Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Using Personalized Content Delivery > Accessing and Delivering Messaging Plans >

Using Signature Control for Personalized Content Delivery

With signature control, users can capture signatures for samples disbursement to qualified contacts.

This section contains the following topics:

About Loading Signature Control

There is a separate component for capturing signatures in Flex. This component is available in PCD as an SWF file called SignatureCtrl.swf.

Signature control can be loaded in PCD using three different modes:

  • Mode 1. A signature message is defined on the message plan and the current message has an allocated space for the signature control. For information about configuring this mode, see Configuring Mode 1 Signature Control.
  • Mode 2. A signature message is not defined on the message plan and the current message has an allocated space for the signature control. For information about configuring this mode, see Configuring Mode 2 Signature Control.
  • Mode 3. A signature message is not defined on the message plan and the current message does not have an allocated space for the signature control. This is the default configuration, no additional configuration is needed for this mode.

Configuring Signature Control Modes

This section outlines the required configuration steps for different signature control modes. For additional information about the modes available, see About Loading Signature Control.

Configuring Mode 1 Signature Control

This topic contains information about configuring signature control for mode 1. When the instructions in this section are applied to a messaging plan, the specified signature message will be displayed when the representative clicks Sign.

To configure mode 1 signature control

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Document screen, then the Literature view.
  2. Load the signature message in view, as explained in the Loading Content for Personalized Content Delivery Usagesection.
  3. Set the value of field SubType to Signature Capable. For additional information about signature capable messages, see the Signature Capable Messages section.
  4. Navigate to the Messaging Plans screen, then the Messaging Plan List view.
  5. Click the name of the messaging plan to which you want to associate the signature message.
  6. Click the Signature Asset tab.
  7. Click the New button and associate a signature message with the messaging plan.
Configuring Mode 2 Signature Control

This topic contains information about configuring signature control for mode 2. When the instructions in this section are applied to a messaging plan, the specified signature message will be embedded in the message that is being played at that moment.

To configure mode 2 signature control

  1. Navigate to the Administration-Document screen, then the Literature view.
  2. Load the signature message in view, as explained in the Loading Content for Personalized Content Delivery Usagesection.
  3. Set the value of field SubType to Signature Capable. For additional information about signature capable messages, see the Signature Capable Messages section.
  4. Navigate to the Messaging Plans screen, then the Messaging Plan List view.
  5. Click New to create a new plan or click edit button to edit a plan.
  6. While creating or updating a plan, add the signature message to the plan as a presentation item.

Signature Capable Messages

A signature capable message is an SWF file that has a space allocated in it for displaying the PCD signature control: SignatureCtrl.swf. The file communicates with both the signature control and the PCD application.

To properly implement a signature capable message certain requirements are member variables must be set, and certain methods must be applied. Follow the requirements in the following sections before using signature control:

Member Variable Requirement for Signature Capable Messages

In order to hold a pointer to the SignatureCtrl.swf embedded within the message set the following variable:

private var m_signCtrl:SystemManager;

This pointer will be used to invoke methods in SignatureCtrl.swf

Method Requirements for Signature Capable Messages

The following method requirements must be met in order to properly implement signature control:

  • The appLoaded method must be called on the applicationComplete event with the following predefined string:


    For an example of this method requirement, see FlexApp appLoaded Example

  • The loadSignCtrl method will be called by the Interactive Detailer to notify the Asset with the path of the SignatureCtrl.swf and asset will load.

    For an example of this method requirement, see FlexApp LoadSignCtrl Example

  • The InvokeSignCtrlMethod method will be called by the Interactive Detailer to invoke a method in SignatureCtrl.swf by way of the Asset.

    For an example of this method requirement, see FlexApp InvokeSignCtrlMethod Example

FlexApp Examples

FlexApp is a sample signature asset created in Flex. This asset has the following minimum method requirements:

  • Loading the SignatureCtrl.swf
  • Enabling communication between the Interactive Detailer and the signature control, by way of the Signature Asset
FlexApp appLoaded Example

FlexApp.mxml has a method called appLoaded. The appLoaded method is called by the applicationComplete event. The call is shown in the following sample:

<mx:Application .....................applicationComplete="appLoaded();">


public function appLoaded():void




The appLoaded method notifies the parent application -- in this case Interactive Detailer -- that the Signature Asset is loaded and ready to load SignatureCtrl.swf, using the following statement:


Where Application.application refers to Interactive Detailer and signAssetLoadComplete refers to a method in Interactive Detailer that receives a pointer to the Signature Asset as an input parameter. This pointer will be used by the Interactive Detailer to send data to the SignatureCtrl.swf embedded in the Asset.

FlexApp LoadSignCtrl Example

FlexApp.mxml has member variable of type SystemManager. This member variable holds a pointer to the SignatureCtrl.swf embedded within the asset. The pointer is shown in the following sample:

private var m_signCtrl:SystemManager;

public function loadSignCtrl(strSignCtrl:String):void


loader.autoLoad = true;

loader.percentHeight = 100;

loader.percentWidth = 100;


loader.addEventListener(Event.INIT, loadComplete);



private function loadComplete (event:Event) : void


m_signCtrl = SystemManager(;


The Interactive Detailer sends the path of SignatureCtrl.swf and notifies the Signature Asset to load the Signature Control by calling a method called loadSignCtrl. This is all implemented by the Asset.

The Signature Asset method, loadSignCtrl, will load SignatureCtrl.swf into an SWF loader. The pointer to SignatureCtrl.swf is stored in the member variable m_signCtrl, as displayed above in loadComplete function.

FlexApp InvokeSignCtrlMethod Example

FlexApp.mxml also implements a method called InvokeSignCtrlMethod. When the Interactive Detailer is required to send data to SignatureCtrl.swf, it does so by calling this method in the Asset. The following XML data is passed to the Asset:

public function InvokeSignCtrlMethod(strXMLData:String):void


if(m_signCtrl != null)



Capturing a Signature

With signature control, users can capture signatures for samples disbursement.

To capture a signature

  1. Navigate to the Activities screen, then the Contact Call Detail view. Alternatively, navigate to the Activities screen, then the Accounts Contacts Call Detail view.
  2. Select a sample from Samples Dropped.

    NOTE:  You will need to pre-record the sample drops if the signature needs to be captured from contact. Signatures for Samples can be captured only for contacts valid to receive and sign for samples. Click Detail to display the PCD Viewer.

    The PCD viewer auto-loads the optimal set of messaging plans for each customer interaction.

  3. Click Sign from the PCD Viewer toolbar.

    NOTE:  The Sign button in the PCD viewer will only be visible if there is at least one sample drop record in the samples dropped applet in call detail view.

  4. In the Signature Component, a white space is reserved for a signature. Sign within the white space reserved for the signature.

    If the validation for Signature Capture fails, an error message is displayed. Update the call data as directed by the error message, and then click Sign to try capturing the signature again. Once you successfully save the signature, you return to the Contact Call view.

    For additional information about signature validation, see Configuring Signature Capture.

  5. Click Save to save the signature.

Modifying Contacts in the Signature Component

A representative can change the contact to another contact within the signature component.

For example, a representative is speaking with Dr. A. A Contact Call Record has already been created for Dr. A. The representative adds sample drop records to this call by clicking the Detail button in Call view. Now consider that the signature was captured for Dr. A and saved. The status of the record has been changed to Signed.

If instead of Dr. A, the representative selects a different contact: Dr. B. The signature control will then create a new contact call record in the Siebel database for Dr. B, and the sample records will be copied over to the new call. This new call will be validated, and the signature is captured and saved and the status of the call record will be set to Signed.

The module will only allow the representative to change the contact if the validation process confirms that the contact is eligible. Otherwise, an error message will appear.

To modify contacts in the signature component

  1. Navigate to the Activities screen, then the Contact Call Detail view. Alternatively, navigate to Activities screen, then the Accounts Contacts Call Detail view.
  2. Select a sample from Samples Dropped.
  3. Click Detail to display the PCD Viewer.

    The PCD viewer auto-loads the optimal set of messaging plans for each customer interaction.

  4. Click Sign from the PCD Viewer toolbar.
  5. Click the Change Professional button.
  6. Select the desired contact.
  7. Click Select.

    NOTE:  If the contact does not have a license for the geographic region, a Sign Validation Failed message will appear indicating the following: This contact does not have a license number for <region>.

  8. Click Save.

Deleting a Sample Row

A representative can delete a sample in signature component. For example, if the representative is speaking with Dr. A and discovers that the sample is not of use, the sample row can be deleted.

To delete the sample row in the signature component

  1. Navigate to the Activities screen, then the Contact Call Detail screen. Alternatively, navigate to the Activities screen, then the Contact Call Detail screen
  2. Select a sample from Samples Dropped.
  3. Click Detail to display the PCD Viewer.

    The PCD viewer auto-loads the optimal set of messaging plans for each customer interaction.

  4. Click Sign from the PCD Viewer toolbar.
  5. Click the Delete button next to the sample that you want to delete.
  6. Click Save.

Cancelling a Transaction

The following topic describes how to cancel a transaction. The Cancel button will cancel but will not delete all of the data associated with the transaction. When the Cancel button is clicked, it marks the transaction as voided, but is sent back to the system as a no signature activity.

To cancel a transaction

  1. Navigate to the Activities screen, then the Contact Call Detail screen. Alternatively, navigate to the Activities screen, then the Accounts Contacts Call Detail screen.
  2. Select a sample from Samples Dropped.
  3. Click Detail to display the PCD Viewer.

    The PCD viewer auto-loads the optimal set of messaging plans for each customer interaction.

  4. Click Sign from the PCD Viewer toolbar.
  5. Capture a signature.
  6. Click Cancel.

When you click the Cancel button in signature control, a cancelled transaction record will be written to the Siebel database only if the transaction was valid. A transaction is valid only when it passes all the validation checks and the signature was captured but the action was cancelled.

Viewing all Captured Signature Data

Once a signature is captured, it is stored in the Siebel database for future reference. You can view all of the captured signature data in one location.

To view all captured signature data

  1. Click the Site Map.
  2. Navigate to the Administration - Samples screen, then the Sample Audit Administration.
  3. Navigate through the list to view all of the signatures. Sort the columns by the criteria that you want.

    NOTE:  You can click Query to search for a signature.

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