
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  W 


See Automatic accounting instructions
adding, 7.1.1
Account Ledger Inquiry form, 21.3
Account structure
general accounting, 5.1.3
job cost, 5.1.3
Accounts Payable system, 1.2
Accounts Receivable system, 1.2
Accrued cost
credit entry, 32.1.6
debit entry, 32.1.6
journal entry, 32.1.6
Additional information
entering, 3.3
master record, 3.3
reviewing, 21.3
Address Book system, 1.2
Alternate sequence
Account Master Sequences screen, 8.3.1
assigning manually, 8.3
Audit trail management, 1.3.4
Automatic accounting instructions
Automatic Accounting Instructions form, 48.2
BS, 48.3.1
budget balance ledger, 48.3.5
defining, 48.3
draw reporting selection, 48.3.2
field progress protection, 48.3.2
FPBAL, 48.3.5
IS, 48.3.1
JCAPC, 48.3.1
JCAPO, 48.3.1
JCBE, 48.3.1
JCBOUA, 48.3.1
JCCE, 48.3.1
JCCOUA, 48.3.1
JCLOSS, 48.3.1, 48.3.1
JCPFC, 48.3.1
JCPFP, 48.3.1
JCPFR, 48.3.1
JCSMI, 48.3.1
JCSMJ, 48.3.1
job cost, 48.1
job summarization, 48.3.4
profit recognition, 48.3.1
SM01, 48.3.4
system setup, 46.1


field, 11.1, 12.1.2
Copy Similar Job form, 12.3
copying an existing, 12.3
deleting account information, 7.1.1
Job Budget Revisions form (P510171), 15.1
Job Master Revisions form, 14.1
ledgers, 12.1.2
Original Budget Entry form, 13.1.1
Speed Original Budget Entry form, 12.2
Budget balance ledger AAIs, 48.1, 48.3.5
Budget Original
Budget Revisions Detail report, 25.4


Category codes
assigning automatically, 8.4
assigning with global updates, 8.5
Extended Job Master Revisions screen, 8.4.1
Change Management system, 1.2
Chart type
copying from, 6.2
cost code structure, 6.2
Chart Type Setup form, 54.2.2
Chart types and model jobs, 46.1
Close Job form, 36.2
Closing a job
See Job closing
Columnar data format
defining data types, 39.2
supplemental information, 40.1
verifying against user defined codes, 39.2.2
Columnar information
entering, 40.2
Combined Progress Entry form, 28.3
Continuum of certainty, 26.2.1
Contract Analysis report, 23.6
Contract Billing system, 1.2
Contract Management system, 1.2
budget information, 6.2.2, 6.3.1, 6.4.1
Copy Selected Master Codes form, 6.2.1
from an existing job, 6.3
from chart type, 6.2
Cost Account Details form, 21.3
Cost analysis, 1.3.6
Cost Code
assignment example,
Cost Code Master Chart Types form, 54.2.1
Cost code structure
assigning a sequence manually, 8.3
assigning category codes automatically, 8.4
assigning category codes with global updates, 8.5
components of, 5.1.2
copying from a chart type, 6.2
copying from an existing job, 6.3
cost code, 5.1.2,
cost type, 5.1.2,
creating new, 6.4
database tables, 5.1.7
detail accounts, 5.1.4
general accounting relationship, 5.1.3
header accounts, 5.1.4
job number, 5.1.2
levels of detail, 5.1.5
Original Budget Entry form, 6.4, 7.1
overview, 4.1
planning and considerations, 5.1.1
Cost Type
assignment example,
Credit entry
accrued cost, 32.1.6
deferred cost, 32.1.7
overbilling, 32.1.3
provision for loss, 32.1.5
underbilling, 32.1.4


Data Entry form, 40.1.1
Data types
columnar, 39.2
Define Data Types form, 39.2.1
defining formats, 39.2
narrative, 39.2
setting up security, 39.3
Supplemental Data Security form, 39.3
Debit entry
accrued cost, 32.1.6
deferred cost, 32.1.7
overbilling, 32.1.3
provision for loss, 32.1.5
underbilling, 32.1.4
Deferred cost
credit entry, 32.1.7
debit entry, 32.1.7
journal entry, 32.1.7
Deleting account information, 7.1.1
Detail Accounts
assigning, 5.1.4
Detail by Job report, 25.2
canceling a pay request, 45.3.2
changing the status, 45.3.1
Draw Record Exclusion form, 45.3
Draw Status Update form, 45.2
number, 44.1.1
printing reports, 44.2
report formats, 44.1
revising line items, 45.3
revising the status, 45.2
status, 44.1.1
Draw Reporting Master table (F51911), 44.1.1
Draw reporting selection AAIs, 48.1, 48.3.2


Embedded codes, 8.2.2
Equipment/Plant Management system, 1.2


FASTR, 1.2
Field progress protection AAIs, 48.1, 48.3.2
See Tables
Final projections, 1.3.1
Fixed Assets system, 1.2
draw processing, 44.1
Account Ledger Inquiry, 21.3
Automatic Accounting Instructions, 48.2
Chart Type Setup, 54.2.2
Close Job, 36.2
Combined Progress Entry, 28.3
Copy Selected Master Codes, 6.2.1
Copy Similar Job, 12.3
Cost Account Details, 21.3
Cost Code Master Chart Types, 54.2.1
Cost Code Schedule, 18.1
Data Entry, 40.1.1
Define Data Types, 39.2.1
Define Inquiry Columns, 53.2
Define Inquiry Formats, 53.3
Define Inquiry Paths, 53.4
Draw Record Exclusion, 45.3
Draw Status Update form, 45.2
Group Job Adjustments, 31.2.3
Inquiry by Data Type, 41.3
Inquiry by Job, 41.2
Job Budget Revisions, 15.1
Job Category Code Revisions, 3.3
Job Cost Constants, 47.1
Job Master Revisions, 3.2.1, 14.1, 54.3.2
Job Name Search, 20.2, 21.2.1, 21.2.1
Job Revisions by Company, 3.2.2, 20.3
Job Status Inquiry, 21.2.1, 28.3.3
Original Budget Entry, 6.4, 7.1, 13.1.1, 54.3.3
Progress Entry, 28.3
Project Inquiry Details, 21.2.1
Reopen Job, 36.3
Single Job Adjustments, 31.2.1
Speed Original Budget Entry, 12.2
Supplemental Code Entry, 40.2
Supplemental Data Security, 39.3
Supplemental Text Entry, 40.2
Update Percent Complete, 30.2
User Defined Codes, 52.1


General Accounting system, 1.2
account structure, 5.1.3


Header Accounts
assigning, 5.1.4


See Job status inquiry
Inventory Management system, 1.2


deleting, 3.1.2
model, 54.3
reviewing, 19.1
Job Account Master List report, 24.3
Job budget changes, 1.3.5
Job closing
reopening a closed job, 36.3
resolving errors, 36.2.1
Job cost
assigning alternate sequences, 8.1
automatic accounting instructions, 48.1
locking, 14.1
original, 12.1
overview, 11.1
spreading amounts, 16.1
chart types and model jobs
set up, 54.1
cost code structure
create, 6.1
revise, 7.1
data types
set up, 39.1
revise, 45.1
draw processing
overview, 43.1
draw report
generate, 44.1
estimated profit
review, 31.1
job closing
create, 36.1
overview, 35.1
job profit
estimate, 30.1
job progress, 28.1
job purging
overview, 37.1
perform, 37.2
purging a completed job, 37.3
job schedules
overview, 17.1
set up, 18.1
job status inquiry
set up, 53.1
master record
create, 3.1
methods of computation, 27.1
next numbers, 50.1
profit recognition, 29.1
journal entries, 32.1
project or job
locate, 20.1
review, 21.1
detail reports, 25.1
job and account setup, 24.1
management summary, 23.1
overview, 22.1
supplemental information
create, 40.1
overview, 38.1
review, 41.1
supplemental reports
print, 42.1
system constants, 47.1
user defined codes
overview, 51.1
revise, 52.1
Job Cost
revision, 15.1
Job Cost Constants table (F0026), 47.1
Job Detail by Subledger report, 25.5
Job identification, 2.1
overview, 2.1
Job Master List report, 24.2
Job master record
contents of, 3.1
entering additional information, 3.3
entering job master information, 3.2
Entering multiple addresses for a job, 3.2.3
Job Category Code Revisions form, 3.3
Job Master Revisions form, 3.2.1
multiple jobs, 3.2.2
See Master record
single job, 3.2.1
Job Number
assignment example,
cost code structure, 5.1.2
Job profit
See Profit recognition
Job progress
Combined Progress Entry form, 28.3
continuum of certainty, 26.2.1
entering information, 28.1, 28.2.2
generating a worksheet, 28.1, 28.2
Job Status Inquiry form, 28.3.3
ledger types, 5.1.6, 26.2.2
overview, 26.1
Progress Entry form, 28.3
recalculating, 28.5
updating method of computation, 28.4
Job purging
closing weekly balances, 37.2.1
projected final information, 37.2.2
summarizing information, 37.3.2
tables, 37.3.3
Job review
additional information, 21.3
additional inquiry programs, 21.2.2
Inquiry by Job form, 41.2
Job Name Search form, 20.2, 21.2.1, 21.2.1, 21.2.1
Job Revisions by Company form, 20.3
Job Status Inquiry form, 21.2.1
overview, 19.1
Job schedules
Cost Code Schedule form, 18.1
Job status inquiry, 1.3.3, 46.1
Define Inquiry Columns form, 53.2
Define Inquiry Formats form, 53.3
Define Inquiry Paths form, 53.4
defining inquiry columns, 53.2
defining inquiry formats, 53.3
defining inquiry paths, 53.4
formula codes, 53.2.1
formula examples, 53.2.1
Job Status Inquiry form, 28.3.3
Job Status report, 23.8
printing, 23.8
Job summarization AAIs, 48.1, 48.3.4
Journal entries
accrued cost, 32.1.6
changes to projected final, 32.1.10
changes to projected final cost, 32.1.8
changes to projected final revenue, 32.1.9
creating for profit recognition, 33.2
deferred cost, 32.1.7
overbilling, 32.1.3
posting, 33.4
provision for loss, 32.1.5
recognized revenue and cost, 32.1.1
reviewing for profit recognition, 33.3
revising profit recognition, 33.5


Labor Cost Analysis report, 23.5
Ledger types
job progress, 5.1.6, 26.2.2
Level of Detail
assigning to account, 5.1.5
cost code structure, 5.1.5
detail accounts, 5.1.4
header accounts, 5.1.4
Loan draw tracking, 1.3.7
Locating a project or job, 20.1


Master record
deleting a job, 3.1.2
Job Revisions by Company form, 3.2.2
Method of Computation
selection table, 27.1
Methods of computation
method A, 27.2.1, 27.2.1
method B, 27.2.2
method C, 27.2.3
method D, 27.2.4
method E, 27.2.5
method F, 27.2.6
method G, 27.2.7
method I, 27.2.8
method N, 27.2.9
method O, 27.2.10
method P, 27.2.11
method Q, 27.2.12
method R, 27.2.13
method S, 27.2.14
method T, 27.2.15
method U, 27.2.16
method V, 27.2.17
Model job
copying account information to, 54.3.4
Job Master Revisions form, 54.3.2
setting up, 54.3
updating accounts automatically, 54.3.1


Narrative data format
defining data types, 39.2
supplemental information, 40.1
Narrative information
copying, 40.4
entering, 40.3
Next numbers, 46.1
by company fiscal year, 50.1.1
Next Numbers
job cost, 50.1


Original budget
See Budget
Original Budget Entry form, 13.1.1, 54.3.3
credit entry, 32.1.3
debit entry, 32.1.3
system features, 1.3


Payroll system, 1.2
Percentage of completion
entering, 30.2
records, 30.2.1
Update Percent Complete form, 30.2
Period Trend Analysis report, 23.7
Budget Revisions Detail report, 25.4
Contract Analysis report, 23.6
Detail by Job report, 25.2
draw reports, 44.2
Job Account Master List report, 24.3
Job Cost Analysis report, 23.3
Job Detail by Subledger report, 25.5
Job Master List report, 24.2
Job Status report, 23.8
Labor Cost Analysis report, 23.5
Period Trend Analysis report, 23.7
Report by Data Type report, 42.3
Summary by Cost Code report, 23.2
Transaction Analysis report, 25.3
Unit Cost Analysis report, 23.4
Profit recognition, 1.3.2
AAIs, 48.1
changing accrued or deferred costs, 31.3.7
changing method for multiple jobs, 31.3.3
changing projected final values for multiple jobs, 31.3.5
deleting estimated, 31.3.1
entering percentage of completion, 30.2
generating information, 30.3
Group Job Adjustments form, 31.2.3
reviewing profit information, 31.2
securing profit information, 31.4
Single Job Adjustments form, 31.2.1
thresholds, 30.1.1
Programs and IDs
P00051 (Cost Code Master Chart Types), 54.2.1, 54.2.1
P00051 (User Defined Codes), 52.1
P00121 (Automatic Accounting Instructions), 48.2
P0026 (Job Cost Constants), 47.1
P00610 (Inquiry by Data Type), 41.3
P00620 (Inquiry by Job), 41.2
P00640 (Report by Data Type), 42.3
P00690 (Define Data Types), 39.2.1
P00691 (Data Entry), 40.1.1
P00692 (Supplemental Code Entry), 40.2
P00693 (Supplemental Text Entry), 40.2
P0082 (Supplemental Data Security), 39.3
P09200 (Account Ledger Inquiry), 21.3
P410121 (Original Budget Entry), 6.4, 7.1
P434201 (Contract Analysis), 23.6
P51006 (Job Revisions by Company), 3.2.2, 20.3
P510062 (Job Category Code Revisions), 3.3
P510063 (Job Master Revisions), 3.2.1, 14.1, 54.3.2
P510063 (Reopen Job), 36.3
P51006P (Job Master List), 24.1
P510121 (Original Budget Entry), 13.1.1, 54.3.3
P510121 (Speed Original Budget Entry), 12.2
P510141 (Account Master Sequences), 8.3.1
P510171 (Job Budget Revisions), 15.1
P510211 (Combined Progress Entry), 28.3
P510211 (Progress Entry), 28.3
P5108 (Extended Job Master Revisions), 8.4.1
P510901 (Job Account Master List), 24.1
P51091 (Chart Type Setup), 54.2.2
P510921 (Copy Selected Master Codes), 6.2.1
P511112 (Update Percent Complete), 30.2
P51200 (Job Name Search), 20.2, 21.2.1, 21.2.1, 21.2.1
P51200 (Job Status Inquiry), 28.3.3
P512000 (Job Status Inquiry), 21.2.1
P512006 (Job Status), 23.8
P512010 (Project Inquiry Details), 21.2.1
P512131 (Cost Account Details), 21.3
P51412 (Summary by Cost Code), 23.2
P51412 (Summary by Cost Type), 23.2
P514121 (Unit Cost Analysis), 23.4
P51420 (Detail by Job), 25.2
P51425 (Transaction Analysis), 25.3
P5144 (Group Job Adjustments), 31.2.3
P51440 (Single Job Adjustments), 31.2.1
P515001 (Draw Status Update), 45.2
P515003 (Draw Record Exclusion), 45.3
P51530 (Job Detail by Subledger), 25.5
P51540 (Budget Revisions Detail), 25.4
P518042 (Copy Similar Job), 12.3
P51811 (Spread Budgets to Periods), 16.1
P51830 (Summarize Job Detail), 37.3.2
P51901 (Cost Code Schedule), 18.1
P51921 (Define Inquiry Columns), 53.2
P51924 (Close Job), 36.2
P5193 (Define Inquiry Formats), 53.3
P51941 (Define Inquiry Paths), 53.4
Progress Entry form, 28.3
Project Inquiry Details form, 21.2.1
Projected final cost
changes to, 32.1.8
Property Management system, 1.2
Provision for loss
credit entry, 32.1.5
debit entry, 32.1.5
journal entry, 32.1.5
Purchase Management system, 1.2
See Job purging


Recognized revenue and cost, 32.1.1
Reopen Job form, 36.3
Report by Data Type report, 42.3
Report generation, 1.3.8
Budget Revisions Detail, 25.4
Contract Analysis, 23.6
Detail by Job, 25.2
Job Account Master List, 24.3
Job Detail by Subledger, 25.5
Job Master List, 24.2
Job Status, 23.8
printing Job Cost Analysis, 23.3
printing Job Status report, 23.8
printing Summary by Cost Code, 23.2
Report by Data Type, 42.3
Report by Job, 42.2
Transaction Analysis, 25.3
Unit Cost Analysis, 23.4
using FASTR, 22.1
Resolving errors
Job closing, 36.2.1
See Job review


See Job schedules
Account Master Sequences, 8.3.1
Extended Job Master Revisions, 8.4.1
See Forms
data type, 39.3
Service Billing system, 1.2
See System setup
Speed Original Budget Entry form, 12.2
Spreading budget amounts, 16.1
Summary by Cost Code report
printing, 23.2
Supplemental data
reviewing by job, 41.3
Supplemental information
columnar, 40.2
Data Entry form, 40.1.1
Inquiry by Data Type form, 41.3
Inquiry by Job form, 41.2
narrative, 40.3
reviewing by data type, 41.3
Supplemental Code Entry form, 40.2
Supplemental Text Entry form, 40.2
constants, 46.1
features, 1.3
System constants
Job Cost Constants form, 47.1
System features
audit trail management, 1.3.4
cost analysis, 1.3.6
final projections, 1.3.1
job budget changes, 1.3.5
job status inquiry, 1.3.3
loan draw tracking, 1.3.7
profit recognition, 1.3.2
report generation, 1.3.8


cost code structures, 5.1.7
Draw Reporting Master, 44.1.1
F0006, 5.1.7
F0026, 47.1
F0901, 5.1.7
F0902, 5.1.7
F0911, 5.1.7
Method of Computation Selection, 27.1
shared with General Accounting, 5.1.7
Threshold Percent Complete, 27.1
Transaction Analysis report, 25.3


See User defined codes lists
credit entry, 32.1.4
debit entry, 32.1.4
profit recognition, 32.1.4
Unit Cost Analysis report, 23.4
User defined codes
job cost, 51.1
setting up blank codes, 52.1.1
system setup, 46.1
User Defined Codes form, 52.1
User defined codes lists
account (09/01 - 00/23), 51.1.3
annual close budget ledger type (00/LT), 51.1.9
Budget amount ledger type (51/RB), 51.1.7
budget unit ledger type (51/RU), 51.1.8
chart type edit field (51/ED), 51.1.12
contract type (51/CT), 51.1.5
cost code master chart type (51/TC), 51.1.11
formula description (51/FM), 51.1.13
inquiry ledger type (51/IL), 51.1.14
Job (00/01 - 00/30), 51.1.2
ledger type (09/LT), 51.1.1
override profit recognition AAIs by business unit type (51/PR), 51.1.16
profit recognition IS entry (51/IS), 51.1.15
projected final business unit type (51/PF), 51.1.6
summarize and close ledger type (51/LT), 51.1.10
units of measure (00/UM), 51.1.4


Weekly Job Cost Closing
reviewing balances,
See Forms
Work Order system, 1.2
generating for job progress, 28.1, 28.2