37 Job Purging

This chapter contains these topics:

37.1 About Job Purging

You can periodically purge outdated or completed job information from your Account Balances and Account Ledger tables to free disk space.

After you complete a job and all of the transactions against it are complete, you can purge the entire job from your system.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Purge job information

  • Purge completed jobs

37.2 Purge Job Information


From Job Cost (G51), enter 27

From Technical Operations (G5131), choose Weekly Job Cost Closing

You can periodically purge outdated or completed information from your Account Balances and Account Ledger tables to free space. For example, you can purge projected final information from your system as it becomes outdated.

In addition, you can close out your weekly balances to prepare your system to accept data for the next week.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Closing Weekly Balances

  • Purging Projected Final Information

37.2.1 Closing Weekly Balances

Run the Weekly Job Cost Closing program to close out your work-to-date account balances on a weekly basis. This clears the Week-to-date field on the Account Balances table and prepares your system to accept data for the next week.


You must close out your weekly balances after all of the weekly information is entered and all of the weekly reports are run, but before you enter any information for the next week. Before You Begin

  • Establish a weekly cutoff schedule for accurate reporting What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Reviewing week-to-date balances You can review the weekly balances on the Daily or Weekly Comparisons form or with FASTR reports.

See the JD Edwards World FASTR Guide.

37.2.2 Purging Projected Final Information

You can purge projected final information from your system as it becomes outdated to free space on your system.


You must manually locate these programs from the Version List of the DREAM Writer facility to run them.

To purge projected final information

Run the following programs to purge your projected final information:

  • Delete Job Cost Projected Final - HA/HU

  • Delete Projected Final Audit Trail - HA/HU

37.3 Purging a Completed Job


From Job Cost (G51), enter 27

From Technical Operations (G5131), choose Summarize Job Detail

You can purge a job from your system after all of the outstanding transactions against the job are posted.

Before you purge a job from your system, you should summarize and copy the related information in your Account Master, Account Balances, and Account Ledger tables. A copy of the job information is made so that you can restore your original information, if needed.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Copying job information

  • Purge a job

37.3.1 Before You Begin

  • Back up your system on tape

  • Ensure that all outstanding transactions against a job are posted

  • Run any necessary reports

37.3.2 Copying Job Information

Before you purge a job from your system, you should run the Summarize Job Detail program. You should first run the program in edit mode, and then run it again in final mode.

The Summarize Job Detail program:

  • Creates a duplicate job, to the company you specify, with a business unit that consists of the original job number and a two-character prefix

  • Summarizes the original job information to accounts specified in the SM01 AAI

  • Changes the Posting Edit code of the original job to N and the new job to P

  • Creates summarized copies of the data tables from the original job in the new job

  • Terminates the summary process if the original job number contains more than 10 characters


An AAI, item number SM01, controls whether the information is summarized at the cost code or cost type level. Processing Options

See the following topic:

Section 63.4, "Job Summarization (P51830)"

37.3.3 Purging a Job


From Job Cost (G51), enter 27

From Technical Operations (G5131), choose Purge Job Detail

After you summarize the job information, run the Purge Job Detail program to purge a job from your system. This program purges the job information from the following tables:

  • Job Master

  • Account Master

  • Account Balances

  • Account Ledger

  • Draw Reporting Master

The system stores the purged information from the Account Balances table in the F0902XXXX table and the Account Ledger table in the F0911XXXX table. The first X in each of these tables represents the Julian Year. The remaining Xs represent the Julian Day. For example, January 01, 1998, is 8001 and December 31, 1998, is 8365. Processing Options

See the following topic:

Section 63.5, "Purge Summarized Job Information (P51840)"