21 Posting for A/P, A/R, Purchase Orders, and Sales Orders

This chapter contains these topics:

21.1 About Posting

This chapter describes how to set tax processing options for posting A/P vouchers, A/R invoices, sales orders, and purchase orders. If you do not set processing options correctly, the tax information will not populate in the Tax Work file (F0018) resulting in incomplete tax reports.

This chapter also reviews how tax amounts and distribution amounts are posted to the general ledger accounts

21.2 Posting A/P Vouchers


From the Accounts Payable menu (G04), select Supplier & Voucher Entry.

From the Supplier & Voucher Entry menu (G0411), select Post Vouchers to G/L.

The process for posting A/P vouchers is covered in detail in the JD Edwards World Accounts Payable Guide.

21.2.1 Voucher Posting Processing Options

In order to create tax record in the Tax Work file when you post vouchers to the G/L, you must set the Tax File Update processing option in Post Vouchers to G/L. Set the processing option according to the tax information to write to the Tax Work file.

If you leave the Tax File Update processing option blank, the system creates the tax entries in the G/L according to the type of tax involved, but does not write the tax records to the F0018.

Processing Option 9 - TAX FILE UPDATE

Identify when to update the Tax Work file (F0018)

Option Definition
1 V.A.T. or Use Tax only
2 All Tax Amounts
3 All Tax Explanation Codes
BLANK (Default value) No Update to File


When using Vertex Taxes the Vertex Tax Register file will be updated instead of the Tax Work file for methods '1', '2', and '3'.

21.2.2 Processing Options

See Section 40.7, "General Ledger Post (P09870)."

21.3 Posting A/R Invoices


From the Accounts Receivable menu (G03), select Customer & Invoice Entry

From the Customer & Invoice Entry menu (G0311), select Post Invoices to G/L

The process for posting A/R Invoices is covered in detail in JD Edwards World Accounts Payable Guide

21.3.1 Invoice Posting Processing Options

The processing options for Post Invoices to G/L are identical to those for posting A/P vouchers.


For posted invoice tax information to appear in the Tax Work file, you must set the Tax File Update processing option for Post Invoices to G/L as described earlier in this chapter for A/P.

21.4 Posting Purchase Orders


From the Purchase Order Management menu (G43), select Non-Stock Based.

From the Non-Stock Purchasing menu (G43B), select End of Day Processing.

From the End of Day Processing menu (G43B14), select G/L Voucher Post.

Initially, Purchase Orders information is stored in the Purchase Order file (F4311). After you use the Match Voucher to Open Receipts program (P4314), the system transfers tax and accounts payable information to the A/P Ledger file (F0411) and stores it as part of the A/P voucher record.

When you post the A/P vouchers, the system also posts the purchase order taxes to the Tax Work file (F0018). The system posts purchase orders the same way that it posts A/P vouchers.

21.4.1 Purchase Order Posting Processing Options

The system creates two types of batches - one at the time you receive an order (Receipts batch) and one when you voucher the order (Voucher batch). Both must be posted but only the post of the voucher batch will update the Tax Work file (F0018) with tax information.

The voucher batch created when you voucher the order uses the same G/L post version as for posting standalone A/P vouchers.


For posted voucher tax information to appear in the Tax Work file, you must set the processing option as described earlier in this chapter for A/P.

21.5 Posting Sales Orders


From the Sales Order Management menu (G42), select End of Day Processing

From the End of Day Processing menu (G4213), select Customer Sales Post.

Initially, sales order information is stored in the Sales Order Detail file (F4211). After you run the Update Sales batch program, the system transfers tax and accounts receivable information to the A/R Ledger file (F0311) and stores it as part of the A/R invoice record.

When you post the A/R invoices, the system also posts the sales order taxes to the Tax Work file (F0018). The system posts sales orders the same way that it posts A/R invoices.

21.5.1 Sales Order Posting Processing Options

The processing options for Customer Sales Post are identical to those for Post Invoices to G/L as the same version of the post is being called (ZJDE0002).


For sales order tax information to appear in the Tax Work file, you must set the processing option for Tax File update as described earlier in this chapter for A/R.

21.6 Journal Entries

The Journal Entries With Taxes program (P09106) automatically updates the Tax Work file. Because the Tax Work file is automatically updated when you enter a journal entry, it does not matter how you set the Tax File Update processing option when you post the journal entries. The system ignores the tax processing option.