Setting Up Key Flex Fields for Financials Fusion Applications Source Data

If applicable, load the financial KFF data for GL#, CAT# and LOC# KFFs into Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

These instructions only apply if you are deploying a Fusion Applications cloud data source.

  1. Enable and setup the VOs for extraction in Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, as specified in Using Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager to Configure Cloud Extract.
  2. Configure the ODI repository in Oracle Data Integrator, as specified in Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields.
  3. If you are deploying Fusion Financials, then perform the additional configuration steps in Additional Steps for Fusion Financials Implementations.

Using Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager to Configure Cloud Extract

When you have completed the KFF setup in Fusion and deployed the Flexfield, VOs are generated for each segment that you have enabled for BI. Each VO must be seeded and enabled for BI extraction so that it can be loaded into Oracle Business Analytics Warehouse.

To seed and enable VOs for extraction:

  1. In Oracle BI Applications Configuration Manager, navigate to Configure Cloud Extract.
  2. Click Add to display the Add Data Store dialog, specify the details, then click Save and Close.


    VO names are case-sensitive.

    You must add VOs under the Custom Fact Group for Custom Facts under Custom Functional Area for Custom Content under the Oracle Financial Analytics Offering, as shown in the example screen shots.

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  3. To enable VOs for extraction, select the parent Offering, Functional Area, FG/DG, or individual VO.

    For example, this screenshot shows the parent Oracle Custom Analytics:

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  4. Enable and add these VOs for extraction.
    • For the GL# KFF, you must add the BI Flattened VO along with the segment VOs generated for the segment labels mapped to BI Objects in your Fusion setup.

      The BI Flattened VO name for GL# that must be added is FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_BI_Account_VI.

    • The VOs generated for segment labels FA_COST_CTR (mapped to Dim – Cost Center), GL_ACCOUNT (mapped to Dim – Natural Account Segment), and GL_BALANCING (mapped to Dim – Balancing Segment) are known prior. You must add these VOs:


      Note: When you add the TREECODE VOs, you must enable the 'Disable Effective date filter' option.

    • The VOs generated for any segment label apart from the 3 mentioned in the previous point and mapped to the BI Object Dim – GL Segmentx are not known before hand as the VO names depends on the segment label. Therefore, you must add the VO names based on the naming pattern.

      If the segment is a tree segment (if you have created hierarchies for value sets used for those segments), then the VOs are named:

      - FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_TREE_VS_<segment label>_VI

      - FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_TREECODE_VS_<segment label>_VI

      If the segment is a non tree segment (if you have NOT created hierarchies for value sets used for those segments), then the VOs are named:

      FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_VS_<segment label>_VI

      For example:

      Segment Label Tree v/s Non Tree VO Name






      Non Tree


      Note: When you add TREECODE VOs, you must enable the 'Disable Effective date filter' option.

    • For the CAT# and LOC# KFFs, you will need to add the BI Flattened VO for each KFF.

      The BI Flattened VO name for CAT# that needs to be added is FscmTopModelAM.CategoryBIAM.FLEX_BI_Category_VI.The BI Flattened VO name for LOC# that needs to be added is FscmTopModelAM.LocationBIAM.FLEX_BI_Location_VI.

    Once you have added these VOs and completed the extraction process, the data files for these VOs will be downloaded into the physical location configured for DS_FUSION10_REPLSTG_FILES logical schema in ODI.

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.

    The files generated for GL# segment labels mapped to Dim – GL Segmentx (Dim – GL Segment 1-10) will have corresponding pre-seeded data stores using a generic naming convention in ODI. The next step is to rename the corresponding files with appropriate file names so that they can load the corresponding data stores. For reference, the data stores seeded in ODI are shown in this screenshot:

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.

    The mapping between the files generated and the new file names corresponding to the data stores is based on the segment label to BI Object mapping and setup for that segment (tree v/s non tree).

    Taking the same example as mentioned in the previous steps – PRODUCT label is mapped to Dim – GL Segment 1 and is a tree segment and ORG label is mapped to Dim – GL Segment2 and is a non tree segment, then the mapping between the generated files and the new files will be:

    File Generated New File Name







    This mapping has to be provided in a configuration file named FinKFFFileRename.cfg which will be used in the downstream processes to load the data from those files.

  5. Create and save this config file in the same location where all the data files generated is this procedure are present.

    The configuration file has to be created as a comma delimited file and the format of the entries in the file has to be as shown in this sample entry. Save the file when you are done making the entries.

    <Generated File Name>,<New File Name based on the pre seeded data store>

    A sample entry in the file would look like this:


    Create the config file in the same platform (Windows or Linux) where you will be eventually saving this file. Avoid copy and paste from one platform to the other. This will avoid issues regarding special characters in text files when crossing different platforms.

Using ODI to Set Up Key Flex Fields

The BI flattened VO generated for each KFF has columns relating to each segment label. Use this procedure to set up the mappings for these columns.

  1. For GL# KFF, check the csv file generated for the BI Flattened VO for the list of additional columns for each segment - file_fscmtopmodelam_accountbiam_flex_bi_account_vi%.csv.

    These segment columns end with ‘_' or ‘_c'. For example, FA_COST_CTR_ and FA_COST_CTR_c, PRODUCT_ and PRODUCT_c.

    You must add these new columns in the file data store and the VO data store in ODI.

    The file data store is located in the path shown in this screen shot:

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  2. Add the new columns to the data store with the default data type of String (50,50) for all columns.


    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  3. Similarly, if you have CAT# KFF or LOC# KFF, then make equivalent updates.

    For CAT# KFF, check the csv file generated for the BI Flattened VO for the list of additional columns for each segment - file_fscmtopmodelam_categorybiam_flex_bi_category_vi%.csv. These segment columns end with ‘_' or ‘_c'. For example, BASED_CATEGORY_, MINOR_CATEGORY_.

    For LOC# KFF, check the csv file generated for the BI Flattened VO for the list of additional columns for each segment - ‘file_fscmtopmodelam_locationbiam_flex_bi_location_vi%.csv'. These segment columns end with ‘_' or ‘_c'.

    The corresponding file data stores for CAT# and LOC# are:




    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  4. Repeat the configuration steps for the corresponding VO data stores in ODI.

    The VO data stores are in the path shown in the screenshot. Use the default data type of Varchar(50,50).

    • GL# KFF VO data store: FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_BI_Account_VI

    • CAT#KFF VO data store: FscmTopModelAM.CategoryBIAM.FLEX_BI_Category_VI

    • LOC#KFF VO data store: FscmTopModelAM.LocationBIAM.FLEX_BI_Location_VI

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  5. For newly added columns in both the file data store and VO data store, set the Flexfield value for OBI SDS Column Short Name.

    The value should be the same as the column name. Also ensure that the Flexfield value Odi Populate Column in SDS is set to Y for these columns.

    These screen shots show example Flexfield values.

    For example, GL# KFF File Data Store Column:

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.

    For example, CAT# KFF File Data Store Column:

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.

    For example, GL# KFF VO Data store Column:

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.

    For example, CAT# KFF VO Data store Column:

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.

    This process updates the SDS table to include the new extended columns.

  7. When you have added the columns in the appropriate data stores, map the columns in the corresponding ODI mappings to load the data.
  8. For the GL# KFF, edit the FTS mapping shown here to map these new columns.

    The FTS mapping is be located under the folder SDE_FUSION_V1_ADAPTOR.

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  9. Create a one-to-one mapping between the segment columns.

    For example, Column mappings in FTS_FUSION_FscmTopModelAM.AccountBIAM.FLEX_BI_Account_VI.

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  10. Save the changes, then regenerate the underlying scenario for the package.
  11. Similarly, if you have CAT# KFF or LOC# KFF, edit the corresponding FTS mappings to map the new columns:

    CAT#KFF FTS mapping: FTS_FUSION_FscmTopModelAM.CategoryBIAM.FLEX_BI_Category_VI

    LOC#KFF FTS mapping: FTS_FUSION_FscmTopModelAM.LocationBIAM.FLEX_BI_Location_VI

    For example, Column mappings in FTS_FUSION_FscmTopModelAM.CategoryBIAM.FLEX_BI_Category_VI

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  12. Save the changes, and regenerate the underlying scenarios for the packages.
  13. Edit the SDE mapping for GL# KFF to map these new columns to corresponding columns in the staging table.

    The SDE mapping is located in the same SDE_FUSION_V1_Adaptor folder.

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.

    The column mapping is based on the segment label to BI Object mapping done in your Fusion setup.

    For GL#KFF, the mappings for FA_COST_CTR, GL_ACCOUNT and GL_BALANCING labels are known and should be mapped as shown in this table.

    Target Column Name Mapping













    The column mapping for the other segment labels is based on the corresponding BI Objects mapped in your Fusion setup.

    For example, assuming that you have mapped PRODUCT label to Dim – GL Segment1 and ORG label to Dim – GL Segment2, the column mapping will look like:

    Target Column Name Mapping









    For example, assuming that you have mapped ALTACCT label to Dim – GL Segment3 and GL_MANAGEMENT label to Dim – GL Segment5, then the column mapping will look like:

    Target Column Name Mapping









  14. Save the changes, regenerate the underlying scenario for the package.
  15. If applicable, make equivalent updates for CAT# and LOC#.

    The corresponding mappings for both are given here.


    a.SDE mapping: SDE_FUSION_FixedAssetCategoryDimension

    b.Staging table: W_ASSET_CATEGORY_DS


    a.SDE mapping: SDE_FUSION_FixedAssetLocationDimension

    b.Staging table: W_ASSET_LOCATION_DS

    For CAT#KFF, if you have mapped BASED_CATEGORY and MINOR_CATEGORY and would like to use them as the Major and Minor Category, then the column mapping is:

    Target Column Name Mapping





    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  16. Save the changes, and regenerate the underlying scenarios for the packages.
  17. Before generating a load plan for execution, enable FTS and SDE scenarios corresponding to GL Segment 1-10 in load plan components so that they are included in the final generated load plan.

    For FTS scenarios, you can edit any ONE of these FTS load plan components. These LP components will be located in BIAPPS Load Plan – Load Plan Dev Components –FTS:

    • 3 FTS Fact BUDGET_FG FUSION_1_0

    • 3 FTS Fact GLBAL_FG FUSION_1_0

    • 3 FTS Fact GLCOGS_FG FUSION_1_0

    • 3 FTS Fact GLJRNLS_FG FUSION_1_0

    • 3 FTS Fact GLREVN_FG FUSION_1_0

  18. Enable the FTS scenarios based on your Fusion setup. For example, if your PRODUCT label is mapped to Dim – GL Segment 1 and is a tree segment and ORG label is mapped to Dim – GL Segment 2 and is a non tree segment, then enable these scenarios:



    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.

    For SDE scenarios, edit the 3 SDE Dims GLSEG_DIM FUSION_1_0 load plan component. This load plan component will be located in the path BIAPPS Load Plan – Load Plan Dev Components –SDE – FUSION_1_0.

  19. For this load plan component, enable the main Parallel branch and then disable the steps that are not required.
  20. If your Segment 1 is a tree segment and Segment2 is a non-tree segment, enable these scenarios in the LP component and disable the remaining steps:



    If Dim – GL Segmentx is mapped to a tree segment label in Fusion, enable:



    If Dim – GL Segmentx is mapped to a non tree segment label in Fusion, enable:


    This screen shot shows an example modified Load Plan Component.

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  21. Generate a load plan based on your offering and the modules implemented.

    In the generated load plan, verify that your settings on the FTS and SDE load plan components were carried over accordingly.

Additional Steps for Fusion Financials Implementations

If you are deploying Fusion Financials on Oracle Cloud, then you must make the additional modifications to FTS Fusion mappings related to GL Balances. These steps are only applicable if you have an Oracle Fusion implementation on Oracle Cloud.

  1. In ODI Studio, locate these two FTS Fusion mappings in the ODI Repository.



    The FTS mappings are located in the ODI repository under the folder Mappings - SDE_FUSION_V1_ADAPTOR.

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  2. Edit the packages in the two folders.

    Before the change, the IS_INCREMENTAL variable should be displayed as in this example:

    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  3. For each package, click on the IS_INCREMENTAL variable to display the Properties dialog, and change the Type value from Refresh Variable to Set Variable, and set the Value to N.
    This screen shot is described in surrounding text.
  4. Save the changes to the packages and regenerate the scenario for both packages.