50 Set Up Next Numbers

This chapter contains the topic:

50.1 Setting Up Next Numbers


From General Systems (G00), choose Next Numbers

You use next numbers to assign numbers to items that must have unique numbers, such as draw reports, batch numbers, and document numbers. The next numbers program determines how these numbers are assigned.

Next numbers for the Job Cost system are stored in system 51. The Job Cost system uses next numbers for the following purposes:

  • To assign progress entry batch numbers

  • To assign progress entry document numbers

  • To assign draw report numbers

  • To link profit recognition tables


Next numbers are central to JD Edwards World systems. You must be thoroughly familiar with next numbers before you change them.

Figure 50-1 Next Numbers screen

Description of Figure 50-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 50-1 Next Numbers screen''

50.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Next numbers by company/fiscal year You can also assign next numbers for the Job Cost system by company or by company and fiscal year for selected documents.