59 Job Schedules Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

59.1 Cost Code Schedule (P51901)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter 1 to 5 characters for the beginning of every Cost Type (6 digit Object). The remaining characters will be displayed on the screen.

For example, if 1 character is entered, 5 are displayed; if 2 are entered, 4 are displayed, and so on.

2. Enter the Cost Code range to display:

a. From Cost Code:

b. Thru Cost Code

3. Enter the Cost Type range to display:

a. From Cost Type:

b. Thru Cost Type:

4. Select the account sequence to display:

"1" = Account Code Category 1

"2" = Account Code Category 2

"3" = Account Code Category 3

"A" = Alternate Cost Code

Blank = Cost Code sequence (default)

5. Enter a "1" to display detailed heading entry and selection.

Leave blank for simple heading.

6. Enter a "1" to display the "speed" format (dates and cost code/type will be displayed on the left side).  
7. Enter the override Level of Detail.

Leave blank to default the value from the data dictionary ('9').