Configuring Siebel Open UI > Customizing Styles, Applets, Fields, and Controls > Customizing Applets >

Displaying and Hiding Fields

The example in this topic describes how to configure Siebel Open UI to display a field. To view a diagram that illustrates some of the objects you modify and the relationships between these objects, see Configuring Manifests.

This topic is similar to the Displaying and Hiding Fields topic, but with fewer details. It demonstrates how you can quickly modify a presentation model.

To customize the fields that are visible in an applet

  1. Copy the JavaScript files:
    1. Download a copy of the partialrefreshpm.js file to the following folder:


    For more information about this file, see Text Copy of Code That Does a Partial Refresh for the Presentation Model. For more information about the language_code, see Languages That Siebel Open UI Supports.

    1. Download a copy of the partialrefreshpr.js file to in the following folder:


    For more information about this file, see Text Copy of Code That Does a Partial Refresh for the Physical Renderer.

  2. Configure the manifest:
    1. Log in to a Siebel client with administrative privileges.

      For more information about the screens that you use in this step, see Configuring Manifests.

    2. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, and then the Manifest Files view.
    3. In the Files list, add the following files.





    4. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, and then the Manifest Administration view.
    5. In the UI Objects list, specify the following applet.



      Usage Type

      Physical Renderer


      Contact Form Applet

    6. In the Object Expression list, add the following expression. The physical renderer uses this expression to render the applet in a mobile platform.





    7. In the Files list, add the following file:


    1. In the UI Objects list, specify the following applet.



      Usage Type

      Presentation Model


      Contact Form Applet

    2. In the Object Expression list, add a record with no value in the Expression field.
    3. In the Files list, add the following file:


  3. Test your modifications:
    1. Open the browser in the client computer, and then clear the browser cache.
    2. Open the Siebel application, and then navigate to the Contact Form Applet.
    3. Delete the value in the Job Title field, and then step out of the field.
    4. Make sure Siebel Open UI removes the values from the Work # and the Main Fax # fields.
    5. Add a value to the Job Title field, and then step out of the field.
    6. Make sure Siebel Open UI adds values to the Work # and the Main Fax # fields.

Text Copy of Code That Does a Partial Refresh for the Presentation Model

To get a copy of the partialrefreshpm.js file, see Article ID 1494998.1 on My Oracle Support. If you do not have access to this file on My Oracle Support, then you can open a JavaScript editor, create a new file named partialrefreshpm.js, copy the following code into this file, and then save your modifications:

if(typeof(SiebelAppFacade.PartialRefreshPM) === "undefined"){
  define("siebel/custom/partialrefreshpm", [], function () {(
  SiebelAppFacade.PartialRefreshPM = (function(){
    function PartialRefreshPM(proxy){, proxy);
    SiebelJS.Extend(PartialRefreshPM, SiebelAppFacade.PresentationModel);
    PartialRefreshPM.prototype.Init = function(){;
      this.AddProperty("ShowJobTitleRelatedField", "");  
      this.AddMethod("ShowSelection", SelectionChange, {sequence : false, scope : this});
      this.AddMethod("FieldChange", OnFieldChange, {sequence : false, scope: this});
    function SelectionChange(){
      var controls = this.Get("GetControls");
      var control = controls[ "JobTitle" ];
      var value = this.ExecuteMethod("GetFieldValue", control);
      this.SetProperty("ShowJobTitleRelatedField", (value ? true: false));
    function OnFieldChange(control, value){
      if(control.GetName() === "JobTitle"){
        this.SetProperty("ShowJobTitleRelatedField", (value ? true: false));
    return PartialRefreshPM;

Text Copy of Code That Does a Partial Refresh for the Physical Renderer

To get a copy of the partialrefreshpr.js file, see Article ID 1494998.1 on My Oracle Support. If you do not have access to this file on My Oracle Support, then you can open a JavaScript editor, create a new file named partialrefreshpr.js, copy the following code into this file, and then save your modifications:

if(typeof(SiebelAppFacade.PartialRefreshPR) === "undefined"){
  define("siebel/custom/partialrefreshpr", ["order!3rdParty/jquery.signaturepad.min",   "order!siebel/phyrenderer"], function () {
  SiebelAppFacade.PartialRefreshPR = (function(){
    function PartialRefreshPR(pm){, pm);
    SiebelJS.Extend(PartialRefreshPR, SiebelAppFacade.PhysicalRenderer);
    PartialRefreshPR.prototype.Init = function () {;
      this.AttachPMBinding("ShowJobTitleRelatedField", ModifyLayout);
    function ModifyLayout(){
      var controls = this.GetPM().Get("GetControls");
      var canShow = this.GetPM().Get("ShowJobTitleRelatedField");
      var WorkPhoneNum = controls[ "WorkPhoneNum" ];
      var FaxPhoneNum = controls[ "FaxPhoneNum" ];
        $("[name='" + WorkPhoneNum.GetInputName() + "']").show();
        $("[name='" + FaxPhoneNum.GetInputName() + "']").show();
        $("[name='" + WorkPhoneNum.GetInputName() + "']").hide();
        $("[name='" + FaxPhoneNum.GetInputName() + "']").hide();
      return PartialRefreshPR;
    } ());
    return "SiebelAppFacade.PartialRefreshPR";

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