Configuring Siebel Open UI > Customizing Calendars and Schedulers > Customizing Resource Schedulers >

Customizing Participant Availability in Resource Schedulers

This topic describes how to customize the controls that Siebel Open UI uses to display information about participant availability in a resource scheduler. You use custom cascading style sheet files to do some of this modification. For more information about how to organize these files, see Organizing Files That You Customize.

To customize participant availability in resource schedulers

  1. Allow or disallow the user to resize the panes that Siebel Open UI uses to display information about participant availability:
    1. Log in to Siebel Tools.
    2. In the Object Explorer, click Applet.
    3. In the Applets list, query the Name property for Calendar GanttChart OUI Applet.
    4. In the Object Explorer, expand the Applet tree, and then click Applet User Prop.
    5. In the Applet User Props list, modify the following applet user property.

      Disable Resize for Ganttchart

      Specify to allow the user to resize an activity or a booking. Use one of the following values:

      • Y. Allow resizing.
      • N. Do not allow resizing.

      NOTE:  This user property applies to all schedulers.

  2. Modify the color that Siebel Open UI uses to display events:
    1. In the Object Explorer, click Business Service.
    2. In the Business Services list, query the Name property for Calendar Gantt Color Service.
    3. In the Object Explorer, expand the Business Service tree, and then click Business Service User Prop.
    4. In the Business Service User Props list, modify the following business service user property.

      Event Status Mapping Color

      For information about how to set this business service user property, see Setting the Color for Events.

  3. Compile your modifications.
  4. Modify the icons that Siebel Open UI uses to display information about participant availability. To do this, you can use one the following siebui-calgantt-icon CSS classes in your custom CSS file.

    To modify the icon that Siebel Open UI uses for employees, use the siebui-calgantt-icon-employee CSS class.

    .siebui-calgantt-icon-employee {
      width: 16px;
      height: 16px;
      float: left;
      margin-top: 2px;
      background: url(../images/employees_icon.gif) no-repeat center center;

    To modify the icon that Siebel Open UI uses for contacts, use the siebui-calgantt-icon-contact CSS class.

    .siebui-calgantt-icon-contactcall {
      width: 16px;
      height: 16px;
      float: left;
      margin-top: 2px;
      background: url(../images/contact_call.jpg) no-repeat center center;

    To modify the icon that Siebel Open UI uses for resources, use the calgantt-icon-resource CSS class.

    .siebui-calgantt-icon-resource {
      width: 16px;
      height: 16px;
      float: left;
      margin-top: 2px;
      background: url(../images/resoure-items.gif) no-repeat center center;

  5. Modify how Siebel Open UI displays information about the current record.

    You can use the .siebui-currentRecord CSS class in one of your custom CSS files. For example:

    .siebui-currentRecord {
      border-left: 3px solid green;
      border-right: 3px solid red;
      z-index: 1000;

    This example modifies the class only for the current event. To change the default color for all events, modify the user property to the following:

    Pane 2 Event Default Color

  6. Verify your work:
    1. Log into the client.
    2. On the Home page, click My Calendar.
    3. On the application-level menu, click Edit, and then click New Record.

      Siebel Open UI displays the eCalendar Detail View that contains the scheduling control.

    4. Verify that the resource scheduler includes the modifications that you configured in Step 2 through Step 5.

Setting the Color for Events

You can use the Event Status Mapping Color business service user property to set the color for each event type. It uses the following syntax:



  • status_abbreviation is defined in the Pane 2 Status LIC Field applet user property. Siebel Open UI uses this applet user property to display the scheduling control. In this example, you set status_abbreviation to GS (Gantt Status). You can use any abbreviation. It is recommended that you use a short abbreviation, such as GS, to reduce the amount of information that Siebel Open UI must communicate.
  • event_type specifies the type of event. For example, it can specify one of the following values:
    • Accepted
    • Declined
    • Not Responded
  • color_value specifies a hexadecimal value that identifies the color that the cascading style sheet uses to display an event. For example, a color_value of #FF0000 specifies to display an event as red.

You can use the following syntax to specify multiple color values:



  • ; (semi-colon) separates each color value.

For example, the following code sets the color for each event type:

"GS,Accepted:#d3ffd7;Declined:#6600CC;Not Responded:#000000"


  • Accepted:#d3ffd7 sets the RGB color for Accepted events to light green (red at 82.75%, green at 100%, and blue at 84.31%).
  • Declined:#6600CC sets the RGB color for Declined events to purple (red at 40%, green at 0%, and blue at 80%).
  • Not Responded:#000000 sets the RGB color for Not Responded events to black (red at 0%, green at 0%, and blue at 0%).

NOTE:  If you are setting the color for events in a Participant Availability scheduling control, the Business Service that requires modification is the Calendar Gantt Color Service. The value can be found in the Pane 2 Event Color Service Name user property in the applet.

For more information about how to use a hexidecimal number to represent a color, see the page about color codes at the ColorCodeHex website at

Using CSS Classes to Set the Color for Events

You can use the following code instead of modifying the Calendar Gantt Color Service business service to set event colors:


For example, you can add the following class to one of your custom CSS files to set the border color for Not Responded events to yellow:

.siebui-calgantt-NotResponded {
border: 1px solid #FFFF00;

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