 3: Add GROUP1 to the simpapp Domain
To add GROUP1 to the simpapp domain, follow these steps:
Expand the tree by clicking on the plus sign (+) in front of the simpapp domain name. The tree view displays the listings for the Machines and Service Defaults folders.
Expand the SITE1 machine to display the administrative objects under its control, as shown in the following figure.
Step 4: Add Server simpserv to GROUP1
To add the simpserv server to GROUP1, follow these steps:
Step 5: Activate the simpapp Domain
To activate the simpapp domain, follow these steps:
Step 6: Run simpapp
To run simpapp, follow these steps:
simpcl “hello”
If simpcl runs successfully, it will display the following output:
Returned string is: HELLO
Select the simpserv server from the tree. Notice that the Configuration Tool is updated with the current parameters for the simpserv server.
You have successfully configured and run simpapp through the Oracle Administration Console. Now you can start setting up your environment for your own application domain.

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