4 Using the Service Dashboard

The Service Dashboard shows key performance indicators for the service you have selected.

About the Service Dashboard

The Service Dashboard shows key performance indicators for the service you have selected.


The Overview screen, shown by default, provides a summary of service availability (including any outages) and historical storage usage. Key indicators include your usage and entitlements for both refreshes and backups, under the Refresh and Backup options. Use these options to track consumption versus entitlement of both your backups and refreshes and, if necessary, request more. The Recommendations option shows recommendations that have been implemented for this service and those that have been rejected. It also indicates why pending recommendations are necessary and the possible consequences if they are not implemented.

If BTM has been set up, the Transactions option is displayed. You can see the average transaction performance over the last 24 hours, and compare this performance to the 30 day average and to the lower threshold value. You can also compare this value with the transaction performance 7 days ago. If you have the corresponding My Oracle Support privileges, you can also view service requests (SRs) reports under Incidents and requests for change (RFCs) reports under Changes.


As SRs are often logged without reference to the service or environment, the customer level reports, available on the Customer Dashboard, provide the most complete picture of SRs for your organization.

Associating all SRs logged for your organization with the correct service and environment will result in more complete SR reports at the service and environment levels.

Finally, use the Other option to request more information about the services listed, such as Additional Backup or Additional VPN.

Related Topics

About the Service Overview

Viewing Service Refreshes

Viewing Service Backups

Viewing Service Recommendations

Viewing Service Transactions

Viewing Service Incidents

Viewing Service Changes

Scheduling a Self Service Environment Refresh or Restart

Requesting Other Service Information

About the Service Overview

The Overview screen, shown by default, provides a summary of service availability (including any outages), performance and trending for critical business transactions, and historical storage usage.

View any of these widgets on the Service Dashboard Overview:

Where the chart is larger than the widget, scroll up within the widget to see the full contents. Double tap any of the widgets to expand to full screen mode. Tap the chart icon in the bottom right corner of the widget to open the data view in expanded mode.

View individual environment records for this service at the bottom of the screen. Each environment record shows type, availability, and go live dates for all environments associated with this service. Tap More to open the Environment Dashboard for that environment.

Production Availability

This widget shows the availability of this service and its underlying infrastructure over the selected time interval. Toggle between the chart view and the data view using the symbol in the bottom right corner.

Availability is measured over complete months, which is reflected in the time intervals for all availability chart and data views. For example, if you select a time interval of 6 months on Monday May 6th, 2014, the Production Availability chart and data views display availability for six complete months: November, December, January, February, March, and April, as well as the availability to May 1st to 5th, 2014.

Chart View: The chart view shows both overall availability and infrastructure availability for this service over selected the time interval. Availability is displayed as a continuous horizontal green bar, where:

  • Overall availability reflects the percentage of time that the service was operating as expected.

  • Infrastructure availability shows the percentage of time that the underlying facility, network, and hardware components in all environments associated with this service were operating as expected.

Any unplanned complete outages (if any) - that is, any unscheduled intervals when the service was completely unavailable and Oracle was responsible for restoring service - are displayed as red bars.

To be classified as complete unplanned infrastructure outage, the root cause must be identified in the security, network, OS, or hardware category. Planned outages, such as for routine maintenance, and service interruptions, where the service was partially available, are not included in availability calculations.

Data View: The data view provides availability statistics for this service:

Field Description
Total Unplanned Outage Time Total unplanned outage time (to the nearest hour and minute) for this environment, when the service or infrastructure was completely unavailable and Oracle was responsible for service restoration.
Customer Outage Total unplanned outage time (to the nearest hour and minute) for this environment, when the service or infrastructure was completely unavailable and when your organization was responsible for service restoration.
Oracle Outage Total unplanned outage time (to the nearest hour and minute) for this environment, when the service or infrastructure was completely unavailable and Oracle was responsible for service restoration.
Total Unplanned Outage Count Number of times unplanned outages occurred in this environment, when the service or infrastructure was completely unavailable and Oracle was responsible for service restoration.
Average Time to Restore for Each Unplanned Outage Average time, to the nearest hour and minute, to restore the environment following an outage.
Total Infrastructure Outage Time Total unplanned outage time (to the nearest hour and minute) for this environment, when the infrastructure was completely unavailable owing to a facility, network, or hardware cause and when Oracle was responsible for service restoration.
Total Infrastructure Outage Count Number of times unplanned infrastructure outages occurred in this environment, when the infrastructure was completely unavailable and Oracle was responsible for service restoration.

Service Transactions

This widget shows records of all monitored transactions for the selected service. Tap the Transactions option on the navigation bar to see the full transactions table for this service.

Transaction response times give a sense of the performance of your services and environments and can indicate potential or actual issues. Your Oracle Service Delivery Manager (SDM) can work with you to identify these transactions and set up monitoring.


Where Business Transaction Monitoring (BTM) has been implemented, the Service Transactions widget displays populated transactions reports.

You cannot flip the Service Transactions widget.

One or more systems measure the response time of each monitored transaction. You can view the last time data was collected from the system, known as the collection point, and compare the current value with the 30 day average.

Each transaction record shows:

Field Description
Transaction Name Name of the transaction being monitored
Collection Point Hostname of the system from which data is collected as part of monitoring
Last Collection Time of the last data collection from the collection point(s)
30 Day Average Average transaction time over the last 30 days

Storage Usage

This widget shows the storage used by each environment for the selected service. Your storage entitlement is usually allocated as needed across all environments. The Storage Usage chart can be useful in identifying environments that are consuming a disproportionate amount of storage.

Chart View: The chart view shows the entitlement, the total usage for all services and environments and the storage usage, for the selected service.

Data View: The data view lists the storage used by each environment.

Related Topics

About the Service Dashboard

Viewing Service Refreshes

Viewing Service Backups

Viewing Service Recommendations

Viewing Service Transactions

Viewing Service Incidents

Viewing Service Changes

Scheduling a Self Service Environment Refresh or Restart

Requesting Other Service Information

Viewing Service Refreshes

Tap Refresh on the Service Dashboard to see the following information over the selected time interval, in the chart:

  • Consumed Entitled Refreshes shows the number of refreshes used for environments associated with this service, from your refresh entitlement in the time interval selected. Your refresh entitlement includes your refresh allowance for environments during implementation and production phases. It also includes any additional refreshes that you have purchased. This information is calculated and maintained automatically. If there are any discrepancies, contact your Oracle service delivery manager (SDM).

  • Consumed Purchased Refreshes shows the number of additional purchased refreshes used for environments associated with this service, in the time interval selected.

  • Overage shows the number of refreshes, if any, that were used for environments associated with this service, in excess of your entitled and purchased refreshes.

The table tracks your refresh consumption for each of the last seven months as follows:

  • Consumed shows the number of refreshes that this service has consumed in each month.

  • Entitled shows the number of refreshes this service was entitled to consume in each month.

  • Purchased shows the number of refreshes that were purchased in this month.

  • Overage shows the number of consumed refreshes that exceeded the service's entitled and purchased refreshes combined in each month.

Requesting Refreshes

You also have the option to request refreshes by e-mail.

From the Other Actions in the top right select Request Refresh then submit your request.

Related Topics

About the Service Dashboard

About the Service Overview

Viewing Service Backups

Viewing Service Recommendations

Viewing Service Transactions

Viewing Service Incidents

Viewing Service Changes

Scheduling a Self Service Environment Refresh or Restart

Requesting Other Service Information

Viewing Service Backups

Tap Backup on the Service Dashboard to track backups for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

All Backup Work

The chart view shows all backups that have been run successfully on environments associated with this service each day, for one week or one month. This information is drawn directly from the internal Oracle system that inventories all backups on fileservers. Use this chart to track trends in service backups.

The data view shows the number of production and non-production backups, along with the total number of backups, that happened on each day of the week or month, as selected. The data view is useful for pinpointing the dates on which backups occurred and identifying any gaps.

Additional Backups

The chart view shows any additional backups requested, both consumed and billable. Additional backups include backups remaining from your allowance for production environments during implementation and production phases, and any backups you have purchased.

The data view shows the number of consumed and purchased backups, as well as the total number of additional backups, that have been run successfully on environments associated with this service for one week or one month. Using this chart you can find out the dates of additional backups and whether they were billable.

Requesting Additional Backups

You also have the option to request additional backups by e-mail.

From the Other Actions in the top right select Request Additional Backups then submit your request.


This option is available only on iPad.

If you require additional backups but this option is not available, log an SR. Your SDM can provide more information about the process.

Related Topics

About the Service Dashboard

About the Service Overview

Viewing Service Refreshes

Viewing Service Recommendations

Viewing Service Transactions

Viewing Service Incidents

Viewing Service Changes

Scheduling a Self Service Environment Refresh or Restart

Requesting Other Service Information

Viewing Service Recommendations

Tap the Recommendations option on the navigation bar to see recommended changes across all environments for this service.

Recommendations are actions that you can choose to take to improve performance, security, or other aspects of an environment. Drawn directly from a Managed Cloud Services repository of optimal configurations, recommendations are generated as part of periodic maintenance on environments.

You can filter the recommendations listed by time interval and by type. Tap the time interval, such as year to date (YTD), then select the recommendation type from the list:

  • Current - These recommendations have been approved by a planner and presented to you in an RFC. If approved, the RFC will be applied to the named environment.

  • Implemented - These recommendations have been applied to the named environment.

  • Rejected - These recommendations have been presented in RFCs but have been rejected and therefore were not applied to the named environment.

The following information is displayed for each recommendation:

Column Name Description
Recommended On The date on which the recommendation was presented to you.
Category One of the following recommendation category:
  • Application

  • Database

  • Other

  • Performance & Capacity

  • Security

  • System Administration

  • Tech Stack

  • Upgrade

Environment The named environment to which this recommendation applies
RFC The request for change (RFC) related to this recommendation, if any.

Related Topics

About the Service Dashboard

About the Service Overview

Viewing Service Refreshes

Viewing Service Backups

Viewing Service Recommendations

Viewing Service Incidents

Viewing Service Changes

Scheduling a Self Service Environment Refresh or Restart

Requesting Other Service Information

Viewing Service Transactions

Tap the Transactions option on the navigation bar to see the full transactions table for the selected service.

Transaction response times give a sense of the performance of your services and environments and can indicate potential or actual issues. Your Oracle Service Delivery Manager (SDM) can work with you to identify these transactions and set up monitoring.

You can also review the historical performance of any transaction using the transaction record.

In both chart and data views, select the date from which transaction performance will be measured using the date picker. (This date must be at least 24 hours earlier than the current date.) Then select one of the following time intervals:

  • 24 hours: Shows the average of all data collections over 24 hours from the date selected, compared to the historical median and lower threshold of acceptable performance.

  • 7 days: Shows the average of all hourly collections over 7 days from the date selected, compared to the historical median and lower threshold of acceptable performance.

  • 30 days: Shows the average of all daily collections over 30 days from the date selected, compared to the historical median and lower threshold of acceptable performance.

The chart and data views are populated with data for the time interval from the date selected.

Chart View: The chart view shows the average of all data collections over the time interval from the date selected, compared to the historical median and lower threshold of acceptable performance.

Data View: The data view lists the averages of all data collections over the time interval from the date selected, compared to the historical median and lower threshold of acceptable performance.


The Transactions option is displayed on the navigation bar only for services where business transaction monitoring (BTM) has been implemented.

If BTM has not been implemented, the Transactions screen is not displayed.

Your Oracle Service Delivery Manager (SDM) can work with you to identify these transactions and set up monitoring.

Transaction Records

Each transaction record shows the last data collection date and the data collection point(s). You can compare the current value with the 30 day average and with the lower threshold value for this transaction.

Each record displays:

Field Description
Transaction Name Name of the transaction being monitored
Collection Point Hostname of the system from which data is collected as part of monitoring
Last Collection Time of the last data collection from the collection point(s)
30 Day Average Average transaction time over the last 30 days
Threshold Lowest acceptable performance threshold for this transaction

Related Topics

About the Service Dashboard

About the Service Overview

Viewing Service Refreshes

Viewing Service Backups

Viewing Service Recommendations

Viewing Service Incidents

Viewing Service Changes

Scheduling a Self Service Environment Refresh or Restart

Requesting Other Service Information

Viewing Service Incidents

Tap the Incidents option on the navigation bar to see service request (SR) reports for this service.

SRs are created and maintained in My Oracle Support (MOS). All SR information in Oracle Pulse is drawn from the MOS database.

Customer level incident reports provide the most complete picture of your organization's SRs because many SRs are logged without reference to an environment. You can improve the accuracy of service level reports by ensuring that each SR logged for your organization is associated with an environment.

View any of these widgets on the Service Dashboard Incidents screen:

Double tap any of the widgets to expand to full screen mode. Tap the chart icon in the bottom right corner of the widget to open the data view in expanded mode. You can also see incident/SR records for the selected service at the bottom of the screen. Tap any record to open the incident/SR summary.

Created versus Closed Incidents

This widget shows the rate of SR closure for this service.

Chart View: The chart view compares the number of SRs created with the number closed for each month over the selected time interval, indicating the rate of SR closure for this service.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for this service.

Incident Backlogs

This widget shows the number of SRs created for this service over the selected time interval, grouped by time elapsed since they were raised.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of SRs created for this service in each month of the selected time interval. Color coded bands indicate the time elapsed since SR creation:

  • 7 days or less

  • 8 to 30 days

  • 31 to 60 days

  • 61 to 90 days

  • 91 days or more

SRs that were open during the month, but have been closed since then, are included in the monthly count.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for this service.

Incident Volume by Product

This widget shows the number of incidents created for this service's product(s).

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of incidents created for each of this service's products, in each month of the selected time interval. Color coding indicates the SR priority, which is determined in MOS as critical, significant or standard.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for this service.

Viewing an Incident Record

In the lower part of the screen, each incident record displays the name, status, and associated product for the SR. Tap any incident record at the bottom of the screen to see the full incident record.

Each record shows the following information, which is drawn from the MOS database:

Field Description
Name, including
  • SR Number

  • Summary

  • Contact

Identifying information about this SR, including:
  • SR number listed in MOS.

  • A very brief description of the SR entered in MOS

  • Name of the contact person for this SR

Status Status of this SR from MOS:
  • Open - The SR has been created but is not yet resolved, or has been resolved but is awaiting approval.

  • Closed - The SR has been closed, whether resolved or not.

Product Name of the product associated with this SR in MOS.
Updates All the latest actions related to this SR.
Summary MOS summary information for this SR, such as the status and the severity.

Filtering Incident Records

To filter the incident records, select a filter from the list:

  • All Incidents lists all SRs for this service

  • All Open Incidents lists all open SRs for this service

  • Closed Requests lists all SRs for this service that have been closed

Searching for an Incident Record

To search for an incident, enter the search criteria in the Search field, located in the toolbar of the incident record table. Partial strings are auto-completed. Tap the search icon to see all incident records containing the string.

Related Topics

About the Service Dashboard

About the Service Overview

Viewing Service Refreshes

Viewing Service Backups

Viewing Service Recommendations

Viewing Service Transactions

Viewing Service Changes

Scheduling a Self Service Environment Refresh or Restart

Requesting Other Service Information

Viewing Service Changes

Tap the Changes option on the navigation bar to see reports of requests for change (RFCs) for this service. RFC information presented in Oracle Pulse is drawn from the My Oracle Support (MOS) database.

View any of these widgets on the Service Dashboard Changes screen:

Double tap any of the widgets to expand to full screen mode. Tap the chart icon in the bottom right corner of the widget to open the data view in expanded mode. You can also see change/RFC records for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services at the bottom of the screen. Tap any record to open the change/RFC summary.

Created versus Applied Changes

This widget shows the number of RFCs created for, and the number applied to this service, indicating the rate of change.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of RFCs created, and the number applied, to this service for each month of the selected time interval. If no RFCs were created or applied, the chart is empty.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been created for or applied to this service.

Applied Changes by RFC Type

This widget shows all RFCs, listed by RFC type, that have been applied to this service.

Chart View: The chart view shows all RFCs, listed by RFC type, that have been applied to this service. Defined in MOS, RFC types include refresh and backup.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been applied to this service.

Applied Changes: Production versus Non-Production

This widget compares the rates of changes in production and non-production environments for this service.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of RFCs applied to production environments, to non-production environments, and to all environments associated with this service, for each month in the selected time interval.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been created for or applied to this service.

Applied Changes by Environment

This widget shows RFCs applied to each environment.

Chart View: The chart view shows the RFC count for each environment associated with this service, for the selected time interval.

Data View: The data view lists all RFCs that have been created for or applied to this service.

Viewing a Change Record

Records for all RFCs created for this service are listed at the bottom of the screen. Tap any change record at the bottom of the screen to see the change details.

Field Description
Name, including
  • RFC Number

  • Summary

  • Contact

Identifying information about this RFC, including:
  • RFC number listed in MOS.

  • A very brief description of the RFC as entered in MOS.

  • Name of the contact person for this RFC.

Environment Environment associated with this RFC.
Status Status of this RFC from MOS:
  • Open - RFC is in New or Ready to Schedule status in MOS.

  • Closed - RFC is in Completed, Cancelled, Rejected, or other status in MOS.

Schedule Time and date for which this RFC is scheduled, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MiMi where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour, and MiMi is the minute.
Activities All the latest activities related to this RFC.
Summary MOS summary information for this RFC, such as the status and the severity.

Filtering Change Records

To filter the change records displayed, select a filter from the list:

  • All Changes lists all RFCs for this service

  • All Open lists all open RFCs for this service

  • Ready for Scheduling/Approval lists all RFCs for this service that are ready for scheduling or awaiting your approval.

  • Recently Updated lists all RFCs for this service that have been updated recently.

Searching for a Change Record

To search for a change record, enter the search criteria in the Search field, located in the toolbar of the change record table. Partial strings are auto-completed. Tap the search icon to see all change records containing the string.

Related Topics

About the Service Dashboard

About the Service Overview

Viewing Service Refreshes

Viewing Service Backups

Viewing Service Recommendations

Viewing Service Transactions

Viewing Service Incidents

Scheduling a Self Service Environment Refresh or Restart

Requesting Other Service Information

Scheduling a Self Service Environment Refresh or Restart

Oracle Pulse Release 5.0 provides the ability to schedule refreshes and restarts for your eligible, non-production Oracle E-Business Suite (EBSO) Database environments.


  • This is an eligible Oracle E-Business Suite (EBSO) Database environment, that is, self-service enabled.

  • You are authorized to create requests for change (RFCs).

  • You are an authorized approver for this environment, for the associated service, or for your organization.

To Schedule a Refresh or Environment Restart:

  1. On the Service Dashboard, tap Changes.

  2. Tap the plus symbol on the change record toolbar.

    The New Change Request page is displayed.

  3. From the Change Type list, select one of the following:

    • Bounce - Restarts this environment.

    • DB Refresh - Refreshes this environment.

    Then from the Environment list, select the environment where this change should be performed.

    The Preferred Date and Time area, appears shows the present time and date plus ten minutes.

  4. Tap Check Availability to view up to five suitable time slots. These time slots are generated automatically, taking account of system and resource availability and other factors.

  5. Tap Select Available Time to accept the available time slot.

  6. After reviewing the RFC number, change type (Bounce or DB Refresh), source and target systems (Bounce only), and time slot, tap OK to confirm these details.

    The new change appears at the top of the Changes list.

Related Topics

About the Service Dashboard

About the Service Overview

Viewing Service Refreshes

Viewing Service Backups

Viewing Service Recommendations

Viewing Service Transactions

Viewing Service Incidents

Viewing Service Changes

Requesting Other Service Information

Requesting Other Service Information

The Other option on the navigation bar shows a collection of other service information, such as Additional VPN or Additional Backup.

To request more information about any of these services, tap the relevant service. In the Other Actions list in the top right, tap Request Information.

Related Topics

About the Service Dashboard

About the Service Overview

Viewing Service Refreshes

Viewing Service Backups

Viewing Service Recommendations

Viewing Service Transactions

Viewing Service Incidents

Viewing Service Changes

Scheduling a Self Service Environment Refresh or Restart