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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Sybase ASE Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39577–01



action file  Seeindex iconcustom action file
ACTION keywordindex iconCustom Action File Format
server fault monitor
modifyingindex iconCustom Action File Format
Adaptive_Server_Log_File extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
Adaptive_Server_Name extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
messages to log filesindex iconCustom Action File Format
alert logs
modifying response to errorsindex iconChanging the Response to Logged Alerts


Backup_Server_Name extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties


caution notice
server fault monitor customizationsindex iconCustomizing the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor
HA for Sybase ASEindex iconHow to Register and Configure HA for Sybase ASE
Sybase ASE database with Solaris Volume Managerindex iconHow to Configure Sybase ASE Database Access With Solaris Volume Manager
Connect_cycle extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
Connect_string extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
CONNECTION_STATE keywordindex iconCustom Action File Format
Sybase ASE database environmentindex iconHow to Create the Sybase ASE Database Environment
custom action file
formatindex iconCustom Action File Format
maximum number of entries inindex iconCustom Action File Format
order of entries inindex iconChanging the Response to Logged Alerts
propagating to cluster nodesindex iconPropagating a Custom Action File to All Nodes in a Cluster
specifyingindex iconSpecifying the Custom Action File That a Server Fault Monitor Should Use
validatingindex iconSpecifying the Custom Action File That a Server Fault Monitor Should Use
Custom_action_file extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
server fault monitorindex iconCustomizing the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor


database management system (DBMS)
modifying response toindex iconChanging the Response to a DBMS Error
preset actionsindex iconPreset Actions for DBMS Errors
DB_Wait_List extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
DBMS (database management system)
modifying response toindex iconChanging the Response to a DBMS Error
preset actionsindex iconPreset Actions for DBMS Errors
Debug_level extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties


Environment_File extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
ERROR keywordindex iconCustom Action File Format
ERROR_TYPE keywordindex iconCustom Action File Format
modifying response toindex iconChanging the Response to a DBMS Error
preset actions forindex iconPreset Actions for DBMS Errors
ignoringindex iconIgnoring an Error Whose Effects Are Minor
in custom action fileindex iconSpecifying the Custom Action File That a Server Fault Monitor Should Use
responding toindex iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major
SGAindex iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major
modifying maximum allowedindex iconChanging the Maximum Number of Consecutive Timed-Out Probes
types detected by fault monitorindex iconDefining Custom Behavior for Errors
extension properties
HA for Sybase ASEindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties


fault monitors
modifyingindex iconCustom Action File Format
caution noticeindex iconCustomizing the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor
customizingindex iconCustomizing the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor
error types detected byindex iconDefining Custom Behavior for Errors
tuningindex iconTuning the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor
alert log
modifying response to errors inindex iconChanging the Response to Logged Alerts
custom action
formatindex iconCustom Action File Format
order of entries inindex iconChanging the Response to Logged Alerts
propagating to cluster nodesindex iconPropagating a Custom Action File to All Nodes in a Cluster
specifyingindex iconSpecifying the Custom Action File That a Server Fault Monitor Should Use
validatingindex iconSpecifying the Custom Action File That a Server Fault Monitor Should Use
HA for Sybase ASE logsindex iconLocation of HA for Sybase ASE Log Files
additional messages inindex iconCustom Action File Format
of memoryindex iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major


HA for Sybase ASE  See Alsoindex iconSybase ASE
extension propertiesindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
fault monitorsindex iconTuning the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor
installingindex iconInstalling the HA for Sybase ASE Package
preparing nodes forindex iconPreparing to Install HA for Sybase ASE
log filesindex iconLocation of HA for Sybase ASE Log Files
additional messages inindex iconCustom Action File Format
logging and security issuesindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Logging and Security Issues
registering and configuringindex iconHow to Register and Configure HA for Sybase ASE
software package, installingindex iconInstalling the HA for Sybase ASE Package
SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource typeindex iconHow to Register and Configure HA for Sybase ASE
verifying installationindex iconHow to Verify the HA for Sybase ASE Installation and Configuration
heap memoryindex iconIgnoring an Error Whose Effects Are Minor


minor errorsindex iconIgnoring an Error Whose Effects Are Minor
HA for Sybase ASEindex iconInstalling the HA for Sybase ASE Package
Sybase ASEindex iconHow to Install the Sybase ASE Software
insufficient memory errors
index iconIgnoring an Error Whose Effects Are Minor
index iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major


custom action fileindex iconCustom Action File Format


log files
HA for Sybase ASEindex iconLocation of HA for Sybase ASE Log Files
additional messages inindex iconCustom Action File Format
logged alerts
modifying response toindex iconChanging the Response to Logged Alerts


maximum values
entries in custom action fileindex iconCustom Action File Format
number of allowed timeoutsindex iconChanging the Maximum Number of Consecutive Timed-Out Probes
shortage of
index iconIgnoring an Error Whose Effects Are Minor
index iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major
MESSAGE keywordindex iconCustom Action File Format
number of allowed timeoutsindex iconChanging the Maximum Number of Consecutive Timed-Out Probes
response to DBMS errorsindex iconChanging the Response to a DBMS Error
response to logged alertsindex iconChanging the Response to Logged Alerts
server fault monitor actionsindex iconCustom Action File Format
Monitor_Server_Name extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties


NEW_STATE keywordindex iconCustom Action File Format


Oracle Solaris Cluster software
index iconHow to Install the HA for Sybase ASE Package
index iconHow to Install the HA for Sybase ASE Package
entries in custom action fileindex iconChanging the Response to Logged Alerts
server fault monitor presetsindex iconCustomizing the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor


packageindex iconInstalling the HA for Sybase ASE Package
unnecessary restarts
for DBMS errorsindex iconIgnoring an Error Whose Effects Are Minor
for timeoutsindex iconChanging the Maximum Number of Consecutive Timed-Out Probes
Probe_timeout extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
HA for Sybase ASEindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
Oracle Solaris Cluster software
index iconHow to Install the HA for Sybase ASE Package
index iconHow to Install the HA for Sybase ASE Package


HA for Sybase ASEindex iconHow to Register and Configure HA for Sybase ASE
resource types
fault monitorsindex iconTuning the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor
to major errorsindex iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major
Restart_type extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
for DBMS errorsindex iconIgnoring an Error Whose Effects Are Minor
for timeoutsindex iconChanging the Maximum Number of Consecutive Timed-Out Probes


security issues
HA for Sybase ASEindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Logging and Security Issues
server fault monitor
modifyingindex iconCustom Action File Format
caution noticeindex iconCustomizing the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor
customizingindex iconCustomizing the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor
error types detected byindex iconDefining Custom Behavior for Errors
effect of errors on
index iconIgnoring an Error Whose Effects Are Minor
index iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major
SGA (shared global area)
errorsindex iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major
shared global area (SGA)
errorsindex iconResponding to an Error Whose Effects Are Major
software packageindex iconInstalling the HA for Sybase ASE Package
Stop_File extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource type
HA for Sybase ASEindex iconHow to Register and Configure HA for Sybase ASE
error numbersindex iconPreset Actions for DBMS Errors
Sybase ASE  See Alsoindex iconHA for Sybase ASE
configuring with Solaris Volume Managerindex iconHow to Configure Sybase ASE Database Access With Solaris Volume Manager
creating environmentindex iconHow to Create the Sybase ASE Database Environment
fault monitorsindex iconTuning the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor
performingindex iconHow to Install the Sybase ASE Software
preparing nodes forindex iconHow to Prepare the Nodes for the Installation of the Sybase ASE Software
verifying installationindex iconHow to Verify the Sybase ASE Installation
syntax errors
custom action fileindex iconSpecifying the Custom Action File That a Server Fault Monitor Should Use
system properties
effect on fault monitorsindex iconTuning the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor


Text_Server_Name extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties
modifying maximum allowedindex iconChanging the Maximum Number of Consecutive Timed-Out Probes
fault monitorsindex iconTuning the HA for Sybase ASE Fault Monitor


custom action fileindex iconSpecifying the Custom Action File That a Server Fault Monitor Should Use
HA for Sybase ASEindex iconHow to Verify the HA for Sybase ASE Installation and Configuration
Sybase ASE installationindex iconHow to Verify the Sybase ASE Installation


Wait_for_online extension propertyindex iconHA for Sybase ASE Extension Properties