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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for MySQL Cluster Guide

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Updated: September 2015

Specifying Configuration Parameters for the MySQL Cluster Management Server Resource

HA for MySQL Cluster provides a script that automates the process of configuring the MySQL Cluster management server resource. This script obtains configuration parameters from the mysql_ndb_mgmd_config file. A template for this file is in the /opt/SUNWscmys/ndb_mgmd/util directory. To specify configuration parameters for the MySQL Cluster management server resource, copy the mysql_ndb_mgmd_config file to another directory and edit this mysql_ndb_mgmd_config file.

Note -  This configuration file needs to be accessible on each global-cluster node or zone-cluster node where MySQL Cluster is installed.

Each configuration parameter in the mysql_ndb_mgmd_config file is defined as a keyword-value pair. The mysql_ndb_mgmd_config file already contains the required keywords and equals signs. For more information, see mysql_ndb_mgmd_config File. When you edit the /myplace/mysql_ndb_mgmd_config file, add the required value to each keyword listed in the following table.

Table 4  Keyword-Value Pairs in the mysql_ndb_mgmd_config File
Specifies the name that you are assigning to the MySQL Cluster management server resource. You must specify a value for this keyword.
The name of the MySQL Cluster management server resource is mgm-rs.
Specifies the name of the resource group where the MySQL Cluster management server resource will reside. You must specify a value for this keyword.
The name of the MySQL Cluster management server resource group is mgm-rg.
PORT=1186 LH=shared-address-resource
Specifies the value of a dummy port. This variable is used only at registration time. If you will not specify a LH variable, omit this value.
The value of the port for the MySQL Cluster management server resource is 1186.
Specifies the name of the SUNW.SharedAddress resource for the MySQL Cluster management server resource. This name must be the SUNW.SharedAddress resource name you assigned when you created the resource in How to Enable a MySQL Cluster Database. If you did not register a SUNW.SharedAddress resource, omit this value.
The name of the SUNW.SharedAddress resource for the MySQL Cluster management server resourcemysqlclu-sa.
Specifies a scalable registration for the MySQL Cluster management server resource. Any value here will trigger a scalable registration. If you did not register a SUNW.SharedAddress resource, omit this value.
It is a scalable resource, so the value for the scalable trigger SCALABLE is y.
Specifies the load-balancing policy for a scalable resource. Leaving this parameter empty for a scalable resource results in the default load-balancing policy. If you did not register a SUNW.SharedAddress resource, or if you want to use the default load-balancing configuration, omit this value.
The default load-balancing policy is used, so the LB_POLICY variable is empty.
Specifies a comma-separated list of resources that the MySQL Cluster management server depends on.
The MySQL Cluster management server resource does not depend on any other resource. So the HAS_RS variable is empty.
Specifies a string that is formatted as: -p property-value=value.
Additional standard and extension properties.
Specifies the name of the parameter file where the MySQL Cluster management server specific parameters of the MySQL Cluster management server resource are stored. This file will be created during the registration process. You must specify a value for this keyword.
The parameter file is /pfile/mgmd-pfile, so the PARFILE variable is set to /pfile/mgmd-pfile.
Specifies the directory where MySQL Cluster is installed. A valid BASEDIR variable specifies a directory which contains ndb_mgmd under bin or libexec.
MySQL Cluster is installed in /usr/local/mysql, so the value of BASEDIR is /usr/local/mysql.
Specifies the user under which the MySQL Cluster management server is started. If you do not specify any value, the MySQL Cluster management server is started as root.
The MySQL Cluster management server should be started under the root user, so the USER variable is mgmd-user.
Specifies how often a connection to the MySQL Cluster management server should be retried before the attempt is abandoned. You must specify a value for this parameter.
If the first connection failure to a MySQL Cluster management server should lead to an abort, so the value of TRY_RECONNECT is 1.
CONNECT_STRING=mgm-connect- string
Specifies a valid connect string for the management servers in the format nodename_1[:port], nodename_2[:port]. The local management server must be the first nodename in the list.
The MySQL Cluster management servers are running on priv_node1 and priv_node2, so CONNECT STRING is set to priv_node1, priv_node2.
CONFIG_DIR=directory-for- config.ini
Specifies the directory where the MySQL Cluster configuration file config.ini and the management server's cache file are stored. You must specify a value for this parameter.
The config.ini file is placed under /mgmd-data, so the CONFIG_DIR variable is set to /mgmd-data.
Specifies the unique server ID for this management server. The value must match the entry in the config.ini file. You must specify a value for this parameter.
The unique ID on priv_node1 is 1 and the unique ID on priv_node2 is 2, so ID is set to 1.
The unique ID on priv_node1 is 1 and the unique ID on priv_node2 is 2, so ID is set to 2.