Exporting Contact Information

You can export contact information from your address books to an export file, which you can then import into an address book service or application to quickly populate your address books.


On tablets, you cannot export contact information.

You can export contact information as CSV and vCard 3.0 files.


Your service provider may also allow you to export contact information in the LDIF and vCard 2.1 formats.

To export contact information:

  1. In the Address Book section, select the address book or group whose contact information you want to export.

  2. From the toolbar in the Address Book section, select the Import/Export icon (the book icon with a small device on top), and then select Export.

    The Export Contacts from Address Book dialog box appears.

  3. From the Export Format list, select the format in which you want to export the contact information.

  4. Select the Export Contacts button.

    Convergence creates the export file, which your browser downloads.

Related Topics

About Address Books

Importing Contact Information