Configure SNMP Notifications

You can configure Oracle MaxRep for SAN to notify administrators of Oracle MaxRep Replication Engine events through Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps. Each administrator configures their own SNMP notifications.


  • You are logged in to the Replication Engine under the user name for which the SNMP setting are configured.

    Note: The primary administrator cannot set SNMP traps for other administrators of the system.
  • A network monitoring server, known as a trap listener, is required on the network, which will allow the Replication Engine to send SNMP traps to the trap listener email address.

  1. Navigate to Settings > User Management > Manage Users.
  2. From the User Accounts table, select Settings for the active user.
  3. From the Configured Trap Listeners table, click Add.
  4. Enter the IP address (or the DNS host name of the host running the SNMP trap listener) and the trap port number, then click Add.
  5. (Optional) If you have more than one SNMP trap server, click Add and enter the additional host information.
  6. From the Alert Notification table, click Edit.
  7. Select or deselect the Alert Notifications for which you want to receive notifications.
  8. To keep your settings, click Save.