Oracle Solaris 11.2 Information Library (简体中文)
更新日期: 2015-7-24

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Oracle Solaris 11.2 发行说明  介绍在安装或运行 Oracle Solaris 11.2 操作系统 (operating system, OS) 之前可能需要考虑的重要安装问题、更新问题和运行时问题。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Release Notes (English)  Describes the important installation issues, update issues, and runtime issues that you might need to consider before installing or running the Oracle Solaris 11.2 operating system (OS).Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 新增功能  指明了本发行版中的重要更改。Download PDF
What's New in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Identifies important changes in this release.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 功能终止 (End-of-Feature, EOF) 列表  本部分列出了可能会在 Oracle Solaris 的未来发行版中删除的功能。
Oracle Solaris 11.2 End-of-Feature (EOF) List (English)  Links to a page that identifies features that are being removed in this release.
从 Oracle Solaris 10 转换至 Oracle Solaris 11.2  介绍有关从 Oracle Solaris 10 操作系统 (OS) 转换至 Oracle Solaris 11 发行版的多个主题。Download PDF
Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11 .2 (English)  Describes multiple topics for transitioning from the Oracle Solaris 10 operating system (OS) to an Oracle Solaris 11 release.Download PDF

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(可访问方式)Oracle Solaris 11.2 安装快速入门指南  本书面向现有用户,可帮助其快速找到有关安装选项和其他信息的文档。Download PDF
Quick Start Guide to Installing Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Intended for existing users, provides quick pointers to documentation about installation options and additional information.Download PDF
安装 Oracle Solaris 11.2 系统  介绍如何从 Live Media 安装 Oracle Solaris 11.2 操作系统、如何使用文本安装程序以及如何通过网络执行客户机安装。Download PDF
Installing Oracle Solaris 11.2 Systems (English)  Describes how to install the Oracle Solaris 11.2 operating system from live media, how to use the text installer, and how to perform client installations over the network.Download PDF
更新至 Oracle Solaris 11.2  介绍如何将系统更新至 Oracle Solaris 11.2。Download PDF
Updating to Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to update a system to Oracle Solaris 11.2.Download PDF
引导和关闭 Oracle Solaris 11.2 系统  介绍用于引导和关闭 Oracle Solaris 系统的任务。包括适用于 SPARC 和 x86 平台的引导主题。Download PDF
Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris 11.2 Systems (English)  Describes tasks for booting and shutting down an Oracle Solaris system. Includes booting topics that apply to SPARC and x86 platforms.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中添加和更新软件  介绍了 Oracle Solaris 映像包管理系统 (Image Packaging System, IPS) 功能,可以通过此功能安装和删除软件,或者升级到新的 Oracle Solaris 操作系统发行版。Download PDF
Adding and Updating Software in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes the Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS) feature which enables you to install and remove software and upgrade to a new Oracle Solaris operating system release.Download PDF
创建和管理 Oracle Solaris 11.2 引导环境  提供有关使用 beadm 命令在 Oracle Solaris 系统上创建并管理多个引导环境的说明。Download PDF
Creating and Administering Oracle Solaris 11.2 Boot Environments (English)  Provides instructions about using the beadm command to create and administer multiple boot environments on your Oracle Solaris system.Download PDF
创建定制 Oracle Solaris 11.2 安装映像  说明了如何使用分发构造器工具构建定制 Oracle Solaris 安装映像。Download PDF
Creating a Custom Oracle Solaris 11.2 Installation Image (English)  Provides instructions for using the distribution constructor tool to build custom Oracle Solaris installation images.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中复制和创建软件包系统信息库  介绍如何创建、复制、更新和维护 Oracle Solaris 映像包管理系统 (Image Packaging System, IPS) 软件包系统信息库以及使其可供访问。Download PDF
Copying and Creating Package Repositories in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to create, copy, make accessible, update, and maintain an Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS) software package repository.Download PDF
从 Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart 转换至 Oracle Solaris 11.2 自动化安装程序  提供了可以帮助您从 Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart 迁移至 Oracle Solaris 11 自动化安装程序 (Automated Installer, AI) 的信息,两者都是 Oracle Solaris 的自动化安装功能。Download PDF
Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11.2 Automated Installer (English)  Provides information to help you migrate from Oracle Solaris 10 JumpStart to Oracle Solaris 11 Automated Installer (AI), both of which are automated installation features of Oracle Solaris.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中使用统一归档文件进行系统恢复和克隆  介绍 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中的系统恢复和克隆。Download PDF
Using Unified Archives for System Recovery and Cloning in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes system recovery and cloning in Oracle Solaris 11.2.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Package Group Lists (English)  Lists and briefly describes group packages that are installed by default by the different Oracle Solaris 11.2 installers.Download PDF
Using the Oracle Solaris 11 Image Packaging System (IPS) to Install and Update Software (English)  Links to animation that describes how to use IPS.

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Oracle Solaris 11.2 中的网络管理策略  介绍 Oracle Solaris 操作系统 (operating system, OS) 中网络管理的网络功能和策略。Download PDF
Strategies for Network Administration in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes networking features and strategies for network administration in the Oracle Solaris operating system (OS).Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中规划网络部署  介绍用于部署 IPv4 和 IPv6 网络的规划任务。Download PDF
Planning for Network Deployment in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes planning tasks for deploying IPv4 and IPv6 networks.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中配置和管理网络组件  概述了 Oracle Solaris 操作系统 (operating system, OS) 中的网络管理并介绍了客户机网络管理任务。Download PDF
Configuring and Administering Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Provides an overview of network administration in the Oracle Solaris operating system (OS) and describes client-side network administration tasks.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理网络虚拟化和网络资源  介绍了如何配置 Oracle Solaris 虚拟网络功能和监视网络通信。它还介绍了用于管理网络资源的不同进程。Download PDF
Managing Network Virtualization and Network Resources in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to configure the Oracle Solaris virtual networking features and monitor network traffic. It also describes the different processes that are used to manage network resources.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理网络数据链路  概述了用来管理网络数据链路和提高网络性能的高级功能。说明了如何配置这些高级功能,包括链路聚合、虚拟局域网、网桥、链路层发现协议 (Link Layer Discovery Protocol, LLDP) 和数据中心桥接 (data center bridging, DCB)。Download PDF
Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Provides an overview of the advanced features used to manage network datalinks and improve network performance. Describes how to configure these advanced features, which include link aggregation, virtual local area networks, bridges, Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), and data center bridging (DCB).Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理 TCP/IP 网络、IPMP 和 IP 隧道  介绍在 Oracle Solaris 操作系统 (operating system, OS) 中管理和监视 TCP/IP 网络、配置 IP 网络多路径 (IP network multipathing, IPMP) 和 IP 隧道的任务。Download PDF
Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes tasks for administering and monitoring TCP/IP networks, configuring IP network multipathing (IPMP), and IP tunnels in the Oracle Solaris operating system (OS).Download PDF
将 Oracle Solaris 11.2 系统配置为路由器或负载平衡器  介绍如何将 Oracle Solaris 11.2 配置为 IPv4 或 IPv6 路由器。提供了虚拟路由器冗余协议 (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol, VRRP) 和集成负载平衡器 (Integrated Load Balancer, ILB) 的概述和配置说明。Download PDF
Configuring an Oracle Solaris 11.2 System as a Router or a Load Balancer (English)  Describes how to configure Oracle Solaris 11.2 as an IPv4 or an IPv6 router. Provides an overview and configuration instructions for Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) and Integrated Load Balancer (ILB).Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中确保网络安全  介绍如何提供网络安全性。包括 Web 服务器的链路保护、可调网络参数、防火墙保护、IPsec 和 IKE 以及 SSL 内核保护。Download PDF
Securing the Network in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to provide network security. Includes link protection, tunable network parameters, firewall protection, IPsec and IKE, and SSL kernel protection for web servers.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中排除网络管理问题  描述了用于在 Oracle Solaris 操作系统 (operating system, OS) 中排除常见网络管理问题的任务。Download PDF
Troubleshooting Network Administration Issues in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes tasks for troubleshooting common network administration issues in the Oracle Solaris operating system (OS).Download PDF
网络术语词汇表  提供 Oracle Solaris 网络上下文中常用的网络术语和首字母缩略词的定义。Download PDF
Glossary of Networking Terms (English)  Provides definitions of common networking terms and acronyms used in the context of Oracle Solaris networking.Download PDF

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Oracle Solaris 11 管理介绍  介绍 Oracle Solaris 11.2 文档库中 "Administering Oracle Solaris Essential Features" 部分中所述的基本系统管理任务。Download PDF
Introduction to Oracle Solaris 11 Administration (English)  Describes the essential system administration tasks that are documented in the "Administering Oracle Solaris Essential Features" shelf in the Oracle Solaris 11.2 documentation library.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理用户帐户和用户环境  介绍如何管理用户帐户和用户环境。Download PDF
Managing User Accounts and User Environments in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes managing user accounts and user environments.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理系统信息、进程和性能  介绍了管理系统信息、进程和监视性能的任务。Download PDF
Managing System Information, Processes, and Performance in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes tasks for managing system information, processes, and monitoring performance.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理系统服务  介绍如何监视、故障排除、配置和创建 SMF 服务。Download PDF
Managing System Services in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to monitor, troubleshoot, configure, and create SMF services.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中配置和管理打印  介绍用于在 Oracle Solaris 中配置和管理打印的任务。Download PDF
Configuring and Managing Printing in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes tasks for configuring and managing printing in Oracle Solaris.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中排除系统管理问题  介绍如何排除 SPARC 和 x86 平台上 Oracle Solaris 11.2 操作系统的系统管理问题。Download PDF
Troubleshooting System Administration Issues in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes troubleshooting system administration issues with the Oracle Solaris 11.2 operating system on both SPARC and x86 platforms.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 国际语言环境指南  介绍 Oracle Solaris 11.2 操作环境中的国际化功能。其中提供了如何处理系统语言环境、键盘、字体以及与国际化相关的有用实用程序等信息。
International Language Environments Guide for Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes internationalization features in the Oracle Solaris 11.2 operating environment. It provides information like, how to work with system locales, keyboards, fonts and useful utilities related to internationalization.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c (English)  Links to documentation describing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c, a comprehensive solution for managing the physical and virtual operating systems, servers, and storage devices in your data center.

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Oracle Solaris 11.2 网络服务介绍  概述 Oracle Solaris 操作系统支持的网络服务。Download PDF
Introduction to Oracle Solaris 11.2 Network Services (English)  Provides an overview of the network services supported by the Oracle Solaris operating system.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理网络文件系统  介绍如何使用 NFS 服务对文件系统提供网络访问。Download PDF
Managing Network File Systems in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to use the NFS service to provide access to file systems over the network.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中使用 DHCP  介绍如何管理 DHCP 服务以在主机引导时自动为其配置网络。Download PDF
Working With DHCP in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to administer the DHCP service to automatically configure the network for a host while it boots.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理 IP 服务质量  介绍如何使用 IPQOS 服务支持区分服务。Download PDF
Managing IP Quality of Service in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to use the IPQOS service to support differentiated services.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理服务定位协议服务  介绍如何使用 SLP 服务启用动态服务搜索。Download PDF
Managing Service Location Protocol Services in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to use the SLP service to enable dynamic service discovery.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理 sendmail 服务  介绍如何配置 sendmail 服务以管理电子邮件。Download PDF
Managing sendmail Services in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to configure the sendmail service to manage email.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理使用 UUCP 和 PPP 的串行网络  介绍如何启用 PPP 和 UUCP 服务以提供串行联网。Download PDF
Managing Serial Networks Using UUCP and PPP in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to enable the PPP and UUCP services to provide serial networking.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理远程系统  说明如何管理和使用 FTP 服务来传输文件。Download PDF
Managing Remote Systems in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to administer and use the FTP service to transfer files.Download PDF
使用 Oracle Solaris 11.2 目录和命名服务:DNS 和 NIS  介绍如何设置和管理 DNS 和 NIS 命名服务。Download PDF
Working With Oracle Solaris 11.2 Naming and Directory Services: DNS and NIS (English)  Describes how to set up and administer the DNS and NIS naming services.Download PDF
使用 Oracle Solaris 11.2 目录和命名服务:LDAP  介绍如何设置和管理 LDAP 命名服务。Download PDF
Working With Oracle Solaris 11.2 Naming and Directory Services: LDAP (English)  Describes how to set up and administer the LDAP naming service.Download PDF
Managing SMB File Sharing and Windows Interoperability in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to share files between an Oracle Solaris System and a Windows system.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中排除网络管理问题  描述了用于在 Oracle Solaris 操作系统 (operating system, OS) 中排除常见网络管理问题的任务。Download PDF
Troubleshooting Network Administration Issues in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes tasks for troubleshooting common network administration issues in the Oracle Solaris operating system (OS).Download PDF
网络术语词汇表  提供 Oracle Solaris 网络上下文中常用的网络术语和首字母缩略词的定义。Download PDF
Glossary of Networking Terms (English)  Provides definitions of common networking terms and acronyms used in the context of Oracle Solaris networking.Download PDF

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在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理设备  介绍与管理可移除介质、磁盘和设备相关的一系列 Oracle Solaris 系统管理主题。Download PDF
Managing Devices in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Provides information about a range of Oracle Solaris system administration topics related to managing removable media, disks and devices.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理文件系统  提供了对 Oracle Solaris 文件系统的概述,其中包括了有关如何管理一个或多个文件系统以及执行文件系统管理任务的信息。Download PDF
Managing File Systems in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Provides an overview of Oracle Solaris file systems which includes information about how to manage one or more file systems, and perform file system administration tasks.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理 ZFS 文件系统  包含有关 Oracle ZFS 文件系统的信息,包括针对基于 SPARC 和 x86 的系统的信息(如果适用)。Download PDF
Managing ZFS File Systems in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Provides information about the Oracle ZFS file system, including information specific to SPARC and x86 based systems, where appropriate.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理 SAN 设备和多路径  提供了面向 Oracle Solaris 操作系统的 Solaris I/O 多路径功能的概述,并介绍了如何配置 Solaris iSCSI 启动器、以太网光纤通道 (Fibre Channel over Ethernet, FCoE) 端口、存储区域网络 (Storage Area Network, SAN) 设备以及串行连接 SCSI (Serial-Attached SCSI, SAS) 域。Download PDF
Managing SAN Devices and Multipathing in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Provides an overview of Solaris I/O multipathing features for the Oracle Solaris operating system and describes how to configure Solaris iSCSI Initiators, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) ports, storage area network (SAN) devices, and serial-attached SCSI (SAS) Domains.Download PDF
ZFS Storage 7x20 Storage Appliance Information Library (English)  Links to information library for ZFS Storage Appliance.
QFS and Storage Archive Manager Information Library (English)  Links to information library for the Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager product.

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Oracle Solaris 11 安全准则  概述 Oracle Solaris 安全功能和使用这些功能来强化和保护已安装系统及其应用程序的准则。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11 Security Guidelines (English)  Provides an overview of Oracle Solaris security features and the guidelines for using those features to harden and protect an installed system and its applications.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 安全遵从性指南  介绍如何评估和报告 Oracle Solaris 系统是否符合指定的安全基准。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Security Compliance Guide (English)  Describes how to assess and report the compliance of an Oracle Solaris system to specified security benchmarks.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中确保网络安全  介绍如何提供网络安全性。包括 Web 服务器的链路保护、可调网络参数、防火墙保护、IPsec 和 IKE 以及 SSL 内核保护。Download PDF
Securing the Network in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to provide network security. Includes link protection, tunable network parameters, firewall protection, IPsec and IKE, and SSL kernel protection for web servers.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中确保系统和连接设备的安全  介绍如何保护对 Oracle Solaris 11.2 系统的访问。Download PDF
Securing Systems and Attached Devices in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to protect access to an Oracle Solaris 11.2 system.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中确保文件的安全和确认文件完整性  介绍如何保护合法文件、查看隐藏的文件权限以及查找和防止执行未授权文件。此外还介绍了如何随时间的推移验证 Oracle Solaris 系统上文件的完整性。Download PDF
Securing Files and Verifying File Integrity in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to protect legitimate files, view hidden file permissions, and locate and prevent the execution of rogue files. Also describes how to verify the integrity of files over time on Oracle Solaris systems.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中确保用户和进程的安全  说明如何为用户指定额外权限,创建并使用角色,并将权限指定给 Oracle Solaris 系统上的程序和特定资源。Download PDF
Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to assign additional rights to users, create and use roles, and assign rights to programs and specific resources on Oracle Solaris systems.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理加密和证书  介绍如何管理一个或多个 Oracle Solaris 11.2 系统上的加密、密钥和公钥/私钥证书。Download PDF
Managing Encryption and Certificates in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to administer encryption, keys, and public/private certificates on one or more Oracle Solaris 11.2 systems.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理安全 Shell 访问  介绍如何在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理和使用安全 Shell。Download PDF
Managing Secure Shell Access in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to administer and use Secure Shell in Oracle Solaris 11.2.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理 Kerberos 和其他验证服务  介绍如何管理一个或多个 Oracle Solaris 系统上的安全验证。本指南涵盖可插拔验证模块 (Pluggable Authentication Module, PAM)、Kerberos、简单验证和安全层 (Simple Authentication and Security Layer, SASL) 以及适用于 NFS 和 NIS 的安全 RPC。本指南中的附录通过一些使用示例来介绍用于 Kerberos 的 DTrace 探测器。Download PDF
Managing Kerberos and Other Authentication Services in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to administer secure authentication on one or more Oracle Solaris systems. The guide covers Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM), Kerberos, the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), and Secure RPC for NFS and NIS. An appendix describes DTrace probes for Kerberos with examples of their use.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理审计  介绍如何管理一个或多个 Oracle Solaris 11.2 系统上的审计。Download PDF
Managing Auditing in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to administer auditing on one or more Oracle Solaris 11.2 systems.Download PDF
面向开发者的 Oracle Solaris 11 安全性指南  为应用程序开发者提供安全服务信息。介绍了服务接口,如 PAM、SASL、GSS-API、Oracle Solaris 加密框架、Oracle Solaris 密钥管理框架和进程特权。Download PDF
Developer's Guide to Oracle Solaris 11 Security (English)  Provides security service information for application developers. Describes the interfaces for services such as PAM, SASL, GSS-API, the Oracle Solaris cryptographic framework, the Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework, and process privileges.Download PDF
Using a FIPS 140 Enabled System in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to configure an Oracle Solaris system to provide FIPS 140-2 Level 1 cryptography to kernel level and user level consumers of cryptography, for example, Kerberos, Secure Shell (SSH), and the Apache Web Server. It describes how to enable the providers and the consumers, and includes an example of enabling SSH and the Apache Web Server to run in FIPS 140 mode.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions 配置和管理  介绍如何在一个或多个系统上启用、配置和维护 Oracle Solaris 的 Trusted Extensions 功能。Download PDF
Trusted Extensions Configuration and Administration (English)  Describes how to enable, configure, and maintain the Trusted Extensions feature of Oracle Solaris on one or more systems.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions 用户指南  介绍如何在桌面系统上使用 Oracle Solaris 的 Trusted Extensions 功能。Download PDF
Trusted Extensions User's Guide (English)  Describes how to use the Trusted Extensions feature of Oracle Solaris on a desktop system.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions Label Administration (English)  Describes how labels are used and are displayed in the Trusted Extensions feature of Oracle Solaris and how to plan labels in your organization. Also describes which parts of the Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format guide do not apply to the Trusted Extensions implementation.Download PDF
Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide (English)  Describes how to use the programming interfaces to write new trusted applications for systems that run the Trusted Extensions feature of the Oracle Solaris OS.Download PDF
Compartmented Mode Workstation Labeling: Encodings Format (English)  Describes label features that are outside the scope of Trusted Extensions Label Administration .Download PDF

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Oracle Solaris 11.2 可调参数参考手册  提供有关 Oracle Solaris 可调参数的信息,以及在缺省值对特定的客户设置不够时如何配置这些可调参数。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Tunable Parameters Reference Manual (English)  Provides information about Oracle Solaris tunable parameters and how to configure these if the default values are insufficient for a specific customer setup.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Dynamic Tracing Guide (English)  Describes how to use DTrace. It also describes the DTrace providers in detail.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中管理故障  介绍如何使用帮助管理硬件故障及一些软件缺陷的工具。Download PDF
Managing Faults in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to use tools that help manage hardware faults and some software defects.Download PDF
Oracle VTS (Validation Test Suite) Information Library (English)  Links to information about Oracle Validation Test Suite, diagnostic software for SPARC and x86 systems.

Collapse details button创建和使用 Oracle Solaris 虚拟环境

Oracle Solaris 11.2 虚拟环境介绍  包括有关 Oracle Solaris 11.2 操作系统中提供的软件虚拟化技术的信息。Download PDF
Introduction to Oracle Solaris 11 Virtual Environments (English)  Includes information about the software virtualization technologies that are available with the Oracle Solaris 11.2 operating system.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Zones 介绍  提供有关在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 发行版中管理 Oracle Solaris Zones、Oracle Solaris 内核区域以及 Oracle Solaris 10 Zones 功能的概述。涵盖区域配置资源和属性。Download PDF
Introduction to Oracle Solaris Zones (English)  Provides an overview about administering the Oracle Solaris Zones, Oracle Solaris Kernel Zones, and Oracle Solaris 10 Zones features in the Oracle Solaris 11.2 release. Covers zone configuration resources and properties.Download PDF
创建和使用 Oracle Solaris 区域  介绍如何创建和管理 Oracle Solaris 区域。Download PDF
Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Zones (English)  Describes how to create and administer Oracle Solaris Zones.Download PDF
创建和使用 Oracle Solaris 内核区域  介绍如何规划、配置、安装和管理 Oracle Solaris 11.2 发行版中的 Oracle Solaris 内核区域。Download PDF
Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Kernel Zones (English)  Describes how to plan, configure, install, and administer Oracle Solaris Kernel Zones on the Oracle Solaris 11.2 release.Download PDF
创建和使用 Oracle Solaris 10 区域  提供有关在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 发行版中管理 Oracle Solaris 10 区域的信息。Download PDF
Creating and Using Oracle Solaris 10 Zones (English)  Provides information about administering Oracle Solaris 10 Zones in the Oracle Solaris 11.2 release.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中进行资源管理  介绍如何使用 Oracle Solaris 资源管理,通过该功能可以控制应用程序使用可用系统资源的方式。Download PDF
Administering Resource Management in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to use Oracle Solaris resource management, which enables you to control how applications use available system resources.Download PDF
Resource Management and Oracle Solaris Zones Developer's Guide (English)  Describes how to write applications that partition and manage system resources, such as processor sets and scheduling class, by referencing appropriate programming APIs.Download PDF
Using Oracle Solaris Zones to Develop and Deploy Applications (English)  Links to animation that describes how to use Oracle Solaris Zones.
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中安装和配置 OpenStack  介绍如何安装 OpenStack 和创建虚拟机。Download PDF
Installing and Configuring OpenStack in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to install OpenStack and create virtual machines.Download PDF
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Information Library (English)  Links to information about Oracle VM Server for SPARC.

Collapse details button使用 Oracle Solaris Desktop

Oracle Solaris 11 Desktop 辅助功能指南  介绍 Oracle Solaris 11 操作系统中可用的辅助功能。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11 Desktop Accessibility Guide (English)  Describes the accessibility features available in the Oracle Solaris 11 operating system.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Desktop 用户指南  介绍如何使用 Oracle Solaris Desktop 及其组件。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Desktop User's Guide (English)  Describes how to use the Oracle Solaris Desktop and its components.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Desktop 管理员指南  介绍如何管理 Oracle Solaris Desktop 及其组件。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Desktop Administrator's Guide (English)  Describes how to administer the Oracle Solaris Desktop and its components.Download PDF
为多用户环境优化 Oracle Solaris Desktop  介绍如何为多用户环境优化 Oracle Solaris 桌面。Download PDF
Optimizing the Oracle Solaris 11 Desktop for a Multi-User Environment (English)  Explains how to best enable the desktop for multi-user environments.Download PDF

Collapse details button开发应用程序以用于 Oracle Solaris 11

在 Oracle Solaris 11 中设置应用程序开发环境  介绍了如何设置 Oracle Solaris 11 操作系统开发环境,还提供了对开发者有用的详细信息源的链接。Download PDF
Setting Up the Application Development Environment in Oracle Solaris 11 (English)  Provides an introduction to setting up a development environment on the Oracle Solaris 11 operating system and also provides links to sources of detailed information that would be useful for developers.Download PDF
面向开发者的 Oracle Solaris 11 安全性指南  为应用程序开发者提供安全服务信息。介绍了服务接口,如 PAM、SASL、GSS-API、Oracle Solaris 加密框架、Oracle Solaris 密钥管理框架和进程特权。Download PDF
Developer's Guide to Oracle Solaris 11 Security (English)  Provides security service information for application developers. Describes the interfaces for services such as PAM, SASL, GSS-API, the Oracle Solaris cryptographic framework, the Oracle Solaris Key Management Framework, and process privileges.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 中使用映像打包系统打包和交付软件  介绍了如何使用 Oracle Solaris 映像包管理系统 (Image Packaging System, IPS) 功能对要在 Oracle Solaris 11 系统上安装和更新的软件进行打包。Download PDF
Packaging and Delivering Software With the Image Packaging System in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to use the Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS) feature to package software to be installed and updated on Oracle Solaris 11 systems.Download PDF
在 Oracle Solaris 11.2 中复制和创建软件包系统信息库  介绍如何创建、复制、更新和维护 Oracle Solaris 映像包管理系统 (Image Packaging System, IPS) 软件包系统信息库以及使其可供访问。Download PDF
Copying and Creating Package Repositories in Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Describes how to create, copy, make accessible, update, and maintain an Oracle Solaris Image Packaging System (IPS) software package repository.Download PDF
Developing Applications for Oracle Solaris in C, C++, and Fortran Using Oracle Solaris Studio (English)  Links to an introduction to the Oracle Solaris Studio product and explains how to use it in the Oracle Solaris environment. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 library.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Dynamic Tracing Guide (English)  Describes how to use DTrace. It also describes the DTrace providers in detail.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 链接程序和库指南  介绍 Solaris 操作系统 (Solaris Operating System, Solaris OS) 链接编辑器和运行时链接程序的操作,以及这些链接编辑器所操作的对象。本书中的内容涉及链接编辑器 (ld(1))、运行时链接程序 (、共享目标文件(有时称作共享库)以及 ELF 目标文件格式。Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Linkers and Libraries Guide (English)  Describes the operations of the Solaris Operating System (Solaris OS) link-editor and runtime linker, and the objects on which these link-editors operate. The book covers the Link-Editor: ld(1), the Runtime Linker:, Shared Objects (sometimes referred to as Shared Libraries), and the ELF object file format.Download PDF
Resource Management and Oracle Solaris Zones Developer's Guide (English)  Describes how to write applications that partition and manage system resources, such as processor sets and scheduling class, by referencing appropriate programming APIs.Download PDF
Using Oracle Solaris Zones to Develop and Deploy Applications (English)  Links to animation that describes how to use Oracle Solaris Zones.
在 Oracle Solaris 中进行应用程序国际化和本地化  介绍 Oracle Solaris 操作系统中应用程序国际化和本地化的过程。
Internationalizing and Localizing Applications in Oracle Solaris (English)  Describes the processes for internationalization and localization of applications in the Oracle Solaris operating system.
Remote Administration Daemon Developer Guide (English)  Provides information about the remote administration daemon for Oracle Solaris.Download PDF
Memory and Thread Placement Optimization Developer's Guide (English)  Provides information on memory thread placement and optimization techniques for developers.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger Guide (English)  Describes about the Oracle Solaris Modular Debugger (MDB), which is a general purpose debugging tool for the Oracle Solaris operating system.Download PDF
Multithreaded Programming Guide (English)  Provides information on the POSIX and the Oracle Solaris thread APIs, programming with synchronization objects, and compiling multithreaded programs.Download PDF
ONC+ RPC Developer's Guide (English)  Describes the ONC+ distributed services.Download PDF
Oracle Solaris 11.2 Programming Interfaces Guide (English)  Describes network and system interfaces used by application developers. It also provides information on interfaces in areas such as shared memory, transport selection, and real-time administration.Download PDF
SIP API Developer's Guide (English)  Provides a reference to the interfaces of the Session Initiation Protocols (SIP) in the Oracle Solaris 11 operating system.Download PDF
STREAMS Programming Guide (English)  Describes the STREAMS facilities for UNIX system communications services in the Oracle Solaris environment.Download PDF
编写适用于 Oracle Solaris 11.2 的设备驱动程序  提供了有关为 Oracle Solaris 操作系统开发适用于面向字符的设备、面向块的设备、网络设备、SCSI 目标和 HBA 设备、USB 设备以及 SR-IOV 设备的驱动程序的相关信息。Download PDF
Writing Device Drivers for Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Provides information on developing drivers for character-oriented devices, block-oriented devices, network devices, SCSI target and HBA devices, USB devices, and SR-IOV devices for the Oracle Solaris operating system.Download PDF
Device Driver Tutorial (English)  Provides hands-on information about how to develop device drivers for the Oracle Solaris operating system. It also includes the step-by-step descriptions of writing, building, installing, loading, and testing real device drivers.Download PDF
SPARC Assembly Language Reference Manual (English)  Describes the assembler that runs on the SPARC architecture and translates source files that are in assembly language format into object files in linking format.Download PDF
x86 Assembly Language Reference Manual (English)  Provides information that helps experienced assembly language programmers understand disassembled output of Solaris compilers.Download PDF

Collapse details buttonOracle Solaris 11.2 参考手册

手册页部分 1:用户命令  本部分介绍了该操作系统中提供的各种命令和实用程序,包括只存在于 SunOS/BSD 兼容性软件包中的命令,用于同其他系统进行通信的命令以及特定于 SunOS™ 系统的命令。每个命令的可用选项、参数和操作数均按照命令语法的标准规则提供,同时还提供了可用性属性、诊断信息以及到包含相关信息的其他手册页和参考资料的交叉引用。本部分适用于所有 UNIX 系统用户。
man pages section 1: User Commands (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris user commands.
手册页部分 1M:系统管理命令  本部分介绍 Solaris (TM) 系统管理和维护实用程序,面向系统和网络管理人员。
man pages section 1M: System Administration Commands (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris administration commands.
man pages section 2: System Calls (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris system calls.
man pages section 3: Library Interfaces and Headers (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris library interfaces and headers.
man pages section 3: Basic Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris basic library functions.
man pages section 3: Networking Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for Oracle Solaris network-specific library functions.
man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 1 (English)  Reference information (man pages) for asynchronous I/O (libaio), security and auditing (libbsm), configuration administration (libcgfadm), contract management (libcontract), CPU performance counters (libcpc), direct access transport (libdat), device ID (libdevid), device information (libdevinfo), executable and linking format (libelf), extended accounting file access (libexacct), and file system type identification (libfstyp).
man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 2 (English)  Reference information (man pages) for string-pattern matching (libgen), common fibre channel HBA (libhbaapi), kernel statistics (libkstat), kernel VM (libkvm), layout services (liblayout), locality group (liblgrp), mathematical functions (libm), user mailbox (libmail), multiple precision (libmp), common mulitpath management (libmpapi), and vector math (libmvec).
man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 3 (English)  Reference information (man pages) for name-value pair (libnvpair), pluggable authentication module (libpam), open printing API (libpapi), perl (libperl), PICL (libpicl), PICL plug-in (libpciltree), pool configuration manipuliation (libpool), process control (libproc), project database access (libproject), remove shared memory (libsrm), and realtime (librt).
man pages section 3: Extended Library Functions, Volume 4 (English)  Reference information (man pages) for service configuration facility (libscf), file access control (libsec), security attributes database (libsecdb), smartcard (libsmartcard), SNMP (libsnmp), system event (libsysevent), interactive comman-line input (libtecla), TNF probe control (libtnfctl), universally unique identifier (libuuid), volume management (libvolmgt), and product install registry (libswreg).
man pages section 3: Curses Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for libraries that provide graphics and character screen updating capabilities.
man pages section 3: Multimedia Library Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for the multimedia processing library (libmlib).
man pages section 4: File Formats (English)  Reference information (man pages) for various file formats.
手册页部分 5:标准、环境和宏   本部分介绍其他主题,包括标头、环境、宏包、字符集和标准。这些内容用于进一步详细说明在本部分中的其他位置描述的 Solaris 结构。
man pages section 5: Standards, Environments, and Macros (English)  Reference information (man pages) for various miscellaneous subjects, including headers, environments, macro packages, character sets, and standards.
man pages section 7: Device and Network Interfaces (English)  Reference information (man pages) for device and network interfaces.
man pages section 9: DDI and DKI Driver Entry Points (English)  Reference information (man pages) for entry-point routines for calling and return syntax from the kernel to the device driver.
man pages section 9: DDI and DKI Kernel Functions (English)  Reference information (man pages) for calling and return syntax from the a device driver to the kernel.
man pages section 9: DDI and DKI Properties and Data Structures (English)  Reference information (man pages) for kernel properties used by device drivers and data structures used to share information between the kernel and device drivers.

Collapse details button以前发行版的重要信息

Oracle Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide (English)  Provides instructions on using Oracle Solaris Volume Manager to manage disk storage. Note: This link takes you to the Oracle Solaris 10 10/12 library.Download PDF
OpenBoot 4.x Command Reference Manual (English)  Provides command descriptions and syntax for OpenBoot firmware on Oracle's SPARC-based servers. Download PDF

Collapse details button相关信息

Oracle Solaris Hardware Compatibility List (English)  Links to the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) which identifies hardware, both SPARC & x86 (servers, desktop and laptop systems and a selection of peripheral devices) that is compatible with the Oracle Solaris Operating System.
Oracle Solaris Hardware Certification Test Suite (English)  Links to the Hardware Certification Test Suite (HCTS), which enables you to check compatibility of systems and components with Oracle Solaris on SPARC and x86 platforms.
Oracle Hardware Management Pack for Oracle Solaris (English)  Links to information about the Oracle Hardware Management Pack for Oracle Solaris, which enables you to manage and configure Oracle server hardware and enable automation through scripting.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c (English)  Links to documentation describing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center 12c, a comprehensive solution for managing the physical and virtual operating systems, servers, and storage devices in your data center.
Oracle Solaris 11 Product Center (English)  Links to product technical marketing information for Oracle Solaris 11.
Oracle Solaris 11 Technologies (English)  Links to product technology spotlights for Oracle Solaris 11.
Oracle Solaris 11 How-To Articles (English)  Links to product technical marketing articles and white papers for Oracle Solaris 11.
Oracle Solaris 11 Animations and Videos (English)  Links to animations and videos that illustrate features of Oracle Solaris 11.2 software.
Oracle Solaris 11 Training (English)  Links to Oracle University training for Oracle Solaris 11.

Collapse details button此发行版的法律信息

Third-Party Licenses and Notices for Oracle Solaris 11.2 (English)  Third party technology notices and license document required for products that include third-party code, and that requires an attribution statement.
Accessing Open Source Code (English)  Links to information about open source code.

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