Editing a Capacity Configuration Set

Use this task to edit an existing Capacity Configuration Set.

The changes take effect upon receipt of the next message. Ingress MPS alarms are re-evaluated for all Connections that use the modified Capacity Configuration Set when the changes are replicated to the MP servers.

All Connections that use a particular Capacity Configuration Set must be in the Disabled Admin State before the Reserved Ingress MPS value can be changed. See Disabling Connections. (The Reserved Ingress MPS field is the only field that requires the Connections to be "Disabled" before it can be changed.) See Disabling Connections.

The Capacity Configuration Set name cannot be changed.

  1. Select Diameter > Configuration > Configuration Sets > Capacity Configuration Sets.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Configuration Sets > Capacity Configuration Sets page appears.

  2. Select the Capacity Configuration Set to be edited.
  3. Click Edit.

    The Capacity Configuration Sets [Edit] page appears.

    The Capacity Configuration Sets [Edit] page will be populated with the current values for the selected Capacity Configuration Set.

  4. Update the relevant fields.

    The fields are described in Capacity Configuration Set elements.

  5. Click:
    • OK to save the changes and return to the Capacity Configuration Sets page.
    • Apply to save the changes and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to return to the Capacity Configuration Sets page without saving any changes.

    When OK or Apply is clicked, a popup window appears.
    • Click OK to confirm that you want to change the Capacity Configuration Set values.
    • Click Cancel to remain on the Capacity Configuration Sets [Edit] page with the changes displayed but not saved.

    If Apply is clicked on the Capacity Configuration Sets [Edit] page, OK is clicked on the confirmation popup window, and all changes are valid, a "Data Committed" message appears.

    If OK is clicked on the popup window and the Reserved Ingress MPS field was changed for a Capacity Configuration Set that is referenced by any Connection that is in the "Enabled" Admin state, an error message appears and the changes are not saved.

  6. Enable any Connections that were Disabled before the Capacity Configuration Set was changed.