Configuring Siebel Open UI > Siebel Open UI Application Programming Interface > Methods for Pop-Up Objects, Google Maps, and Property Sets >

Pop-Up Presentation Models and Physical Renderers

The PopupPModel presentation model specifies how to model pop-up objects. It uses the following syntax:


The PopupRenderer physical renderer specifies how to render pop-up objects. It uses the following syntax:


If the status of a reply from the Siebel Server is NewPopup, then Siebel Open UI starts processing this new pop-up object in the client. Siebel Open UI supports modal and nonmodal pop-up objects.

The Popup method specifies how to render pop-up objects. Siebel Open UI typically renders a pop-up object as a dialog box.

Modal Pop-Up Objects

A modal pop-up object is a type of pop-up object where the metadata for this object contains all of the following qualities:

    • The URL property specifies a Siebel URL.
    • The SWE_FULL_POPUP_WINDOW_STR property is false.
    • The SWE_FREE_POPUP_STR property is false.

Siebel Open UI can create a modal pop-up in one of the following ways:

  • On the Siebel Server. URL driven. A multivalue group or pick applet are each an example of a modal pop-up object that Siebel Open UI creates on the Siebel Server. Siebel Open UI sets the value of the URL property to the following HTML attribute of the popup div element:


    Siebel Open UI does the following work to create a modal pop-up on the server:

    1. Calls the loadcontent method to get, and then load the layout from Siebel Server.
    2. Initializes and renders the pop-up applet.
  • On the client. Content driven. The Currency pop-up object is an example of a modal pop-up object that Siebel Open UI creates on the client. Siebel Open UI does the following work to create a modal pop-up on client:
    1. Gets the layout and data for the pop-up object.
    2. Loads the pop-up object into the pop-up dialog box when the user opens this dialog box.

Nonmodal Pop-Up Object

A nonmodal pop-up object is a type of pop-up object where the metadata for this object contains any of the following qualities:

    • The URL property does not specify a Siebel URL.
    • The SWE_FULL_POPUP_WINDOW_STR property is true.
    • The SWE_FREE_POPUP_STR property is true.

Siebel Open UI uses a nonmodal pop-up object to open an external URL that it stores as data in a Siebel applet.

Properties of the Pop-Up Presentation Model

Table 27 describes the properties of the PopupPM presentation model. The state, url, and content properties render and maintain the state of the pop-up object. It is recommended that you not set the content and the url properties for the same pop-up object.

Table 27. Properties of the Pop-Up Presentation Model


Not applicable.


Controls the X control of the pop-up object. You can set this property to one of the following values:

  • true. Siebel Open UI disables the X control.
  • false. Siebel Open UI enables the X control.


Contains the HTML source code for the pop-up object. Setting this property configures Siebel Open UI to load the HTML source code into the target, and then to call the Initialize method on the pop-up proxy to update the data.


Maintains an array of currency pop-ups.


Specifies the height of the pop-up object, in pixels.


Includes one of the following return values:

  • true. A cancel query object is open.
  • false. No cancel query objects are open.


Includes one of the following return values:

  • true. A currency pop-up object is open.
  • false. No currency pop-up objects are open.


Includes one of the following return values:

  • true. The user used the X control to close the pop-up object.
  • false. The user did not use the X control to close the pop-up object.


Sets the interactivity mode of the pop-up object. You can set this property to one of the following values:

  • true. Siebel Open UI uses standard-interactivity mode.
  • false. Siebel Open UI uses high-interactivity mode.


Sets the visibility of the parent pop-up object when Siebel Open UI displays a child pop-up object inside the parent. You can set this property to one of the following values:

  • true. Siebel Open UI displays the parent.
  • false. Siebel Open UI hides the parent.


Determines whether or not Siebel Open UI can hide the pop-up object. You can set this property to one of the following values:

  • true. Siebel Open UI can hide the object.
  • false. Siebel Open UI cannot hide the object.


Contains the source that Siebel Open UI uses to open the pop-up object. You can set this property to a URL. Siebel Open UI uses this source property to set the url and content properties of this pop-up object.


Opens or closes the pop-up object. You can set this property to one of the following values

  • open. Siebel Open UI opens an empty dialog box.
  • close. Siebel Open UI closes an open dialog box.


Specifies the URL that Siebel Open UI uses to open the pop-up object according to the following mode that the pop-up object uses:

  • Modal. Specifies the source URL that contains the content that Siebel Open UI displays in the pop-up object.
  • Nonmodal. Specifies the URL that Siebel Open UI uses to load content into the target HTML element of the pop-up object.

Setting this property configures Siebel Open UI to get the layout for this pop-up from the Siebel Server, render this layout, and then to call the Initialize method on the pop-up proxy to load the data.


Specifies the width of the pop-up object, in pixels.

Methods of the Popup Presentation Model

Table 28 describes the methods of the PopupPM presentation model. The parentheses that this table includes after each method name lists the arguments that each method supports. An empty set of parentheses indicates that the method supports no arguments.

Table 28. Methods of the Pop-Up Presentation Model
Method Name


Sets the pop-up visibility to false and resets various properties and method values after Siebel Open UI closes the pop-up object.


Loads the HTML for the pop-up object, initializes pop-up applets, and then calls the show method on the pop-up proxy.

OpenPopup(source, height, width, full, free, bContent)

Opens the pop-up object according to the arguments that the ProcessNewPopup method determines. It uses these arguments to set the properties of the pop-up object. Some of these arguments call other methods in the PopupPR physical renderer that load the content in the pop-up object.


Calls the ClearPopup method.


Processes the property set that Siebel Open UI sends to this method as an argument, and then determines the following items:

  • The mode that the pop-up object uses
  • Various pop-up window features
  • The width and height of the pop-up object, in pixels.

Siebel Open UI calls the OpenPopup method to open a modal pop-up object. It does not call OpenPopup to open a nonmodal pop-up object. Instead, it creates a nonmodal pop-up object from this ProcessNewPopup method.


Modifies the state property of the pop-up object depending on whether the bVisible argument is true or false.

Methods of the Popup Physical Renderer

Table 29 describes the methods of the PopupRenderer physical renderer.

Table 29. Methods of the Pop-Up Physical Renderer
Method Name


Binds all events for the pop-up object.For more information, see Siebel CRM Events That You Can Use to Customize Siebel Open UI.


Resizes the pop-up object according to the width property of the pop-up object and according to the default width that the client specifies.

Siebel Open UI calls the EnhanceDialog method when it calls the OnLoadPopupContent method from the PopupPM presentation model.


If Siebel Open UI modifies the content property of the PopupPM presentation model, then this LoadContent method loads the HTML source code that contains the content that the pop-up object displays.


If Siebel Open UI modifies the url property of the PopupPM presentation model, then this LoadURL method sets the div element of the src attribute of the pop-up object to the value that the url property specifies.


Sets the title for the pop-up object according to the following type of client that Siebel Open UI uses:

  • high interactivity. Uses the title that it gets from the applet as the title for the pop-up object.
  • standard interactivity. Uses an empty title for the pop-up object.

Siebel Open UI calls the SetTitle method when it calls the OnLoadPopupContent method from the PopupPM presentation model.


Displays or hides the pop-up object according to state property of the PopupPM presentation model. If the state property is:

  • open. The SetVisibility method displays the pop-up object.
  • close. The SetVisibility method hides the pop-up object.


Displays an empty pop-up object.

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