Working with Tasks

You use tasks to manage the things you need to do and want to remember.

When working with tasks, see the following topics:

Creating Tasks

To create a task:

  1. From the Calendar Page toolbar, select the New Task icon.

    The Task Page appears.

  2. In the Title field, enter a title for the task.

  3. From the Calendar list, select the calendar on which to create the task.

  4. From the Priority list, select the task priority.

  5. From the Progress list, select the percentage of the task that you have completed.

  6. From the Due list, select a deadline for the task, and date and time, if applicable.

  7. Select the Save icon.

Related Topics

Viewing Lists of Tasks and Editing Task Details

Viewing Lists of Tasks and Editing Task Details

You can view your list of tasks for multiple calendars in a single list and you open your tasks to edit them.

To view your tasks and edit task details:

  1. From the Calendar Page toolbar, select the Tasks button.

  2. In the Calendar section, place a check mark beside each calendar whose tasks you want to view.

  3. (Optional) Filter your tasks using any of the following Show options:

    • Pending Tasks: Displays all incomplete tasks

    • Upcoming: Display tasks with a due date in the future

    • Past Due: Display tasks with a due date in the past

    • Completed: Display tasks you have completed

    • All Tasks: Display all tasks

  4. (Optional) Sort your tasks using the following Sort By options:

    • Due Date: Sort tasks in chronological order according to their due date

    • Priority: Sort tasks by their assigned priority

    • Status: Sort tasks by their percentage complete

  5. To edit a task, select the task title.

    The task details appear in the Task Page.

  6. Edit the task as desired and select the Save icon.

Related Topics

Searching Your Calendars

Making a Task Recurring

To set up a task to recur, place yourself on the Task Page for a task you are creating or editing and do the following:

  1. Select the Recurrence icon.

    The Recurrence dialog box appears.

  2. From the Repeat list, select the frequency of the recurrence:

    • Daily: repeat the task every specific number of days or every week day.

    • Weekly: repeat the task every specific number of weeks and select the days of the week on which you want to repeat the task.

    • Monthly: repeat the task every specific number of months and select the day of the month on which you want to repeat the task.

    • Yearly: repeat the task every specific number of years, and select the months and the day on which you want to repeat the task.

  3. From the Ending list, select when you want the recurrence to end:

    • Never: the recurrence never ends.

    • By: select a date from the calendar widget on which the recurrence ends.

    • After: enter a number after which the recurrence ends.

  4. Select OK.

  5. Finish creating or editing the task and select the Save icon.

Related Topics

Viewing Lists of Tasks and Editing Task Details

Searching Your Calendars

Deleting Tasks

To delete an task:

  1. On the Calendar Page, select the Tasks button.

  2. Select the title of the task.

    The task details appear in the Task Page.

  3. Select the Delete icon and confirm the deletion.

Related Topics

Viewing Lists of Tasks and Editing Task Details

Searching Your Calendars

Duplicating Tasks

Duplicating a task duplicates all its configurations and attributes, excluding any attachments.

To duplicate a task:

  1. On the Calendar Page, select the Tasks button.

  2. Select the title of the task.

    The task details appear in the Task Page.

  3. Select the Clone Task icon.

  4. (Optional) Edit the task.

  5. Select the Save icon.

Related Topics

Viewing Lists of Tasks and Editing Task Details

Searching Your Calendars

Task Page

Use the Task page to create tasks and to edit or view the details of a task.

The name of the page assumes the title of the task.

Element Description
Save Select to save the task.
Attach Select to attach a file to the task.
Recurrence Select to make the task recurring.
Reminders Select to add a personal reminder for the task.
Time Zone Select to set a time zone for the task that is different from the time zone for the calendar.
Delete Task Select to delete the task.

This icon is available only when viewing or editing the task details for a task that has already been created.

Cancel Select to close the Task page without saving any changes.
Clone Task Select to create a duplicate task. Does not duplicate any files attached to the original task.

This icon is available only when viewing or editing the task details for a task that has already been created.

Title Enter a title for the task.
Calendar Select the calendar in which to add the task.
Priority Select the task priority.
Progress Select the percentage of the task you have completed. When you complete the entire task, the Progress value is automatically set to 100%.
Due Select a deadline for the task, and set the due date and time, if applicable.
Location Enter a location for the task.
Notes Enter a description or notes.
Task Is Select a privacy setting for the task:
  • Private: Makes the task visible to event attendees only

  • Public: Makes the task visible to all calendar subscribers

  • Date and Time: Makes the task date and time information available to calendar subscribers

Task Type Select one or more categories for the task.

You can search for tasks by category.

To specify custom categories, enter the categories in the field below Task Type, separating each with a comma.

Related Topics

Working with Tasks

Viewing Lists of Tasks and Editing Task Details

Searching Your Calendars