Capacity Configuration Set configuration

Capacity Configuration Sets provide a mechanism for adjusting a connection to account for the network quality of service and Peer Node requirements, and allow management of capacity data for Diameter Peer connections. Capacity Configuration Set data consists of reserved Ingress MPS, maximum Ingress MPS, Ingress MPS minor alarm threshold, and Ingress MPS major alarm threshold.

The Capacity Configuration Set called Default is always available. The Default Capacity Configuration Set options can be modified, but the Default Capacity Configuration Set cannot be deleted. When you create a new Capacity Configuration Set the values of the Default Capacity Configuration Set are automatically populated into the new Capacity Configuration Set, allowing you to easily create a new Capacity Configuration Set that needs to have only a few options adjusted.

On the Capacity Configuration Sets page, you can perform the following actions:

Connection Capacity Validation

The Connection Capacity Validation function validates and limits the configuration of Diameter Connections, to better ensure that the configuration does not violate the Connection Count or Reserved Ingress MPS capacity limitations of the DA-MP servers that handle Connections in real time.

The Connection Capacity Validation function is described in Connection Capacity Validation.

Validation of the Reserved Ingress MPS occurs in response to changes to the configuration of Capacity Configuration Sets that increase the Reserved Ingress MPS value, including editing the value and replacing the Configuration Set with one that has a higher value. Such changes reduce the available Reserved Ingress MPS capacity of a DSR and must be validated before they can be allowed. (Actions that increase capacity rather than reduce it do not require validation.)

An error is displayed, stating the reason, when the validation determines that performing the configuration action would cause over-configuration of Reserved Ingress MPS in a DA-MP or Target Set, or that a configuration action cannot be performed for another reason such as no MP Profile assigned to the subject DA-MP.

A warning is displayed when the validation cannot determine whether the configuration action would cause over-configuration of Reserved Ingress MPS in a DA-MP or Target Set.

If an error and a warning could apply, the error is displayed.

The Diameter > Configuration > Connection Capacity Dashboard page displays the current Connection Count and Reserved Ingress MPS data per DA-MP. The page functions and contents are described in Connection Capacity Dashboard Page.