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A Tour of the Main Window

A Tour of the Main Window
The Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console is a Java-based applet that you can download from your company Web server into your Java enabled Web browser. The Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console enables you to manage your Oracle Tuxedo system administrative resources with the convenience of Web access.
This topic includes the following sections:
Main Window—describes the structure of the main window
Parts of the Main Window—defines main window components
The Tree View—describes the hierarchical tree view of administrative objects
The Tree View Quick Menu—explains how to use the Quick Menu to create and manipulate the administrative objects in the tree
The Configuration Tool Pane—describes the attributes display for administrative objects
Main Window
Figure 2‑1 illustrates the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console main window. The main window consists of the following views:
Figure 2‑1 Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console Main Window
Why Are the Main Window Items Blank or Inactive?
The initial Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console window may only display empty panes and some toolbar buttons and menu bar items may be disabled. To access the Oracle Tuxedo system resources for system administration, you need to establish a connection to a domain or have domain connections specified in your initialization file. For more information refer to the section, “Oracle Administration Console Product Overview” on page 1‑1
The following items are unavailable until you establish a domain connection:
As shown in Figure 2‑1, after you have set up and activated a domain, the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console populates the Tree View pane with labeled icons, representing the administrative class objects in a domain. When you start using the Configuration Tool, the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console displays tabbed pages in the Configuration Tool pane that enable you to specify configuration information.
Resizing the Tree View and Configuration Tool Panes
If you want more display space for the Tree View pane or the Configuration Tool pane, you can adjust the width of either area by doing the following:
Parts of the Main Window
This section describes the parts of the main window and the actions available from the main window menus, toolbar buttons, Tree View objects, and Configuration Tool.
Figure 2‑1 shows an Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console that has an established domain connection. Table 2‑1 describes the major parts of the Main Window.
Table 2‑1 Main Window
The following topics describe each of these major parts in more detail.
Menu Bar
The Menu bar appears at the top left side of the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console main window. Table 2‑2 describes the available menu actions.
Unless specified otherwise, the phrase click means to quickly press and release the left mouse button.
Table 2‑2 Menu Bar Options
Throughout this online help, a menu choice is indicated in the following form:
Menu—>Menu Item
For example, an instruction to "Click Domain—>New" means click the Domain menu to display the menu items, and then click New to select the command.
Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar appears across the top of the main window, immediately below the menu bar.
Table 2‑3 describes the toolbar buttons available for frequently used administrative operations.
Table 2‑3 Administrative Operations
Opens the Oracle Administration Console Online Help in a separate Web browser.
The Tree View
The Tree View pane appears in the left column of the main GUI window. The tree is a hierarchical representation of the administrative objects in a single Oracle Tuxedo system domain. The GUI graphically depicts the relationship between each object and the others by showing its nesting level and parent objects. You can choose to view a complete tree (comprising all configurable objects of all types in the domain) or a subset of objects.
Figure 2‑2 shows the Tree View displayed in the main window.
Figure 2‑2 The Tree in the Main GUI Window
You can add or omit items from the Tree View. In addition, you can add or omit items from the display. By default, the Tree View displays all administrative classes available for a selected domain.
Parts of the Tree View
The Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console Tree View contains multiple roots, one root for each administrative object. The first root consists of the application domain. The next root displays the object classes defined in the Oracle Tuxedo TMIB. Each set of object classes is a part of an application domain. The third level represents an instance of an object belonging to an object class.
The Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console can display only one domain at a time. The current domain is represented in the Tree View as multiple sets of object classes containing administrative objects. The Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console gives you control over which object classes and objects are displayed for a domain through a combination of the collapsible tree structure and a Folders checklist dialog.
Figure 2‑3 shows the top part of the sample tree shown in Figure 2‑2. (Machines, Groups, Servers, Routing Tables, and so on, are examples of object classes. The FML and VIEW tables shown under Routing Tables are examples of objects belonging to the Routing Tables class.)
Figure 2‑3 Domain Tree Hierarchy
Tree View Hierarchy
The following sections describe all the administrative objects that can appear in the Tree View.
Oracle Tuxedo System Domains and Classes
Table 2‑4 lists the domain and class parts of the Tree View, their associated icons, and briefly describes each part.
Table 2‑4 Tree View
Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console Class Objects
Table 2‑5 describes the individual objects contained within a Oracle Tuxedo system TMIB class and their associated icons.
Table 2‑5 TMIB Class
Devices represent Oracle Tuxedo system files (TUXCONFIG, TLOG, and so on) that reside on physical storage devices.
Access Control List (ACLs) are the administrative resources used to manage standard access control list security. The following types of ACL objects are included:
Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console Application Queue Class Objects
Table 2‑6 describes the individual application queue and related class objects contained within a Oracle Tuxedo system TMIB class and their associated icons.
Table 2‑6 TMIB Class
Oracle Tuxedo CORBA System Class Objects
Table 2‑7 lists the individual Oracle Tuxedo CORBA administrative class objects and their associated icons.
Table 2‑7 CORBA Administrative Class
Expanding and Collapsing the Tree View
Figure 2‑4 illustrates an expanded tree for the sample simpapp domain. The Groups folder only contains one object GROUP1 and is fully expanded as shown by the minus (-) sign next to the Groups icon. However, GROUP1 contains more items as indicated by the plus (+) sign.
Figure 2‑4 Expanded Tree
To display a domain tree, on the menu bar click Domain —>DomainName and select a domain. (You can also click Domain—>Open to bring up the Connect window and enter a Domain Name and TUXCONFIG path.) To expand the domain tree or any section of the domain tree, click the plus (+) sign next to the tree item.
To collapse any section of the tree, click the minus sign beside any expanded tree item. Click the minus sign beside the domain icon and the Tree View displays only the domain icon and name.
Searching for Objects in the Tree
To find a specific object in the Tree View, click the Search toolbar button. The Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console displays a Find dialog. Enter the name (or partial name) of the object you want to find and click the Next or Previous buttons to search forward or backward through the objects in the tree.
The Tree View Quick Menu
The Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console Tree View contains a convenient shortcut menu that lets you quickly select frequently performed tasks. This Quick Menu includes options for creating new objects, activating and deactivating applications and application resources, as well as other administrative tasks.
To display the Quick Menu, right-click any object in the Tree View item (domain, class, or object) and the Quick Menu is displayed in the Tree View area.
If you select an option from the Quick Menu, the Quick Menu closes and the window associated with the selected option is displayed.
To close the Quick Menu without selecting a menu item, click an area of the main window outside the Quick Menu.
Figure 2‑5 illustrates a sample pop-up Quick Menu.
Figure 2‑5 Quick Menu in the Main GUI Window
The Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console always displays the Quick Menu in the Tree View area. The Quick Menu options invoke windows and dialog boxes, or toggle between modes. What you see on the Quick Menu depends upon which item the pointer is positioned on the tree.
Table 2‑8 provides a quick list of what the Quick Menu displays for each type of tree item.
Table 2‑9 contains a complete list of all possible Quick Menu options.
Quick Menu Options
To perform most Oracle Tuxedo system operations, you can select options from the Quick Menu that displays when you right-click a tree object. The options available in the Quick Menu vary depending upon the object class.
Table 2‑9 briefly describes all the menu options listed on the collective set of Quick Menus. No single Quick Menu offers all these operations; a single Quick Menu includes a subset of these options. Click the menu option to perform the operation for that domain, object class, or individual object.
Table 2‑9 Quick Menu Options
About the New Option
To create a new Oracle Tuxedo system object, right-click the desired object class in the Tree View to display the Quick Menu, and then click New. The Create New Object window is displayed prompting you to enter required information about the new object. For detailed information about filling in these fields, see Chapter 3, “Creating New Domains and Administrative Class Objects.”
Using the Folders Option to Display or Hide Tree Items
You can use the Quick Menu Folders option to customize your view of the tree so that only the type(s) of objects you want to see are displayed.
You can use the Quick Menu Folders option to do the following tasks:
To use the Folders option, complete the following steps:
Figure 2‑6 shows the Select Folders window for domains.
Figure 2‑6 Select Folders Window
The Configuration Tool Pane
The Configuration Tool is a utility that lets you set or change the attributes for a selected class of Oracle Tuxedo system objects. When you select an object in the tree, the Configuration Tool pane for that object is displayed on the right side of the main window. As illustrated in Figure 2‑7, the Configuration Tool pane keeps the attributes for each object in a set of tabbed pages.
Figure 2‑7 Configuration Tool
The Configuration Tool pane displays a set of tab pages for your application resources and for each class of objects and services shown in the Oracle Tuxedo Administration Console Tree View.
Each collection of tabbed pages is a set of logically grouped attributes. For example, the Domains class Security tab pages contain the settings for user IDs, group IDs, and the type of security to be used in that domain.
Accessing the Configuration Tool Information for a Tree Object
To access the Configuration Tool from the tree:
The Configuration Tool consists of a set of tab pages and a row of buttons for controlling the changes you make in the tab pages.
The Tab Pages
The tab pages in the Configuration Tool pane are electronic forms that display and solicit (from you) information about the attributes of an administrative object.
A set of tab pages is provided for each administrative class of objects (such as machines and servers). The number of attributes associated with a class varies, depending on the class. Therefore, anywhere from one to eight tab pages may be displayed when you invoke the Configuration Tool by selecting an object in the tree.
To display a set of tab pages select an object in the tree by clicking on it.
The Configuration Tool pane displays the tab pages available for the object you have selected, as shown in Figure 2‑8.
Figure 2‑8 Tab Page in the Configuration Tool Pane
The Configuration Tool Buttons
Use the buttons at the bottom of the Configuration Tool pane to implement the changes you make in the tab pages.

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