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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Communications ASAP Guide

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Updated: September 2015

Verifying the HA for Oracle Communications ASAP Installation and Configuration

This section contains the procedure to verify that you installed and configured the Oracle Communications ASAP resources correctly.

How to Verify the Oracle Communications ASAP Installation and Configuration in a Failover Configuration

Use this procedure to verify that you installed and configured the Oracle Communications ASAP correctly.

  1. On the cluster node that hosts the resource group that contains the Oracle Communications ASAP resource, assume the root role that provides solaris.cluster.modify and solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorizations.
  2. Switch the Oracle Communications ASAP resource group to another cluster member.
    # clresourcegroup switch -n node2 asap-app-rg

    The Oracle Communications ASAP resource must go offline on node1 and go online on node2. Ensure that the Oracle ASAP processes on node1 are stopped.

  3. Verify the status of the Oracle Communications ASAP.
    # su - $Application_User -c “. $ASAP_HOME/Environment_Profile;$ASAP_HOME/scripts/status"

    Installation user of Oracle Communications ASAP


    Installation directory of Oracle Communications ASAP software


    Default environment script that sets the environment for running ASAP servers.

    Verify if a work order is getting executed by using the following steps. The following steps assume POTS Demonstration Service Activation Model is installed. If POTS is not installed, see Oracle Communications ASAP Installation Guide.

    1. Check the count of POTS-2 work order with 104 status by logging in to SARM database.
      # su - $Application_User -c ". $ASAP_HOME/Environment_Profile;sqlplus \$SARM_USER/\`GetPassword \$SARM_USER 2\`"

      At the SQL prompt, type the following query:

      select count(*) from tbl_wrk_ord where wo_id like '%POTS-2%'and wo_stat = '104';

      This command connects to the SARM database and checks if there are any POTS-2 work orders with 104 status. 104 is the expected result for a successful completion.

    2. Execute the run_suite command by logging as ASAP Installation user.
      # su - $Application_User -c “cd $ASAP_HOME; . ./Environment_Profile; run_suite \
      $SRP \`GetPassword \$CTRL_USER 2\` POTS-2” 
    3. Check the count of the number of POTS-2 work orders with 104 status.
      # su - $Application_User -c ". $ASAP_HOME/Environment_Profile;sqlplus \$SARM_USER/\`GetPassword \$SARM_USER 2\`"

      This command connects to the SARM database and checks if POTS-2 work order is executed.104 is the expected result for a successful execution.

  4. Verify the status of the Oracle Communications ASAP resource.
    # clresource status asap-app-rs
  5. Repeat all steps until you have tested all the potential nodes where the Oracle Communications ASAP can run.

    After the Oracle Communications ASAP servers are in production under Oracle Solaris Cluster control, do not start or stop the servers manually. If you do need to perform maintenance on the ASAP control servers, you must first disable their associated resources.

    If you need to perform maintenance on the ASAP servers other than control servers, use the property Unmonitored_Process_list that disables Oracle Solaris Cluster monitoring on the selected servers. For information on the Unmonitored_Process_list property, see Appendix A, Oracle HA for Oracle Communications ASAP Extension Properties

  6. Repeat all steps for all the Slave Control Server resources configured until you have tested all the potential nodes where the Oracle Communications ASAP can run.