When installing the Oracle Commerce Platform, you have the ability to implement Single Sign On (SSO) with Oracle Commerce Workbench, as described in the Appendix D: Using Oracle Access Management for Single Sign On of this document or the Platform-Guided Search Integration Guide.

When using SSO, you can configure Oracle Commerce Workbench with a link that takes a user directly to the Business Control Center :

  1. Configure your environment, including product selection, application server, and database configuration, as described in the Using CIM section.

  2. The Workbench Configuration menu is found under the Publishing Server Instance Configuration menu. Select option [W] Workbench configuration – OPTIONAL.

    Note: If you are not using CIM to configure your environment, ensure that you include the work_bench_ddl.sql to your installation scripts, as it is not included in the BIZUI DDL.

  3. Enter the Workbench configuration path, which is a location where the Workbench configuration files will be stored. For example <ATG11dir>/workbench/config/.

  4. Enter the Business Control Center host name of the Business Control Center instance that will be accessible from the Workbench server. For example, myserver.example.com.

  5. Provide the Business Control Center server port number of the Business Control Center instance that will also be accessible from the Workbench server. For example: 8080.

    This generates a /workbench directory that contains the ws-extensions.xml and
    ws-mainMenu.xml file, as well as a /workbench/locales directory that contains the configuration resource file.

  6. These XML files must be copied or merged into the /ToolsAndFrameworks/
    folder on the Workbench server.

    If you have made no modifications to the extensions in Workbench, copy the
    ws-extensions.xml file into the directory. If you have added extensions to Workbench, you must copy the bcc-home and bcc-access-control extensions into the existing ws-extensions.xml files. For example:

    <extension id="bcc-home" defaultName="BCC" defaultDescription ="BCC"
    <extension id="bcc-access-control"
      defaultName="BCC Access Control"
      defaultDescription="BCC Access Control"

    If you have made no modifications to the menus in Workbench, copy the
    ws-mainMenu.xml file into the directory. If you have added menus to Workbench, you must copy the new menus into the existing ws-mainMenu.xml file. For example:

    <menuitem id="xmgr"/>
    <menuitem id="bcc-home"/>
    <menunode id="user-access">
      <menuitem id="user-management"/>
      <menuitem id="bcc-access-control"/>
    <menuitem id="eac-admin-console"/>
    <menuitem id="eac-settings"/>
    <menunode id="reports">
      <menuitem id="reports.today"/>
      <menuitem id="reports.daily"/>
      <menuitem id="reports.weekly"/>
    <menunode id="search">
      <menuitem id="redirects"/>
      <menuitem id="thesaurus"/>
      <menuitem id="phrases" />
      <menuitem id="relrank" />
    <menunode id="settings">
      <menuitem id="user-segments"/>
      <menuitem id="preview-settings"/>
      <menuitem id="report-settings"/>
      <menuitem id="locks"/>

  7. Merge the resource.properties file located in the /workbench/locales directory with that of the Workbench servers /locales directory. Add the Business Control Center extension, Access Control extension and User Access Menu information. For example:

    # These resources should be localized.

    # BCC extension
    tool.bcc-home.name = Business Control Center
    tool.bcc-home.description = Create, preview, and deploy site content and product catalogs.
    # @i18n:begin:trans(false)
    tool.bcc-home.icon = http://myserver.example.com:8080/atg/images/
    # @i18n:end:trans

    # BCC Access Control extension
    tool.bcc-access-control.name = BCC Access Control

    # User Access menu
    menu.user-access.name = User Access
    menu.user-access.description = Add and remove Oracle Commerce Workbench and Business Control Center Users and modify their tool access and content permissions.
    # @i18n:begin:trans(false)
    menu.user-access.icon = /ifcr/apps/endeca/workbench-assets/images/home/icon_user.png
    # @i18n:end:trans

    Note: These resource configuration changes must be made for all localized files, such as the Resources_cs.properties file.

For additional information on copying and merging these files, refer to your Endeca documentation.

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