36 Close Jobs

This chapter contains these topics:

36.1 Closing Jobs

After a job is complete and all of the transaction information related to it is posted, you can close it. When you close a job, the system verifies that all of the costs and revenue related to it are recognized. The system also checks the Account Ledger table for unposted transactions related to the job.

The system prevents you from closing a job if either of the following exists:

  • Unrecognized revenue related to the job

  • Unposted transactions related to the job

After you close a job, you cannot change the information related to it. You must reopen a closed job to post new transactions to it or change the information related to it.

Complete the following tasks:

  • Closing a Job

  • Opening a Closed Job

36.2 Closing a Job


From Job Cost (G51), choose Profit Recognition/Job Close

From Profit Recognition/Job Close (G5122), choose Close Job

After a job is complete, and all of the transaction information related to it is posted, you can close it. When you close a job, the system verifies that all of the cost and revenue related to it are recognized. The system also checks the Account Ledger table for unposted transactions related to the job. After a job is closed, the system changes the Posting Edit code for the job to N.

To close a job

On Close Job

  1. Complete the following field to locate the job:

    • Job Number

    • Thru Date/Period

  2. Complete the following optional fields:

    • Enhanced Subledger 1-4

    • Enhanced Subledger Types 1-4

  3. Review the job-to-date amounts for the following fields:

    • Billing/Revenue

    • Costs

    • Gross Profits

  4. Choose Close Job (F8).

36.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Resolving errors The system displays an error message and does not close a job if any of the following occurs:
  • Unposted transactions against the job exist in the Account Ledger table. You must post or delete the unposted transactions.

  • All of the revenue and costs for the job are not recognized. You must complete the steps for profit recognition.

  • The cumulative revenue and costs do not equal the total revenue and costs. You must complete the steps for profit recognition.

See Section 29.1, "About Profit Recognition"

36.3 Opening a Closed Job


From Job Cost (G51), choose Profit Recognition/Job Close

From Profit Recognition/Job Close (G5122), choose Reopen Job

After you close a job, you cannot change the information related to it. You must reopen a closed job to post new transactions to it or change the information related to it.

To open a closed job

On Reopen Job

Figure 36-2 Reopen Job screen

Description of Figure 36-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 36-2 Reopen Job screen''

  1. Complete the following field to locate the job:

    • Job Number

  2. Change the following field to blank or K:

    • Posting Edit

  3. Make changes as necessary.


After you revise your job information, you must close the job again.
Field Explanation
Posting Edit - Business Unit Controls whether you can post transactions to the general ledger for the job (business unit). Valid codes are:

Blank – Yes, you can post transactions.

K – Yes, you can post transactions. However, the original budget is locked and change orders are required for changes to the budget.

N – No, you cannot post transactions. Use this code for a job that is not started or is closed. The job closing program automatically assigns this code to all closed jobs.

P – No, you cannot post transactions, and the job can be purged.