In this section, you use CIM to create the EAC application that supports Commerce Reference Store. Note that this section assumes that you are installing the Oracle Commerce Platform and Oracle Commerce Guided Search with Experience Manager on the same machine. In this case, CIM can be used to create the EAC application.

If the Oracle Commerce Platform and Oracle Commerce Guided Search with Experience Manager are installed on different machines, you must create the EAC application via a script. Note that Guided Search with Experience Manager does not support the AIX operating system; therefore, if you are installing the Oracle Commerce Platform on AIX, you must install Guided Search with Experience Manager on a separate Linux, Windows, or Solaris machine and use a script to create the EAC application. See Appendix A: Creating the EAC Application via Scripts for detailed instructions. After creating the EAC application, continue with the Assembling and Deploying Your Oracle Commerce Applications in this guide.

To create the EAC application:

  1. In a new UNIX shell or command prompt, create the directory where the EAC applications are deployed, for example, /usr/local/endeca/Apps or C:\Endeca\Apps.

  2. In the CIM MAIN MENU, select [3] Server Instance Configuration.

  3. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE SELECTION menu, select [S] Production Server - 1 Instance Configured – DONE.

  4. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu, select [D] Deploy CRS EAC Application – OPTIONAL.

  5. Select [A] EAC App Configuration without Experience Manager Preview.

  6. Enter the following information. Defaults are provided in brackets.

    • CRS EAC App Name [CRS]

    • CRS EAC App Deployment Path, for example, /usr/local/endeca/Apps or C:\Endeca\Apps

    • EAC Port Number [8888]

    • Dgraph Port Number [15000]

    • Authoring Dgraph Port Number [15002]

    • Log Server Port Number [15010]

    • CAS Hostname [localhost]

    • CAS Port Number [8500]

    • CAS Path including the version number, for example, /usr/local/endeca/CAS/11.2.0 or C:/Endeca/CAS/11.2.0

      IMPORTANT: Use forward slashes for this path, even if on Windows.

    • CAS Version [11.2.0]

    • Language Code [en]

    • Fully-qualified Workbench Hostname, Including Domain [localhost]

    • Workbench Port Number [8006]

    • Production application server host name [localhost]. This is the host name of the server that hosts the Oracle Commerce application. Enter the ATGProduction server host name.

    • Production application server HTTP port number. If you used the ports suggested in this guide, these values are 7003 for WebLogic, 8080 for JBoss and Tomcat, and 9081 for WebSphere.

    • Host name of the user segment server. This is the server that will respond to Workbench requests for Busines Control Center user segment data. Oracle recommends using the Content Adminstration server (also called the Publishing server in this guide) for this purpose. Enter the host name of the ATGPublishing server. [localhost]

    • HTTP port of the user segment server. If you used the ports suggested in this guide, these values are 7103 for WebLogic, 8180 for JBoss and Tomcat, and 9181 for WebSphere.

    • Path for the Oracle Wallet jps-config.xml file, for example, /usr/local/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.2.0/server/workspace/credential_store/jps-config.xml or C:/Endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.2.0/server/workspace/credential_store/jps-config.xml

      IMPORTANT: Use forward slashes for this path, even if on Windows.

    • Application configuration archive path. This is the path for the live ZIP files created by the EAC application during application export, for example, /usr/local/endeca/Apps/application_export_archive or C:/Endeca/Apps/application_export_archive. The EAC application will have a sub-directory in the location provided here, where its ZIP files reside.

      IMPORTANT: Use forward slashes for this path, even if on Windows.

      If you have a split install, where Oracle Commerce Guided Search with Experience Manager and the Oracle Commerce Platform are installed on different machines, you must specify the shared directory you created in the Creating a Shared Archive Directory section, for example, /usr/local/application_export_archive or C:/application_export_archive.

    • Authoring application configuration archive path. This is the path for the authoring ZIP files created by the EAC application during application export, for example, /usr/local/endeca/Apps/application_export_archive or C:/Endeca/Apps/application_export_archive. The EAC application will have a sub-directory in the location provided here, where its ZIP files reside.

      IMPORTANT: Use forward slashes for this path, even if on Windows.

      If you have a split install, where Oracle Commerce Guided Search with Experience Manager and the Oracle Commerce Platform are installed on different machines, you must specify the shared directory you created in the Creating a Shared Archive Directory section, for example, /usr/local/application_export_archive or C:/application_export_archive.

    • Path to the ToolsAndFrameworks directory, for example, /usr/local/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.2.0 or C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\11.2.0

    • Path to the MDEX directory including the version number, for example, /usr/local/endeca/MDEX/6.5.1 or C:\Endeca\MDEX\6.5.2

    • Path to the Platform Services directory including the version number, for example, /usr/local/endeca/PlatformServices/11.2.0 or C:\Endeca\PlatformServices\11.2.0

  7. Select [D] Deploy to deploy the EAC application.

  8. In the INITIALIZE CRS EAC APP menu, choose [I] Initialize. After the initializing is done, you are returned to the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu.

  9. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE CONFIGURATION menu, choose [O] Configure Another Server Instance Type.

  10. In the SERVER INSTANCE TYPE SELECTION menu, choose [D] Done.

  11. Continue with the section Assembling and Deploying Your Oracle Commerce Applications.

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