6 Deploying the ODI Repository for Non-Oracle Source Databases

This section provides information about deploying the ODI Repository for non-Oracle source databases.

During installation and setup of Oracle BI Applications, if your source database is Oracle, then an instance of the ODI Repository is automatically deployed and no further setup steps are required. If your source database is MS SQL Server, UDB DB2, or UDB 400, then you must perform these configuration steps to deploy a new instance of the ODI Repository.

If you have multiple sources and one or more of the source databases is non-Oracle, you must follow these procedures for all source databases, including any Oracle source databases.

Perform these steps in order:

  1. Export Security Settings from Original ODI Repository.
  2. Create a New Master ODI Repository.
  3. Connect to the New Master ODI Repository.
  4. Create a New Work Repository.
  5. Import Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository.
  6. Enable External Security Authentication.
  7. Import Security Settings Into the ODI Repository.
  8. Configure the Data Servers.
Next Steps:

In Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, register sources, configure parameters, and generate load plans.


After you perform these procedures for a particular source and you then want to add a new source, you only need to perform the steps in Importing Source Adapter Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository. This is true regardless of the database technology of the second source.

For example, if you have a PeopleSoft 9.0 source on a SQL Server database, then you would perform the steps in Exporting Security Settings from Original ODI Repository through Configuring the Data Servers. If you then wanted to add a second source, for example Siebel 8.1 (on an Oracle, DB2, or SQL Server database), you would only need to perform the steps in Importing Source Adapter Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository.