D Field Specifications for the Bank Transmissions File (F01PBKZ) for Processing PCard Statements

This appendix contains these topics:

You use the Purchase Card - Bank Transmission file (F01PBKZ) to process both purchase card transactions and bank statements. Depending on whether your bank provides the statement number and closing (statement) date on the transmission that it sends to process PCard transactions, you can use the same file, after making minor modifications, to process the statement information.

Otherwise, you must provide the required information described in this appendix to process statement information.

D.1 Required Fields for Processing PCard Statements

This table lists the fields that must contain a value to process PCard statements.


Fields in bold indicate a change from the value to process PCard transactions.

Field Description Field Length Field Type Field Values/Description
BTEDUS User ID 10 Alpha The system uses these three fields (EDUS, EDBT and EDTN) to uniquely identify a purchase card transaction.

Populate EDTN with the same value that the bank uses to populate the transaction number field (TANM). Typically, this is the number found on the receipt that identifies it to the merchant.

Although you can leave EDUS and EDBT blank, JD Edwards World recommends using them for audit information. For example, EDUS might be the person who processes the transaction and EDBT might be the date on which the transaction was received from the bank.

BTEDBT Batch Number 15 Alpha
BTEDTN Transaction Number 22 Alpha
BTEDLN Line Number 7 Numeric A number that identifies multiple items for the same purchase card transaction (receipt).

Populate EDLN with the same value that the bank uses to provide an audit trail.

BTEDTR Transaction Type 1 Alpha Enter 2 to process purchase card transaction data.
BTEDTC Transaction Action 1 Alpha Enter A.
BTEDSP Processed (Y/N) 1 Alpha Leave this field blank (for N).

The system updates this field to Y when it successfully processes the transaction.

BTEDDT EDI - Transmission Date 6 Date Enter the transmission date in either the Julian date format or the format defined by your user profile, for example, MMDDYY or YYMMDD.

The system stores the date in the Julian date format and converts the date for you if you use MMDDYY or YYMMDD.

If this field is blank, the system updates it with the system date when you process the transaction.

BTBANK Bank Number 8 Numeric The address book number of the bank.

The system validates this value against the Bank File (F01P03).

BTCARD Credit Card Type 4 Alpha The type of credit card.

For example, MasterCard, Visa, American Express and so forth. The value must be set up in the UDC table 00/CA (Credit Card Types).

If the Credit Card Type is blank, the system uses the last four digits of the BTCRCI field (Credit Card Account Number) to locate a credit card type in the Employee Card Information file (F01P01) to retrieve the value of the BTCARD field.

BTCRCI Credit Card Account Number 25 Alpha The credit card number.

For security purposes, the system replaces all but the last four digits of the credit card number with x's after processing this record.

If the BTCC4# field (Bankcard ID) is blank, the system updates it with the last four digits of the value from this field.

If this field is blank, the last four digits of the credit card number must exist in the BTCC4# field; otherwise, the system displays an error and does not process the transaction.

BTCC4# Bank Card ID 4 Alpha The last four digits of the credit card number.

If this field is blank, the system updates the value from the BTCRCI field (Credit Card Account Number). If the BTCRCI field is blank, the system returns an error.

BTPODT Date of Purchase 6 Numeric The purchase date of the item. Enter this date in either the Julian date format or the format defined by your user profile, such as MMDDYY or YYMMDD.

The system stores the date in the Julian date format and converts it for you if you use the MMDDYY or YYMMDD format.

BTPOTI Time of Purchase 6 Numeric The time at which the item was purchased.
BTMID# Merchant ID 25 Alpha The merchant ID assigned by the bank, which the system validates against the Merchant Information file (F01P02).

The value must be entered in uppercase alpha characters.

If the Track Merchants field is set to 1 in the Purchase Card Constants (P01P00), the system uses the value in this field and the value in the BTCARD (Credit Card Type) field to locate the merchant from the Merchant Information file (F01P03). If the merchant does not exist, the system returns error 377N (Merchant ID/Card Combination Invalid) and does not process the record.

BTMCCC Merchant Category/Code 4 Alpha The merchant's category code.

The system validates this value with the value in the Merchant Category (Commodity) Codes File (F01P21), as well as the Merchant Category Codes (MCCs) values you allow or restrict in the cardholder's profile in the Purchase Card Profiles table (F01P20).

If this field is blank and blank is not a valid value in the F01P21 file, the system displays an error and does not process the transaction.

BTALPH Alpha Name 40 Alpha Leave this field blank.

The system retrieves the value from the employee's address book record (F0101).

BTAN8 Address Number 8 Numeric The address book number of the employee.

The system validates this value against the Address Book Master file (F0101) and uses it to locate the Bankcard Unique ID (CCUK) in the Employee Card Information file (F01P01). The system uses the combination of BTAN8 and BTCC4# to update the Bankcard Unique ID field (THCCUK) in F01P11 record.

If the bank does not provide you with the address number, the system can retrieve it based on the employee's last name, which must be populated in the Surname (BTSRNM) field in this file.

The system uses the Surname in conjunction with the Credit Card Type (BTCARD) and Bankcard ID (BTCC4#) to locate the value of AN8 and to update this field.

BTAA Amount 15 Numeric The amount of the transaction.
BTANI Account Number 29 Alpha This field is not required for statement processing; therefore, the system ignores any value in this field.
BTSTBA Statement Number 15 Alpha The number the bank assigns to the statement that it generates for purchase card transactions.
BTSTMD Statement Date 6 Numeric The closing date of the statement. Enter this date in either the Julian date format or the format defined by your user profile, such as MMDDYY or YYMMDD.

The system stores the date in the Julian date format and converts it for you if you use the MMDDYY or YYMMDD format.

BTEXR Explanation - Remark 30 Alpha The description of the item or service.
BTRCK9 Line Number 7 Numeric A unique number to identify the receipt line item of a transaction when there are multiple purchases for a single receipt. Typically, you assign the same value to this field as you do to the EDLN field.

D.2 Optional Fields

Field Description Field Length Field Type Field Values/Description
BTCID# Customer ID 25 Alpha A user-defined value that identifies the customer to the bank.

The system does not validate this value.

BTGNNM Given Name 25 Alpha The first name of the employee (cardholder).
BTMDNM Middle Name 25 Alpha The middle name of the employee (cardholder).
BTSRNM Surname 25 Alpha The last name of the employee (cardholder).
BTU Units 15 Numeric The number of units of the purchase.

If there is a value in this field, the system creates entries in the AU ledger in the Account Balance table (F0902) for the expense account it uses.

BTTANM Transaction Number 15 Numeric A unique number to identify the transaction in the F01PBKZ file.

If you leave this field blank, the system does not populate it.

BTDEJ Date Entered 6 Numeric The date on which the transaction was updated to the F01PBKZ file.

If you leave this field blank, the system does not populate it.

D.3 Multicurrency Fields

If multicurrency is activated in your General Accounting Constants (F0010), you should also activate the Currency Flag field (CRFG) in your Purchase Card Constants. When you activate currency, the system displays the Employee Currency Code field (CRCD) on Employee/Card Revisions (P01P01) and automatically updates it based on the business unit assigned to the employee.

Additionally, if currency is activated, you must populate Currency Code field (BTCRCD) in the F01PBKZ file with the domestic currency code. This value should be the currency of the employee's company, which is based on the value of the business unit in the Employee Card Information file (F01P01). For example, if the business unit assigned to Mary Smith is 115, which belongs to company 115, and the currency code assigned to company 115 is CAD, then the value of BTCRCD must be CAD.


If multicurrency is not activated in F0010, but you want to use multicurrency in the PCard system, you can activate the Currency Flag field in the Purchase Card Constants (P01P00) to display the currency fields.

If your employees make purchases in a country with a different currency than the cardholder's domestic currency and you want to track the purchases in the foreign currency, complete the following fields:

  • BTAA1 (Foreign Amount)

  • BTCRDC (To Currency Code)

  • BTCRR (Exchange Rate)

The system does not generate foreign transactions when you run Create A/P Vouchers (P01P510) or Create Journal Entries (P01P520); therefore, the fields are informational only.

Field Description Field Length Field Type Field Values/Description
BTAA Amount 15 Numeric The amount of the transaction in the currency in use by the bank that issues the credit card
BTCRCD From Currency Code 3 Alpha A code that represents the currency of the BTAA (Amount field)

If this field is blank, the system updates the value from the CRCD field (Emp. Currency Code) in the Employee Card Information table (F01P01).

BTCRR Exchange Rate 15 Numeric The exchange rate used at the time of purchase. Some banks include a fee with the actual amount, so the exchange rate may not match the conversion between the BTAA1 and the BTAA amount fields.