60 Job Review Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

60.1 Job Name Search (P51200)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a specific Cost Center Type or '*' to display all Cost Center Types. The default type is blank.  
2. Enter the Budget Setup DREAM Writer Version number for the related Option Key. The default is "ZJDE0001".  

60.2 Job Revisions by Company (P51006)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a default Business Unit ("B.U.") Type, or enter an asterisk ("*") to display all B.U. Types.

Leave blank (default) to display B.U. Type ' ' (blank).

2. Enter a '1' to default a posting edit code of 'N' to the Job G/L account when adding a new Job. Leave blank to default a ' ' (blank) posting edit code (this account is used for Job Percent Complete). This processing option is for an account that has a job number, but no cost code or cost type (EG: 501.blank.blank). Once this account is created, the posting edit code cannot be changed.
3. Enter the Budget Setup (P510121) DREAM Writer version for the related option selection exit. The default is version 'ZJDE0001'.  
4. Enter the Job Master Revisions (P5108) DREAM Writer version for the related selection option exit.

The default is 'XJDE0001'.

5. Enter a '1' to issue a WARNING when a Job's Company is changed if the Job has accounts attached to it.

Enter a '2' to issue an ERROR.

Leave blank (default) for no edit.


60.3 Define Formats - Job Status Inquiry (P5193)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Record Type to display and maintain:

43 = Supplier Analysis

51 = Job Cost


60.4 Define Paths - Job Status Inquiry (P51941)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Record Type to display and maintain:

43 = Supplier Analysis

51 = Job Cost


60.5 Job Status Inquiry (P512000)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the account sequence to display:

"1" = Account Category Code 1

"2" = Account Category Code 2

"3" = Account Category Code 3

"A" = Alternate Cost Code

Blank = Cost Code Sequence (default)

2. Enter the Cost Code range to display:

a. From Cost Code:

b. Thru Cost Code:

3. Enter the Cost Type Range to display:

a. From Cost Type:

b. Thru Cost Type:

NOTE: Leave ranges blank to include all Cost Codes and Cost Types.

4. Enter a "1" to restrict inquiry to the account ranges specified above.

Leave blank to allow inquiry on all accounts.

5. To designate a default inquiry format or path, enter ONE of the following:

a. The default inquiry FORMAT:


b. The default inquiry PATH:

6. Enter "1" to display the account number and Unit of Measure in the Description column. Leave blank to display the account description.  
7. Enter "1" to display the Level of Detail in the last column. Leave blank to display the Method of Computation.  
8. Enter the Scheduling Workbench (P48201) DREAM Writer version for the related option selection.

Default is version "ZJDE0001".


60.6 Post/Repost Committed Costs (P00932)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the from fiscal year. This option is required.  
2. Enter the thru fiscal year. Leave blank (default) to use the from fiscal year.  

60.7 Job Cost Analysis (P51412)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the As Of date on which to base this report. Leave blank (default) to use the current financial reporting date.  
2. Enter a specific subledger and subledger type values to include on the report. An asterisk ("*") will include ALL subledgers.

a. Subledger

b. Subledger Type

c. Enhanced Subledger 1

d. Enhanced Subledger Type 1

e. Enhanced Subledger 2

f. Enhanced Subledger Type 2

g. Enhanced Subledger 3

h. Enhanced Subledger Type 3

i. Enhanced Subledger 4

j. Enhanced Subledger Type 4

3. Enter a subledger type if you entered a specific subledger above.  
4. Specify the lowest account level of detail to print (3 thru 9).  
5. Enter "1" to print Cost Type Summary (summary will be inception-to-date).  
6. Enter "1" to print headings on every page.  
7. Enter "1" to print the job address and who's who information on the headings. Leave blank to print no job address information.  
8. Enter "1" to begin printing on a new page for each job encountered.  
9. Enter "L" or "1" to print the long form on 198 column paper. Leave blank to print on 132 column paper.  
10. Enter "1" to print the Cost Code and a short description. Leave blank to print the full description.  
11. Enter "1" to print the Cost Code title instead of the account title (used in Labor Cost Analysis).  
12. Enter "1" to suppress the printing of detail accounts with zero amounts (suppression is by level of detail).  
13. Select the unit cost calculation:

"1" = Cost Type unit cost.

"2" = Cost Code header unit cost.

"3" = Cost Code units without unit cost.

Blank = No units or unit cost.

14. Enter the Cost Type range for unit cost calculations:

a. From Cost Type:

b. Thru Cost Type:


60.8 Unit Cost Analysis (P514121)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the As Of date on which to base this report. Leave blank (default) to use the current financial reporting date.  
2. Enter a specific subledger and subledger type values to include on the report. An asterisk ("*") will include ALL subledgers.

a. Subledger

b. Subledger Type

c. Enhanced Subledger 1

d. Enhanced Subledger Type 1

e. Enhanced Subledger 2

f. Enhanced Subledger Type 2

g. Enhanced Subledger 3

h. Enhanced Subledger Type 3

i. Enhanced Subledger 4

j. Enhanced Subledger Type 4

3. Enter a subledger type if you entered a specific subledger above.  
4. Specify the lowest account level of detail to print (3 thru 9).  
5. Enter "1" to print Cost Type Summary.

This summary is inception-to-date.

6. Enter "1" to page skip and to print headings on every page.  
7. Enter "1" to start a new page when a new job is encountered.  
8. Select the report heading format:

"1" = Job address and who's who information.

Blank = No job address information on the report heading.

9. Enter "1" to print the Cost Code and short description. Leave blank to print the description only.  
10. Enter "1" to use Cost Code Header units for unit cost calculations.  
11. Enter "L" or "1" to print the long form on 198 column paper. Leave blank to print on 132 column paper.  
12. Enter "1" to suppress printing of accounts with zero amounts.

(Suppression is by level of detail).


60.9 Contract Summary (P434201)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to print the Job address.

Leave blank to omit it.

2. Enter '1' to suppress the printing of budget information.  
3. Enter '1' to suppress the totaling of budget information.  
4. Enter '1' to print the subledger and subledger type.

Leave blank to omit them.

5. Enter the As Of date on which to base the report.

Leave blank (default) to use the Financial Reporting date of Company "00000".

If no Financial Reporting date has been set up then today's System date will be used.


60.10 Weekly Job Trend Report (P51430)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the As Of date on which to base the report. Leave blank (default) to use the current financial reporting date.  
2. Enter the number of days for each interval. Leave blank (default) to use 7 days (weekly report).  
3. Enter a '1' to print unit rate based on header units. Leave blank to omit.  
4. Enter a '1' to print detail units to header units ratio. Leave blank to omit.  
5. Enter a '1' to print header units to detail units ratio. Leave blank to omit.  
6. Enter a '1' to print period physical percent which is a ratio of actual amount for the interval to projected final. Leave blank to omit.  
7. Enter a '1' to print Job To Date physical percent which is a ratio of Actual Job To Date Amount for the interval to projected final. Leave blank to omit.  
8. Enter a '1' to print current period gain or loss which is computed as a change in projected final amount within the interval range. Leave blank to omit.  
9. Enter a '1' to suppress ratio amounts on accounts with no amounts/units.

Leave blank to print all information.

10. Enter "1" to print the report on 198 column paper. Leave blank to print on 132 column paper.  

60.11 Job Status Report - Variable/All Columns (P512006)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the 'As of Date' on which to base this report. This is the 'through' date for including data.

Leave blank to use the current system date.

2. Enter '1' to adjust the 'As of Date' to period end.

Leave blank (default) to use the actual 'As of Date'.

3. Enter the Period Range to determine the 'from' date:

'I' = Inception to date (default)

'P' = Current Period

'C' = Current Year Cumulative

4. Enter currency Ledger Type to use for fixed format for F0911 column.

Leave blank (default) to use "AA" (domestic).

5. Enter '1' to print Order Detail on the report.

If left blank (default) Order Detail will not be printed.

6. Enter '1' to include cancelled purchase orders on the report.

If left blank, cancelled orders will not be included.

7. Enter the minimum last status at which a purchase order line must be for it to be included on the report.

Leave blank (default) to include all purchase orders.

NOTE: This option can be used to exclude orders which are not yet approved.

8. Enter '1' to print the report in Job Cost Sequence (cost code displays). If left blank (default) print the report in account sequence (cost type displays).  
9. Enter the Minimum Level of Detail to print. Enter '3' through '9' for detail. Enter '1' for summary.

Leave blank to default to 9.

10. Enter the Format Name to use for the 4 variable columns (required).  
11. Enter '1' to print the fixed column format. Leave blank (default) to print the Job Status Inquiry format.  
12. Enter the scaling factor for the columns. For example, for '100' to print as '10', enter '.1'. This works like the multiplier in column definitions.  
13. Enter '1' to create a PC download file.  
14. Enter a valid IBM object name.

15 a. Include Headings (Y/N)

b. Include Column Headings (Y/N)

c. Include Totals (Y/N)

d. Include Underlines (Y/N)

e. Include Blank Lines (Y/N)

16. Enter the FASTR Form ID and Version which contain the column specs.

(default is Form ID JOBCOST, Version XJDE0013)


60.12 Video by Cost Type (P51214)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Cost Code range to display:

a. From Cost Code:

b. Thru Cost Code:

2. Enter the Cost Type range to display:

a. From Cost Type:

b. Thru Cost Type:

NOTE: Cost Types are included for the Cost Code range and blank Cost Types.

3. Enter the budget ledger type to display in the budget column.

Leave blank (default) to display the ledger types from User Defined Codes (system 51, codes RB and RU).


60.13 Video Review by Ledger Type (P51215)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Cost Code range to display:

a. From Cost Code:

b. Thru Cost Code:

2. Enter the Cost Type range to display:

a. From Cost Type:

b. Thru Cost Type:

NOTE: Cost Types are included for the Cost Code range and blank Cost Types.

3. Enter the primary Ledger Type to display. Enter an asterisk ("*") (default) for all Ledger Types.  

60.14 Job Master List Detail/Summary (P51006P)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to print three lines of Job Description, Dates, and Job Category Codes 1 thru 20.

Leave blank (default) to print a one line summary by job.


60.15 Job Detail Report (P51420)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the As Of date on which to base this report. Leave blank (default) to use the current financial reporting date.  
2. Enter the Cost Code range to print: a. From Cost Code: b. Thru Cost Code:  
3. Enter the Cost Type range to print:

a. From Cost Type:

b. Thru Cost Type:

4. Enter a specific subledger, or enter an asterisk ("*") for all subledgers.  
5. Enter a subledger type if you entered a specific subledger above.  
6. Enter a "1" to print the subledger and subledger type. Leave blank (default) to print no subledger or type.  
7. Enter a "1" to print the Cost Type and Cost Code Summary.

NOTE: This summary always represents posted, inception-to-date balances.

Summary report totals may not match detail report totals.

8. Select one of the following to print:

"1" = Current period and beginning balance.

"2" = Inception-to-date.

"3" = Current period only.

"4" = Year-to-date and beginning balance.

Blank = Year-to-date; no beginning balance (Default)

9. Choose one of the following:

"1" = Omit printing accounts with no budget transactions.

"2" = Print only accounts with current period actual amounts.

"3" = Print accounts with current period amounts but no budget amounts.

Blank = Print all accounts (default) (omit accounts with zero amounts)

10. Enter a "1" to print Committed Units and Amounts on 198 column paper.  
11. Enter a "1" to print the vendor name on the commitment lines.

Leave blank (default) to print the commitment description.

12. Enter a "1" to print the job address and who's who information on the report headings. Leave blank to print no job address information.  
13. Enter "D" (default) or leave blank to print detail records. Enter "S" or "1" to print summarized records.

(This option checks for summarized records from the G/L Summarization.)

14. Enter "1" to print both posted and unposted transactions. Leave blank (default) to print only posted transactions.  
15. Enter "1" to suppress printing Description Line 2, Reference 1, and Reference 2. Leave blank (default) to print them.  
16. Enter "1" to print budget change amounts from the Account Balances file (F0902). Leave blank (default) to print budget amounts from the Account Detail file (F0911).  
17. Enter the Enhanced Subledgers and Types you would like to select. Enter '*' for all subledgers. If Enhanced Subledger = '*', Subledger Type will be ignored.

Enhanced Subledger 1

Enhanced Subledger Type 1

Enhanced Subledger 2

Enhanced Subledger Type 2

Enhanced Subledger 3

Enhanced Subledger Type 3

Enhanced Subledger 4

Enhanced Subledger Type 4

18. Enter '1' to print non-blank Enhanced Subledgers on the report. If blank, no ES fields will print.  

60.16 Transaction Analysis Report (P51425)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the ledger type to be included on the report. Enter "*" for all ledger types. Default of blank will print ledger type "AA".  
2. Enter the from date to include items on the report.  
3. Enter the thru date to include items on the report. If left blank the system date will be used.  
4. Enter the Document type to include on report. Leave blank for all types  
5. Enter specific subledger or "*" for all subledgers. (See Option 6)  
6. Enter a subledger type if you have selected a specific subledger.

(See Option 5)

7. Enter a "1" to print subledger and subledger Type. Leave blank for no subledger and type.  
8. Enter "1" for Posted Transactions

"2" for Unposted Transactions

Leave blank for default of all.

9. Enter a "1" to print a balance forward for each account. Leave blank for no balance forward.  
10. Enter a "1" to print the Vendor name. Leave blank to not print.  
11. Enter the Enhanced Subledgers and Types you would like to select. Enter '*' for all subledgers. If Enhanced Subledger = '*', Subledger Type will be ignored.

Enhanced Subledger 1

Enhanced Subledger Type 1

Enhanced Subledger 2

Enhanced Subledger Type 2

Enhanced Subledger 3

Enhanced Subledger Type 3

Enhanced Subledger 4

Enhanced Subledger Type 4

12. Enter '1' to print non-blank Enhanced Subledgers on the report. If blank, no ES fields will print.  

60.17 Estimated Budget Revisions - Detail/Summary (P51540)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the As of Date for the report.

The default will be the end of the Financial Reporting period for company "00000". If no Financial Reporting period exists for that company, today's date will be used.

2. Enter a "1" to accumulate budget change totals from summary records (F0902). Leave blank to accumulate budget change totals from detail records (F0911).  
3. Enter the specific Ledger Type, or leave blank to accumulate all Budget Ledger Types.  
4. Specify the lowest account level of detail to print (3 thru 9).  
5. Enter the Level of Detail (LOD) for account print suppression. All accounts with this LOD and greater will not print if all amounts equal zero (3 thru 9).  

60.18 Job Detail by Subledger (P51530)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the As Of date for this report.

Leave blank (default) to use the Financial Reporting Date of Company "00000". If no Financial Reporting Date has been entered, the system date will be used.

2. Enter a "1" or "Y" to omit printing total headings before the printing of detail lines. Leave blank to print all headings.