53 Set Up Job Status Inquiry

This chapter contains these topics:

53.1 Setting Up Job Status Inquiry

You set up the columns, formats, and paths used to display job status information on the Job Status Inquiry form. Column definitions are required, but formats and paths are optional.

Columns determine how your information is displayed. You can define columns by setting up specific formulas by which the system calculates the value that it displays.

After you define your columns, you can place them into groups of up to four columns. This creates specific form formats that you can select to view the information.

After you define your formats, you can create inquiry paths by which you can toggle through a specified sequence of formats.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Defining Inquiry Columns

  • Defining Inquiry Formats

  • Defining Inquiry Paths

53.2 Defining Inquiry Columns


From Job Cost (G51), enter 29

From Job Cost System Setup (G5141), choose Define Inquiry Columns

You must define the columns you use on Job Status Inquiry to display your information. When you define a column, you can specify the following:

  • Column name

  • Column heading

  • The formula by which the information displayed in the column is calculated

  • The glossary item name in the data dictionary

The information is stored in the Inquiry Columns table (F5192).


The inquiry columns are also used on the Combined Progress Entry form.

To define inquiry columns

On Define Inquiry Columns

Figure 53-1 Define Inquiry Columns screen

Description of Figure 53-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 53-1 Define Inquiry Columns screen''

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Column Name

    • Formula

  2. Complete the following optional fields:

    • Description

    • Column Heading 1

    • Column Heading 2

    • Decimal Positions

    • Edit Code

    • Multiplier

    • Glossary Item

Field Explanation
Formula A calculation that the system uses to input an amount or quantity in this column. You can use a single predefined value or multiple predefined values in conjunction with mathematical operators to enter a formula. Valid mathematical operators are:

+ – Add

- – Subtract

* – Multiply

/ – Divide

( ) – Left and right parentheses for nesting

For example, you can enter the following formula to have the system calculate on-time percentages:


The formula above equals on-time percentages because:

  • 20 is the value for on-time amounts

  • 21 is the value for early amounts

  • 22 is the value for late amounts

53.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Formula codes The system uses each code described in the table to retrieve a related amount or unit quantity. The codes, which are user defined (51/FM and IL), identify the ledger or group of ledgers that are the source of the information. You must match the following fields with the appropriate codes:
  • For amounts, the valid codes are 1 - 20.

  • For unit quantities, the valid codes are 21 - 40.

  • For header units, the valid codes are 41 - 60.

  • For percent complete, the valid code is 61.

Formula examples The following list includes examples of different ways you can combine the codes and mathematical functions to create formulas:
  • Actual amount: 1

  • Actual unit rate: 1/21

  • Total commitments: 1+6

  • Unit rate variance: (1/21) - (5/25)

The formula consists of a single code if the column relates to a specific value contained in the ledger.

53.3 Defining Inquiry Formats


From Job Cost (G51), enter 29

From Job Cost System Setup (G5141), choose Define Inquiry Formats

After you define the columns for Job Status Inquiry, you can group them into formats. A format can include up to four columns, which appear on Job Status Inquiry in the same order you define them in the format. You are not required to assign a column to each of the four column fields. The format definitions are stored in the Inquiry Formats table (F5193).

To define inquiry formats

On Define Inquiry Formats

Figure 53-2 Define Inquiry Formats screen

Description of Figure 53-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 53-2 Define Inquiry Formats screen''

Complete the following fields for each format:

  • Format Name

  • Description

  • Column 1

  • Column 2

  • Column 3

  • Column 4

53.4 Defining Inquiry Paths


From Job Cost (G51), enter 29

From Job Cost System Setup (G5141), choose Define Inquiry Paths

After you define the formats for Job Status Inquiry, you can group them into paths. A path is a sequence of more than one format through which you can toggle to view your information. The path definitions are stored in the Inquiry Paths table (F5194).

After you define your paths, you can rearrange the formats into a new sequence.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Define an inquiry path

  • Rearrange formats

Figure 53-3 Define Inquiry Parts screen

Description of Figure 53-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 53-3 Define Inquiry Parts screen''

To define an inquiry path

On Define Inquiry Paths

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Path Name

    • Description

  2. Complete the following field for each format in the path:

    • Format Name

    • Sequence Number

To rearrange formats

On Define Inquiry Paths

  1. Complete the following field to locate the path:

    • Path Name

  2. Complete the following field for each format according to the new sequence:

    • Sequence Number