Configuring Siebel Open UI > Customizing Siebel Open UI > Managing Files >

Specifying Dependencies Between Presentation Models or Physical Renderers and Other Files

A presentation model or physical renderer sometimes includes a module dependency, which is a relationship that occurs when this presentation model or physical renderer depends on another file. The Define method recognizes each of these items as a JavaScript code module, which is an object that the module_name argument identifies as depending on other modules to run correctly. You specify the module_name argument when you use the Define method to identify the JavaScript files that Siebel Open UI must download for a presentation model or physical renderer. For more information, see Define Method.

Consider the following example that uses the customPR.js file to define the physical renderer. This renderer depends on plug-in X and plug-in Y, and it uses the following directory structure:

In this example, the following logical dependencies exist between the customPR.js file and the x-core.js file, x-helper.js file, and the customPR.js file:

Siebel Open UI then uses the following logic at run-time for this example:

  1. The user navigates to a view that includes an applet that uses the customPR physical renderer.
  2. The Siebel Server seINSTALL_DIRnds a reply to the client that includes information about the property set and the physical layout.
  3. The view processes the information that the Siebel Server sends in Step 2, and then determines that it must use siebel/custom/customPR.js to render the applet.
  4. The RequireJS script loader uses the customPR.js file name to identify siebel/custom/customPR as the module name, and then sends a request to the Siebel Server for this module.
  5. If Siebel Open UI already loaded this module, then it returns the module object to the client and proceeds to Step 7.
  6. If Siebel Open UI has not already loaded this module, then it does the following work:
    1. Sends a request to the web server for the siebel/custom/customPR.js file.
    2. If dependencies exist, then Siebel Open UI sends a request for these dependent modules, and then runs the modules in the browser.
    3. Siebel Open UI runs the script for the siebel/custom/customPR.js file in the browser.
  7. Siebel Open UI uses the module object to create a new instance of the presentation model and the physical renderer.

To help manage your customizations, it is strongly recommended that you use a module name that is similar to the relative location of the file name. You use the manifest administration screens to specify the manifest for these dependencies.

To specify dependencies between presentation models or physical renderers and other files

  • Use the list_of_dependencies argument when you use the Define method in your presentation model or physical renderer.

    For an example that uses the list_of_dependencies argument, see Setting Up the Physical Renderer. For more information, see Define Method.

  • If file dependencies require that you configure Siebel Open UI to download files in a specific order, then do Configuring Manifests.
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