Oracle® Audit Vault and Database Firewall開発者ガイド


C サンプル・コード


C.1 データベース表の収集プラグインの例


C.1.1 データベース表の収集プラグインのマッパー・ファイル


  • securedTargetType

  • maxSecuredTargetVersion

  • version

  • TableName

  • Driver

  • EventTimeUTC

  • CommandClass変換

  • EventStatus変換

  • MarkerField

次のAudit Vault Serverフィールドにマップするソース名は必須ではありませんが、情報が指定されずにデータ収集が開始されると、すべての監査レコードが無効とみなされます。

  • UserName

  • CommandClass


フィールドおよびイベントのリストは、付録A「Audit Vault Serverフィールド」を参照してください。

例C-1 データベース表の収集プラグインのXMLマッパー・ファイルのサンプル

<AVTableCollectorTemplate securedTargetType="DBSOURCE" minSecuredTargetVersion="10.2.0"
           maxSecuredTargetVersion="11.0" version="1.0" >
               <!--Example Template for a database Collector-->
               <!-- Attributes: securedTargetType, maxSecuredTargetVersion, 
                          and version are mandatory;
                          minSecuredTargetVersion attribute is optional -->
               <!-- Accepted Format for min/maxSecuredTargetVersion and
                         version attribute value is numbers separated by
                         dots (For example: 12.2,10.3.2, etc..)-->
              <!-- Audit Table Information  -->
              <!-- Name of Audit Table: Mandatory information -->
              <!-- Source Connection Information -->
    <!--Datasource class name for current secured target type: 
                   Mandatory information -->
              <!-- This Gives Mapping Information of Source Fields to various AV 
                    Fields(core and large fields)  -->
              <!-- There should be no many-to-one mappings from source fields to 
                    AV Server fields --> 
              <!-- Mapping of Source Fields to Core Fields of AV server  -->
              <!-- Source fields specified in core field mappings must be of SQL 
                   Datatype: String OR convertible to String-->
              <!-- Mandatory: EventTime mapping information -->
              <!-- If UserName core field mapping is not provided, Audit Data
                Collection still starts successfully, but every audit record 
                will be treated as invalid -->

              <!-- If source name, the ACTION field, for CommandClass core field
                mapping is not  provided, Audit Data Collection still starts 
                successfully, but all audit records are treated as invalid -->

              <!-- Mandatory: value transformation from secured target field value
                  to command class field value. Value of "to" Attribute is from AV
                  Event set  -->
          <ValueTransformation from="1" to="CREATE"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="2" to="INSERT"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="3" to="SELECT"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="4" to="CREATE"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="15" to="READ"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="30" to="LOGON"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="34" to="LOGOFF"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="35" to="ACQUIRE"/>
        <Name> OBJ_NAME</Name>

              <!-- Value transformation for "STATUS" source field value.
                Mandatory: EventStatus value transformation.
                There are three possible values for EventStatus: 
                SUCCESS, FAILURE, UNKNOWN -->
          <ValueTransformation from="0" to="FAILURE"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="1" to="SUCCESS"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="2" to="UNKNOWN"/>
            <!-- Mapping of Source Fields to Large Fields of AV server i.e fields 
                 with huge content  -->
            <!-- Secured target fields specified in large field mappings must be
                of SQL Datatype:CLOB OR SQL Datatype:String OR convertible to
                String -->
            <!-- These secured target fields are collected in a single extension  
               field, all name-value pairs separated by standard delimiter -->
            <!-- Secured target fields specified in extension field mapping must 
                  be of SQL Datatype:String OR convertible to String -->
            <!-- Mandatory: Secured target fields for MarkerField 
               A group of secured target fields to uniquely identify each Audit 
               Record -->
            <!-- Secured target fields specified to be used as MarkerField mapping
                  must be of SQL Datatype:String OR convertible to String -->

C.1.2 データベース表の収集プラグインのマニフェスト・ファイル


例C-2 データベース表の収集プラグインのマニフェスト・ファイルのサンプル

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<plugin xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/av/plugin plugin-manifest.xsd"
        provider-name="Oracle Corp."
        copyright="Copyright Oracle Corp. 2011">
               <!-- targetVersion: Version of Oracle Audit Vault supported by this
                      plugin. This is represented by the "min"  attribute of 
                      <targetVersion> tag      -->        
   <targetVersion min=""/> 
      <extensionPoint type= "securedTargetType">
               <!-- Tag: fileList: Lists all files that ship with the plugin   -->
               <include file="DBSource-Mapper.xml"/>
               <!-- Tag:  securedTargetTypeInfo: Contains secured target type and 
                     trail information  -->
         <securedTargetTypeInfo name="DBSOOURCE"/>
               <!-- Tag:  trailType: contains trail type, location , classname for
                    source type testSource -->
            <className name="oracle.av.platform.agent.
               collfwk.Collector. table.DatabaseTableCollector"/>          
               <!-- eventPatch: OPTIONAL field that indicates any event patches    
                  that need to be applied as part of plugin deployment
                  The files listed here must be present in the <patch>
                  tag entries. The order in which the patches need to 
                  applied can be controlled via the "order" attribute 
                  Patches with lower "order" value will be applied    
                  first             -->                                  
         <eventPatch name="p6753288_11." order="2"/>

C.2 XMLファイルの収集プラグインの例


C.2.1 XMLファイルの収集プラグインのマッパー・ファイル


  • securedTargetType

  • maxSecuredTargetVersion

  • version

  • HeaderInfo

  • RecordInfo

  • EventTimeUTC

  • CommandClass変換

  • EventStatus変換

  • MarkerField

次のAudit Vault Serverフィールドにマップするソース名は必須ではありませんが、情報が指定されずにデータ収集が開始されると、すべての監査レコードが無効とみなされます。

  • UserName

  • CommandClass


フィールドおよびイベントのリストは、付録A「Audit Vault Serverフィールド」を参照してください。

例C-3 XMLファイルの収集プラグインのマッパー・ファイルのサンプル

<AVXMLCollectorTemplate securedTargetType="XMLSOURCE"
            <!--Example Template for XML template collector-->
            <!-- Attributes: "securedTargetType", "maxSecuredTargetVersion" and
                 "version" are mandatory attributes, "minSecuredTargetVersion" 
                  attribute is optional -->
            <!-- Accepted Format for min/maxSecuredTargetVersion and version
                  attribute value is numbers separated by dots (For example:
                  12.2,10.3.2, etc..)-->
            <!-- Header Information like XML Header start tag  -->
            <!-- Mandatory: HeaderInfo-->
            <!-- Value in this tag gives Root tag of the XML audit file-->
            <!-- Record Information like Record Start tag and conformation to hold
                 original record  -->
            <!-- Mandatory: RecordInfo -->
            <!-- Provides starting tag of audit record in XML audit file -->
            <!-- Gives Mapping Information of Source Fields to various  AV Fields
                   (core and large fields)  -->
            <!-- Not Allowed: many-to-one mapping from source field to 
              AV Server fields --> 
            <!-- Mapping of Source Fields to Core Fields of AV server  
                Source fields specified in core field mappings must be of SQL 
                Datatype: String OR convertible to String -->
        <TimestampPattern>yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS</TimestampPattern>
            <!-- If UserName core field mapping is not provided, Audit Data
               Collection still starts successfully, but every audit record 
               will be treated as invalid -->
                 <!-- If source name, the ACTION field, for CommandClass
                    core field mapping is not provided, Audit Data Collection
                    still starts successfully, but all audit records are treated
                    as invalid -->
              <!-- Mandatory: value transformations from source to Action
                   field value. Value of "to" Attribute is from AV Event set  -->
          <ValueTransformation from="1" to="CREATE"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="2" to="INSERT"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="3" to="SELECT"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="4" to="CREATE"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="15" to="READ"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="30" to="LOGON"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="34" to="LOGOFF"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="35" to="ACQUIRE"/>
        <Name> OBJ_NAME</Name>
            <!-- Specifying value transformation for Status source field value.
                Mandatory: EventStatus value transformation.
                There are three possible values for EventStatus: 
                SUCCESS, FAILURE, UNKNOWN -->
          <ValueTransformation from="0" to="FAILURE"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="1" to="SUCCESS"/>
          <ValueTransformation from="2" to="UNKNOWN"/>
            <!-- Mapping of Source Fields to Large Fields of AV server i.e fields
                with huge content  -->
            <!-- Source fields specified in large field mappings must be of SQL
                Datatype:CLOB OR SQL Datatype:String OR convertible to String -->
            <!-- These Source fields will be collected in a single extension
               field, all name-value pairs are separated by standard delimiter -->
            <!-- Source fields specified in extension field mapping must be of
               SQL Datatype:String OR convertible to String -->
            <!-- This is group of source fields for uniquely identifying each  
                 Audit Record Marker -->
            <!-- Source fields specified to be used as Marker field mapping must 
                 be of SQL Datatype:String OR convertible to String -->
            <!-- Mandatory: Source fields for MarkerField -->


C.2.2 XMLファイルの収集プラグインのマニフェスト・ファイル


例C-4 XMLファイルの収集プラグインのマニフェスト・ファイルのサンプル

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<plugin xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/av/plugin plugin-manifest.xsd"
        provider-name="Oracle Corp."
        copyright="Copyright Oracle Corp. 2011">
            <!-- targetVersion: Version of Oracle Audit Vault supported by 
              this plugin. This is represented by the "min" attribute of 
              targetVersion> tag                 -->
   <targetVersion min=""/> 
      <extensionPoint type= "securedTargetType">
            <!-- fileList: Lists *all* the files that ship with the plugin  -->    
                 <include file="XMLSource-Mapper.xml"/>
            <!-- securedTargetTypeInfo: Contains source type and trail information 
         <securedTargetTypeInfo name="oracle"/>
            <!-- trailType: contains trail type, location , classname for
               source type testSource -->
            <className name="oracle.av.platform.agent.collfwk.
            <!-- eventPatch: OPTIONAL field that indicates any event patches  
               that need to be applied as part of plugin deployment-->
               The files listed here must be present in the <patch>-->
               tag entries. The order in which the patches need to -->
               applied can be controlled via the "order" attribute -->
               Patches with lower "order" value will be applied    -->
               first                                               -->
         <eventPatch name="p6753288_11." order="2"/>