List of Generated SQL Script Files

The Structured Query Language (SQL) script files that are generated from the codegen_workflow, perform jobs that are related object cleanups, and other node specific operations.

Table 7-1 lists the SQL script files that are generated from the codegen_workflow, along with their descriptions:

Table 7-1 List of Generated Script Files and their Description

Script File Type Script File Name Examples of Script Files Generated from the codegen_workflow Description

Master Script

workflow name_Run.sql


Invokes all the required node level scripts in the correct order. It performs the following tasks:

  • Validates compatibility of the version of the script file with the Data Miner Repository version.

  • Creates a workflow master table that contains entries for all the underlying objects created by the workflow script.

Cleanup Script

workflow name_Drop.sql


Drops all objects created by the master script. It drops the following:

  • Hidden objects, such as tables generated for Explore Data nodes.

  • Public objects such as model names created by the Build nodes.

  • Tables created by the Create Table node.

Workflow Image

workflow name.png


This is an image of the workflow at the time of script generation.

Node Script

node name.sql

  • Apply.sql

  • Class Build.sql

  • Coefficients.sql





Performs node specific operations, such as Model creation in Build nodes. One node script is generated for each node that participates in the script generation.