C F1201 or F1202 Records?

Some data items have records in both the Item Master table (F1201) and Item Balances table (F1202). When you define the work file for a version on General Specifications, you need to select records from the appropriate table based on your reporting needs. This appendix explains some of the differences between the two tables.

Each asset has one record in the Item Master table, but numerous records in the Item Balances table. A separate accumulated depreciation record and cost account record exist in the Item Balances table for each ledger type and fiscal year.

Additional F1202 records exist for assets with subledger accounts. Furthermore, the system creates new F1202 records when assets are transferred to different accounts in a fiscal year.

The following are examples of situations that require sequence numbers on fields in the Item Balances table:

  • Intercompany transfer activity sequenced by company and account

  • Data selected for a specific fiscal year

  • Subledger activity used for sequencing and totaling

If you sequence on a data field in the Item Master file, do not sequence on the same data field in the Item Balances file and vice versa.