Adding a Peer Node

Use this task to create a new Peer Node.

  1. Select Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes page appears.

  2. Click Insert.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes [Insert] page appears.

  3. Enter a unique name for the Peer Node in the Peer Node Name field.
  4. Enter the Realm in the Realm field.
  5. Enter a Fully Qualified Domain Name in the FQDN field.
  6. If you want the Peer Node to support SCTP, click the SCTP Enabled check box (a check mark appears in the box).
  7. If SCTP Enabled is checked, enter a port number in the SCTP Listen Port field.
  8. If you want the Peer Node to support TCP, check the TCP Enabled box.
  9. If TCP Enabled is checked, enter a port number in the TCP Listen Port field.
  10. Enter IP addresses in the IP Addresses fields.

    An IP address is optional if a Primary DNS Server IP Address is configured. See DNS Options configuration.

    To add the first IP Address, enter the IP address in the text box.

    To add another IP Address, click the Add button and enter the IP Address in the new text box. See Table 1 for limitations on the number of IP addresses you can add.

  11. Select a Route List from the Alternate Implicit Route pulldown list

    This field is optional. This Route List will be used for routing if a message does not match any of the configured Peer Routing Rules and implicit routes are exhausted.

  12. To overwrite the Destination Realm of outgoing messages to the peer with the Peer Realm, click the Replace Dest Realm check box (a check mark appears in the box).
  13. To overwrite the Destination Host of outgoing messages to the peer with the Peer Node's FQDN, click the Replace Dest Host check box (a check mark appears in the box).
  14. In the Minimum Connection Capacity text box, enter the minimum number of Connections that must be "Available" for the Peer to be "Available".
  15. In the Maximum Alternate Routing Attempts text box, enter the maximum number of times that a Request can be rerouted to this Peer.
  16. Select the Alternate Routing on Connection Failure radio button to indicate whether or not to perform alternate routing to the same or a different Peer when a Connection failure occurs.
  17. Select the Alternate Routing on Answer Timeout radio button to indicate whether or not to perform alternate routing to the same or a different Peer, or the same Connection, when an Answer Timeout occurs.
  18. Select the Alternate Routing on Answer Result Code radio button to indicate whether or not to perform alternate routing to the same or a different Peer when a Reroute on Answer Result Code occurs.
  19. Select a Message Priority Setting to indicate the source of message priority for request messages arriving on Connections associated with the Peer Node.
  20. If Message Priority Setting is set to User Configured, specify the Message Priority Configuration Set that is used to determine message priority.
  21. Select the Application Route Table to specify which Application Routing Rules are used when routing messages from the Peer Node.

    If Application Route Table is set to Not Selected, the Application Route Table configured for the Application Id contained in the message is used.

  22. Select the Peer Route Table to specify which Peer Routing Rules are used when routing messages from the Peer Node.

    If Peer Route Table is set to Not Selected, the Peer Route Table configured for the Application Id contained in the message is used.

  23. Select the Routing Option Set to specify which options are used when certain routing failures occur.

    If Routing Option Set is set to Not Selected, the Routing Option Set configured for the Application Id contained in the message is used.

  24. Select the Pending Answer Timer to specify how long DSR waits for a response from the Peer Node.

    If Pending Answer Timer is set to Not Selected, the Pending Answer Timer configured for the Application Id contained in the message is used.

    • OK to save the changes and return to the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes page.
    • Apply to save the changes and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to return to the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes page without saving any changes.

    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, an error message appears:
    • The maximum number of Peer Nodes per Network Element (16000) is already defined in the system
    • Any required field is empty; no value was entered or selected
    • The entry in any field is not valid (wrong data type or out of the valid range)
    • The selected Alternate Implicit Route (Route List) no longer exists; it was deleted by another user during this Insert session
    • The Peer Node Name is not unique; it already exists in the system
    • The FQDN is already assigned to a different Local or Peer Node
    • Neither the SCTP Enabled check box nor the TCP Enabled check box is checked; at least one must be checked
    • The SCTP Listen Port and IP Addresses combination is already assigned to a different Local or Peer Node
    • The TCP Listen Port and IP Addresses combination is already assigned to a different Local or Peer Node
    • The SCTP Listen Port or the TCP Listen Port is already used as a Local Initiate Port of a Connection
    • Any of the selected IP Addresses is duplicated