This appendix provides instructions for creating the EAC application that supports Commerce Reference Store using scripts instead of CIM. If the Oracle Commerce Platform and Oracle Commerce Guided Search with Experience Manager are installed on different servers, you must create and provision the EAC application using the scripts described below. After creating the EAC application, return to the Assembling and Deploying Your Oracle Commerce Applications section earlier in this guide to finish configuring your environment.

To create the EAC application:

  1. On the machine where Oracle Commerce Guided Search with Experience Manager is installed, create the directory where the EAC application will reside, for example, /usr/local/endeca/Apps or C:\Endeca\Apps.

  2. Copy the <ATG11dir>/CommerceReferenceStore/Store/Storefront/deploy directory to a temporary location on the machine where Oracle Commerce Guided Search with Experience Manager is installed.

  3. On the machine where Oracle Commerce Guided Search with Experience Manager is installed, open a UNIX shell or command prompt and browse to the ToolsAndFrameworks /deployment_template/bin directory, for example, /usr/local/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.2.0/deployment_template/bin or C:\Endeca\ToolsAndFrameworks\11.2.0\deployment_template\bin.

  4. Execute the deploy script. For example, on UNIX, enter:

    ./ --app CRS-temporary-directory/deploy/deploy.xml

    On Windows, enter:

    deploy.bat --app CRS-temporary-directory\deploy\deploy.xml

  5. After the note about the Platform Services version, press Enter to continue with the install.

  6. Enter the following information for the script prompts:

    • Enter N to install a base deployment.

    • Enter CRS for the name of the application.

    • Enter the full path to the Apps directory, for example: /usr/local/endeca/Apps or C:\Endeca\Apps.

    • Enter the EAC port (default is 8888).

      Note: The EAC port is used for all Endeca applications that have been deployed, so if you deploy more than one application, continue to use the same port number for all of them.

    • Workbench port number [8006]

    • Dgraph1 (Live Dgraph) port (default is 15000).

    • Authoring Dgraph port (default is 15002)

    • LogServer port (default is 15010)

    • Enter the CAS install directory using UNIX-style forward slashes, even if on Windows. For example, /usr/local/endeca/CAS/11.2.0 or C:/Endeca/CAS/11.2.0.

      IMPORTANT: Use forward slashes for this path, even if on Windows.

    • Enter the CAS version number (default is 11.2.0).

    • Enter the CAS hostname (default is localhost).

    • Enter the CAS port (default is 8500).

    • Enter the language code (default is en).

    • Enter the fully-qualified Workbench hostname.

    • Production application server host name [localhost]. This is the host name of the server that hosts the Oracle Commerce application. Enter the ATGProduction server host name.

    • Production application server HTTP port number. If you used the ports suggested in this guide, these values are 7003 for WebLogic, 8080 for JBoss and Tomcat, and 9081 for WebSphere.

    • Host name of the user segment server. This is the server that will respond to Workbench requests for Busines Control Center user segment data. Oracle recommends using the Content Adminstration server (also called the Publishing server in this guide) for this purpose. Enter the host name of the ATGPublishing server. [localhost]

    • HTTP port of the user segment server. If you used the ports suggested in this guide, these values are 7103 for WebLogic, 8180 for JBoss and Tomcat, and 9181 for WebSphere.

    • Path for the Oracle Wallet jps-config.xml file, for example, /usr/local/endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.2.0/server/workspace/credential_store/jps-config.xml or C:/Endeca/ToolsAndFrameworks/11.2.0/server/workspace/credential_store/jps-config.xml

      IMPORTANT: Use forward slashes for this path, even if on Windows.

    • Application configuration archive path. This is the path for the live ZIP files created by the EAC application during application export, for example, /usr/local/endeca/Apps/application_export_archive or C:/Endeca/Apps/application_export_archive. The EAC application will have a sub-directory in the location provided here, where its ZIP files reside.

      IMPORTANT: Use forward slashes for this path, even if on Windows.

      If you have a split install, where Oracle Commerce Guided Search with Experience Manager and the Oracle Commerce Platform are installed on different machines, you must specify the shared directory you created in the Creating a Shared Archive Directory section, for example, /usr/local/application_export_archive or C:/application_export_archive.

    You see a message that says “Application successfully deployed” when the deployment is finished.

  7. In a UNIX shell or command prompt, change directories to the EAC applications directory, for example, /usr/local/endeca/Apps or C:\endeca\Apps. The CRS application directory is added as child of the /Apps directory.

Commerce Reference Store only requires one EAC application, so at this point you can move onto provisioning the application, described below. Other environments may require additional EAC applications (see the Platform-Guided Search Integration Guide for guidance). If so, you should create additional EAC applications for any other Oracle Commerce Platform server instances which you intend to index against, for example, Staging and Publishing servers. Be sure to enter unique ports for Live Dgraph, Authoring Dgraph, and LogServer for each additional application.

To provision the EAC application:

  1. In a UNIX shell or command prompt, change directories to your EAC application’s /control directory, for example, /usr/local/endeca/Apps/CRS/control or C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS\control.

  2. Execute the script. For example, on UNIX, enter:


    On Windows, enter:


  3. Return to the Assembling and Deploying Your Oracle Commerce Applications section earlier in this guide to finish configuring your environment. (Note: If your environment has multiple EAC applications, repeat these steps for any other EAC applications you created.)

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