20 Locate a Project or Job

This chapter contains these topics:

20.1 Locating a Project or Job

You must know the job number of a project or job in order to review it. If you do not know the job number, you can find it by locating the job by name or by the company to which it belongs.

This chapter includes instructions to complete the following tasks:

  • To locate a project or job by name

  • To locate a project or job by company

20.2 Locating a Project or Job by Name


From Job Cost (G51), choose Job & Budget Setup

From Job & Budget Setup (G5111), choose Job Name Search

If you do not know the job number, you can find it by locating the job by name.

To locate a project or job by name

On Job Name Search

Figure 20-1 Job Name Search screen

Description of Figure 20-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 20-1 Job Name Search screen''

Complete the following field with the project or job name:

  • Job Name

Field Explanation
Description - Compressed You can enter a compressed description for a job name search. The compressed description contains the alpha name without spaces, slashes, dashes, commas, and other special characters. You can do a name search using one or more characters in a name starting with the left-most character. The more characters you use the more specific the name search.

20.2.1 Processing Options

See Section 60.1, "Job Name Search (P51200)"

20.3 Locating a Project or Job by Company


From Job Cost (G51), choose Job & Budget Setup

From Job & Budget Setup (G5111), choose Job Revisions by Company

If you do not know the job number, you can find it by locating the job by company.

To locate a project or job by company

On Job Revisions by Company

Figure 20-2 Job Revisions by Company (Locate) screen

Description of Figure 20-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 20-2 Job Revisions by Company (Locate) screen''

  1. Complete the following field:

    • Company

  2. Complete the following optional fields:

    • Level of Detail

    • Type Bus. Unit

    • Skip to Category Code 1

    • Skip to Job Number