面向开发者的 Oracle® Solaris 11 安全性指南


更新时间: 2014 年 7 月

PAM 提供者服务模块样例

以下是一个 PAM 服务模块示例。此示例将查看用户是否是允许访问此服务的组中的成员。如果成功,则提供者随后将授予访问权限,如果失败则记录错误消息。


  1. 解析从 PAM 配置传递给此模块的选项。请参见 pam.conf(4)

    此模块可接受 nowarndebug 选项以及特定的选项 group。使用 group 选项可以配置模块,允许其访问除缺省情况下使用的 root 组以外的特定组。有关示例,请参见源代码中 DEFAULT_GROUP 的定义。例如,要允许属于组 staff 的用户访问 telnet(1),用户可以使用以下行(位于 /etc/pam.conf 中的 telnet 栈中):

    telnet  account  required  pam_members_only.so.1 group=staff

    等效的 /etc/pam.d 配置在 /etc/pam.d/telnet 中可能具有以下行:

    account required pam_members_only.so.1 group=staff
  2. 获取用户名、服务名和主机名。

    用户名通过调用 pam_get_user(3PAM)(用于从 PAM 句柄中检索当前用户名)获取。如果未设置用户名,则会拒绝访问。服务名和主机名通过调用 pam_get_item(3PAM) 获取。

  3. 验证要使用的信息。


  4. 检验当前用户是否是允许访问此主机并且授予访问权限的特殊组的成员。

    如果该特殊组已定义但根本不包含任何成员,则将返回 PAM_IGNORE,表示此模块不参与任何帐户验证过程。该决策将留给栈中的其他模块。

  5. 如果用户不是特殊组的成员,则会显示一条消息,通知用户访问被拒绝。


以下示例给出了 PAM 提供者样例的源代码。

注 - 此示例的源代码也可以通过 Oracle 下载中心获取。请参见 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/downloads/sdlc-decommission-333274.html
示例 3-3  PAM 服务模块样例
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <libintl.h>
#include <security/pam_appl.h>

 * by default, only users who are a member of group "root" are allowed access
#define	DEFAULT_GROUP "root"

static char *NOMSG =
	"Sorry, you are not on the access list for this host - access denied.";

pam_sm_acct_mgmt(pam_handle_t * pamh, int flags, int argc, const char **argv)
	char *user = NULL;
	char *host = NULL;
	char *service = NULL;
	const char *allowed_grp = DEFAULT_GROUP;
	char grp_buf[4096];
	struct group grp;
	struct pam_conv *conversation;
	struct pam_message message;
	struct pam_message *pmessage = &message;
	struct pam_response *res = NULL;
	int i;
	int nowarn = 0;
	int debug = 0;

	/* Set flags to display warnings if in debug mode. */
	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
		if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "nowarn") == 0)
			nowarn = 1;
		else if (strcasecmp(argv[i], "debug") == 0)
			debug = 1;
		else if (strncmp(argv[i], "group=", 6) == 0)
			allowed_grp = &argv[i][6];
	if (flags & PAM_SILENT)
		nowarn = 1;

	/* Get user name,service name, and host name. */
	(void) pam_get_user(pamh, &user, NULL);
	(void) pam_get_item(pamh, PAM_SERVICE, (void **) &service);
	(void) pam_get_item(pamh, PAM_RHOST, (void **) &host);

	/* Deny access if user is NULL. */
	if (user == NULL) {
		    "%s: members_only: user not set", service);
		return (PAM_USER_UNKNOWN);

	if (host == NULL)
		host = "unknown";

	 * Deny access if vuser group is required and user is not in vuser
	 * group
	if (getgrnam_r(allowed_grp, &grp, grp_buf, sizeof (grp_buf)) == NULL) {
		    "%s: members_only: group \"%s\" not defined",
		    service, allowed_grp);
		return (PAM_SYSTEM_ERR);

	/* Ignore this module if group contains no members. */
	if (grp.gr_mem[0] == 0) {
		if (debug)
			    "%s: members_only: group %s empty: "
			    "all users allowed.", service, grp.gr_name);
		return (PAM_IGNORE);

	/* Check to see if user is in group. If so, return SUCCESS. */
	for (; grp.gr_mem[0]; grp.gr_mem++) {
		if (strcmp(grp.gr_mem[0], user) == 0) {
			if (debug)
				    "%s: user %s is member of group %s. "
				    "Access allowed.",
				    service, user, grp.gr_name);
			return (PAM_SUCCESS);

	 * User is not a member of the group.
	 * Set message style to error and specify denial message.
	message.msg_style = PAM_ERROR_MSG;
	message.msg = gettext(NOMSG);

	/* Use conversation function to display denial message to user. */
	(void) pam_get_item(pamh, PAM_CONV, (void **) &conversation);
	if (nowarn == 0 && conversation != NULL) {
		int err;
		err = conversation->conv(1, &pmessage, &res,
		if (debug && err != PAM_SUCCESS)
			    "%s: members_only: conversation returned "
			    "error %d (%s).", service, err,
			    pam_strerror(pamh, err));

		/* free response (if any) */
		if (res != NULL) {
			if (res->resp)

	/* Report denial to system log and return error to caller. */
	syslog(LOG_NOTICE | LOG_AUTH, "%s: members_only: "
	    "Connection for %s not allowed from %s", service, user, host);

	return (PAM_PERM_DENIED);