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Linking an APT Instance to the Student Program

If the Enable Program Enrollment check box is selected on the Academic Institution 9 page, the APT Instance and Year of Program fields appear on the Admissions Application Program Data page and the Student Records Program Data page. The check box is deselected by default; you must select the check box to use the Academic Progress Tracker.

See Setting Up for the Academic Progress Tracker

This section discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name



Application Program Data



select Student Admissions, then select Application Entry, then select Add Application, then select Application Program Data

select Student Admissions, then select Application Maintenance, then select Maintain Applications, then select Application Program Data

Create an APT instance.

Student Program


select Records and Enrollment, then select Career and Program Information, then select Student Program/Plan, then select Student Program

Create an APT instance.

Access the Application Program Data page (select Student Admissions, then select Application Entry, then select Add Application, then select Application Program Data).

Image: Application Program Data page example for Program Enrollment

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Application Program Data page for Program Enrollment. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Application Program Data page example for Program Enrollment

Field or Control


Cohort Tag

This field appears only if the Enable Program Enrollment check box is selected on the Academic Institution 9 page. This value is obtained in the application process and indicates the point within a term (typically a session) that the applicant is expected to enroll.

APT Instance

This field appears only if the Enable Program Enrollment check box is selected on the Academic Institution 9 page.

Note: The rules governing the generation of the instance at the admission stage and the process to generate the instance are planned for the future.

Year of Program

This field appears only if the Enable Program Enrollment check box is selected on the Academic Institution 9 page.

This value is obtained in the application process and indicates the student’s start point in a program of study, for example, a student could apply as a second year student.

See Adding New Applications Manually

See Enabling Program Enrollment

Creating an APT Instance from Admissions

Image: Creation of an APT Instance

Creation of an APT Instance:

Creation of an APT (Academic Progress Tracker) Instance

When the matriculation process creates the Student Records program stack, if a student is in a program/plan/sub-plan combination that is mapped to an AIR program, an API (SSR_APT.API) is called. The API creates an APT instance for the student, linking that instance to the program created by the matriculation process.

APT Instance Creation from Admissions Application Maintenance Component

An APT instance can be created directly from the Admissions Application Maintenance component when a user creates the student program using the matriculation (MATR) action.

Image: APT Instance Creation from Admissions Application Maintenance Component

The following diagram provides an overview of the processing that takes place:

gv_APTInstance CreationFromAdmissionsAppMaintComponent_lssr

APT Instance Creation from Admissions Activate Applicants Process

The Admissions Activate Applicants batch process also creates an instance for a student when a mapping exists to an AIR program. When the process (ADPCPPRJ) creates Student Records program stack entries, this action fires the same ACAD_PROG_SYNC event described above. This is detected by the APT subscription service, which in turn calls APT API to build an instance.

See Understanding How to Evaluate Applicants Using Automatic Processing

Access the Student Program page (select Records and Enrollment, then select Career and Program Information, then select Student Program/Plan, then select Student Program ).

Image: Student Program page example for Program Enrollment

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Student Program page for Program Enrollment. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Student Program page example for Program Enrollment

Field or Control


Year of Program

This value is gathered in the application process and indicates the student’s start point in a program of study: for example, a student could apply as a second year student. The value is copied from the Admissions program stack by the matriculation process.

APT Instance

This field is populated with number of the APT Instance. This could be generated during the Admissions activation/matriculation process, the APT Request process or from this component (see “Adding a New Program” below).

Click the APT Instance link to access the Academic Progress Tracker component. From that component, click the Student Career Nbr link to return to the Student Program page.

See Creating and Managing APT Instances Using the Academic Progress Tracker Component

Cohort Tag

This value is obtained in the application process and indicates the point within a term (typically a session) that the applicant is expected to enroll.

An APT instance can be created from the Program/Plan component when a user adds a new program stack (or career number) or makes changes to an existing program stack: the APT API is called from this component to create an APT instance.

Adding a New Program

An APT instance can be created from the Program/Plan component when a user adds a new program stack (or career number) or makes changes to an existing program stack: the APT API is called from this component to create an APT instance. When a new career number is added and the component is saved, the APT API is called.

The API:

  • Checks to see if mapping exists for the student’s program in the Academic Program Table Program Enrollment Mapping table. (SSR_PE_PRG_MAP).

  • If mapping exists, finds a row which maps to the combination of Plan(s) Sub-Plan(s) and Approved Academic Load. If mapping does not exist, uses the default (a default is required).

  • Creates an APT Instance for the mapped AIR program (process creates a row in the APT header table).

  • Updates the Instance number (ACAD_PROG.SSR_APT_INSTANCE).

  • The component returns a message to the user, confirming that an instance has been created.

See Mapping Campus Solutions Academic Programs, Plans and SubPlans to AIR Based Programs of Study

Changes to Existing Program Data

When a user inserts a new effective dated row and saves, an edit is performed to see if the new data – academic program, approved academic load, academic plan(s) or sub-plan(s) – has changed the program mapping from the previous row. If such a change has occurred:

  • A message is returned to the user to ask if a new instance should be created.

  • If the user answers yes, the API is called and the steps described in the previous Adding a New Program section are performed.

It is also possible that a student’s program data could change in such as way that a new effective dated row could map to a prior APT instance. For example, a student might change from full-time (Instance 1) to part-time (Instance 2) and then subsequently change back to full-time. When this occurs, and the new data maps to a program on a prior instance:

  • The user is prompted to create a new instance (because the mapping has changed).

  • If a match is found on a prior instance, the user is prompted to point the new effective dated row to that instance.

  • If the user answers yes, the instance number from the previous instance is used; otherwise a new instance is created.