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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for MySQL Cluster Guide

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Updated: September 2015

Verifying the Installation and Configuration of MySQL Cluster

Before you install the HA for MySQL Cluster packages, verify that each MySQL Cluster instance that you created is correctly configured to run in a cluster. The instance consists of the MySQL Cluster processes together with the associated MySQL Cluster servers.

How to Verify the Installation and Configuration of MySQL Cluster

Perform this procedure for each MySQL Cluster instance that you created in Installing and Configuring MySQL Cluster.

This procedure does not verify that your application is highly available because you have not yet installed your data service.

  1. (Optional) For a zone cluster, log in to your target zone.
    # zlogin mysql-zone
  2. Start the management server on all nodes that host the MySQL Cluster management server.
    # cd MySQL-Cluster-management-server-data-directory
    # MySQL-Cluster-installation-directory/bin/ndb_mgmd --configdir= \
    MySQL-Cluster-management-server-data-directory \
    -f MySQL-Cluster-management-server-data-directory/config.ini \

    Note -  The actual node ID is mentioned in the config.ini file.
  3. Check the status of the management servers on all hosts running the MySQL Cluster management server.
    # MySQL-Cluster-installation-directory/bin/ndb_mgm -e show
  4. Start the ndbd daemon on all nodes to host the MySQL Cluster ndb daemon.
    # cd MySQL-Cluster-ndb-daemon-data-directory
    # MySQL-Cluster-installation-directory/bin/ndbd \
    --ndb-connectstring=node1:1186 -ndb-nodeid=actual-nodeid

    Note -  The actual node ID is mentioned in the config.ini file.
  5. Check the status of the ndb daemons on one host running the MySQL Cluster cluster management server.
    # MySQL-Cluster-installation-directory/bin/ndb_mgm -e show
  6. Start the MySQL Cluster server on all nodes to host the SQL server.

    Perform to the verification procedure in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for MySQL Guide , except do not kill the MySQL Cluster server at the end of the procedure.

  7. Check the status of the management servers on one host running the MySQL Cluster management server.
    # MySQL-Cluster-installation-directory/bin/ndb_mgm -e show
  8. Stop the MySQL Cluster server on all nodes that host the MySQL Cluster server.
    # kill -TERM `cat MySQL-Cluster-database-directory/mysqld.pid`
  9. On one node, stop the MySQL Cluster components.
    # MySQL-Cluster-installation-directory/bin/ndb_mgm -e shutdown
  10. Check the status of the MySQL Cluster components on all hosts which ran the management server.

    Ensure that all components are shut down.

    # ySQL-Cluster-installation-directory/bin/ndb_mgm -e show