Before you use CIM to configure and deploy an application, make sure you have the following prerequisite information. See information about these basic aspects of installation in Installation Procedure.

  • The path to your application server home directory. For example:


  • The path to the profile or similar directory for your application. Some application servers do not use profile directories. For example:


  • The username and password for the administration account for your application server. If you have not configured security for your application server, you do not need this information.

  • The account names, passwords, database/schema names, listening port, and server hostname for each database that your application requires.

  • The path to the Java Data Base Connectivity (JDBC) driver for your database software.

  • The password for the Dynamo Server Admin administrator account. See Connecting to the Dynamo Server Admin.

  • The password for the Business Control Center administrator account. Enter this password during database imports.

  • The password for the Oracle Commerce Merchandising user account. Enter this password during database imports. If you are not using Content Administration, do not configure this user account.

  • If you are creating a localized installation, you should know the locale, language and region codes of the countries. This information should be added into your server’s environment settings. Refer to the Modifying Environment Settings for additional information. Also see the Internationalizing an Oracle Commerce Platform Web Site section of the Platform Programming Guide.

    Note: To use Microsoft Windows Native Language support, you must have the correct language pack installed and have the system locale set correctly using the Region and Language > Administrative > Change System Locale control panel. Refer to your Microsoft Windows documentation on language packs and default location configuration.

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